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John Returns

Page 11

by A J Newman

  Fort Knox was now on full alert and began manning positions to repel any invader.

  Within hours, civilians wanting to enlist, police, and the entire State Police force of Kentucky pledged allegiance to the ISA.



  Smyrna, Kentucky

  “Smyrna Command, the 14 remaining birds are on the way.”

  “Copy that. We will give them a warm welcome.


  Smyrna, Tennessee

  The same briefing concerning falling projectiles was given in Smyrna. The civilian population was told to shelter under appropriate cover as was done in Elizabethtown. The nonessential military and dependents sheltered in the newly bored tunnels for the Capitol Building.

  The Tomahawks could skim the treetops thus making them hard to shoot down with the rail guns until they were directly overhead. With this in mind, Gus decided to have the 8-A10s and 6-Harriers go out to meet the inbound Tomahawks. He felt confident that the surface to air missiles and the aircraft could eliminate all but a small percent of the inbound missiles.

  “The bogeys are 30 miles out. Harriers launch as bogies come into range. A10s, kill the bandits that get past the Harriers and fire at your discretion.”

  Three Harriers launched three of their four AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles with the targets 25 miles out destroying all but 5 of the inbound Tomahawks. The remaining three Harriers launched two of their four AIM 9 Sidewinders when the targets were 10 miles out killing four of the last five missiles. The one remaining missile was shot down by an A10 employing the Gen III mini rail gun system.

  “John, the more aggressive attack on the cruise missiles was a major success. The rail guns are devastating, but will always be line of sight and don’t work well with extremely low flying missiles or aircraft. None of the missiles survived, and there was no damage in Smyrna.”

  “Great news; we’ll copy your attack plan for the next wave of incoming missiles.”

  John looked at his staff and said, “Remember this for future battle plans. Even these science fiction weapons have their limitations. The damn things will blow the USA Air Force out of the sky, but low flying craft is an issue.”

  They all took notes and then Maria left the command center for a few minutes.


  Elizabethtown, Kentucky

  “General, they appear to be sending the missiles in from several different directions. There are 52, and they are all now turning towards us. They will all arrive in 15 minutes.”

  The second wave of cruise missiles was spread out over 100 miles but heading generally south. They went wide around Louisville by 20 miles heading south towards Elizabethtown.

  John replied, “What’s the ETA on the bombers and attack aircraft?”

  “Sir, they are lagging behind slightly and will arrive a few minutes behind the missiles. There are 35 aircraft heading our way with twelve F16s, fifteen F15s, four F18s and four C17s. Sir, we think they have adapted the C17s to drop bombs.”

  “That makes sense because we have all of the B52s, B1s, and B2s in our control. They are being creative. Well, they don’t know about our rail guns and are counting on the Tomahawks to cut us down to size.

  They should know any minute that their missiles were destroyed before hitting their targets. Don’t be surprised if they turn quickly around. Gus has F18s vectoring in behind them as we speak, so I think we have an opportunity to wipe them out even if they turn tail and run.”

  “John the aircraft just turned due east and are bugging out. They are flying directly away from our trap. There is no way they could know our jets were west of their location.”

  “Can we close on them and kill them.”

  “Doubtful, too much distance to make up and get back safely.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t they bug out back to their base?”

  “Sir, they had to have been tipped off.”

  “Keep that between us for now.”

  The Senior Radioman suddenly shouted, “General, we are receiving a communication from the attacking aircraft. They say they want to defect, and request guidance.”

  John murmured to himself, “Holy crap, but what if it’s a trick?

  Sergeant, get the flight leader on the horn. Have him identify himself. I need confirmation, damn it!”

  “Yes, sir, right away, sir,” parroted the Radioman.

  The radio squawked, and a voice filled the room saying, “ISA command this is Colonel Ari Horowitz. My entire flight and I wish no engagement. We request that we are escorted to a remote landing strip where we may surrender ourselves and our planes. We will not attack the ISA. Please advise.”

  An idea came to John, “Ari, request temporarily denied. Reform your flight and attack the incoming missiles. Accomplish this mission, and you will be directed to a landing site. Do you copy, over?”

  “ISA control, Roger, we copy. I will maintain an open channel to you. Freedom Flight, this is Foxtrot 6, we have been tasked with destroying the cruise missiles inbound to the ISA. Come on, boys; let’s get ‘em! Out.”

  Each member of Freedom Flight acknowledged the order and began peeling off to engage. Within 3 minutes, all of the 52 incoming missiles were downed from both Freedom Flight pilots and the Marines flying Harriers.

  “Captain, direct these pilots to Pensacola. Then notify the Base Commander that the U.S. inbound birds are to be allowed to land. Oh, hell, tell him to take them to the O Club and buy a round for me.”

  “Yes, sir!” said the General’s Aide.


  “John, you have a spy in your team. They warned the USA about the rail guns and the trap. Do not take action. We will discuss it in the morning. I’ll be there at 0700,” Gus calmly said to John.

