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Destiny's Call

Page 9

by E. Markus Sharp


  Randle was sent out first he watched the subhuman’s scouts and then the army passed by. They never saw him he was good at hiding always was from a young age. He waited until there were no other subhuman in the area then he started to follow. By his count the enemy outnumbered the Lightbringer forces by three to one. The sub-humans were a force but they needed food to power such a large army. A long siege would be the end of them. Randle heard a roar reverberating somewhere behind him. Randle followed from a distance and took to the high ground when he could to count the siege equipment, the archers, cavalry if you could call it that, infantry and special units. When the army got to within view of Lightbringer several units broke off one off and was retracing its steps. The others branched off in all directions. One group in particular was scouting the surrounding area looking for scouts no doubt. They seemed to rely on scent and they were coming his way. He had covered his scent with animal droppings earlier today it had worked in the past but this time he didn’t like how close they were getting. They were using goblins with metal noses! The metal seemed to be graphed to the goblin’s faces and when they sniffed the air it sounded like someone breathing in a barrel. Each goblin was followed by three Orcs one with a scent dog all mangy and frothing. They were talking in another language so Randle wasn’t sure they had found him until they let the dog go and it charged him frothing and biting. As soon as Randle was out of cover the Orcs rushed to the attack. Randle found himself with a dog biting his leg and an axe in his chest. Bad day for scouting…


  Zolin flew hard to catch up to the army and Teamon he wanted them to suffer, to melt away under his caustic breath. He wanted some revenge. He could see a large group of them just ahead he would kill these and then he would find the rest. They busied themselves with large metal devices he didn’t recognize. He was close enough and stopped landing out of bow range. His breath could easily make the distance. They stopped their strange attentions to the long metal containers and Zolin laughed at them to intimidate them. None ran away these were the bravest Orcs Zolin had ever seen. Zolin had no choice then but to end this. He began to breath in deep and one of the Orcs yelled out the most peculiar thing.

  “Fire!” It said and the others touched a small torch to the long containers.

  “No you fools I don’t breathe fire!” Zolin told them confused at their choice of the word fire. Then the containers all exploded at the end facing Zolin and the projectiles struck Zolin with such force he was felled! He felt like he had just been punched by a tribe of giants.

  “What have you done?” Zolin asked as he realized he was missing pieces of his body from the strange weapons. He fell over and blood was pouring out of him from everywhere it seemed. This time Zolin knew death when it came. This time was…


  They heard the drums first then all the southern posts signaled an approaching army. The drums continued as the giant host marched their way towards Lightbringer. There had to be ten thousand of them marching closer ever closer. Corporal Wensum was chosen for wall duty because he had good eyes and he could see kobolds, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, and Trolls. They had strange devices and siege equipment Wensum had seen before. The Alliance used that equipment on Lightbringer during the war. There were trebuchets, ballista, siege towers, some covered wagons and a huge ram. Who knew what was under their covered wagons. Wensum noticed the siege equipment had the bodies of their scouts on them like some twisted decorations. The kobolds were part of the army and were out by the roads by the gates where the guards were playing games trying to pick them off with arrows. This wasn’t a game and the kobolds were not just there for distraction. They were digging.

  “Do you see that?” Wensum asked his wall partner Garand.

  “See what?” Garand asked.

  “Those kobolds are up to something.” Wensum told his partner pointing at the ones digging.

  “Haha! Yeah! They’re making good targets!” Garand said laughing.

  “Stupid kobolds keep dancing in front of our archers.” Garand said not seeing the real dangers.

  “No dumbass, look at the ones digging holes out there. They’re working on no good.” Wensum tried to explain.

  “We held off the entire Alliance forces for three months remember? What can these halfwits do to us?” Garand told off Wensum.

  “What are they up to?” Wensum asked himself.

  “Who care it ain’t going to work.” Garand told him dismissing the kobolds. Just then Commander Milts climbed up on to the battlements and started what seemed to be an inspection.

  “Commander Milts, sir I have something to report.” Wensum said stepping up to attention.

  “What is it Corporal?” Milts asked as he stopped to look at Wensum.

  “Well sir the kobolds at the gate roads are up to something.” Wensum reported.

  “Yes, dying by arrow fire by the dozens.” Milts replied full of officer arrogance.

  “No sir! Please? look out here.” Wensum said pointing at the kobolds digging. The commander looked to where Wensum was pointing.

  “Yes they are up to no good out there. What is it you suppose their doing there Corporal?” Milts asked as he watched.

  “I’m not sure but they’re burying something along the gate roads. They’re laying traps for us when we take to the field.” Wensum told the commander.

  “Good work Corporal I’ll caution the general and see what he thinks. You have a good eye Corporal.” Milts told Wensum.

  “Thank you sir.” Wensum replied to the compliment.

  “Carry on Corporal.” Milts told him leaving as fast as he came.

  “Kiss butt.” Garand taunted him as soon as the commander was gone. Wensum continued watching and wondered what they were doing. Then the drums stopped.


  Everyone was out on the streets from the guard, to the squires, to the clerics of Valas and Rurik, to the Fighter’s Guild- no man-at-arms was absent.

