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John Returns

Page 12

by A J Newman

  The second team arrived at 0330 to see another large group of women resting on the floor of the warehouse.

  The Sergeant greeted Imelda with, “Looks as if we had the same scenario. A bunch of animals keeping hostages to work, and man a brothel. I assume the animals became hamburger.”

  “Oh, hell yes, killed every one of those fuckers. Not a shot fired. It was too easy. Drunken, drugged out savages. If even a few of them had been on guard, and, of course, alert, it could have been bad.”

  Imelda took their reports and prepared to head to the meeting with Scott. The rest of the southern part of the city was free from any major criminal element. The petty criminals would be dealt with shortly.

  The most disturbing find was that the USA had several spies in every major city along the Ohio River. Fortunately, the locals knew who many of them were. Most were eliminated before the Rangers arrived on the scene. Word spread fast that help was here, and the game was afoot.”

  Imelda sent the captives back to Elizabethtown for medical treatment and a hot meal. They were mainly natives of the Shepherdsville area and would be returned home once they recovered from their injuries.


  Shepherdsville, Kentucky

  Scott spoke to Imelda and his two other Captains. “Great minds think alike. My teams also cleared out a crooked sheriff and his men overnight. He also had several captives.

  Last night’s mission has been extended. Let’s continue to take out the trash, and let’s ferret out these US spies, and their families.

  Bring the spies to me and drop the families off on the Indiana side of the river. Leave the penny-ante drug pushers, pimps, and crooked politicians to the people of Shepherdsville. It is not going to be pretty, but a bit of vigilante revenge now will make the locals more willing, and better prepared to fight in the future. Besides, justice has many faces.

  I’ll assign some of our civil affairs people to manage the city until we’re confident they have someone honest and strong enough to lead them.

  Rangers, along with Civil Affairs personnel spent two days knocking on doors, interviewing and interrogating suspects when necessary. Two men and one woman were thought to be spies for the USA. One of the men was innocent but was a major pain in the ass for the locals who tried to get rid of him by falsely accusing him. The other two were saved for ISA interrogators.


  John looked around the room and saw Imelda, Scott, and Jim; all wondering what was going on.

  “Team, we have a spy in our ranks. That person is responsible for tipping the USA off about our plan to trap and destroy the US aircraft. The fact that this betrayal increased our Air Force is immaterial.”

  Scott replied, “I’ve had similar thoughts. Any suspects?”

  “Yes, a person on my staff.”

  “John that leaves only Tim or Maria.”

  “I am sure that it’s Maria. I don’t know if she has been a spy all along or they recently turned her against us. My hunch is that she has been spying on us all along, but didn’t have the ability to pass the info along to her handler.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  “Gus and I think we can use her to funnel bogus info into the leadership of the USA and spring a major trap on them. We have to be careful that only she and people I trust with my life know of the trap.

  That’s where you three come into the story. I will place Maria in your presence at the right time and you each will drop bits of info that she can piece together and send on to her boss in the USA. The info will be juicy. Something to which they must react.

  If they don’t, Maria might be innocent, and then we try the bait on Tom and General Drake. I don’t want it to be any of them, but we have to stop the leak.”

  “Just tell us what our roles are and when to spread the jam. What? You did say it would be juicy.”

  “Oh good Lord, please, let’s hold the wiseassery. We are putting a plan together, and I will get back to each of you in a week or so. We also want to increase our spy network in the USA. I want you three to help me identify loyal men and women who are willing to move into the USA. It will be dangerous, and their lives will be at risk to gain information on the civilian and military plans and capabilities.”

  Jim replied, “We all know a lot of people who fit the bill, but I’d like to find singles or married couples without children to plant up there. We won’t allow married men or women to volunteer as singles. Personally, I’d rather not have couples as they could too easily be turned if discovered.”

  Scott replied, “Married couples or single men or women fit the bill. I know that we think we can judge character, but we really need a test for those that we haven’t known long.”

  John added, “I will be adding three to four others that we all trust to the group. I’d like some recommendations.”

  “Dad, I’d add Mom to our leadership group. She has many contacts in Mobile and knows many of the survivors. Many of them hate the USA for killing their friends and families besides nuking their hometown. There are suddenly hundreds of single people in the Mobile area due to the nuclear blast who want revenge. Steve and Jack Mills would also bring a lot to our party in the oversight group.”

  “Great choices.”


  “Yes, Imelda.”

  “I’d recommend that you implement a team to electronically sweep your entire command on a routine basis without anyone but you knowing about it.”

  “Do you really think the USA could bug our officers and meeting places?”

  “Sir, I assume nothing, but we should cover all possibilities. The NSA and CIA had quite sophisticated equipment before TSHTF. Some of that equipment could be floating around.”

  “Yes, of course, you are right. Jim, until further notice assume the responsibility for verifying our security from electronic devices.”

  “I’ll see to it, today.”