  “Yes, sir. We just came to the same conclusion. I’ll send my evidence ASAP.

  Were you able to monitor the communication with the U.S. aircraft Freedom Flight?”

  “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Well done, John that was a stroke of genius to have those planes attack the incoming missiles. Those boys will make a fine addition to our cause. Why did they wait until minutes before we would have shot them down to resign?”

  “They had already planned to quit and had sent their families south into Kentucky when they heard that Ft. Knox left the USA and joined us. You know the rest.”


  Louisville, Kentucky

  Scott’s force secured the now undefended Louisville and the bridges without firing a shot. National Guard, local Police, and State Police assisted in securing the city. The USA tried to recall their trains loaded with troops and armored vehicles to no avail.

  The A1os, F18s, and Harriers destroyed the train engines and then took their time decimating the trains, troops and armored vehicles. The mini rail gun’s small steel slugs penetrated both sides of a rail car and everything in between.

  The vehicles had holes blown through one side and shrapnel bounced around inside them since the small caliber slugs wouldn’t penetrate both sides of their armor.

  The older A10s then strafed the trains with their 30mm Vulcans and finished destroying the attacking force and all of their equipment.

  One train placed white sheets on the roofs of the cars as an offer to surrender. The train stopped, the troops dismounted and offered no resistance. Later it was discovered that this train held Regular Army as opposed to the DHS. Their surrender was accepted, and the train was rerouted to Smyrna. The DHS forces were decimated by the Wart Hogs.

  Therefore, in the end, the USA was unable to kill John or deliver a major blow to the ISA. Instead, they suffered tremendous losses in the battle. Their losses equated to one full division, nearly 10,000 men in the attacks on Kentucky, and another 1,000 killed by the Tomahawk attack on Indianapolis.

  They also lost 15 combat aircraft on the ground in Indy and all of the planes and crews that defected. The ISA had won a major victory and discovered the potential, and limitations of their new rail gun weapons.

  The ISA lost only 37 troops KIA, and 9 WIA during the battle. This would be the last major action for several years. The bonus was that the USA failed to realize how effective the rail guns were.


  Chapter 10




  Elizabethtown, Kentucky

  The plane landed at 0630 along with two F18s flying escort duty. John met Gus and took him to his apartment for breakfast and their meeting.

  “John, have you swept this area for bugs.”

  “Yes, I had Jim handle the job himself. How bad is the situation?”

  “John, someone has been feeding information to the USA for several weeks. They knew your location and highlights of our plan. Lucky for us, they didn’t get much detail until the attack on Elizabethtown. We don’t know who your spy is, but you have a spy in your group.”

  “Gus, I know who it is and think I know why she turned against us.”


  “It’s Maria Sanchez. I don’t want to believe it, but she is the only one who knew that the US Air Force was about to be trapped and destroyed and who was out of my sight just before their planes bugged out. She left the command room just before we were to spring the trap. She and Tom were not briefed on the battle plans. I trusted both, but they had no need to know. She learned of the trap and left the room to call her handler.”

  “John, how do you want to play this out? We can turn her to feed them with bogus Intel.”

  “Yes, I’ve also been thinking of turning her. Plus, it gives me the chance to prove it’s her without a doubt and gives us a chance to set a couple more traps. If okay with you, I want to bring Tim, Scott, Jim and Imelda in on the plan so I can control the specific info she gets.”

  “Good idea. I’ll have my team come up with some plausible information that would be too good for them to pass up. You know that the best trap will always include a possibility of them getting their hands on John Harris.”

  “Again, with the bait thing? Okay, I’m in. Let’s do it.”


  “John, you could have called me hours ago. I’ve been worried half to death. Is everyone all right?

  “Darling everyone you know is fine and didn’t get a scratch. We lost a few people when missile debris fell. We shot down 52 Tomahawks.”

  “They only fired a dozen at us down here in Smyrna. Why did they send so many to your location? Damn, John, were they trying to assassinate you?”

  John crossed his fingers and replied, “Beth, I don’t think there was any way that they could have known I was leading the forces up here. I think they wanted to stop the ISA from annexing Kentucky since it is close to their major military depot in Indy, and Fort Knox.”

  “John, what is that rule about the simplest answer being the right answer?”

  “Occam’s razor; Occam was an ancient Arabic Philosopher who said that the simplest answer is probably the correct answer.

  Of course, having said that, I also believe that, ‘Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.'”

  “John cut the bull shit. You have a spy in your group. Be careful.”

  “Babe, keep that to yourself.”

  “Damn, I knew it.”


  TOC, 2200 hrs. Monday

  Smyrna, Kentucky

  “Scott, secure Shepherdsville ASAP and set up a secure meet for us on Thursday at 0800. Have Imelda send four Squads of her Rangers into the south side to assist you. Assume overall command until we get troops up from Mobile and permanently secure the Louisville area.

  Let me know the meeting place after you have scouted the area. Don’t ask questions, and only bring Joan, no security. This meet is just for the three. The meeting room must be secure and make sure that no one can listen in on our conversation. I’ll be bringing Jim and Imelda.”