  Julius Solana heard it was because there were dark elves in the city but no one had seen anything. Julius was assigned to guard a hole in the ground. Julius was ranked number five among his guild in marshal skills and he was guarding a hole in the ground. Julius heard drums outside the city and the warning signals were sounded to the south. An army was approaching. Julius wondered if the army was the Alliance again or was it something better maybe the subhuman. Maybe the Witch-King war was beginning again. Maybe the undead were standing at the gates! Julius was never more excited. Maybe guarding these holes would be the only thing stopping Lightbringer from falling to the Witch-King’s Army. Maybe Julius would be a hero after this day. The other men didn’t seem as excited as he was. The city guard looked bored and the cleric of Valas looked like his cat just died.

  “What’s down there that’s so important we have to miss the real attack outside the city walls?” The priest asked the guards who shrugged.

  “Ok let’s go then.” The priest ordered like he was in charge.

  “No way! This hole is important and we need to defend it to the death.” Julius told the others.

  “Yeah death by boredom.” The priest told them.

  “I don’t think they put us here to be bored.” Julius told the priest.

  “They put us all over the city to be bored. That’s what guards do.” One of the guards told them.

  “We’re not guards.” The priest told the guard.

  “We’re not leaving this hole.” Julius told them all.

  “look there’s a pub within eyeshot of the hole. We could go there and still watch the hole just fine.” The priest suggested.

  “look, what are your names?” Julius asked everyone.

  “Marinas.” The priest said.

  “Hoover.” The first guard introduced himself.

  “Ren.” The second guard said.

  “Orin.” The third Guard said.

  “Loden.” The fourth and last guard said.

  “Look Marinas as much as I want to drink th
e night away and not watch this hole. This is where the King wants us and this is where we will stay.” Julius told the priest who looked mildly upset.

  “Fine we’ll waste our time here all night.” The priest told them crossing his arms.

  “Can we send one of us to go get ale for the rest of us then?” Marinas suggested with a slick smile.

  “No we can’t.” Julius told him crossing his arms now.

  “I say we ask everyone else what they think.” Marinas suggested.

  “I say you shut up we’re not messing this up. The city is counting on us to do our best not drink at our post.” Julius told the priest wondering if he was just trying to start a fight.

  “Fine we stand here however long it takes with no food and no ale until we drop from starvation.” Marinas complained.

  “It won’t come to that I have enough salted fish wrapped up for a journey and some water to boot. So we won’t starve and we will stay here until we are told to go to another place. So please shut up about this assignment because we aren’t abandoning the King got it?” Julius told the priest.

  “I got it.” The priest said with sand in his voice he was going to be a pain this whole assignment Julius was sure of it.


  Finally a priest came down to see the ever growing group. Regina was happy to make new friends but a monk, another Red Plainsman, a dwarf and a dark elves? They were becoming a motley crew indeed. Lila used her considerable charms and before Regina knew it they were on their way to the light source.


  Chapter 6

  When they arrived at the top floor of the tower they were greeted by a man in work clothing covered in grease.

  “Now we’re talking.” Regina said shaking the obvious mechanic’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you, did you design this or just maintain it? What does it run with? I was thinking it was somesortofpressurizedsystemusingafossilfuel.” Regina said in one breath very fast. Gnomes got like that when they got excited. The mechanic smiled and opened his mouth to answer.

  “Wellspititoutman.” She told him.

  “I’m Petros and I did design the light of Rurik but it was inspired by him. It does run on oil and you’re right the oil in pressurized.” He answered.

  “Ok the big question can it be modified to give off far more light. As close to daylight as possible and how can we extend its use it last all night?” Regina asked and the builder looked a bit suspicious of her now.

  “You wish to destroy the flame?” He asked.

  “No of course not the dark elves are going to attack the city soon and we need the flame to help defend the city.” Regina explained.

  “The dark elves? Ah their eyes of course. Very clever. Well if we replaced some of the piping and made a reservoir and changed out the head I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Come let me and you get to work.” He said and he and Regina started to make the changes. Regina was in her element and the others said they were going to hold the bottom level of the tower.

  “That sounds good. Be careful.” Regina told them as they left her and Petros to the real work.


  Marshal was getting a headache from that gnome’s noise. He and the rest were on their way to the real action. When the dark elves realized the tower light was repelling their forces they would come here and Marshal would kill them all. Well this new guy Trevor might kill a few here and there. He was from the Red Plains too and that meant the two of them would mop the floor with these dark elves. Lila gave orders as to the deployment of the group she was smart to put Trevor and himself at the main doors everyone else was guarding the smaller entrance and the main hall.

  They would come…


  Tessa rubbed her eyes the dragons had taken them to a lair filled with treasure. More wealth than she had ever seen. The dragons used a sleep spell on them funny thing was sleep spells didn’t normally work on elves. Gandaxx was looking in on them. They were in a people sized bird cage. Tessa could see the magic emanating from the cage. Which meant unless he let them out they were trapped.

  “Gandy this is just ridiculous. Let us go.” Tessa ordered giving him a nickname. Tessa loved giving out nicknames.

