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Found by Love

Page 14

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "Don't tempt me! The fight was with his cousin and the kids parents are already up there trying to take BOTH of them home and Grayson is throwing a fit. You can drive but you better drive fast!"

  "I can already tell that this isn't going to end well. I hope I have enough bail money on me to bail you out of jail!"

  "Oh shut up and drive!"

  I kept looking at him and maybe I do look like I might kill someone because he looked away and dropped his chin against his chest with an apologetic look on his face.

  "Yes ma'am!"


  Caleb and I pull up to the school and the truck hadn't even stopped before I jumped out and started heading for the main entrance of the school.

  "Claudia! Slow down! Don't you dare walk in there without me. Calm down a little bit baby."

  I turn around and he is glaring at me and I see him gritting his teeth and his body is all tensed up.

  "Then hurry up and don't you dare tell me to calm down."

  I turn around and patiently wait for him to catch up. When he did he grabbed my hand and encircled our fingers and raised my hand up and kissed the top of my hand.

  "We have to go in there as a united front Cru... They're going to try to goad you and don't let them. Be calm because our main objective is to take Grayson home as peacefully as possible. Okay sweetheart?"

  That's code for don't go in there acting like a bull in a china shop Cruella, which was exactly what I was about to do. I hate when he's right sometimes but he's right. My way was not the way to go when all that I want to do is go inside and strangle Meredith and Roger Stevens.

  "Okay... You're right. Maybe you should be the one to talk to everyone. I just want to knock someone's teeth out and make sure that my boy is okay because the principal said he has some scrapes and bruises." I see the look of shock on his face and realize that I hadn't told him about what the principal said about his appearance. "Can we please go in? I'm dying to hold my son."

  "Geez Claud! Why didn't you tell me he might be hurt? Come on! I'm going to kill somebody!” So much for calm, cool and collected. Which one of us was supposed to be calm now?

  We walk into the school and I hear screaming and yelling coming from the office area to the right. I didn't even stop at the receptionist area and walked straight up to the principal’s office and opened the door. What I saw when I walked into the room about ripped my heart out. My 10 year old son was standing in the corner of the room with his back to the wall with tears running down his cheeks.

  A woman that I am assuming is Meredith is standing over him with her finger in his face and screaming at him and unaware that I've entered the room.

  The principal takes one look at me and motions for the crazy woman to shut up. Roger comes up and stands next to Caleb sizing him up and one look from Caleb had him walking away and cowering on the couch next to his son the bully.

  Grayson finally realized that I was in the room and I could see the relief in his eyes as I walked towards him getting between him and Meredith. I pulled him into my arms and held him and turned around and faced the evil woman with Grayson behind me.

  This is who called me a white trashed twit? The same woman with her overly bleached blonde hair that looks so brittle that fried would be the best term? I don't think I've ever seen anyone as tan as this woman and if I were her doctor I would tell her to stop. I was about to tell her just that but she got up into my face.

  "Well looky here... If it's not the white trash twit that changed her mind about tossing out the trash. You do realize that when you throw things away you're not supposed to ask for them back right?"

  Grayson wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could and that was the only thing keeping me from throttling this woman. I can't be immature about this in front of my son. I look over at the principal and smile as I walk around Meredith while still holding onto Grayson.

  "Hello Mr. Jacobs, thank you so much for calling me. Is there anything that I need to sign so that we can leave?"

  He started to answer me but then he paused and looked behind me. I turned around and Roger wasn't cowering over by the couch anymore. He's right behind me and Caleb has moved in between us with anger in his eyes while staring Roger down.

  "You need to get back over there by your son Mr. Stevens."

  Caleb's back is to me but I didn't have to look at his face to know that he was on the verge of hurting Roger because I could tell by the growl in his voice. I look around him to see if Roger is going to do what he said but he's not budging.