  “I’ll have the meeting site secure and ready on time.”

  “Thanks, I’ll explain Thursday.”

  “Tell her Scott will have overall command for this mission. Sorry, for surprising you, but I’ll be moving the TOC to Shepherdsville for the next month.”

  “Sir, we already have Elizabethtown and Louisville secure.”

  “Tim, trust me. I know what I’m doing, and I will fill you in when the time is right. I’ll be meeting with Scott on Thursday, and Jim will be with me.”


  Louisville, Kentucky

  Four squads of Rangers began securing northern Shepherdsville three hours after the conversation with John. Scott ordered Imelda to secure the area below the Salt River, which ran east to west and cut the city in half.

  “I have five drones over the area. They’ll be sending photos and both photo and real-time eye in the sky Intel in about an hour.”

  “Scott, I have dispatched six drones covering the south side of the river. So far they have only shown nothing of real importance.”

  “Good, I’ll have our drones concentrate on the area north of the Salt. Send infiltration teams into the city tonight to obtain info on risk levels. Let’s schedule for 1800 to brief me on your final op-plan before crossing the Line of Departure.”


  Elizabethtown, Kentucky

  Imelda sent 10 - three man teams into the south side of the city under Sam Fox’s command. She gave him two more teams.

  “Sam, get as much info as you can, but don’t miss a chance to take out any trash. Don’t start a war, but let your Rangers do what they do best.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll turn the ‘Slit Throats R Us” boys and girls loose on Shepherdsville. There won’t be much left for us to do when my teams finish gathering Intel and heads.”

  “I’m counting on that. But, and this is a big but, I want to impress the locals. No collateral damage. I want all teams back to the rally point at the warehouse at the south end of Omicron Street by 0500 to report in, so I’ll be prepared for Major Harris.”

  All of the teams kicked off a mile from their objective. There were two known gangs, and both were located on the southeast side of town.

  One team had the warehouse complex southeast of the city. There was a gang headquartered there that had an estimated thirty members. They had taken over a food, and dry goods warehouse. They sold food and drugs to the locals, and just took whatever they wanted. Another team had the other that had set up in a strip mall located where Highway 480 intersected Highway 65.

  The first team was in place by 2300 and immediately took out the three guards on duty.

  “Slim, check out the office area. Pam, find the sleeping quarters. I’ll go into the warehouse and see who is out of bed. You know what to do…silent as an owl on the hunt. Keep your mic open and stay in contact. Clear your area then join Pam. Send ‘em to hell.”

  The office had two men sitting on a couch proceeding to get shit faced when Slim came up from behind. Both were dead before they knew they were under attack. He reported that the office was clear.

  The warehouse was a mess. The gang had torn open pallets of food up in the racks and let them fall to the ground wasting half of the supplies.

  The Sergeant skulked through the overturned pallets and garbage until she heard talking just outside of the office. She got closer and saw a biker and his woman making love on a torn up couch with another woman watching.

  She snuck up behind the woman, cut her throat and then threw her knife into the back of the man. Before the other woman realized what had happened, she broke her neck.

  The Sergeant and Slim arrived at the sleeping quarters only a few minutes after Pam gave them its location. She and Slim eliminated two men who had awakened and gone to the restroom. They died in front of the urinals. She pointed to the cots and signaled that there were 15 men and 20 women in the 3 rooms.

  She also indicated that there were no kids, but slaves were being held in a single large room.

  The Rangers entered the room with the fewest people and systematically sent every man and wom
an straight to whatever afterlife that awaited them. The whiskey bottles scattered around the room made the end of their sub-human lives very easy. Only two people awoke during this exercise in trash removal, and they received a knife to the heart.

  “Let’s check out the captives.”

  Slim broke the lock on the door and carefully entered the room. The stench was overpowering. The Sergeant gagged, stepped out of the room, took a deep breath and re-entered the room with a small flashlight to help her navigate the room.

  There were 30 cots in the room and another eight mattresses on the floor containing women and young girls. They were all chained to a wall. There were ten, 5-gallon buckets against the wall. This, along with body odor proved to be the source of the odor.

  A woman woke up, and the Sergeant quickly placed a hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear, “We’re here to help you. Are there any slavers in here, now?”

  She removed her hand, and the woman replied, “No, they lock us in every night when they don’t need us anymore.”

  “Where are the keys to the chains?”

  “They are in the office in the desk by the front window.”

  The Sergeant asked the woman to wake the other women up, but to leave the children sleeping. Pam told them to keep quiet until they could be led to safety. Slim retrieved the keys and began opening the locks on the chains. Many of the women had open sores from chafing caused by contact with the chains.

  They woke up the kids and guided them to the rally point.

  The Sergeant called Imelda and said, “The gang has been neutralized, and we have 43 refugees. They’re in bad shape and need medical treatment.”

  “I’ll have trucks come up from camp to take them back to our field hospital. Fill me in when you get here.


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