  “Sorry Tessa you need to stay where you are until you’re needed.” Gandy told her laying down with his head next to the cage.

  “Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe and company.” He promised.

  “Not good enough. We need to be free. Elves do very badly in captivity.” Tessa told the giant lizard who sniffed.

  “And how would you know that little one?” Gandy asked assuming.

  “Because I’ve been in captivity before.” Tessa admitted.

  “I find that hard to believe.” Gandy told her. looking like he was going to fall asleep. He opened his eyes wide.

  “Sorry the feel of the gold underneath me always makes me sleepy.” Gandy told her.

  “When I go to my elven homelands I’m not allowed to enter the woods or the palace except when summoned. I have to stay just outside my woodlands at an inn for outsiders. The woods call to me but I can never answer them. I can never lose myself in the forest mother’s warm embrace. Every year of my schooling I was forced to return there to be this close but never enter. The elven King would have me brought to the palace three times during my stay there to hear my allegiance vow and then he would have me taken out to the inn where I would work until Lorena was ready to go back to the isles. Each time was torture. For my part I endured but I was never going to go back there when my training was complete. Lorena wouldn’t understand so please don’t mention it.” Tessa explained.

  “A sad tale to be sure but I have no intentions of incarcerating you. You are my guests.” Gandy told her but it sounded more like, ‘I’m keeping you.’

  “Gandy you can’t keep us here it wrong.” Tessa continued. Lorena started to wake up and Gandy started to go to sleep.

  “What happened?” Lorena asked and Tessa explained that Gandy had decided to take them prisoner until they were needed and he called them Avatars.

  “I didn’t know I could be affected by sleep spells.” Lorena commented and Tessa nodded.

  “Must be the dragons have one that can.” Tessa surmised.

  “How do we get free?” Lorena asked.

  “Well the cage has a lock so there has to be a key.” Tessa guessed.

  “Not necessarily.” Lorena admitted.

  “It could be a voice command.” She continued.

  “Yes it could but let’s assume for now there is a key.” Tessa requested. Tessa sat down and started the summoning spell for Bea focusing outside the cage.

  “If that doesn’t work Bea could be trapped in the cage with us.” Lorena said as Tessa continued to summon her servant from another dimension.

  Bea appeared outside the cage nude as the first day she was summoned. Tessa passed her the clothing and equipment she carried for her and explained the situation as she did, simply because Bea was not mature enough to understand.

  “Ok Bea in this chamber there is a key for this cage. I need you to take a look around for it quietly we don’t want to wake the dragon.” Tessa instructed Bea.

  “Ok I need to find a key in here somewhere.” Bea said.

  “Yes but be quiet.” Tessa reminded her.

  “Where?” Bea asked looking nervous and confused.

  “It’s Ok Bea just take a look around for the key to this cage.” Tessa urged her and tears started flowing down Bea’s face.

  “I’m scared.” Bea told Tessa.

  “Don’t be scared I’m right here. You’re my brave girl. Now please look around.” Tessa asked Bea being very patient.

  “Ok, I’m your brave girl.” Bea said looking around she saw a cabinet across the treasure. It looked like a good start. Bea tiptoed on the gold still making plenty of noise and made her way to the cabinet. Bea opened the cabinet and found it full of keys she took out one of her bags and filled it up taking every key in the cabinet. Then
she tiptoed back. She was so cute doing it Tessa could only smile.

  “I got the keys.” She told Tessa handing the bad over.

  “Yes you did sweetie Good work.” Tessa praised Bea and she perked up.

  “I did good?” Bea asked as Tessa started trying the keys.

  “You did great my love. You always make me proud.” Tessa assured Bea as she went from key to key. Lorena was looking at Tessa like she disapproved. Lorena didn’t understand how the summoner- summoned relationship was supposed to be she just assumed she knew better as always. Lorena didn’t understand because she never had anyone relying upon her she wasn’t made for it and the simple summoning spell gave complete control to the caster which true summoning was so different. Lorena didn’t understand because Lorena thought she knew it all.

  “Shut up Lorena I can feel your thoughts on this matter and we already discussed this. I’m the summoner and you’re the oracle. Go cast a horoscope if you can’t handle me being so close to my charge.” Tessa told her and she harrumphed.

  Tessa pulled a blue crystal key out of the bag and realized just what it was she had seen one in her lifetime it was portal key she dropped that one in her pocket. Then the very next key opened the cage!

  “Destiny.” Tessa said opening the door and exiting. Lorena followed and looked around. Then without a word all three filled up one of their large bags with treasure from the floor. Gandy was still sleeping away when they exited the treasure horde room into a side corridor.

  “Where to now?” Lorena asked.

  “The Lightbringer throne room?” Tessa asked.

  “And how do we get there from here?” Lorena asked and Tessa took out the key. “Where did you get that OH.” Lorena asked and realized where. Tessa realized she had never been in the throne room before so she picked a spot close to the city she had been. She stuck out the key like she was putting it in a door and turned it. A shining portal materialized in front of them. It glowed and sparkled with magical life floating just above the ground. Then Lorena then Bea and Tessa was last entered the portal. They stepped onto the other side to find more trouble.


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