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Daddy Dilemma: A DILF Mania Collaboration

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by GM Scherbert

  My mouth finally closes as my gaze falls from him back towards my father and I can finally speak again. “What was that about, Daddy? Why do you always have to rub folks the wrong way? Saying shit that just isn’t nice, wanted, or needed?”

  Chapter 6

  Officer Miller

  When I heard Office Dickwad speaking to his daughter that way, I couldn’t fucking help myself. He was always an ass in the short months that I worked with him, but maybe I had hoped that he didn’t treat her, his daughter, that way. I had thought of her more so than I’d like to admit these last few weeks and hearing any man let alone her father speak to her like that just fucking sent me over the edge. When I turned from the coffee stand and heard him say that shit about Heather and I, I took a deep breath or two trying to calm myself the fuck down. But when he spoke about her mom, the one that I know had passed away recently from his words, that calm was nowhere to be found.

  Pushing the doors of the courthouse wide, I stride through the security with no problem. One thing about smaller towns, everyone knows everyone so I don’t even have to pull the change from my pocket before heading through the metal detector. Well, almost everyone knows everyone else. I still can’t believe I had never seen Ms. Ford before that day I pulled her over. Shaking my head of the thoughts, yet again, of her I look towards the courthouse log and see that we are in Judge Rudgeths chambers, so I head straight there.

  Wrapping loudly on the door, I wait for him before entering, having entered one too many Judges chambers to find them in compromising situations, to make it a habit after the ten years I’ve been here. Finding him sitting behind his oversized desk, I make short work of telling him that I wasn’t within my rights pulling Daniella over and that she wasn’t going to let it slide.

  Looking towards me, he nods only once, before excusing me from his chambers. Knowing that her ticket will be dropped does little to brighten the foul mood her father put me in as I make my way through the door. Walking back towards the entrance, I see those red locks across the room and my eyes draw towards her alone by the board, finding it hard to stop myself from going to her. I’m not sure where her father ended up going, but as I glance around the room I don’t see him anywhere before my eyes draw back towards her. The pull I feel to her, the want to protect her and rile her up at the same time, is something that I have never felt. And I can honestly say that I have no idea how to deal with it, so doing nothing seems to be the best bet, for now at least.

  When I pass by her, I can feel those green eyes on me though, heating up my skin and cause my cock to come alive. I slow my steps hoping to fuck she stops me. No such luck though, and my mind only has one thought on it as I push the front doors of the courthouse open wide. I hope to fuck this isn’t the last time that I see her because this feeling is something that I would like to look into much, much more.

  Two days have passed since the shit at the courthouse with the Fords and I can’t shake the need to see her again. I’m wondering at what point this shit becomes stalkerish because I might have dug into Daniella a little in the past two days. Finding out where she lived, I also might have driven by there a few times in that time as well. What? Don’t act like you mother fuckers haven’t done the same shit. Well, maybe not like that because I’m a cop and have some resources at my fingertips you might not have, but you know what I mean.

  I haven’t actually seen her, but there is always this morning when I get off shift. Well, after I head into Luke’s school for some kind of career day or some shit. I couldn’t go a couple days ago because I had to be at the courthouse, and the precinct always has some fucking bullshit paperwork for you to fill out if you gotta go to court. It took me almost two hours to fill out all that shit, basically to walk in on that shit between Daniella and her dad and drop the fucking ticket. That was a whole lot of work for what ended up being nothing.

  So here I am forty minutes off my night shift, dead on my feet, pulling up to the elementary school Luke goes to, late might I add. I hate being late. I sure as fuck won’t let him down again though and when Ms. Danny texted and said I could come in this morning, I made damn sure I would be there.

  I know Luke loves that I’m a cop and I would do anything for my little man, even something like this shit. I just don’t usually find myself surrounded by little kids, well more than one or two at a time that is, I have always dealt with adults much better. Walking through the doors of the school, it hits me that I haven’t met his new teacher yet this year, and he’s already over a month in. He talks about Ms. Danny with nothing but wonder and I know she must be great at her job with all his glowing stories he tells of her. As he tells stories of his days and the adventures he has at school with her, I picture a nice older woman that has been teaching close to as long as I have been alive.

  After his first day, when I was late dropping him off to school from pulling over Ms. Ford, I got the first story. He spoke about how Ms. Danny was late to school and she spoke about how rules in school are just like the laws that adults need to follow. He told me that she was telling him a little about her life and how she had broken laws in the past, but always been sorry about it and learned her lesson. From there she spoke to the students about the rules in the classroom and school building, and even if you break one of the rules you should always learn from them. She sounded just like the sort of nice old lady I’d want to teach my boy.

  A couple weeks ago, he shared a story of Ms. Danny and how they were making family trees. Almost all the kids’ trees looked different than Luke’s and when he mentioned it to me I hurt for him. Heather and I knew there would come a time that he realized that his parents weren’t together and in this small of a community, living outside of the normal mom and dad type situation is not as popular as in other parts of the country. Before I was able to address this, Luke told me all about how Ms. Danny’s tree looked much like his and she made him feel much better about the differences between folks. Right then I knew his teacher was good stock, that she was a woman that had a care for kids that wouldn’t shake or be deterred by much.

