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The Vampire's Bat

Page 4

by Tigertalez

  Maysa let her shock show. “Wow, that’s fast. So how did it get so big so fast?”

  “Yes, you’ll figure out things move along fast around here. Anyway, Alphy’s mate and her family were running from her stepfather’s alpha. Alphy defeated him in a challenge. But the alpha he defeated had been ghastly towards his herd. He stole everything from them, abused them, and made them feel pretty defeated. Alphy had already claimed this territory, and his bear refused to even hear of living any place else. Not that I blame him, it’s wonderful here. So Alphy took everything in the herd’s account and divided up between them, then told them to choose for themselves where they wanted to go. Many of them followed him here.

  “He’s a good alpha and has been really good to everyone. It was so good to see them laughing like they were tonight. They really needed it, and so did Alphy and the others.”

  “Yes, he said you have survived much already.”

  Seamus looked at her as if studying her before he spoke. “I’ve known Alphy for nearly my whole life. He lives his life with the belief that fate gives us the tools we need for a job we need to fulfill in life. He’s a very strong and powerful alpha shifter. He is about as strong as they can get. His time in the military actually polished and enhanced his skills. He has also seen a need for a safe haven for all paranormals. That is what he wants this place to be.”

  Maysa looked down and poked at her food. “Safe haven,” she mumbled as her doubt pushed at her. She really didn’t think any place was a safe haven for her. The people who were after her were just too powerful.


  She looked up at her softly spoken name. A look of understanding seemed to play across the beautiful man’s face.

  “I don’t know what you are running from, but please trust us, trust me, to be able to help you.”

  Maysa looked down again and moved the food around on her plate as she fought back the tears that started to flood her eyes. Her chin trembled with the effort. The tears having won, they rolled down her enflamed cheeks. Maysa wiped them away with the side of her hand. “I am from the Philippines. I have an aunt who became a mail-order bride. She lucked out with a pretty wealthy husband, and paid for my education in the States. After I graduated, I flew back home and started working at a lab.

  “In my country, they hunt my kind, the flying foxes. They wipe out whole colonies at a time. Some believe we are the vessel for demons. There are families who devote their lives to hunting us.

  “A group of Americans arrived, asking to use some of our lab space and equipment. They offered a good deal amount of money, so it was allowed. They had heard about the rumors and wanted to investigate. I followed them and saw them asking around until they found some of the people that hunted us, and offered them money to bring us in alive. I tried to stop them. I tried to protect my family, but they captured all of us.” Maysa stopped to catch her breath. She battled her sobs as she recalled the horrific event.

  “You said you were afraid of needles. Did they experiment on you?”

  Maysa looked up at the doctor. His tone matched his face. He was angry and disgusted, but she knew it wasn’t at her. She nodded. “For the next six months, we were poked, and drugged and were even subjected to experimental surgeries. They found a way to force us to…” Maysa took another breath and blew it out before continuing. “They forced us to shift, then back again.”

  “Oh my deities!”

  Maysa paused and looked up at Seamus. She raised a brow in question at his choice in words. He looked down briefly and shrugged. “I have a thing against saying God’s name in vain. It feels like I am just asking to be cursed. I find changing some of my swear words up, at times, can actually get someone’s attention more. It got you to get some more control over yourself, didn’t it?” He smiled at her, but was careful not to let his fangs show. “Please, you were saying?” Seamus urged her to continue her story.

  Maysa gave a lopsided grin and huffed. Her smile slowly fell, and she continued. “Yeah, they figured us out, and not just me and my family, but others, too. They had other kinds of shifters there. Then, about two weeks ago, one of the interns got cocky and thought I was unconscious, and took me out with his hands, only he tripped and dropped me. He tried to catch me, and he almost did, but I was finally able to fly up high and out a barred window just as others swarmed the room to help. They hired some kind of bounty hunter to track me and take me back, but the guy who’s hunting me is a real evil piece of work. I have no doubt he plans on taking me back dead, not that I want to go back alive.”

