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Found by Love

Page 15

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  Speaking of nurses... Grayson's surgical nurse walked in without me realizing it and was standing in front of me.

  "Ms. Porter? The doctor wanted me to let you know that Grayson came through the surgery fine and is in recovery." Oh thank you God!!!

  "Can I see him now? Has he asked for me?" She shook her head no and motioned for me to follow her.

  "Not yet ma'am but he should be ready for visitors within the hour. We are still waiting for him to come out of the anesthesia. I'll come get you when he wakes up. He's going to be in a lot of pain when he wakes up but he'll have a morphine drip for the first few hours and you should be able to take him home by tomorrow evening." I shocked her and put my arms around her and gave her a big hug. I was so happy I couldn't contain myself.

  "Thank you so much for letting me know. I'll be in here waiting for you to let me know when I can go see him." She nodded her head and smiled and patted my hand and walked down the corridor. I forgot that I still had the phone to my ear and jumped when Olivia said something.

  "Well, that's a relief! I told you he would be fine Claudia. Do you feel a little better now?"

  I heard the elevator ding and low and behold it happened to be the one that had Caleb and Cash in it. I cried tears of joy at seeing his beautiful face and ran into the elevator and jumped into his arms!

  "I am now! Here's your husband!"

  I threw Cash my phone and kissed Caleb hard on the lips which had him wincing. I pulled back and saw that his lip was split open and in my excitement I didn't notice it. He carried me into the waiting room and sat down on a couch with me on his lap.

  "What happened baby? You didn't look like this when we said goodbye at the school. Who did this to you?" I started looking him over and he had a cut over one eye and what seemed to be the beginning of a black eye and a cut on his cheek.

  "Honey I'm fine... How's Grayson? The last Cash heard he was in surgery. Is he out yet?" I look over at Cash and he's still on my phone talking to Olivia in the corner of the room. I turn around and put my forehead up to Caleb's and let out a big sigh.

  "The nurse just left and said that the surgery went well and that he's in recovery and we should be able to see him within the hour." I look into his tired beautiful deep blue eyes and I know that he can tell what I'm thinking by just that one look. He let out a deep breath and started talking.

  "Okay... Here's the deal. First off... I'm fine. A couple of cuts and bruises is all that I have. You really should see the other FIVE guys."

  "What? There were FIVE of them? Who was it? Please don't tell me it was the police because the one I talked to seemed so nice."

  "No Claud... It wasn't the police. It was the other guys that were with me in the same jail cell."

  He leaned his head back against the wall and I leaned up and brushed his hair out of his eyes and started rubbing the side of his face. I feel so responsible for everything that's happened in the last few days. If it weren't for me he wouldn't have gone to jail in the first place.

  "Stop it Cru..." He pulled my hands into his huge ones and held them tight and leaned up and looked at me and was grinning from ear to ear. "I know what you're doing... You're blaming yourself for all of this and I'm not going to let you. Do you hear me?"

  I gasped... "How did you know I was thinking that? Don't you see? It IS all my fault. I should have just come out here by myself and you wouldn't have gotten mixed up in all of this mess." I pulled my hand out of his hands and got out of his lap and sat down further from him on the couch.

  "Cru... When are you EVER going to quit thinking that the world revolves around every decision you make? Do you want to know why I got jumped by five guys?" I hatefully looked at him because that's not the first time that he's accused me of acting self-centered and it's starting to really piss me off! "Look at me. I'm six foot four and weigh around 250... Do you not ever watch movies? They always tell you that if you're ever arrested to pick a fight with the biggest guy in lockup. Well... I got to looking around for the biggest guy to put my bluff in with and I was the biggest guy in the cell... It just so happens that 5 other guys had the same idea as me. Trust me when I say that they look worse than I do. So... None of that had anything to do with you Cru." He scooted closer to me and I scooted further away from him and I can tell that he's starting to get upset.