  "I'm sorry but this is none of your business and I don’t know who you seem to think you are. You’re nobody to Grayson and he’s our family. Not yours." He tried to move past Caleb but Caleb stopped him by putting his hand on his chest but Roger still wasn’t budging. "You best move your hand or I'm going to call the police. I want to talk to Grayson and there's nothing either of you can do about it!"

  I pulled Grayson in closer to me because I didn't like the desperate look that came over Roger's face. Caleb moved closer to us in a protective move but within a second Grayson was ripped out of my arms by Meredith. I turn around and Grayson is screaming and trying to pull away from her and I see her pulling back on his arm, I know that if she keeps it up she's going to break my baby's arm.

  "You need to go back to Oregon you tramp! Everything was fine and dandy until you got into the picture. Grayson belongs WITH US and we are taking him home!"

  I look into Grayson's eyes and I can tell that she's hurting him from the crocodile tears that are falling down his cheeks. I look over at the principal and he's standing in absolute shock at what's going on right before his eyes.

  "Mr. Jacobs? Do you think you could call the police or security or SOMEONE TO COME HELP US?!"

  He nodded his head and picked up the phone. I turn back around to Meredith and she continues to twist Grayson's arm as he tries to pull away. I hear Caleb and Roger in the middle of a screaming match and then Caleb is knocked into me which pushes me into the desk. This is when I realized that Roger punched him. Oh my God! Where did these crazy people come from?

  I look behind me and Caleb lunged towards Roger and knocked him to the ground and punched him and knocked him out. Okay... one down and one to go.

  "Meredith! Let go of my son you crazy bitch!!! NOW!! You're going to break his arm if you don't let go! Leave Grayson out of this and you and I can handle this like ladies! If that's even possible for YOU!

  She grinned at me and then twisted his arm even harder which caused Grayson to yell out and I lunged forward and punched her square in the nose. She screamed and let go of Grayson before I shoved her into the wall.

  "I asked you NICELY you evil bitch! Don't you ever, EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN!"

  "Grayson! Grayson! Breathe buddy... BREATHE!" I turned around and Caleb is bent over him and my heart dropped at what I saw. I got her away from him and now he's really hurt. I jump down onto the ground next to him and I see that he's barely breathing but is unconscious.

  "What happened? Oh my God! Grayson! Open your eyes baby... Open your eyes." I look at his arm and its already bruising where Meredith was grabbing him but other than that he looks fine. I lean forward to get closer to him so that I could pull him up and Caleb stopped me with his hand.

  "Don't move him Baby. I think he got the air knocked out of him when he hit his head. He busted his head open when he fell. See?" He pointed at a little pool of blood behind his head that I didn't notice. I immediately put my hand to my mouth and choked on a sob and Caleb pulled me into his arms. "He's breathing baby. That's what matters, okay? He's going to be alright."

  "I've already called the police and an ambulance." I looked up at Mr. Jacobs and he seems to be as shocked as I am because his face is pale. "I'm sorry; I never in a million years would have thought that anything like this would have happened. I've known the Stevens' for years. I don't know what has gotten into them." I could care less how long he's known them and if they've ever acted like
this before. He could have handled this situation way differently than he did and could have at least helped us instead of having us end up resorting into fighting them.

  I reach down and pull Grayson's hand towards my heart and lean down and push his bangs to the side. He looks so peaceful and too.... Still. I keep checking to make sure that he's breathing and he is but it seems shallow to me. Where is the damn ambulance?

  "I just want to know one thing you twit! Why put a kid up for adoption if you always planned on trying to get him back? Roger and I were taking good care of him before you came along. We were all a happy family and you just had to come and ruin everything." Mr. Jacobs finally decided to grow a pair and address her for what she did.

  "Meredith! If I were you I would shut up and not say another word. Because of you that little boy is unconscious and I will tell the police everything that happened in here and there's nothing that you can do but pray to God that you're not in jail for a very long time."