  Seamus gave her a sharp look. “I won’t let him touch you, and you are not going to die. You won’t be going back, I’ll make sure of it. You are safe here, Maysa.”

  Maysa looked at him with watery eyes. “I left my family behind. I didn’t even try to help them. They’ve been tortured this whole time I’ve been gone, and I have been too afraid to ask anyone for help.”

  Seamus gave her a sympathetic look. “You didn’t have any hope of helping them if you were caught. You took the one chance you had, and that was courageous. You are here now, and we are going to help you and your family. They have hope, Maysa. You have given me trust, and I won’t let you down. And I assure you, Alphy won’t either. Do you remember where this lab is?”

  “Kind of. It was in the States. I crossed the border to try to slow the bounty hunter down enough to get some distance from him. I don’t really know how far north I really am, or where I am at all, other than Canada.”

  “You are near Bancroft. How about you get a little more to eat, and we can go lie down for the night. We can tell Alphy your story tomorrow morning.”

  Panic started to beat faster in her chest again. Seamus looked worried. “What is it?”

  “I really don’t know if I’m ready to be around a lot of people, and there are a lot of people in the house.”

  “Ah, okay, well, every morning Alphy has a meeting with his inner circle. Would it be all right if they came up here for the meeting? It will only be just them, and I promise none of them will harm you. We have all been concerned for you.”

  Maysa nodded her acceptance. “Okay, I think.” She whispered the last part. She really didn’t want to push herself to be around people, but remembering her family was still in that hell, motivated her to overcome her anxieties, just a little, just enough.

  “Please eat some more. I’m going to call Alphy and tell him to meet up here tomorrow, while I clean this up.”

  She watched him take out his cell as he started cleaning off the table of the things she wouldn’t want. She listened to the conversation as she savored a cherry cheesecake.

  “What is it, Sea?” The alpha’s voice sounded a bit gruff. She cringed.

  “Alphy, I need to ask if you would have the morning meeting up here. And if you could bring Tyler.”

  “Okay, you gonna give me a bone at least?”

  “I’m here with Maysa. She is still too timid to face everyone in the house, but what she just told me is important, very important. And it’s big.”

  “How big?”

  Maysa could hear the trepidation in his voice. Her stomach started to knot. Will he refuse to help? Will he turn me away?

  “The same size as our other quandary.”

  “All right, bright and early, we’ll all be there. Hey, Sea?”


  “Is she your beloved?”

  “I don’t know, and it will be a while before I can find out. She’s afraid of needles.”

  Silence filled the line until he heard Alphy let out a heavy sigh. “Shit. Sorry, Sea. We’ll do whatever it takes to help out. See you in the morning.”

  “Thank you. Good night.” Seamus plopped the device onto the counter and proceeded to clear off the table.

  Maysa looked at Seamus, worried. He gave her an encouraging look. “Everything will be okay. Try to relax. Eat some more and as soon as you’re done, I’ll show you to a bed.”

  The next ten minutes,
Seamus made sure she ate more than she really felt she should have while he continued to place food in containers, placing them in the fridge, and whipping down the counters and table. Her stomach ached from eating so much, but truth be told, at least to herself, she enjoyed him caring for her, and she really enjoyed the food.

  She gave him a reassuring look. “I really can’t eat another bite.”

  “Good, I want to make sure you are well cared for. You can use the hospital bed in the other room. It is all set up. If you want to stay in my shirt, I don’t mind. I actually like seeing you in it.”

  Maysa felt her whole body blush at his compliment. “Thank you.” She moved closer to him as she followed him into the other room. She looked around at the large space. The bed and medical dressers didn’t crowd the room, even with a room divider. She could see a bed she assumed must be his, behind the partition.

  “I sleep on a bed on the other side, but if you are uncomfortable with me being so close, I will move it into the other space.”

  “No, I want you near.” She blushed again at her admission. “I will feel safer with you near.”