  "What's your problem? You greeted me with a hug and a kiss and now you're backing away from me."

  "I don't deserve you so how about you go back home with Cash." My phone appeared out of nowhere and I realize that Cash is handing it back to me with a questioning look on his face.

  "Why would he go home with me? Don't you think you kind of need him here? If he hadn't have been here for you and Grayson today it sounds like you could have gotten hurt as well. What's going on Claud?" Great! Now I have BOTH of them on my ass.

  "Don't worry about it Cash. What's going on with you anyway? Are you cheating on Olivia?" Oh damn! Shit! Not only did I just talk about something that he's going to know Olivia and I discussed but the hurt look on his face let me know that I was way off on my assumption.

  "Gee Cruella... Looks like you had your nails sharpened while I was in the slammer. Cash, let's go. She obviously wants to be alone because she's in attack mode and I'm too tired to deal with her shit tonight. Tell Grayson I'll see him in the morning." He stood up and started heading towards the doorway and my heart lurched at how quickly he could disconnect from me. I looked up at Cash and he looked absolutely crestfallen and sat down in one of the chairs in front of me.

  "Is that what Olivia thinks? That I'm cheating on her? Do you think that too? Why would I? She's EVERYTHING to me! You might pull your scare tactics on Caleb and he runs from you like a little boy but I'm not scared of you Claud! Answer me! Why did you just ask me that dammit?!"

  God I can be such an idiot sometimes. Why did I even say anything and ask him that? Just because I'm hurting doesn't give me the right to take it out on Cash because Caleb refused to play my little game of allowing me in pushing him away. Dammit!

  "No... I don't think you're cheating on her and she casually mentioned it because you're never around when she needs you but she didn't sound serious so please don't mention that I asked you okay? She said something about how hard you've been working on some merger and how much she missed you and that she was going crazy with the kids is all. I'm sorry Cash. I took my bad mood out on you and it wasn't fair." I lean up and pat his hands and he grabs them and nods his head at me in thanks.

  "I have been busy with the merger but I've also been staying at work to..... Sleep." I arched my eyebrows at him in shock. "I know... I know... I shouldn't do that to her but I can't ever get any sleep at home anymore with the babies up all night. That's the only secret I've been keeping from her. She and the kids are my world and it sounds like I've been taking all of them for granted. Oh man.... I feel so bad that she's so unhappy."

  He starts rubbing his eyes and I can see the fatigue all over his face. I also noticed a few silver hairs at his temple that weren't there a few months ago but they seem to add more character and make him look even more attractive. I look over at Caleb who had finally sat down to let us talk and I realize that the only difference in the two brothers looks wise is their hair. Where Cash had jet black hair to just above his shoulders, Caleb has blonde wavy locks a little past the nape of his neck. Olivia and I definitely lucked out on getting us some hotties.

  "Cash... Maybe you can take a few days off and spend them with Olivia and the kids. Better yet... Leave the kids with Elizabeth and Henry and take her somewhere one weekend. When was the last time you two got away from the kids?" He chuckled at my question and shook his head.

  "I honestly can't remember but I bet if I ask her she will know. You women seem to have the memories of an elephant!" He stood up and pulled me up out of my seat and gave me a hug. "Thank you Claudia for opening my eyes. Your attack was terrible timing but definitely needed." He looked over at his brother and then back at me and w
hispered in my ear. "Take it easy on him because you have no idea how much he loves you. Don't push someone away when you need them the most. Love you little sis." He pulled away and grinned and kissed me on the forehead and walked over to Caleb.

  I ran my finger through my hair and held back tears because I knew he was right but his comment also took me back to the only other person that called me his little sis and that was Derek. It felt good to finally have that title again but bittersweet as well.

  "Caleb, I'm sorry but I won't be able to give you that ride to Mattie's. I'm heading to the airport to head back home because I need to see my wife and tell her how much she means to me. You might want to do the same thing little brother."

