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Daddy Dilemma: A DILF Mania Collaboration

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by GM Scherbert

  Grabbing up my computer, I am entering a note about giving her a warning, as a pounding starts on my passenger window causing me to jump. Grabbing for my sidearm, I glance over noticing the woman motioning for me to roll down the window. What in the ever-loving hell is she thinking? Who the hell walks up on a squad car that has pulled someone over?

  As I do so my voice is harsh as I speak while lowering the passenger window, “Ma’am, I told you to stay in your car. Why are you back here pounding on my window? If you can’t follow a simple direction, I think that instead of handing you the warning I was gonna issue, I might as well go ahead and issue you a citation.”

  “What? You were taking forever and I need to get to work, I was just coming to find out if you could hurry this along. You know that folks got things to do around here right?”

  “Well, Ms. Ford, I suggest you follow directions and the law from here on out, and maybe you wouldn’t find yourself in these kinds of situations again. You know you’re not the only one with things to do and all.”

  “But, Officer.”

  “No, ma’am, no buts, just return to your vehicle and I’ll be with you in a couple minutes after I have finished issuing your citation.” A smirk that hasn’t really seemed to stop since I walked up to her vehicle spreads wide across my face again.

  I hear her grumbling as she walks away, and I can’t help the pull I feel to watching each and every one of her steps. The sway of her flowery skirt flitting this way and that way as she moves, sashaying her way back to her vehicle. The way that her movements don’t hide her anger at the situation. The loud bang of her door after she gets herself situated back into her Jeep.

  Filling out the paperwork, it takes me about three minutes to have her ticket printing out and me ready to face this woman’s wrath, again. I really wouldn't have issued her a ticket if her cute little ass had just stayed put. But not following a direct order is something I just won't tolerate, too much can happen.

  Moving towards her vehicle, I know her eyes are on me as I do so. I have to fight from moving my hand to my growing cock, keeping any unwanted attention away from the fact this woman is doing things to me. The smile pulling my lips as I reach her door and it swings wide, must only be amusing to me because her next words are anything but pleasant.

  Glancing towards my name and badge, she meets my eyes before speaking. “You know what Officer Miller, I don’t appreciate your non-professional manners right now. I have not done anything to make you treat me this way and don’t you think for one second I won’t be in court to fight you on this ticket. You didn’t even tell me what I was being pulled over for and if you don’t think that I know my rights you have another thing coming.”

  Thinking back, I’m not sure if the words she speaks are right, but I do recall I was flustered as I walked up to her vehicle and her response to me once we started talking didn’t do much to set me right. “Well, ma’am that is your right and if you would like to go to court and speak with the judge about this ticket then you should do just that.” Handing her the citation, her license, and registration, I hope to fuck this exchange is quick because my cock still hasn’t gotten the memo that we’re at work. The next moment the smile on my face widens and I know that I should hold my tongue, but this woman just brings something out of me and I can’t. “Maybe if your daddy isn’t busy he could come try to help in your defense, Ms. Ford. That is if he remembers the way back to the city courthouse from his cushy new digs over in Mankato.”

  Her jaw drops open and the shock registering on her face, lets me know that I probably took things a little too far with that last comment. When her head turns sharply away, and I hear a sniffle I know I took it much too far and feel like absolute shit, but what can I say at this point? “You’re free to go ma’am. Try to keep the speed down from here on out.”

  Walking back to my cruiser, I hear the slam of her door and wince at the noise. As she fires up her Jeep and pulls away, the feeling in my gut sinks knowing that I did that to her, that I took our banter one step too far and hurt her feelings. Toeing the line is always something I have done well. From my time serving our country, to the schooling I needed to join the force, and even all my time dealing with Heather, I have never felt this discombobulated. This girl just does something to me. I never meant to step over the line with her, but her tears tells me that is just what I did. Fuck, I knew I fucked up as soon as those cocky ass words were out of my mouth. I fucked up and that shit don't sit right with me.