  Seamus brightened at her confession and held the blankets up on the hospital bed for her to crawl under. Once she was in place, he tucked her in, but not too tight. After turning off the lights, he walked behind the partition. She could hear fabric rustle as he climbed into his own bed. His scent surrounded her, and even though she’d slept all day, she felt full and relaxed, quickly succumbing to the pull of her fatigue.

  Chapter Five

  Seamus had a difficult time sleeping. His head was filled with worry and excitement. The worry was obvious, but he consoled himself on that subject knowing he could keep her safe now that she’s here with him. After all, I’m not alone. I’ve got the pack backing me. But the excitement he felt was bittersweet.

  It had been a complete surprise to him when he’d walked in and seen her standing there in his space. In fact, he couldn’t deny his attraction to her as he nearly swallowed his tongue at seeing her for the first time. And seeing her wearing one of his shirts had evoked powerful feelings of possessiveness. She had chosen one of his white shirts, which contrasted sharply, but pleasantly, against her olive skin and straight black hair. The sight of her had caused his dick to hit painfully against his fly. It nearly swamped her petite frame and hung low from her long slender neck. But he could easily see in her almond shaped brown eyes, just how afraid she was of his fangs. It put a kink in his plans to taste her. Damn. All in all, Seamus rejoiced that she was in his home. That was a step in the right direction at least.

  Seamus’s mind mulled over what she had told him. Someone with money was funding experiments on shifters. Could they have used a drug to force the shift? Drugs …could this have any connection to the S.I.S.? No, how could it? She said she was in the States. But Councilman Daily is an American, and he had seemed like he was waiting for the S.I.S. agents to arrive with Havana. Seamus couldn’t shut off his mind. It flooded with questions that he couldn’t answer and possibilities that seemed farfetched and ridiculous. But in spite of its absurdity, he couldn’t bring himself to dismiss it so easily.

  Just feet away, he could hear her breathing even out and knew she was sleeping. Knowing she was comfortable enough to sleep near him allowed him to relax a bit, but by the time morning started to creep through the windows, brightening the room, Seamus felt haggard. He did manage a slight slumber, but his body protested to rising with the shining. He crept as quietly as he could towards the bathroom, but as he passed by her bed, Maysa jerked awake and sat up abruptly.

  “Easy, Maysa. I’m only going to the bathroom. I’m sorry I startled you. I tried not to disturb you.”

  Maysa rubbed her palms into her eyes before answering. “It’s okay. I haven’t slept well since I was abducted, and especially since I escaped. I must admit though, I slept better last night than I have since my abduction. That’s something at least, right?”

  Even though her proclamation made perfect sense, Seamus was surprised nonetheless. He tried to hide his shock, and anger, that she had to endure such trauma. “Yes. I’m very pleased you felt safe enough to have had a better night’s sleep. Alphy and the others get up before dawn, to get their reports from our gargoyle friends who patrol at night, so they start their day pretty early. I’m afraid that means they will be here pretty soon. Would you like to use the bathroom first? I can use that time to, perhaps, find you something more appropriate to wear.” Seamus didn’t want her to feel like it was an inconvenience for her to go first. His need to provide for her was riding him more strongly than any other urges.

  “Oh, um, okay.” Maysa’s delicate tanned legs swung over the side of the hospital bed as she hurried for the bathroom. Seamus’s dick tented the front of his shorts. As she passed, his mouth watered, and his sensitive fangs ached to sink into her. Not wanting to scare her, he held still until he heard the snick of the door being closed softly behind him. Damn, she’s beautiful.

  Quickly thinking what to get her to wear, an idea occurred to him. Grabbing his cell, he looked over his favorites list, tapping on who he wanted and hit send. He held the phone between his ear and shoulder as he took some leftovers out of the fridge for her to eat.

  Nix’s cheerful greeting came through the line. “Mornin’, Sea. Alphy was just telling us about you. What can I do for you?”

