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Destiny's Call

Page 10

by E. Markus Sharp


  Rein waited in one of the palace rooms and was starting to lose patience maybe they forgot about him. He was a Knight and shouldn’t be treated in this manner. They needed him to devise a plan to stop Thul Zun he had been there and saw the ease at which the sub-humans took the capital. There was a commotion outside and Rein went to the window. The window looked out on a large graveyard but he saw nothing from it. Somewhere outside the palace to the east there were drums playing.

  The door burst open and Rein drew his sword and turned to see a white mage standing at the door. The mage rushed to his side and closed the window.

  “Come with me if you want to live.” The white mage told Rein and after the few days he had had he followed.

  “You need to ride to Lightbringer and find Corin the monk. He will set you on your path.” The white mage told Rein as they entered the royal stables.

  “Prepare your horse.” The white mage ordered and Rein saddled and barded up Lucky.

  “Who are you?” Rein asked as he mounted Lucky.

  “Call me James.” The mage told him and then begun casting. A large portal opened up in front of Rein and James hit Lucky on his flanks yelling.

  “Ride!” And then Lucky took off in a charge right through the magical portal and Rein was outside on a roadway in some other place. Rein looked back at the portal and saw a spectral rider exit the portal just as it closed. The rider was dressed in the finest plate mail blackened as if it were burned. The head of the specter was a blazing flame and it had a mask covering its face. The horse was straight out of a nightmare it was jet black, with red glowing eyes, breathing fire and had flaming hooves. The rider drew a half of a sword and the end that was missing ignited in flames and filled in the gap on the broad sword making the point a red hot flame that must have been from hell itself!

  Rein drove Lucky faster as the spectral rider inched closer. The rider spoke as they rode and Rein could hear him as if he were whispering in his ears.

  “Stop running Cavalier and face me. Stop running away and face your death. I am Sol the Conqueror and you will not escape. The Witch-King desires your soul and I aim to give it to him.” The Death Knight said challenging Rein but he knew better now that Rein knew who it was Lord Sol was a Death Knight and Rein couldn’t kill him so the challenge was not one which Rein would lose honor refusing. Rein crossed a covered bridge and the hoof falls behind stopped. Rein stopped and turned to look back. There was the Death Knight on the other side watching Rein.

  “Another time Death Knight.” Rein said as he wondered if the thing could cross. He decided not to hang around to find out. Rein turned Lucky around and left the specter there at the river. Rein wondered where he was the forest on either side didn’t give away anything to him to get his bearings. Then the trees cleared and the city of Lightbringer was in sight and also an army at siege on the south side. The sun was going down and Rein wondered how he would get in. He dismounted and led Lucky off the road. He took out his looking glass and surveyed the site from a safe distance.

  “The north gate is still accessible if you can get to it.” A voice gave advice next to him. Rein looked and a commoner in black leather armor sat next to him.

  “They stopped letting in common folk?” Rein asked and the man nodded.

  “You need me to get in then?” Rein asked and the man nodded again.

  “I was hoping to pull off the- ‘you help me I help you,’ thing but you’re too smart for that I guess.” The man admitted.

  “I’ll take you in with me if you help me find someone inside.” Rein told the man.

  “Deal, I’m Stel…I’m Jerrod and you are?” Jerrod asked.

  “Yes how rude of me. I’m Rein Vasalori Cavalier of Zury.” Rein introduced himself.

  “Ok then let’s get going.” Jerrod suggested and they started toward the North Gate.

  Rein wasn’t good at sneaking and his horse was a large noise maker even moving slowly the two were not fooling anyone. The distance was all that was saving them from being discovered and if they had patrols out well sooner or later Rein was bound to be heard. Jerrod on the other hand was silent as a cat even in the woods. Rein looked up at the Needle of Light as it started fluctuating. For a moment it was bright and then it was dim then it went out. Rein and Jerrod moved quickly while everyone would be distracted by the sudden darkness. They came to the north wall and started across it when just ahead of them a light appeared and then the light spiraled out from the center and became a passage in midair! And the most beautiful elven maids exited. Rein caught his breath and stood in awe of the most beautiful lady he had ever seen. Then two more women exited the passage and it spiraled closed.