  Glancing down at my clock as I get back into my cruiser, I see that if I book it, I should be able to make it to grab Luke and still make it to his school on time. Of course, that’s if I’m taking the cruiser and not checking in at the station, which isn’t allowed. So being late on Luke’s first day of school, showing up with me in my uniform, but hey little kids love cops. Right?

  I hate being late.

  Chapter 5

  Ms. Ford

  Waiting, waiting, waiting, I hate waiting.

  Glancing up at the clock, I see that I only have a couple more hours before my court date. It’s already been a month since that first day of work and I love my job so much, I hate that I had to take off of work a bit early for it, but what else was I going to do. There is no way that I was going to just take that ticket lying down, on my back with my legs open waiting for that man to do whatever he wanted to me. HA, have mercy on me, thoughts like this are not what I need to be having, idle hands and all that! And I have been having them, much too frequently, for the past month. Thoughts of Officer Miller doing things to me that I have only read about in some of those trashy romance novels I like so much. I might never have had sex, who has time when you are doing so much to graduate early and start your career. I have read enough books to have a good sense of what I’d like and some of the stuff I think is probably a little off the beaten path. A man like Officer Miller might be the kind of guy that could give me what I crave though. SHOOT!!! Stop thinking like that, especially when I’ll be seeing him in a few short hours.

  Right, the court date, that yes, my father is coming with me to, or at least his last message to me said as much. A court date that I will win because that man didn’t tell me what I was doing wrong, didn’t give me any explanation for what he was doing or why he was pulling me over. My Monday could have gone a million different ways, but thinking about this court date for the entire weekend, who am I fooling the last month, hasn’t left much else on my mind.

  I’m almost glad that I’m sitting with my students in the classroom at the beginning of career week, or my mind would be racing with possible outcomes yet again. Momma would be rolling over in her grave with how idle these hands have been the last few weeks. Trying to get back into my students, I shake the ticket and the man attached with it outta my mind, for the moment at least, and get back to the thirty-two little darlings who make up my brood.

  We first listen to Jack’s mom talk all about her job at the hospital. How she takes care of the babies in the nursery, and how she was probably working when these little people were born. She’s quick to call out to a few of the kids remembering their births like it was yesterday. It really is touching to see the way the kids are with her. I can tell she isn’t quite as comfortable as she probably is in the nursery but, she's doing a good job of relating to the students.

  Our next parent is already here, pacing near the back of the classroom for much of Nurse Sally’s talk. Jasmine’s dad is here to talk about the shop that he runs down off of Main Street. As far as I know the place is little more than a head shop, or whatever those dopers call it, so I can’t wait to see how he spins that for a room full of five-year old’s. I hope he doesn’t go into detail about some of the stuff that I hear goes on there. Not that it’s illegal any longer, but shoot these kids don’t need to have quiet so much info on the how’s and why’s of Marijuana, right?

  After Jasmine’s dad, the remaining parents for the day: Lucy’s, Luke’s and Matthew's will be just about as exciting.
Lucy’s dad will be talking about his car dealership, while probably trying to sell me and any other adults in the area a car. He really is a great guy, but come on each time he has come into school he’s passed out more business cards than a preacher at a house of ill repute.

  I’m sure that Luke’s stepdad, who is a complete and utter tool, will do nothing except talk about world peace and the whales in Greenland or some suck stuff. I mean I guess he’s a nice enough man, but that dang hair bun he wears leaves something sour tasting in my mouth. I seem to have a soft spot for kids whose parents are no longer together, or so I’ve noted the past few weeks. I’m not sure of the whole story between Luke’s mom and dad except that they must have a better relationship than most divorced couples seeing that Luke doesn’t have a nasty word to say about either of them or the man his mom has remarried.

  Finishing up my short day with Matthew's mom is just the right sort of thing. She will be bringing in any and all treats that she has left over from the little bakery that she owns and operates over on Main Street. I find myself stopping in there a little more than I should, but who can pass up homemade treats and fresh brewed coffee? Not me that’s for sure, especially when the lovely lady who owns the shop insists on giving her son’s teacher a big discount.

