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The Vampire's Bat

Page 3

by Tigertalez

  “Hi, Seamus.”

  Sea looked to his right and saw Paul trot up to him. “Hi, Paul. Everyone looks like they’re having a pretty good time. How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing great. I’m almost back to my old self. Still hurts to breathe too heavy though, and my arm doesn’t want to hold much weight, but Alphy says he’ll train me so I can gain my strength in my arms back.”

  “Good. I know I can trust Alphy to push you to your limit without going over it. Have you been playing on this equipment? I know you’re sixteen, but it is plenty large enough, and the use of the monkey bars, rock wall, and rope ladder are great at building strength and coordination.”

  “Yeah, a little bit. The kids are fun to tease and chase.”

  “I’ve been watching you and Reese since I’ve arrived here. You two are very similar in that you both are very social and great with kids.”

  “I like kids. When I get old enough, I want some of my own. What about you? Do you want kids?”

  Seamus looked back over the playground of laughing jovial faces and snickered. “Yes. I just hope the woman fate destines me for will, too.”

  “Why wouldn’t she? Everything I’ve learned about fate says that they are your perfect other half. If you want kids, I would think that is a pretty big thing to match.”

  “Sometimes. But the thing with fate is, she provides what is right for you, but some fight fate. When they do that, they hurt themselves and everyone around them whom they love.”

  Seamus was patching up the knee on one of the younger kids, a four-year-old boy, when Seamus spotted Henry returning after being relieved from Gavin. Seamus smiled at the young boy, who had little muddy streaks where his tears mixed with the dirt on his face. “There you go, all better now.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” the little boy’s innocent voice said cheerfully, and he trotted back to the playground.

  Seamus looked up as Henry approached. “Hi, Henry.”

  “Hi, Sea. That looked like Aden. Is he all right?”

  “Oh, he was fine, just fell and scraped his knee. Shifters his age may not need the Band-Aid because they heal just as fast as their parents, but they still want that caring attention like any other child their age. It’s about healing the shock and fear, not the boo-boo.”

  Henry snorted out. “Yes, true. I admit I was far more overprotective of Katie when she got any bump or scrape, but Sara had a few and always wanted me to kiss it better.”

  Seamus watched as Henry walked away and sought out his mate, Beverly, who was Slate’s mother. He watched with some bit of envy as Henry wrapped his arms around his mate and kissed her as if his next breath depended on it. Seamus wanted that with his own beloved. He really hoped Maysa was the one.

  The day grew hotter the closer it came to sunset. Seamus couldn’t help but keep a critical eye out for anyone getting dehydrated or overheated. But after a bit, Seamus got hungry and found his way over to the tables. He surveyed all the delicious foods that were laid out on them, buffet style. They had two tables for each type of food, salads, sides, entrées, and desserts. Along the porch, there were many camping water coolers in many different colors, offering many different drinks. The kegs, however, were over by the grill, where the adults could keep an eye on who tapped them. Inside the house, were many women, busy keeping the food on the tables. Shifters were big eaters. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw so much food.

  Instead of thinking of his own hunger, he thought of Maysa. Not wanting her to miss out on all these treats, he decided to load plates full of a little of everything, so she could decide what she wanted. If she can’t be here to celebrate, at least she can still taste a part of it. He took his first two plates up to the medical office. After placing them on the table, he returned to the tables to repeat his process.

  “Hey, Seamus, want help?”

  Seamus looked up to see Gale smiling at him. Standing quietly next to her was the new girl, Isa.

  “You’re picking things out for your beloved, right? We can help.” Without waiting for a response, Gale turned to Isa. “Isa, would you like to gather some desserts?” Isa nodded and immediately headed for a dessert table. Gale turned back to Seamus. “I’ll gather some side dishes. I think she might especially enjoy the baked beans. Betty made them, and ohhh, she knows what she’s doing.” Gale trotted over to the tables she mentioned, leaving Seamus still stunned at what was going on.