  They both hugged and slapped each other on the back and Cash walked out and got onto the elevator leaving us both staring at each other thinking about Cash's words. If someone would have walked by they would have wondered who the two strangers were that seemed locked in place not moving towards each other but wanting to by their magnetic stare.

  I feel like this is a test that I'm going to fail for the first time and the last thing that I want to do is make the first move to reconciliation but I know in my heart that if I don't I could possibly lose him. Silent tears start falling down my cheeks and I start walking to the one person that I know can dry them with just his warm embrace.

  "I'm so sorry... I don't know what... I'm so sorry."

  He picked me up when I couldn't say another word because I broke down sobbing and he carried me back to the couch and held me as tight as he could.

  "Shhhh... Let it all out baby. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have made you feel like I was walking out on you."

  "But I tttold youu too. Youu diddn't ha have tttoo.... I wwaaasss bbeeing mmmean and I'm sssssooorrrryyy."

  He pulled my head away from his chest to force me to look at him and I could see tears falling down his cheek which made me cry even harder. He started wiping my tears off of my cheeks and then softly kissed me.

  "Cru...I love you and nothing is going to change that but please quit trying to push me away baby. You're killing me and I won't survive it if you end up breaking my heart. Let me love you baby. Let me love you the way that you deserve to be loved. Alright?" I nod my head and rest my head on his shoulder and hug him tighter and whisper in his ear.

  "I love you, too Nerd Boy and please be patient with me."

  He responded with a tight squeeze and I knew he was trying to compose himself like I was. The last thing we need to be doing when the nurse calls us back is to be bawling our eyes out and scaring Grayson more than he already is.

  "Ahem... Ms. Porter? Grayson is ready to see you now and only relatives are allowed into his room." I turn around and she's giving Caleb the once over and I can tell that she's enjoying what she sees and I can't contain my jealousy as I stare her down which causes her to jump.

  "That's great because this is his father. We are ready to see our son so please lead us to his room." I wipe my face off with a tissue and look up at Caleb and grab his hand as he winks at me and whispers.

  "Calm down Rocky.... I'm all yours. There's no need for a jealous throw down with the nurse over little oh me." I leaned up and kissed him and bit his bottom lip which had him wince.

  "That's right and you better remember that... You're MINE Nerd Boy!"

  He laughed all the way to Grayson's room and we got plenty of stares by everyone but I didn't care. Everybody better remember that he's mine or they'll have hell to pay with me.

  When we walked into Grayson's hospital room I stopped dead in my tracks half way in. Caleb was behind me and I used his body for support to lean on at the sight of my defenseless baby boy. I felt his breath at my neck.

  "He's out of the woods baby... He's just resting. Don't let him see how scared and worried you are. Put your brave face on for our boy alright? You can fall apart later when we're alone."

  He always seems to know what to say to me. I nod my head and grab his hand to hold on to it for strength while we waited for Grayson to wake up. I sit down to the right of him so that I can hold his hand because his left arm has a cast that goes up past his elbow that's being held in a sling. There is a new bandage on the back of his head from the 5 stitches he received in the emergency room from the cut on the back of his head and a couple of bruises on his face from his fight with his cousin.

  He looks so tiny in the bed and so defenseless that it takes everything I have to not start crying again. I start caressing his hand and lean up to kiss the top of his hand and I hear the most beautiful sound that I've ever heard.

  "You stayed. I was afraid I'd never see you again." I look into his beautiful brown eyes and I can tell that he's comfortable and the pain hasn't kicked in yet. I grin at him to ease his mind.

  "Well of course I did Silly. Where else would I be but right here by your side? Look who else finally showed up." I nodded my head towards Caleb at the foot of the bed and he grinned.

  "Did I dream that you went to jail or did that really happen? I think you look worse than I do Caleb." One thing for sure, he definitely didn't lose his sense of humor. Caleb gave him a big grin back and laughed.