  “Hello.” Rein said still in shock by this happenstance.

  “Hello.” The beauty replied

  “Did we make it to Lightbringer?” She asked flicking her hair oh so gently. Rein was overtaken by her stunning beauty.

  “Yes the north gate is close. I’ll take you there.” Rein told the comely maiden. She looked to Rein’s companion.

  “Stiletto?” She asked him and he jumped.

  “Lorena? What are you doing out here?” He asked her and she smiled.

  “I go where I want I’m a mage.” She told him and he smiled.

  “Now’s not the time lets to the gate.” The elven maid’s companion pushed.

  “Yeah haven’t you seen an elven female before?” The other companion asked embarrassing Rein.

  “You’re correct we have to hurry it’s dangerous out here.” Rein told them taking the lead. When they finally arrived at the north gate there was a call from above.

  “Halt and identify yourselves.” A guard demanded.

  “I am Sir Rein Vasalori I’m a cavalier from Zury and I bring news from there. The kingdom of Zury is under siege by Thul Zun’s forces. They have taken the capital city and threaten the entire realm. I came to request the Protectorate’s help.” Rein told the guards.

  “Well my Lord you are welcome inside but we are under siege as well and I’m not sure what kind of help we can offer. Come inside.” The guard told Rein opening the gates and rushing them in then closing them.

  “We need to see the King.” Rein requested.

  “Gant will take you but I’m not sure if you’ll be able to get an audience.” The guard admitted pulling Gant to the front.

  “This way my Lord.” Gant said waving them in the direction he started walking towards. Rein and the others followed.

  Rein walked with his new acquaintance and looked him over.

  “Stiletto huh?” Rein asked and Jerrod jumped a little again.

  “I thought it sounded tougher than Jerrod Ok?” Jerrod admitted and Rein laughed.

  “We can’t all be born with tough names.” He told Rein who nodded.

  “Ok Jerrod it’s Ok.” Rein told him.

  “How do you know the beauty?” Rein asked wondering if he knew enough about her to help him win her. Rein wanted her badly.


  “We have to relight it.” Regina said pulling on the valves controlling the flame. Petros thrust the torch back into the oil stream and it caught! The flame jumped back to life and Regina started dialing up the pressure and the flame got bigger and bigger. Regina was sweating from the heat and the work. The machine works were tight and were hard to operate from lake of adjustment. The flame set Regina’s sleeve on fire from a distance! Petros and Regina put it out and got back to it.

  “This is it the max it can put out!” Regina told them as she came to the end of the valves threads.

  “Now it’s my turn.” Lila told the falling to her knees. Lila had complete faith in her divine magic so Regina had the same faith.

  The sun was down and the alarms around the city started sounding Regina hoped this would work.


  Julius drew his sword as the first cursed exited the hole. The cursed was a huge spider as big as a wagon with a spider as the lower body and the upper body of a desiccated da
rk elves. This half and half horror had no trouble slipping out of the man sized hole giving Julius the chills. It was followed up by two more cursed and the fight was on! The black legs of the one in front of Julius reached out for him as the two swords did. Julius blocked them all but just barely this thing was so fast that instinct was the only thing saving Julius as he parried the blows. The creature which used to be a dark elves didn’t seem living more like a doll than a living being. Only it’s attacks seemed real. Julius found an opening and plunged his sword deep in the spider body and its face never changed expression as he killed it.

