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Emma's Reaper: Soul Reapers #4

Page 9

by J. D. Lowrance

  “Nice to meet you,” Bain and The Dream said at the same time.

  Everyone’s phones chimed at the same time, reminding us that church was about to start.

  “Gotta go Princess. See you in a bit.” Knox kissed Dylan on the lips as he unwrapped himself from her. Colton gave her arm a quick squeeze as we all fell in line behind Knox.

  The Camden City brothers all filed in and took seats around the table, with Bain, The Dream, and myself all sitting at the back of the room. Wesson came in last and took a seat, looking around the room. Respect shone in everyone’s eyes as they met his eyes. One-by-one each brother nodded until the whole table was quiet and ready for church to start.

  The sound the gavel made when it hit the table was no different in Baton Rouge than it was in Camden City. But for reasons I could never explain, it felt different. In Camden City, I felt accepted among the brothers, where in Baton Rouge I fought everyday to be a part of something I never wanted. But it seems I was not the only brother feeling that way. I turned and looked at Bain and The Dream as they watched, noticing the subtle differences between the two chapters.

  Wesson sat at the front of the table with Colton to his left and Whistler to his right like always. Every Reaper sat in utter silence until Wesson addressed them.

  “Today we gather to discuss an issue that has been brewing for quite a while in Baton Rouge. Well this week it has finally come to a head.” All heads turned my way as Wesson continued. “Gunner here would like our help. I have my own thoughts on the matter, but I think you need to hear from Gunner himself on what is happening down there. We will discuss, maybe even take a night to sleep on it before we vote on what we want to do, if we decide to do anything at all.” I stood as Wesson gestured to me to start.

  Everything came down to this. I needed to show Camden City that I had this in me. Wesson believed in me. It was time I believed in myself.

  “Brothers.” I started. “I always thought I knew what that word meant. Growing up in the club, watching my grandfather as Prez taught me how to be a brother, but I never knew what it felt like to be one until I came to Camden City. I was a nomad. A brother without a home, because I no longer saw eye-to-eye with how my chapter was being run. I could not sit there and watch as every prospect turned brother turned drug dealer.” That got everyone’s attention as they all sat up straighter. Camden City made its money off of transporting items. Part of the deal they struck with whoever asked them to move merchandise was to not ask what was in the package. But they had one strict policy – no drugs. Everyone knew it and no one crossed the Soul Reapers from Camden City.

  “I went back thinking I was being the best brother I could be. But I was wrong. I could never support the direction the club took when my father became President, and I still can’t. Because of this I am now deemed disloyal. I can either shape up or ship out. I want neither. I am asking for the support of the Camden City charter to branch out and start a new chapter in Whitewater, TX.” I looked to Wesson letting him know that I was done.

  “Does anyone have any questions?” Every hand shot up. Wesson chuckled and then signaled for Colton to go first. Question after question was thrown my way, and I did my best to answer them. At times, I looked to Bain and The Dream who helped me answer the harder questions about the vote that would take place in Baton Rouge in a couple of days. When all the questions were finally answered, Wesson asked if I had anything else I wanted to say.

  “I know this support is a lot to ask, especially from a nomad who has not been a brother for very long. But you know me. You know where my loyalties lie. You know the values I hold dear. You know the brother that I am. If you grant me this support, it would be returned tenfold at any time for any reason. It is what brotherhood means to me.”



  The last week had flown by. By some miracle Amber’s boss knew someone, who knew someone, who owed someone a favor and the next thing I knew I had a job at a small hospital just north of Dallas. And now I was following Tank and Colton in the rented U-Haul truck that held all my earthly possessions. Amber was in her car behind me with the boys, as I drove my beat-up old Cherokee filled to the brim with clothes and random boxes. Somewhere behind them were Logan and Campbell who refused to stay at home, saying they needed a road trip together. I still did not know how they moved from place to place their whole lives. I knew I did not have much, but it took me nearly a week to pack up my house with the help of the club.

  The move was going better than I ever thought possible. Once the decision was made, the brothers did everything they could to support the boys and me. It was pretty incredible how it was all coming together. But it seemed like the closer I got to my destination, the more depressed I grew. Each mile felt like a nail in the coffin of my relationship with Gunner.

  I had not seen him since he left my house after our blow up. Last night when he called to wish us luck on the move, there were more pauses than actual words. It was as though he wanted to say something more, but could not. We were both bound to the decisions we had made and now we had to live with the consequences. The divide between us was growing too wide too fast. I was no longer sure we could bridge it. He told me yet again that he loved me. Did he not understand how much his words hurt me? I had to remind myself how Tru operated the same way – the club then me. Why did I ever think Gunner would be any different? I was a fool to think otherwise. Duty, brotherhood, the cut – it would always be first.

  Why did I need a man to put me first? It was time I put myself first. I needed this! A mantra that I kept repeating. I needed this! The new job, the new house, the new city. Maybe even one day a new man. I needed this!



  I felt the distance more then ever as I pulled into the town of Freemont, which was the last chapter we needed support from. Both Camden City and Morgantown gave it to me. I needed majority support to make this happen, so I needed Freemont to make Baton Rouge fall in line. The only problem was the President of Freemont was a good friend of T-Bones and someone who benefitted from Baton Rouge’s business interests.

  Bain and The Dream flanked me as we pulled up to the Freemont clubhouse. These two brothers had stuck by me this whole week as we drove all over the South to make the Whitewater chapter a reality. Fish was our eyes and ears back in Baton Rouge, while Wesson and Knox kept me in the loop of the happenings in Camden City. I felt well connected with the support from the Morgantown chapter, but the real test was to come.