  I know if I look at her I'm going to get up and punch her again. I keep looking at Grayson and try to mentally give him some strength. My baby boy! Please be alright! I don't think I can handle something bad happening to him and I know I could never be able to handle losing him not once but twice! I hear sirens coming in the distance.

  "Baby they're almost here to help you. Just hang on baby... You're going to be alright. Hang on baby! Momma's here!"

  Oh my God! Please don't let him die! Please! My dream is for him to call me Mom or Momma or Mommy and I have yet to hear him call me that. Please God PLEASE! Please don't take my baby after everything we've gone through to find each other again.

  I hear the police and paramedics come in and Caleb and I move out of the way so that the paramedics can get to Grayson. I can barely compose myself and Caleb is holding me up before I collapse. He leans down and kisses my temple and whispers in my ear.

  "Baby... He's going to be fine. I think he just got the wind knocked out of him. I need to call Cash or Mattie because I think I'm probably going to get arrested."

  What? I panic and look up at him and see a bruise forming on his cheek. I had completely forgotten about him and Roger fighting. I look over at Roger and he's talking to the police with vengeance in his eyes and keeps pointing at Caleb. I bury my head into his chest while he's on the phone with Cash. I can't handle this by myself! Waiting at the hospital for news on Grayson all alone without anyone with me terrifies me to death.

  I hear Grayson cry out and I pull away from Caleb and lean down over the paramedics.

  "Mom? Dad? Where'd you go? Mom? Dad?" Oh my sweet boy! His voice is music to my ears and he called me MOM! And Caleb DAD!

  "Grayson, honey... Caleb and I are right here Baby. Oh you gave us quite a scare. How are you feeling?"

  "My head hurts real bad and I can't move my arm because it hurts. Did you see my Mom and Dad? They were just here. Where'd they go Claudia? I can't see them anymore."

  Oh... He wasn't calling me Mom... He saw her when he was unconscious. I hide my hurt feelings because right now that is not important; right now I need to know if he's alright. I look over at the paramedic.

  "Is he alright? Do you think his arm is broken?"

  "I'm not a doctor ma'am but yes, I think it's broken and he's going to need a few stitches on the back of his head but other than that he seems fine. We need to get him to the hospital though to have him checked out. Are you a relative? Did his parents leave him like this?"

  "No... They passed away a few months ago. I'm his... His birth mother and I have custody of him. Can I ride in the ambulance with you? I don't want to let him out of my sight."

  I sensed a hesitation in him and he looked around the room and I can imagine that he's trying to figure out what all happened in here. I'm having problems trying to wrap my brain around it myself. I hear Caleb say my name and I look over and my anger comes back at what I see. The policeman is handcuffing him and Roger and Meredith. I get up and walk over to Caleb.

  "Why are they arresting you? You were just defending us!" I look over at the officer. "He didn't do anything wrong officer. He was just protecting me and my child. Please let him go! Please!"

  "Ma'am... The principal already told me what happened but Mr. Stevens is filing charges against him for assault and I am only doing my job. Mrs. Stevens tried to get me to file charges against you as well but if you hadn't have intervened like you did, your son could have been hurt worse than he is now. She has a long road ahead of her with the charges the DA will be filing against her. I will let you tell your fiancé goodbye. He said his brother was on his way to bail him out so he won't be there long. Good luck ma'am and I pray for your son to be okay."

  He walked away to give Caleb and I a minute alone. The paramedics are getting Grayson situated on the gurney so I don't have much time before we leave. I can't believe how this day has gone. I can't hold back my tears that continue to fall and I put my arms around Caleb's waist and breathe in his glorious scent.

  "Cru.... Everything is going to be alright. Cash is on his way to bail me out so I won't be there for very long. You need to focus on Grayson babe... Don't worry about me because it's not my first time in the slammer." This surprises me and I realize that there's a lot that we both went through in the years we weren't involved in each other’s lives. I look up into his eyes and I see love and worry in them and my heart melted on the spot and more tears fell.