  Scrambled telephonic briefing

  Presidential Conference Room

  The Compound outside Mobile Bay

  “Gus, could our leak be the result of sophisticated listening devices and not a spy issue? For that matter, can these calls be intercepted and the scrambling unscrambled?”

  “I doubt it, but you are wise to eliminate the issue before we hang what may be an innocent person. I’m guessing that you don’t routinely sweep for listening devices,” said Gus.

  “We are implementing routine sweeps, but in the past only for new meeting rooms and top secret meetings. It seems pretty much obvious, to me, that we need to immediately establish a protocol for ongoing information security.”

  Thinking aloud, John said, “In the meantime, I need to be able to sweep for bugs without anyone on my staff knowing what I’m doing. We also can’t broadcast our need to tighten security.”

  “I can get the equipment sent to you and provide training if you can provide a trusted operator.”

  “I’ll find a couple and get them down to The Compound ASAP.”

  John, wait a minute; I’ll call you back. I have a great idea.”

  Gus called back in a few minutes and said, “I just checked with George. We are training Sonny Washington and my son in law Tony Jackson to handle the bug sweeping until we get a better solution. They both volunteered.”

  “Perfect! I couldn’t hope for more trusted people. I’ll contact Scott to get Sonny on a plane to my HQ, ASAP.”

  “John, I need you to fly back to The Compound with Sonny. George and I want to talk strategy face to face. We are also reviewing our security policies and will make improvements for all operations.”


  ISA Command

  The Bunker

  John and Sonny flew out the next morning before daylight to keep their trip secret. John only told Scott, Jim, and Imelda that he was flying back to Mobile. He told his staff he was on a tour of Eastern Kentucky with Imelda and a shit load of Rangers for security. They were told that John would be gone for several days.
  “John, we will be meeting with Ralph Baker, the new president of the Pacific Coast States, to discuss how to proceed with the capture, prosecution sentencing and punishment for those traitorous in D.C. who perpetrated the disaster,” said George behind closed doors.

  “Of course, I’ll be glad to assist in all phases of this much-needed justice for our citizens. I’ll volunteer to be the executioner.”

  “John, we need you to stay calm during the discussions. The PCS has dug in its heels for a year, but this newly elected president ran on a platform that included bringing the traitors to justice through fair trials conducted in the PCS. We will hand over any of the criminals that we capture to the PCS for a trial conducted by their court system.”

  “Damn, those liberals will slap them on the hands and put them on work release programs.”

  “That is not the case. They have changed their laws to include the death penalty for treason and high crimes against their country, the ISA, and USA.

  The citizens want to see the leaders of this attack swinging by their necks. The ISA needs you to help hunt these criminals down and bring them back for trial. That means you can’t kill most of them for resisting arrest and you must stay calm during our meetings.”

  “I’ll behave myself in the meetings and won’t kill anyone who is not a threat to my team.”

  “Great, let’s go meet with our friends from the west coast.”

  “Mr. President this is General John Harris.”

  “General, I am glad to finally meet you. You are a true hero in our country as well as the ISA. What say we drop the title formality nonsense for our meeting? Let’s get to know each other and plan how we intend to snatch these assholes.”

  Ralph shared the look of a lean gray wolf for just an instant before he said, “I’d like to start with the premise that the only satisfactory punishment for these murderers is public hanging by the neck until they are dead. Are we agreed on this?”

  Both Gus and John said, in unison, “Agreed.”

  “Ralph, I’m glad to meet you, also. George has filled me in on your history, but I must add that I remember a Ralph Baker from my days with the CIA.”

  Ralph shook John’s hand and said, “Let’s forget those days and move forward. My fellow West coastians are not aware of my history in the government and some wouldn’t appreciate my rather colorful background.”

  “I remember you as a patriot and deadly comrade in arms. I will now forget I ever met you in a previous life. Remember, a good friend will always help you dispose of the body, and then never speak of it again. Don’t worry, we are good.”

  “Great, I like that, I hope you don’t mind my using it from time to time.”

  John smiled and said, “Of course, be my guest.”

  “Wonderful, now how are the wife and kids these days?”

  This bonding session had lasted for about 20 minutes before George signaled for their teams to join them to begin discussions on the action plan to handle the traitors.

  The meeting included President Baker, the Attorney General and Secretary of Defense representing the PCS. Gus McCoy, Secretary of Defense, Commander White, the senior JAG officer, General John Harris and President George Washington from the ISA.

  Bill Andrews, the PCS Attorney General, chaired the meeting and opened with, “Let’s start by placing everything we agree on in a list on the right side of the whiteboard and what we don’t agree on the left.”


  “We need several grand juries to indict. I see one for the leaders, one for the supporters and another for those media members who covered up the crimes and assisted in rigging the election.”

  George answered, “Great idea. I like one jury concentrating on the leaders and not being distracted by the lesser criminals. We need a fourth to concentrate on the Field Marshalls. There were 50 of them, and that would take up the whole time for a jury. Hell, we might need two just for them. Also, we do need to make sure that evidence gets shared between the juries.”