  With the girls’ help, his table in the infirmary was filled with full plates of every kind of food. The two women surveyed the bounty with him. “Thank you, ladies. She definitely has some options now. I don’t want the bugs to swarm, so I’ll sneak up here right before we leave, to open the window for her so she can enter while we’re out.”

  “We’ll get her won over in no time,” Gale said smugly. Seamus followed the girls back down the stairs, and they rejoined the happy event.

  Everyone in the pack had arrived long before sunset and was clearly having a great time. About an hour before sundown, Alphy ordered the hayride set up and readied. They started hooking up the tractor and trailer, and loaded pump thermoses of hot apple cider and hot chocolate. They were also bringing cookies and other finger desserts.

  Just as the sun started to set, Seamus saw Gavin had returned and was talking to Alphy. Concerned, he made his way over there.

  Alphy looked up at his approach. Seamus tried to appear relaxed as he asked them, “Is everything all right?”

  Gavin answered him. “She’s fine. I was just telling Alphy that after she bathed in a creek, she flew off, heading this way.”

  Jealously raged through Seamus’s body. His eyes turned a bit red, indicating his anger. Gavin’s eyes widened. “She was in her bat form, Sea. I didn’t see anything other than her bat form.”

  “Sea! Calm down,” Alphy ordered.

  Seamus closed his eyes and took a slow deep breath. After he opened them, he was calmer. “My apologies. It’s not often I lose my self-control.”

  Alphy had the audacity to chuckle. “That would be the mate-pull. I don’t know even one paranormal who didn’t lose control in one way or other when it came to their destined mate. Remember my parents? They were together for decades, and my father was just as possessive and jealous in regards to my mother as he was when they first got together, or so he had told me. I never understood how much restraint he actually had until I met Gale. All those things he said to me make perfect sense to me now. But you’re going to have to find a way to manage it, because if she’s watching us right now, you don’t want her to think you’re some raging psycho.”

  “Yes, you’re right. She’s already scared of me enough to not approach.”

  “I don’t think it’s really you that she might be afraid of, Sea,” Gavin said. “What if it’s someone else she’s afraid of? She could be afraid of bringing that danger to you, or she just could be so hurt by others, she just needs time to trust. She knew I was there, and even though she looked ready to bolt, she didn’t. I made myself look as unthreatening as I could. She might have even understood I was there to protect her.”

  Seamus appreciated Gavin’s encouragement. And as jealous as he was that Gavin had that time with her, he enjoyed learning more about her. The more I think about her, the more I believe she really is my beloved. Would I really have been that jealous of someone who wasn’t my intended?

  Gale approached and reached out her arm, curling around Alphy’s waist and accepting a quick kiss as greeting. “Hey, Honey-bear,” his low voice rumbled softly. “You about ready to go on the run?”

  “Yes, I can’t wait. I’m looking forward to some hot chocolate and a hayride.”

  Alphy turned to Gavin. “Start gathering everyone for the run. I’m going to make a little speech first so don’t put them on the wagon just yet.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Gavin said and took off.

  By the time the sun finally finished setting, and the final two pack-members joined them, Alphy leapt onto the back of the w
agon. Everyone quieted and turned their attention to him. “I hope everyone has had a fun day.” Everyone cheered. “Good. You all deserve it. One month doesn’t seem that long, but within that month we have started this pack and have grown to fifty-eight members.” Everyone applauded. “We have endured rival challenges, abductions, and several attacks. But, at the same time, we have been blessed with alliances, financial stability, destined matings, and a growing number of young ones.

  “I know we aren’t an ordinary pack. We are a mix of different kinds of paranormals as well as humans. That alone supplies challenges that will take patience and hard work to overcome. But as I lead us on our first pack run, I invite all of you to join. The more we stick together, the closer our bond, and with that, comes a stronger pack. That bond, that strength, will give us what we need to meet every challenge and claim victory over it.” Another cheer rose up from the crowd. “For those who don’t want to, or can’t, shift, the hayride will offer you the ability to still accompany us as part of the pack. For those who are shifting, you can put your clothes on the trailer. Any questions?” No answer. “Good, let’s go.”