  "You keep this up Nerd Boy and I'm going to have to change your nickname to Bad Boy." I rested my head against his chest to draw strength from him and maybe give him some back in return. "Thank you for protecting us. You are definitely my knight in shining armor. I'm so sorry-" I got too choked up to finish what I was saying and wished more than anything that he could put his arms around me so I hugged him even tighter and reached up and gave him a soft kiss.

  "Baby... This isn't your fault. I'll head up to the hospital as soon as I get out okay? Please don't cry... You're killing me Cru! This was NOT your fault!" I grin at him because that's exactly where my head was going. I reach up and wipe my tears away and give him my famous fake smile.

  "You know me well huh? Right now I have to make sure that Grayson is okay. I'll see you when you get out. Please stay out of trouble and don't let anyone named Bubba jump you. And stay out of the shower room." I winked at him and heard him chuckle my name under his breath as I walked out of the room following Grayson and the paramedics outside.

  When we all got outside of the school and started heading towards the ambulance I saw Roger and Meredith waiting to get put in the police cars. As I'm getting in behind the paramedic I hear Meredith start screaming at me.

  "This isn't over with you bitch!!! We will see you in court!!!"

  The back door slammed on her last word thank God! I dare that evil woman to even think about trying to take my son away from me. She'll be lucky by the time this is over with to not lose her own children by the time the courts are through with her.


  "Olivia!! This waiting is killing me! How long does it take to set a broken wrist and pop an arm back into place anyway? I'm going crazy here, O!"

  I've been at the hospital for two hours now and the emergency room orthopedic doctor took one look at Grayson and took him straight to surgery. He even told me not to worry! Did he not see the crazy look on my face? Of course I'm worried! My baby is hurt and hurt bad and I'm in a town where I don't know a soul and I'm having to deal with this all by myself.

  "Claud... Breathe Claud. Try to calm down or you're going to have to be admitted yourself and you're not going to be able to get Grayson through this." Calm down? How does she expect me to calm down? She lowered her voice and started talking to me like a child. "Claudia... Sweetie... Focus on my voice, okay? Go sit down somewhere away from everyone and just breathe."

  Her voice is very soothing and somehow she got through to me. I notice there's no one in the surgery waiting room so I find a chair in the corner and sit down and just breathe. In a
nd out… in and out… in and out. I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes.

  "Okay...I'm starting to calm down. I'm sorry I sounded like a psycho. When you said I better watch it or they'd admit me were you talking about the psyche ward or ICU in case I stroked out?"

  "I was talking about the psyche ward of course because you're bat shit crazy half the time! I'm so sorry that you're there by yourself. If it weren't for the short notice I would have had Mom watch the kids but Cash left straight from the office. Have they gotten there yet?" I look at my watch and it has been two and half hours now and the guys should be showing up any time. I have never needed a hug in my life more than I need one now.

  "No they haven't and I think that's my biggest problem. O, you should have seen Caleb. He truly is a knight in shining armor and he tried to protect us until that crazy woman grabbed Grayson out of my arms when I got distracted by Roger punching him."

  "You sound surprised Claud... Did you expect him to just stand there and allow them to try to hurt you or Grayson?"

  "Well no... I mean... Well... He's a giant of a man and holy shit he's built like a gladiator but he's such a teddy bear and such a kid at heart but I've just never pictured him being... Well... Mean to anyone." She giggled on the other end.

  "There's a difference between being ‘mean’ as you say and protecting the ones that you love. Remember when you were protecting me last year at the New Year's Eve party? It's just what people do in circumstances like that. He's still your... What'd you call him? Your, TEDDY BEAR?! Haha-" She has such a loud laugh which gets me to laughing along with her. She's doing such a good job of distracting me from worrying.

  "O! You know I love ya right?"

  "Yes I do and I love you too! Am I helping at all? I know you're going crazy right now and I'm just trying to calm you down before you rip some heads off from some nurses."


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