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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 26

by Faith V. Smith

  “She probably could, she’s that good. But you can leave my wife out of this.”

  “I can’t do that. You see, she’s caused me endless moments of despair. If she hadn’t been so good at her job, you would already be dead. So, again, I think to pull the fangs of a snake would be better than allowing it to bite me again.”

  Kira wondered where on earth Malachi and Claude were. She tried to mind-think both of them, but got nothing in return. Her gun, thank God, was tucked inside her purse. She’d forgotten about it until now. She could pull it out, but so far, Aron hadn’t shown a weapon. Maybe he was just all talk.

  “So, what do you plan on doing with us?” Kira allowed the disdain she felt toward this traitor to show in her words.

  “My first thought was to kill you. Then Gareth would suffer for the rest of his life. But knowing what you are, I think it would be better to kill Gareth.”

  He knew she was a vampire. Her shock must have shown.

  “Did I forget to mention, I found out through Caleb what he, you, and that imbecile vampire who attacked you were? I took care of Victor Simons. His fangs were longer than his courage. He actually wanted me to pay him for a botched job so he could get out of the country.”

  “So, you’re the one who sent him to kill me. What about Arthur Harrison? Did you send him after Gareth?”

  “Of course I did. You ruined my plan then, but not now. I will kill Gareth.” Aron’s eyes held more than a hint of madness.

  Kira watched as he pulled a gun out and pointed it at her husband.

  “See you in hell, Gareth.”

  Kira drew her gun, pointed, and fired. Aron hit the floor before he could get a shot off. Her heart pounding, she approached his body. Shouts behind her signified Malachi and Claude had finally arrived.

  She reached down and reluctantly placed a hand on the man’s throat. Good, he was dead. Sorry piece of trash should burn in hell for all the trouble he’d caused.

  “Gareth, Kira! You okay?”

  Kira turned back toward Malachi and walked into Gareth’s open arms. “You okay, Gareth?”

  “Yes, but my heart stopped when I thought he was going to shoot you.” Gareth’s hand trembled slightly as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face.

  “Yeah, same here when he pulled out that gun.”

  “What happened?” Malachi’s agitated and shocked tone penetrated.

  “So much for our info that Aron ran to California. He must have doubled back and been watching for us to leave the White House. If I were you, I’d make sure all the staff is safe. And by the way, where were you two?”

  Malachi pulled out his phone and made a couple of calls before answering Kira.

  “We were outside, bringing in your surprise.”

  Kira had completely forgotten Claude’s actions of that afternoon. “When do I get it?” Her question inspired chuckles from all the men.

  “As soon as we get the trash out of here and clean up a bit.” Malachi nodded toward two vampires who had teleported into the room. “Stand guard. I’ll handle the DC police when they get here and write up the report. You two can make sure Aron’s dead ass gets to the morgue and cancel the APB on him.”

  “You got it, Malachi. Mr. President, Mrs. Hayes, so happy y’all are safe.”

  Kira mumbled thank you as Gareth shook both the men’s hands.

  What seemed like an eternity later, after giving her statement and watching the police in action, she sat back in her seat with instructions to keep her eyes closed.

  “Ta-da!” Claude’s rumbling voice caused her eyes to flicker open. On a rolling cart stood a three-tiered wedding cake. Malachi held a gold goblet in his hands, and Claude carried a Bible.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Well, I know our first wedding wasn’t the romantic one you wanted, ’cause I was an ass, I admit it, so I wanted to make it up to you.”

  Malachi held out a goblet filled with a crimson liquid.


  “No, it’s the wine they served at your parents’ wedding, and your grandparents’, all the way back to the beginning of your family.”

  “How did you get it?” Kira’s tears were overflowing, but she didn’t care. Never had she dreamed to have a vampire wedding.

  “Grandpa Jackson is an awesome man, Kira. I like him.”

  “When did you meet Grandpa?” Her shock was beginning to turn into joy. The fact Gareth loved her enough to do this overwhelmed her.

  “This afternoon, when I invited him to our second wedding.”

  As she stood silent, her mom came from the kitchen area, with an arm around Grandpa Jackson’s waist. Kira ran to them. She smiled at her mom, but threw herself into her grandpa’s arms.

  “Oh, Grandpa, I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “Child, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. I’d been at your mortal wedding except for that damn influenza.”

  Kira laughed, gave him another hug, and then looked up as she heard more familiar voices. All six of her big brothers strolled into the room. She accepted bear hugs and congratulations from Zane, Rodrick, Duncan, Rick, Dane, and Nick before she ran back to Gareth.

  “How can I ever thank you for doing this?”

  Gareth dropped to his knees in front of her. “I should be thanking you. You taught me to trust again, to love for real, and that miracles do happen.”

  Kira grasped his shoulders and pulled him to his feet. “Gareth, I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. We’re together, and that’s what counts.”

  After drinking from the goblet, Claude read a verse from the Bible, and the dancing started.

  Kira didn’t remember ever getting to eat that night, but she did remember teleporting back home. Home, how strange to think of the White House as home, but wherever Gareth was would be her home also, for he was her heart and soul.

  “Tired, my love?”

  “No, actually, I want to take you to a special place of mine.”

  Kira grabbed his hand and pulled him out onto the balcony.

  “Hold on tight.” She stood up on the banister and jumped, taking Gareth with her. After a quick flight around the grounds, they settled on top of the White House roof, near the flagpole.

  “You can see for miles up here. I just wanted you to see it like it was meant to be seen.”

  “Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.”

  “I know. I love it up here.”

  Gareth grasped her chin in a gentle grip. “I wasn’t talking about the city lights. I was talking about you. You’re the most beautiful thing in my life.”

  Kira didn’t think her heart could hold more happiness, but she was more than willing to give it a go.

  “I think I’ve been blessed more than any woman deserves.”

  “Well now that you’ve shared with me, I want to share something with you.”

  “What’s that?” Kira snuggled closer.

  “Nights and nights of making love to you.”

  “You’re on, Mr. President. The last one to teleport has to undress the other.” Kira started to move, but decided to take her time. No matter who got there first, she’d still be the winner. After all, she had the man—no, make that the vampire—of her heart.




  I started my career as an author in the trenches, doing reviews for a lovely magazine called Bridges. From there, I polished my pen or keyboard by writing reviews for Romantic Times Bookreviews Magazine. I have also had the pleasure of working with the wonderful staff at MyShelf.Com.

  When not penning reviews, I have turned in my share of interviews with authors, cover models and editors from different publishing houses. Actually, I have done my share of editing also. Not to mention penning a column for a local newspaper. So, when it comes to reading romance, I too like a book that takes me away from life's troubles.

  Now with the sale of eight books in
less than three years, I am thrilled to be working on several more paranormal romances.

  I want to thank all my readers for loving my books, and for making the plotting, writing, and editing until the wee hours of the night more than worth it.




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