  The rest of the group was fighting just as hard. Marinas was sounding the alarm but Julius doubted help was coming. The alarms were sounding all over the city! Hoover was dead under one of the cursed, Ren was fighting hard against that same cursed, Orin and Loden were fighting the other. Orin lunged forward onto the cursed’s waiting blades and Loden chopped of the thing’s head. It threw back Orin and shuttered onto its back and folded up like a spider dying. Julius jumped onto the last one from behind and chopped the spider body in half! Blood splattered everywhere! Julius got off and kicked it a few times. Something flew out of the hole and straight up into the air above them. It was hard to make out in the darkness but it was big and round. It started to fly down to the end of the alleyway holding its height. Loden pulled out his bow and fired at the thing missing. He fired again and hit but the arrow shattered on the shimmering scales of this monster’s body. It turned on the group at the end of the alleyway and Julius was horrified at what floated at their only exit. It wasn’t from this world! It was bigger than a man covered in scales, round with a huge maw filled with sharp uneven teeth, it had one big eye in the center and ten eye stalks on its top it seemed to be green and grayish in the light. It smiled as Loden charged forward. One of the eye stalks shot out a beam which hit Loden and he burned to ashes! Marinas stopped sounding the alarm and started casting. Another ray hit Ren and he turned to stone! The creature shot a third ray which hit Julius and seemed to do nothing! Marinas’ spell went off and a column of flames covered the creature. We could hear it scream as the flames washed over it! But when the flames were gone it was still floating there alive. Marinas turned to run but there was no place to go. One of the other stalks shot out a ray and hit Marinas killing him instantly! Julius was alone and dark elves were now coming up through the hole! Julius was hit by one of the other rays and felt himself burn from within! He only suffered for a few seconds as he disintegrated before his enemies.


  Rein and the others were brought to the southern city square The square was filled with troopers and runners were sprinting by as they were brought to the command tent. The whole city was under attack it seemed from here. Columns of fire were sprouting up everywhere and alarms sounded from every corner. The Needle was lit up again and it helped to light up the city streets. The tent was filled with generals and Lieutenants giving orders and the King was in the center.

  “The south gate is about to be breached.” The runner told the tent.

  “Send in the first infantry unit to support the troops already there.” The king ordered.

  “Send for the gold dragon we need him now!” The king ordered. Rein just watched.

  “And where the hell are all the mages for the consortium? Find them and tell them anytime they wanted to join in would be nice we need them now!” The king spouted and runner took off.

  “I can’t vouch for the other mages but we’re here to help.” The mage named Tessa offered.

  “Good, go to the south gate and help to hold it.” The king ordered and the two mages and their other girl friend left in a hurry.

  “Sir I’d like to help too.” Rein told him and he looked Rein over.

  “Ride to the mages tower on the east side of the palace and help them to get into the fight.” The king ordered and Rein mounted Lucky and rode out.

  Rein was careful not to run down any people as he rode out. The streets were full and it looked as if the civilians were headed for the palace and other forts in town. And the soldiers were all over the city. He could see the Mages Consortium tower and columns of thick black smOke was emanating from it. Rein wondered who would dare attack a mage tower. Rein could hear fighting ahead and could see the backs of the city guard as he approached. He coaxed Lucky to run faster and entered the combat with a couple dozen dark elves. His blade introduced him to the enemy as he lopped off a female dark elves head. The rest of the dark elves grew angry and spat unknown words at him as they closed to attack. Rein saw it like this she shouldn’t have been up front but the dark elves were enraged.

  Rein dismounted and joined the melee as the dark elves tried for his head. He must’ve killed their leader with this much rage directed at him. Rein blocked and dodged their attacks as they threw themselves at him. They were all master swordsmen and he was hard pressed. The swords came from all angles and directions and Rein stopped them all from killing him although he was take minor cuts here and there. He worked his sword harder and there was a pile of dark elves starting to form under him as the melee continued. His blade began singing. It was his master’s old blade and he hadn’t had it long enough to know what that meant he didn’t even know it was magical until now. His motions seemed easier and the sword seemed to be weightless and he was far quicker. The sword seemed to take on a life of its own obeying his motions like he and the sword were dancing to that enchanting music. The battle ended and the music faded away and the city guards looked at him with awe and reverence. Rein remounted Lucky and continued to the tower. He looked back to get an idea of how many dark elves he had killed and estimated at least fifteen!

  Rein made it to the tower and dismounted the tower door was broken down and Rein could hear fighting going on inside. He ran into the main hall to find it filled with dead bodies. Some burned, some dismembered, some decapitated, some part of the walls and some looking like they had no injuries. Rein found those to be the most haunting the ones who still could pass for the living but were dead.