  Signing in with the front desk, they let me know how to get to classroom 6, and I’m off on my way. Walking slowly down the long corridors I find my thoughts trailing off to the woman that hasn’t been far from my mind. Wondering where she might be and what she might be doing. Hoping that her father hasn’t laid into her again like he did that day at the courthouse. I hate a man that can’t handle being a man, making others feel like shit to further their position doesn’t sit well with me. And if I ever get the chance to speak with Daniella again, I'll make sure to key her in on the fact.

  Hearing squeals of glee coming from the other side of the closed door as my feet stop, I quickly knock on the door to room 6. A little blond haired girl swings the door wide smiling as she takes in my uniform.

  “Ms. Danny the police are here. What’d you do now?”

  Giggles come from the other kids as my eyes glance around the room. Not noticing an adult within the room, I look closer through the messy chaos that is this room. Seeing movement everywhere, I barely register the woman that comes to stand by my side, an older woman of maybe fifty.

  “Hi, you must be Ms. Danny. I’m Luke’s dad Logan Miller.” extending my hand, the older lady’s smile only grows as she wraps her hand around my own.

  “Oh gosh no, I’m not Danny, I’m just the hired help, Ms. Wilkerson, but the kids just call me Betty.” Glancing around the room quickly her arms shoots out in the direction of a high pitched scream. “Danny is over there, getting attacked by all those children.”

  The room seems to stop as I glance towards where her finger has pointed, and my eyes take in Ms. Danny. The red hair that I have thought about since the day I pulled her over is just as erratic and untamed as it has been both times I’ve seen her before. Her head slowly swings towards me, and those green eyes flame as she takes me in. It seems that I am not the only one who didn’t put two and two together.

  Cutting the distance
between us quickly, I extend a hand out towards her to help her up from the floor before saying a word. As she rises, her feet must catch on the rug that she was seated on, and she falls forward to her knees, I’m unable to catch her before her face is meeting my crotch. The instant it happens, a jolt of what I would have thought would be pain turns to electricity. Going straight to my cock, which is now straining my uniform pants within a breath of her face. As her eyes lift to my face, her tongue bob's out to wet her bottom lip and the thoughts of my cock being buried in that mouth are unstoppable.

  Well, that is until the rush of short people towards us, much like I imagine the running of the bulls in Pamplona. The flush of color that has taken up residence on her face doesn’t fade as she makes her way to her feet, hushing the children as she goes.

  “Room 6,” a stern voice I've only heard from her for the first time begins again. “This is not how we behave when we are here in school, and especially when we have a visitor in our classroom. You need to quiet down and find your tables and right quick if you would like for this Police Officer to talk about his job and what it means for him to do his work.”

  Looking from me over the crowd of children she only pauses for a moment before little legs are moving and when they have all taken a seat quietly she begins again. “Officer Miller is Luke’s dad and he’s here today during career week to speak to us about being a Police Officer. We got ready for him the other day but it seems that he was busy with something and couldn't come. We had a list of questions ready for him, but he ended up having to cancel and we ended up doing that lesson about firefighters, remember? Does anyone remember the questions that we wanted to ask him?”

  The slow dig that she got in about me missing the visit two days ago doesn’t go unnoticed from me. I hate missing anything and when I needed to go to the courthouse because I had been told she was going to fight the ticket there was nothing to be done about it. I know the next words outta my mouth should be held, but the fire in her eyes as she glances towards me leaves little reason left to be had.

  “Well, Ms. Danny it seems that a Police Officer’s job is never done. It happens that day I got called into court and it couldn’t be avoided. Sometimes criminals come in different shapes and sizes, and even the littlest person can give you a fight. Which is what it seems I had to deal with that day!” Turning towards the children I decide to use this situation to my advantage and run wild with it.

  “Boys and girls, do you know why that might be? Even when someone breaks the law, they should be given every chance to prove their innocence. And that's where I was that day, at the courthouse speaking with a judge about a citation that I had issued. Someone was speeding, and I pulled them over for breaking the law.” glancing towards Ms. Danny I catch the fear in her face before going on. “No one, not one single soul is ever right all the time. Police officers, judges, lawyers, doctors, and yes even teachers have been known to be wrong on occasion.” Glancing towards her again, the fire that has replaced the fear in her eyes might be matched by the red locks of hair that she is trying to smooth down. “Ms. Danny, I’m sure you could speak more to that!” And at that comment Daniella lets out an exacerbated breath as her hands busy themselves in her hair again.

  “Well, boys and girls, it seems like Luke’s dad has lots of things to say today, so let’s make sure we have our listening ears on as he does so.” And with that she spins around and puts way too much bounce in her hips as she sashays towards her desk. Plopping down into the chair behind it, she doesn’t waste a glance towards me before turning towards her computer and beginning to type.