  “Agreed. Either the trials should be conducted by a military court with defense lawyers provided by the PCS and ISA or the defendant can get a lawyer from the USA at their own cost. I see something like the Nuremberg Trials or perhaps the NATO trials for Putin and his gangsters.”

  “Will the ISA have representatives on the court?”

  “Yes, but the PCS will have the majority. Let’s face it, the ISA has been hunting down the President and Secretary Wilton for two years and have dropped missiles and bombs on their houses. We all want them to turn a nice crispy brown on their first day in hell, but we need to accomplish the task through an unimpeachable fair trial process. Remember, the PCS still has a large amount of liberals who still believe the ISA conducted the attacks with the help of a rogue military.”

  John spoke up, “I agree that it is important to have a fair trial and support the processes as outlined. Fortunately, for us, the President, Secretary Wilton and their cohorts all have a paper and video trail leading straight to them. There can be no scenario that allows them to keep breathing at the end of the trials.”

  “That can’t be agreed to by the PCS, so we will park it on the left.”

  Gus spoke up, “John, the proof is there, and they will be convicted. The judges are all conservative professional military men and women. Admiral Jones, General Mills, and Commander Bivins will represent the ISA. Admiral Jones personally knows the ISA judges and backs their selection.

  There will be no passes for people proven guilty. Our only problem will be the low-level players who supported the president and his administration. It will be difficult to find proof that they knowingly supported a traitor.”

  “Thanks for the clarification. I agree with the need for a fair trial process.”

  “Thanks, I think we can all agree that our targets are the leaders, those people who actually conducted the attack, along with anyone who aided and abetted the lead up to the attack.”

  “Does that include the money men and media personnel who gave money or propaganda in support of the perpetrators?”

  “I think we all agree that they should be tried, but conspiracy is hard to prove. The top money men will be convicted because there still are banking records thanks to the NSA.

  Therefore, the bottom line is that Joe Boling of MSNBC should be tried and probably convicted since we have proof that he lied to the American people and set the stage while assisting in rigging the election, and the illegal takeover of the presidency by our traitorous president. The camera man follows orders and isn’t involved in the propaganda and lies.”

  “Agreed, but the senior executives of most of the liberal media were in on fixing the election and covering up the President’s and Wilton’s crimes when she was secretary of state.”

  “The PCS agrees. This won’t be perfect, but we will try, convict and execute the primary perpetrators. A few small fish will I’m sure, slip through the net.”

  The negotiation took three days to come to a consensus on the trial process, punishment and potential retaliation on the USA’s current leaders. They also established a bounty on the heads of the major leaders of the attack.

  With that phase of the Justice Project complete, Presidents Washington and Baker met with Commander White of the PCS and John to discuss how to capture the indicted citizens.

  “We are asking you two to head up the process to capture all of the scumbags that nuked our country. Lee will focus on those that escaped to the PCS and John you will cover the ISA and USA. We expect a blend of military, police inspectors and lawyers to make up your teams. We want as many as possible to be brought in alive, but understand that some of these men will die fighting before willingly surrendering to the ISA or PCS. All of their senior military/DHS leaders are wanted dead or alive. We understand that a caliber .50 bullet from a mile away will yield justice without engaging in a major battle.

  We will place the USA military on notice that the indicted are traitors and give those 30 days
to surrender them to us. After that, they are yours to deal with.”

  “Lee and I have discussed this possibility at great length and must warn you that the USA will place bounties on our leader’s heads and they already consider all our military to be traitors. This will unleash hell if we don’t put the fear of God, and The Independent States of America in them quickly.”

  “The bastards have already nuked an ISA fleet and Mobile. It’s time to unleash a little wrath on them. Put your plans together ASAP, and we will authorize any reasonable action before we make this public.”


  Chapter 11

  How to find, Train and Make a Spy

  The Compound, Mobile, Alabama


  The grand juries were made up of citizens selected from both the ISA and PCS. The “Leaders” grand jury was made up of six ISA citizens and five PCS citizens. The lessor two were both made up of six PCS and five ISA citizens. Only two military personnel per country were allowed to be on a grand jury.

  The ISA gave all of the information gained from interrogating the Mexican drug gang, the Chupacabras, and captured USA officials. They also provided access to statements from the members of the Kentucky National Guard and several other military groups that had defected from the USA concerning orders to kill innocent civilians or to capture them and place them in prisons.

  The most damning information came from the CIA and NSA. Yes, they had recordings of every conversation and e-mail between the president, Iran, and the Chupacabras.

  The information also resulted in the indictments of those media moguls who helped cover up the conspiracy and the men and women who financed the traitors. One bonus was that the whole Global Warming/Climate Change scam was finally broken open with the release of the e-mails and conversations plotting to scam the world to line the pockets of the liberal progressives and crooked UN leaders. Those people were added to the list to apprehend and throw under the jail until they could be hung, that is.


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