  "Yeah, I got thrown in the slammer but I'm alright. How about you? Are you in any pain? If you are there's a little lever with a button on the end to give you some pain medicine." He nodded his head and picked it up.

  "Yeah... The nurse showed me how to use it but she said it will make me sleep. I'm alright for right now. "I couldn't help myself so I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and on his cheek.

  "I'm so glad that you're okay. I was so scared that you were worse-"

  "Claudia... There's plenty of time to talk baby. We probably ought to let him rest." Oh he's right and the route I was going was about to have me bawling any second. Grayson looked into my eyes and smiled that sweet boyish smile of his.

  "I'm alright Claudia. Don't worry about me. I'm glad it happened because I finally got to see my Mom and Dad." I had suspected as much but I didn't realize how much it saddened and relieved me by the smile on his face. I so hope that maybe now he has some closure and we can finally take him home.

  "Oh that is great Sweetheart! Did they finally give you some answers that you've been searching for?" He scrunched his eyebrows up and shook his head while little tears formed in his eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was upset him. "Oh we can talk about that later Sweetie. Right now you should rest and heal."

  "No, I want to talk about it. My mom is so happy that you found me but my dad not so much. He wants me to stay with Uncle Mattie and they kept kind of arguing about it." He chuckled and winced and grabbed his arm. "It made me feel like they were alive again because they would always argue but in a funny way and were never mean to each other." He reached for the morphine drip and pressed the button and I knew the pain was finally kicking in. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and ran my fingers through his hair above his forehead.

  "You need to rest and we will talk tomorrow okay Sweetie? Caleb and I aren't going anywhere until you get out of here so we have all the time in the world to talk about everything." I didn't realize that Caleb had come up beside me. He motioned for me to move over so that he could talk to him.

  "Go to sleep son and your mother is right, we'll be here when you wake up." Grayson nodded his head and Caleb leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead while Grayson closed his eyes and went back to sleep. I looked over at him and he seemed to be in a deep sleep already so I breathed a deep sigh of relief and looked at Caleb who was staring at me. He leaned over and pulled me into his arms and kissed my temple. I breathed him in and relaxed my body and let him comfort me from all of the stress of the day.

  "When was the last time that you ate Cru? I'll talk to the nurse about getting a cot in here for you to sleep on while we run down to the cafeteria and get a bite to eat." I look over at Grayson wondering if he will be alright while we are gone. "He's knocked out for a few hours Baby. We need to eat something and r
est as well so that we can take care of him the next few days." He's right and I need more strength to deal with taking care of Grayson while he's recovering. I look up into his beautiful face and rose up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.

  "I really love you, ya know that? Thank you for not leaving me earlier. I don't think I could handle going through this without you."

  "It would be best if you would remember that the next time you try to push me away Cru. I'm here for the long haul and that little boy over there?" We both turn and look over at my sweet little boy in the bed. "I already love him as if he was my own and we WILL be a family one day soon."

  He picked me up off of my feet and pulled me into his arms and kissed me with so much passion in his kiss that I could barely stand when he put me down and walked towards the doorway motioning for me to follow him. I wobbled a little trying to balance my body and looked at him and he had the biggest smirk on his face and chuckled under his breath.

  "I don't think I'll ever forget that kiss Nerd Boy. It looks like you've been holding out on me in the bedroom." I grabbed his hand for balance and support when I reached the doorway and we started walking down the hall towards the nurses’ station. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

  "Cruella... I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve when it comes to pleasing you. When things settle down I'll show you what I'm talking about." He leaned down and gave me a smoldering look and kissed me on the tip of my nose. "I promise you'll like every one of them."

  He let go of my hand to walk up to the nurses’ station and all eyes were on him. It's amazing how anytime he's around a crowd of women everyone stops what they're doing to not only stare at him but help him however they can. He's like the flame and they're the moth to anyone that's around.

  I fight back my jealousy to walk up to them and claim him as my property because he's definitely MINE and I'm not letting ANYONE take him from me.



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