  Everyone cheered again and separated. Some were already stripping to shift, while others helped load people onto the trailer.

  Gale leaned over to him and spoke low. “Uh, Sea, being the alpha’s mate, I’m more than a little embarrassed to have to ask this, but I don’t understand what makes a member and what doesn’t. Do you count couples as one, or two, and do you count the kids? And Nix had said something about Bronya’s parents.”

  Seamus turned and gave Gale a friendly smile. “In packs, you count all who can shift. In a coven, it’s all who have awakened. But we are a unique pack. Since we have some who aren’t paranormals, Alphy modified it slightly, adding humans of legal age. All others are considered dependents.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. So that means Reese is counted, but Paul isn’t? Paul’s a dependent?”


  “Gotchya. Thanks, Sea.”

  “Not a problem. I think Alphy wants to help you up onto the wagon. Let’s go get ourselves some hot drinks.”

  “I’m with ya on that. Yum. I love the idea of doing this every month.”

  Chapter Four

  Maysa hung from her feet, high up on a branch a few trees back from the tree line. She was able to hear the alpha’s speech from her perch. Now, as she listened to the excited children climbing up onto the back of the trailer, she thought over what he had said. None the least was just how long this pack had existed. From the sounds of it, they’ve already had enough trouble. I shouldn’t further endanger them, she thought. But her entire body rebelled at the thought of leaving the vampire. He was true to his word and didn’t try to approach me last night. And what of the badger? Was he sent to guard me? It had scared her, almost enough to flee, when she spotted the badger. One could sometimes tell by looking into their eyes, if they were animal or shifter. Her assumption was confirmed when she’d followed him to the edge of the clearing and saw him shift. But she hadn’t scented his human side while he was shifted. So odd. Maybe an effect from the experiments? Could I be wrong about the vampire? Could he really be my mate? He says I might be.

  Before she and her family had been abducted, she had worked around needles all day in a lab. But now, the idea of needle-like fangs coming near her sent shivers of revulsion through her body. Still, if he’s my mate … fate wouldn’t make a mistake, right? How can I let him taste my blood without letting him bite me? I can’t even stand needles. Maysa brushed her thoughts aside, to question later, and prepared to follow the pack as it started making its way along a path into the trees. She was able to see several kinds of shifters. Most were elk, and there were a few bears and wolves. She noted a lion and recognized the badger trotting beside him. One shifter scared her. He was a giant snake that was well over thirty feet. She guessed he was in the forty foot range.

  As they were being pulled through the trees, the group in the tractor chatted and laughed excitedly, as the mix of shifters in their animal forms ventured around them along the trail. She watched the alpha show patience, care, and even benevolence toward the underage shifters as they romped and bounded around him. As she followed, she was careful to watch out for the hawk, eagle, and two gargoyles. They were the ones who she feared the most. But as the evening progressed, she began to wonder if they already knew she was following them.

  This is ridiculous. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep running, and I’m tired of being alone and scared. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She harshly lectured herself. Making up her mind, she flew off towards the homestead. I’m not ready to be around all those people, but I’ll wait for Seamus to come back and I’ll talk to him. Maysa arrived at the window to the upstairs apartment above the garage. The window was open, so she landed and shifted, stepping inside the dwelling. The table before her was loaded with plates, all full of food. A note stuck out from underneath one of the plates that bordered on the edge. The note hung down over the side of the table.

  Dearest Maysa,

  Your name is beautiful. I look forward to meeting you whenever you’re ready. Please eat and enjoy the food. I hear the baked beans are extraordinary.



  Maysa looked again at the bounty. “Huh, they sure do make a lot of food. Where do I even start?” She smiled at that.

  Maysa was savoring the taco salad when she heard the tractor approaching. Suddenly knots formed in her stomach, and she fought the urge not to puke, or flee. I am not letting my fear rule me! Still, her heart started to thump hard in her chest.