  Thankful that everyone who was able to come today, made it on time, well except for Luke’s parent. I got a message from the office, that they wouldn’t be able to make it today, something came up and they could reschedule for any other day this week. Leaving me with twenty minutes left to fill on the fly. I hate being left high and dry, but guess I will dive into the lesson I had planned for the morning. Thank goodness that I already made the copies and had gathered together the supplies, or I would’ve been SOL.

  Leaving the building with the kids at the bell, I make my way over to the small courthouse and wait outside for daddy. I didn’t want to call on him, which I really didn’t do, he must have heard about my ticket from one of his buddies at the station, for all I know Officer Miller called him up himself. When he told me he would be at the courthouse with me, I thought what the heck, if anyone knows the ins and outs of the law around here, it’s him. I know the officer that pulled me over forgot to talk with me about what he had stopped me for and daddy backed me up, well when he got done yelling at me for getting pulled over, again. Officer Miller not following procedure might be the only leg I have to stand on as far as daddy was concerned. I only had to listen to him for about two weeks on why I should have been following the law to begin with but that was all I had to endure.


  Waiting for daddy to get here irks me to no end, and seeing a coffee vendor near the courthouse, has me wanting a fix. I had to leave work early, and I know he told me he had off today so I’m not sure why he’s late. Moving over towards the cart, I order a triple caramel macchiato and as I turn away with it in hand a few moments later, I am not so pleasantly surprised to find the officer that has been running through my mind for the past month standing much too close to me. His eyes shoot up to my face quickly, as if I didn’t just catch him checking out my rump. The rush that runs through me at catching him checking me out has my heart racing.

  “Excuse me, Officer Miller my eyes are up here.” I can’t help the venom that my words take on catching him checking me out. Not that I haven’t thought about much the same thing many a lonely night this past month, but fudge sticks not here, not while I am waiting for my court date with him. The court date I will win because I know he didn't process my ticket correctly. The court date that my daddy is supposed to be at to help support me.

  “Ms. Ford, you must be mistaken, I wasn’t checking you out just then,” his eyes move slowly up and down my body sending shivers through me at his blatant perusal of my body. A sly smile creeps to his face as he rumbles, “But, with that invitation I just find myself having to oblige, and I was happy to do so. It’s so nice to see you, all of you, again ma'am.”

  UGH the nerve of this man. Not that I haven't had some pretty filthy thoughts about him this past month my imagination could really put some of those romance novels to shame. Idle hands and all that have not been my friend these past weeks. Mama always told me that men who were beautiful, brave, and brash should be the furthest from the front of my list of suitors. And I've never pictured myself with a cop, well not until I first saw this cop that is.

  The roughness that I find in his voice is no match for the feelings brought up by the voice of the next man that I hear. The one that was supposed to be here for me ten minutes ago.

  “Doodlebug, why are you speaking with Logan Miller? I’m almost positive he’s the one that was on your citation and you should sure as shit, not be talking with the man that you are about to go into the courtroom and be on opposing side from. Didn't I teach you at least a little common sense when it comes to that shit? Or was your mother filling your head with nothing but nonsense? ”

  “Daddy, he was just saying hi that's all,” is all I’m able to get out before Logan is stepping in front of me reaching his right hand out to my father, which he ignores, while using his left to sweep me to the side. Putting a safe distance between me and my father, who seems to be bent on getting under my skin.

  “Randy, nice to see you again, me and your little girl here were just catching up is all,” he says moving towards my father. “It seems that she gave you a call regarding the ticket that I issued her. I had hoped that she might take the ticket and advice to slow it on down, but seeing that you’re here now, and I got the call from the chief to meet here for court I’m guessing that isn’t the case.” Turning towards me, he leans in close speaking quietly, “See you in there, Doodlebug.” And with that he is turning back around to the coffee cart and ordering something for himself.