  Rein started up the stairs. He had to get the rest of the mages into this fight in the city and out of the tower.


  Gandaxx arrived in Lightbringer he made a pass and lit up the humanoids at the south side decimating their ranks. He then turned to go back and a rope wrapped around his neck. It choked him for a second. He looked down the rope to a man in black armor who was now climbing the rope to him. The man looked familiar but Gandaxx couldn’t put a name with a face. All humans looked alike. The man was climbing with ease and there was something else about this guy. Once he was closer he used the rope to swing up on top of Gandaxx. He hit him hard in the back and then hit him with his blinding fast sword cutting Gandaxx bad in the right wing and chopping it off! Then he chopped off the left wing and Gandaxx crashed to the ground and ate some dirt. Gandaxx lay there for a moment mourning his wings. Then rage took over and he breathed fire onto the evil son of a goat! The fire seemed to cover him but not touch him. Gandaxx turned and hit the man with his tail as hard as he could and the man flew through the air and into the nearby forest. His body his several trees and Gandaxx watched the trees fall in a line. Satisfied he turned back to his wing nubs. He let out a whine and started looking for the pieces. Maybe he could still be healed. He found one as the man who hurt him exited the forest still alive! He rushed the man and grabbed him up in his teeth and started chewing. The man yelled out in pain and managed to stab him in the eye. Gandaxx roared in pain and spit the man out. The man hit the ground hard and Gandaxx was on top of him with his right claws digging in and trying to kill this man. The man made a looping swing and cut off Gandaxx’s fore claw! The whole thing! Blood flowed out of the huge gold dragon as the man rose to his feet. The only damage Gandaxx could make out was on his armor. Gandaxx tried to get back up but he was just stumbling back.

  “Who are you?” Gandaxx asked as the man closed in on him.

  “I’m your death. I’m Lord Tolin Oradell and
the pleasures all mine. I smell elven bitches on you where are they?” Tolin asked as he walked right up to Gandaxx’s right eye his good eye!

  “Where are they? At your lair? Answer me!” Tolin demanded putting out Gandaxx’s right eye. The dragon screamed and thrashed throwing fire in all directions.

  “Tell me!” Tolin yelled cutting Gandaxx in several other places.

  “I’ll never tell you anything. I’m happy that I die taking that information with me and denying you.” Gandaxx yelled as Tolin cut and cut. Gandaxx welcomed his death when it finally came. He would never had lived long without flight anyway he would’ve just suffered away.

  “Someday you will know this pain Tolin. Someday you will meet your match.” Gandaxx told Tolin and then he died.


  “Where did all these gnolls come from?” Marshal asked as he cut down the next one in line. Marshal and Trevor stood at the top of the stairs of the nail holding off an army of gnolls.

  “I don't know but I'm glad they were sent.” Trevor told the Marshal and the two laughed as they did their work. The gnolls were making a laughing noise too but they weren't having any fun. Gnolls were half man half hyena and all nasty. Marshal cut down another and swore he heard music from below.

  “Ok lets crank it up.” Regina said in the background as Trevor and Marshal killed several more gnolls. The singing was getting louder and the gnolls were making more noise further down the stairs. The gnolls were crying out something in their native tongue but Marshal couldn't make it out. It sounded like 'Death-song.' Marshal pushed harder into the line and started getting serious. Trevor saw Marshal dig in and push the gnolls down and he joined in. Then they saw it just behind the gnolls rear lines a large man in black gilded armor. The armored man cut a path through the gnolls to make a plainsmen proud and Marshal and the man met in the middle. Above Marshal heard an outpouring of steam and some cursing. The two were still working on the light source it seemed.

  “Who are you?” Marshal asked the armored man as the singing died down. The armored man put away his sword and took off his helmet. The man had straight long black hair and a chiseled face. He had olive colored skin which made him from around Zury. Marshal waited for the knight to make his adjustments. It must be hard wearing all that metal.


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