  Drawing the papers out of my pocket, that had been sent home with Luke with ideas about things that may be of interest about different careers, I slowly go over my job and why I do what I do. As the children become more interested in the things that I am saying, they slowly begin raising their hands and asking questions. Luke beams with pride as his classmates ask question after question. I barely notice the time go on and by the time Daniella rises from her chair calling my attention to her, I can’t believe that I have been in the room for almost two hours.

  “Boys and girls, it seems that this was a career that you were all very interested in. We haven’t had the pleasure to engage another parent quiet this much and I am so proud of you guys and gals for all your in depth and probing questions. Let’s thank Luke's dad because we must get ready to have Ms. Betty take you all down to the cafeteria and then out to recess. Gabriel, remember that you are line leader for the day.”

  The kids all start clapping, and slowly stand from their chairs pushing them into their desks before moving slowly towards the door. The line that I see must be well practiced because not one kid steps out of place once they have lined up. The warm smile from Ms. Betty is all I see as she waves a hand over her shoulder, ushering the children into the hall. Turning around, I’m surprised to see Daniella has come up behind me without my notice.

  “Mr. Miller, I just wanted,”

  “Logan,” I correct her quickly moving a step closer towards her and not being able to stop my hand from tucking one of the errant hairs behind her ear. The small gasp that escapes her lips has a direct line to my cock. Reaching down I try my best to adjust myself without seeming like a complete and utter perv. Thank fuck the kids aren't in the room anymore.

  The blush that rages again on her cheeks makes me think I may not have accomplished that though. “Logan,” comes out breathy as she meets my eyes, “thanks again for taking the time outta your busy schedule and coming in today to speak with the class. I really wasn’t trying to be mean with those comments at the beginning, it was just a difficult turn around that day when you had to call off. The kids don’t like variation and change and having to fill that was a little bit nerve racking. Not to mention that I had been stressing about the court date and tickets as well. It really was the best of the career week visits and I know that the kids will be talking about it for long days to come.”

  “Daniella, you don’t have to thank me and I really am sorry that I left you high and dry that day. I would do anything for Luke and seeing that you are the famous Ms. Danny he can’t stop speaking about, and his daddy can’t stop thinking about, I think it was actually quite fortuitous that we meet up like this.”

  “Mr. Miller,”

  “Logan,” I correct again in a more demanding tone leading the blush on her cheeks to darken.

  Her eyes flair with something I can only hope is desire, before they drop to the ground. “Yes, sorry, Logan.” Her head shoots back up as my words must have struck home. “What do you mean you can’t stop thinking about me?”

  “No, it seems that I can’t. Ever since that day I pulled you over, you haven’t been far from my thoughts.” Taking a step closer into her space, I glance behind me making sure that the door is closed. When I see it is, I reach a hand out and running my fingers over her cheek. “This face has been on my mind.” Grabbing the errant hair that has dislodged itself from behind her ear yet again I add, “This hair has been on my mind.” Running my fingers down her cheek again, and barely grazing my thumb along her plump lips before I lower my voice, “these lips have most definitely been on my mind as well.”

  Just then I hear the handle on the door, and step back dropping my hand from her face. Looking back towards the door, I see Luke come rushing towards me.

  “Daddy, you did so good today. Zack and Peter can’t stop talking about all the stuff that you talked to us about. Even Ginnie can’t be quiet about it, and she never talks dad. Like never!”

  “Wow, Ginnie is even talking about it, Luke,” Daniella says, stepping around me. “That really is something, she must’ve really enjoyed your daddy coming into class and talking about his career. Maybe your dad will be able to come in again and talk about his work some more.” Looking towards me the smile on her lips is gorgeous before she looks back towards my boy. “Maybe you could walk your dad out before heading back down to the cafeteria then out for recess, what do you say
?” She says moving a few steps closer to my son, and further from me. I find myself both enjoying that and disliking it at the same time.

  “Yeah, I’ll show him the way Ms. Danny.” Grabbing up my hand, he tugs me towards the door, but my eyes are on Daniella the entire time. As we walk past her, my free hand makes its way out and brushes against her arm. The electricity between us sending shivers through both of us at the touch.

  “Ms. Danny, I’ll see you again really soon, if I have anything to say about it. Thanks again for the pleasure of seeing you today and letting me come talk with Luke’s class.” And with that I am on my way out the door, being tugged behind an overly excited five year old.

  Chapter 7

  Ms. Ford

  It’s been three days since Mr. Miller, no Logan started, not really started but intensified the chaos in my brain. The way he spoke to me, touched me in my classroom, has made my thoughts run wild. And as momma always told me idle hands and me aren’t the greatest of friends. She was right, it seems that I have done little except submerge myself in work and trashy romance novels these last few days. Well that and the time I have spent under the covers thinking of the man, yikes! I even forgot to head into my doctor’s appointment on Thursday. Forcing me to wait and reschedule for next week.


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