  Seamus grabbed a plate from the dishwasher and a fork and took them to the table. “Could you, perhaps, ask Bronya if I could borrow some clothes from her? Maysa has none, and Bronya is the closest to her size.”

  “Sure. Shorts? Sweats? Or actual jeans?”

  “Something comfortable. How about shorts? I can tell it’s going to be another warm day today, and that storm we’re expecting won’t reach here until later tonight.” Seamus finished setting a place at the table, and had some leftovers set around it for her to choose from.

  “Will do. I’ll grab them real quick and beat these guys up there.”

  Seamus cut the connection just as Maysa exited the bathroom. “I got out some of the leftovers. Go ahead and start eating. I’ll be right back out when I’m done.”

  Seamus had just exited the bathroom and was by the table, ready to ask Maysa something when he heard a knock on the door. He saw Maysa’s posture go rigid, and she stopped eating.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s just one of my friends with some clothes for you. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He was relieved to see her shoulders relax a little, but she still didn’t touch her food.

  When Seamus opened the door, he was a little surprised to see Bronya at Nix’s side, but he didn’t turn her away. Maybe another female presence will help calm Maysa. The guys can be intimidating even to other guys. He quickly ushered them in with a smile and a greeting. “Thank you for doing this. Maysa, this is Nix and his mate, Bronya. Nix, Bronya, this is Maysa.”

  Nix smiled warmly. “Good morning, Maysa.”

  Bronya greeted her happily but calmly. “Hi, Maysa. I adore your name. Sea mentioned you and I are about the same size, so I brought you something to wear. You’re a bit more petite than I am, but I think what I brought should be good enough.”

  Maysa gave a grateful smile, and both girls disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

  “Wow, Sea, she really is a little thing. I thought my mate was small.”

  Seamus spoke as quietly as he could. “I don’t think all of it is genetics. She’s been through a lot, Nix.” He couldn’t hide his concern for her that came through his facial features.

  Nix looked at him and gave a look of sympathy. He spoke just as quietly. “Well she is here now. We all will help take care of her and keep her safe. Bronya even brought some new undergarments she had recently bought and hadn’t worn yet. Do you know yet if she’s your mate?”

  Seamus shook his head. “She’s been through hell and is now afraid of needles.”

  Nix grimaced. “Is that why we’re going to have the meeti
ng up here?”

  “Partly. She has a story to tell, but she isn’t ready to face the swarm in the house. I’m glad you brought Bronya. I was thinking maybe we can ask her to stay for the meeting for Maysa’s sake. It’s going to be super hard for her to be around all the guys.”

  “Bronya is meeting her parents to do some more work and planning on the airfield while they’re up here. They are heading back to Toronto later today. But we can ask Gale.”

  Seamus nodded. Gale was a good choice. Not only was she the Alpha’s mate, she was smart and caring. Nix sent a text to Alphy as the girls stepped from the room. Bronya went to her mate, and to Seamus’s delight, Maysa came and stood by him.

  “You remember what I told you, Maysa,” Bronya said kindly. She turned her face up to look at Nix. “I’ve gotta run.” Nix gave her a slow and sweet kiss before she pulled away and headed out.

  Seamus turned to Maysa. “I’m curious, what did she tell you?”

  Maysa shrugged and looked down. “Just girl stuff.”

  Seamus tentatively reached for her hand, holding his palm side up next to hers, giving her the opportunity to refuse. He hid his surprise but not his delight, when she placed hers in his without hesitation. It was warm and soft, and her touch was light. He let his fingers curl gently around her delicate hand. “We invited the alpha’s mate, Gale to the meeting. I am worried you will get too unsettled with all the guys and thought another girl here would help you feel less intimidated. Is that okay with you?”

  Maysa silently nodded, and all three sat down at the table to eat more of the barbecue leftovers while they waited for the others. They didn’t have to wait long. Maysa tensed next to him, and he could scent her fear rising as the heavy pounding of everyone’s feet plodded up the stairs and the low rumbles of voices added to the heavy sounds.


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