  Stepping closer to my father, I want nothing better than to address his blatant dislike for my mother, but his voice is harsh as he cuts me off at the pass. “Doodlebug, you know better than that. I don’t care how long we have been on the outs, you know you shouldn’t be speaking to that man before court." Shaking his head, the disappointment that he has always shown me is obvious. “What were you thinking talking to Logan like that? He and that damn baby momma of his is something even I heard about up in Mankato for fucks sake. Even I was man enough to stay with your mother until you were a little older. No matter how much we fought or what happened in the end, at least I wasn't that much of a bastard to leave her alone with an infant to raise, alone.”

  “Daddy, stop. All I know is that I wasn’t the one asking for your advice a month ago, you were throwing it around and demanding things and here I am waiting for you to show up and “help” me with this ticket. How the h e double hockey sticks am I supposed to know anything about the cop that pulled me over? It’s not like when you get pulled over you form a relationship with the cop,” not being able to bite my tongue I quietly squeak out, “or is that how you guys operate?”

  “Police officer, Daniella, don't disrespect the force or badge like that. I know for a fact I raised you better than that! And don’t think that I didn’t hear that snide little comment, I’m just choosing to ignore it.”

  “Daddy,” comes out sharply as my anger continues to get riled up at his mentions of my childhood, and the mentions of momma. “From what I remember, it was mainly momma raising me, you know after you waited until I was old enough to leave us high and dry with your conscious clear.”

  Taking a shaking breath, I go on, “You know how much I hate waiting and yet you’re all of what,” looking to my watch and back towards him, “fifteen minutes late. I know for a fact that man” pointing back towards the coffee cart, “didn’t do what he was supposed to do when he pulled me over, and I really, as I’ve said before, don’t think I need you here to help me with it. I only called after your repeated messages, to give you some heads up and let you know that I would be going to court to fight it.”

  “Daniella, don’t. I’m not going to keep going over this shit with you. I know you’re sti
ll mad at me about the way shit played out between your mother and me, but it’s in the past, it happened well over ten years ago. Me and Carissia have been happily married for years, we have two kids together for fucks sake and you still can’t accept the fact that we are together. I can’t help that I found someone to share my time with as your mother slowly withered away. I didn’t ask for her to fucking die Doodlebug, it's just how life works sometimes! And I’m here to help you get this shit off of your record.” Lower almost so I can’t hear he adds, “No kid of mine is going to have a record, no matter what the fuck it is. No matter who their mother was.”

  And that right there is why I can’t deal with daddy. He never just let me have my feelings or express an opinion that he didn’t share. He never got that mom and I were stronger together because he had left. He never got that each day without her is a struggle for me. It’s almost like he doesn’t care about my feelings at all. He only cares about whatever it was that is important to him. And me being cited for speeding is beneath his donkey butt self. UGH

  Feeling so flustered and upset with what he’s saying to me, I don’t notice the man that steps to the side of me, the same man that hasn’t left my thoughts for long these last few weeks. Glancing over towards him, the smell of him takes over my senses and calms my racing heart, but only for the briefest of seconds before I register that he has heard this exchange between my father and me. Why does everything have to be going so badly for me this month?


  “Roger, why don’t you shut the fuck up and leave your daughter alone. You don’t have any right to speak to her like that, and you surely don’t have any fucking ground to talk with her about her mother as such. What a fucking dick move if I have ever heard one, and I’ve heard a lot of shit over the years. What kind of fucking father acts like that towards their kid. Let alone talking shit about the parent that was actually around raising said kid, a fucking asshole that’s who.” Glancing towards me he moves a step closer towards my father before adding, “It seems that your dickish ways weren’t just saved for those on the force with you, hmm? And don’t think I didn’t hear that crap you were throwing about me and Heather. She and I are none of your fucking business, so I’d appreciate it if you kept it to your fucking self.” And with that the man is heading towards the steps to the courthouse, taking them two at a time before entering the double doors.


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