  As quietly as she could, Maysa moved around the medical equipment, looking for something to wear. I don’t care who he is, I’m not meeting anyone naked. She realized how silly that sounded, as she was a shifter and she had been sitting at the table naked for two nights in a row, but right now she felt vulnerable enough.

  She found a closet with shirts hanging in it. Grabbing one, she wrapped it around and buttoned it up. It smelled like him, and she really liked that it draped down to her knees. She felt relaxed and more secure.

  Making her way back over to the window, she peered out. It was late, and she could hear laughter as many were packing up their kids and leftover food before leaving. They’re mixed, and yet they’re so happy. Could they really have been through so much already, and still be so happy? Doubt started to creep up on her.

  Before she could think any further on it, she heard footsteps ascending on the stairs. She turned and gripped the back of the chair she had sat in. She needed to hold to something to steady herself or she was afraid she would give into her fear to shift and fly away. Maybe putting on a shirt was a bad idea, she thought. All the shifters she knew hated being tangled in their clothes.

  Before she could do or think of anything further, the door opened. In walked a man who looked absolutely stunning to her. She thought he stood tall, but nearly every man was taller than she was. His short, wavy hair was a light red, like strawberry blond. His build, she could tell, was strong but sleeker than many of the others she had seen tonight. That was good. It made him less intimidating but still strong enough to protect her. Fierce attraction zinged through her, and her bat fluttered with approval beneath her skin.

  He stopped instantly as he saw her. “Hello.”

  His voice made her pussy quiver and dampen. Holy cripes. And that was only one word. “Hi.” It felt like she was trying to talk with her heart in her throat.

  The man, or vampire, slowly closed the door but didn’t move any further. She figured he didn’t want to scare her. Good. Okay, now what? She tried to think as she started to feel awkward.

  “You must be Maysa. I’m Seamus. Have you been able to eat anything?”

  “Uh, just a little. You’re right, the beans were the best I’ve tasted.”

  Seamus gave her a true smile that reached his eyes, and showed off his fangs. She couldn’t stop the gasp at seeing them, or the f
ear that followed. Seamus must have sensed her fear because the smile immediately dropped.

  “I promise I will not do anything to harm you, or force myself on you. You are safe with me, Maysa.” She could see the hurt in his eyes as he spoke, and that in turn hurt her. She didn’t want to make him lose his smile because of her.

  “I know, ah, or I think do. And I’m sorry. I…” Her words froze in her throat. Seamus just tilted his head but didn’t push. Grateful for not being rushed, or pressured, she gathered herself and continued. “I am a clinical laboratory scientist and a certified phlebotomist. I used to deal with needles all the time until…” Maysa felt her emotions start to overrun her. Seamus must have seen her panic.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me right now if you don’t want to. How about we just sit down and enjoy some more of that food, and if it would make you feel more comfortable, you can ask me questions about anything. Perhaps that will help you.”

  Maysa started getting control back over her breathing. Nodding her head, she fought her frozen limbs to move just enough to sit down on the chair she had a white-knuckled grip on.

  Seamus slowly walked forward and sat in a chair across from her. Looking around the table, he asked, “What don’t you want to eat?”

  Maysa looked at some barbecue wings and pointed to them.

  “Then I will eat them.” He made a space for the plate and placed it in front of him. As he picked up a wing, Maysa looked down at her taco salad so she wouldn’t see his fangs. She grabbed the fork that she had been using and slowly proceeded to finished her helping.

  “So what would you like to know first?” he asked between mouthfuls.

  Maysa shrugged. “Uh, is it true that the pack has only been together for a month?”

  “Mm,” he hummed around a chicken bone. After swallowing his bite, he answered. “Yes. Alphy’s aunt Betty is actually the last of a once large sleuth that resided here. She had kept the territory rights waiting to rebuild it back up. Alphy lost his parents and needed to take custody of his two younger siblings and had nowhere else to go.” Seamus chuckled. “She dubbed him the alpha here the first night he was here, and the next morning, he met his mate.”


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