  As our bikes were laid to rest, the hulking figure of Mars, Freemont’s President, stalked out of the clubhouse and straight to us. He was known for his no nonsense attitude and it showed as he came over.

  “What business does Baton Rouge have in Freemont? T-Bone and I talked yesterday with no mention of any brothers making a stop.”

  “We are not here on Baton Rouge business,” I explained. After I dismounted, so did Bain and The Dream showing Mars who was the leader of this small group.

  “Then what brings you to my humble abode?” Mars looked to me and then my fellow riders.

  “I have come with an expansion idea that will benefit all chapters.” My answer had Mars nodding in agreement. I knew the way to Freemont’s support was to make it about money, so I came up with a new transport idea for their black market car and bike parts.

  “Well, come on in and grab a beer while I gather the brothers.” Mars turned and walked back to the clubhouse followed by the three of us.

  Within the hour I stood before the Freemont chapter explaining the expansion of the Soul Reapers to Whitewater. I laid out the plan of being able to give them the new market of the surrounding towns of Whitewater to push their product. Once I understood the landscape I could begin to sell their merchandise and establish regular orders. Yes, it was stolen goods, but it was not drugs. I had to start somewhere and Freemont seemed like the most logical place to pull from. Even Camden City moved a lot of Freemont’s merchandise to towns all
around them.

  After my talk, Mars asked us to leave the room so the brothers could talk. Another hour passed before he walked out of the room asking us to rejoin the meeting.

  “Brother, we are asking you back in to answer some of the questions we have about your proposal. See we have a strong tie to Baton Rouge and this is the first time we are hearing any talk of splitting the chapter. Baton Rouge is one of our oldest chapters, only beaten out by Morgantown. While we see the benefit of a new chapter in Texas, we don’t understand the need for that chapter to be made out of Baton Rouge brothers. Both Freemont and Camden City were started with folks approaching Morgantown about expansion. They prospected for Morgantown, were brothers for several years before they left to start something new. Meanwhile, you are a full brother . . . hell a VP and you want to leave your chapter. T-Bone ain’t long for presidency and I know he wants you to step up and really soon. So please, explain to us why we should support you leaving Baton Rouge.”

  Their need for a better explanation was to be expected, but with both Camden City and Morgantown who despise a chapter being involved with drugs, Freemont actually benefitted from it. I needed to stick as close to the truth as possible.

  “Absolutely brother. Ever since I became VP there has been a growing divide within Baton Rouge. As you can see I am here with two other brothers from Baton Rouge who believe a split is necessary for all involved. I am not going to get into specifics, but I believe the expansion of a new chapter will benefit all chapters, as well as strengthen the bonds all have with Baton Rouge.” My eyes roamed from brother to brother. “I know T-Bone wants to step down and put in a brother who is loyal to the cause and keep Baton Rouge in the same business lines it is today. I can tell you right now, I am NOT that brother. I am capable of a lot of things, but being President of Baton Rouge under the current business arrangements I am not. Fox is more equip to handle those responsibilities and they should be given to him for his dedication and loyalties.” Several brothers pounded their fists on the table in agreement, including Mars.

  “How many brothers would go with you to Whitewater?” asked a brother.

  “Right now for sure it would be four of us. The three in this room and then one other. Other than that it would be up to each brother whether they wanted to stay or go.”

  “But five is the required number to start a chapter,” another brother interjected.

  “Caden Woods from the Camden City chapter has agreed to become a founding brother of the Whitewater chapter to meet that requirement.”

  “So Camden City gave you support. What about Morgantown?” Mars asked. I nodded in affirmation. “Any other questions brother?” Mars looked around the table and when no one spoke, his gaze met mine. “We need a few more minutes to discuss.” Bain, The Dream, and I left and waited at the bar. Mars was the first out the door, sporting a giant grin and big thumbs up.

  Relief like I never felt before coursed through me as both Bain and The Dream congratulated me. My thoughts drifted to Emma and how I was one step closer to Whitewater.



  Time flew by as I got settled into my new life. My colleagues were all really nice. Daycare was on site so I got to eat lunch every day with the boys. There were only two things missing in my new life. Amber who turned MIA the minute I moved in, and Gunner. He had not called or text since the night before I moved. His absence hurt me in places I did not even know existed. I knew I loved Gunner, but I never knew how much until he was no longer a part of my life.

  In Camden City I would have snuck a bottle into my room and drank myself to sleep, but I made a promise to myself when I came here that I would no longer look for answers at the bottom of the bottle. After tucking the boys into bed, I grabbed a romance novel off Amber’s shelf and sat down on the couch to try and pass a few hours before bed. The goal was to try and stay up long enough to see Amber. Not even twenty minutes into reading there was a knock at the door, which I found weird since Amber had a key.

  My heart stopped when I looked through the peephole. There in all his glory was Gunner on the other side of the door. I turned and rested my back against the door as my hand automatically covered my heart that was now trying to beat out of my chest.

  “Emma.” My name was barely audible through the door. “Let me in.”

  I couldn’t. “Emma.”

  I really shouldn’t. “Cher.”

  The inner turmoil silenced with that one word and my hand was unlocking the door before I even realized I was doing it. The click of the dead bolt still echoed in the room as Gunner pushed through the door and had me in a fireman hold, walking down the hallway.

  “Which room is yours?” His deep voice vibrated through me, awakening the deep yearning I had for this man.

  “The furthest.” Nervousness had my voice cracking.

  Closing the door behind him, Gunner dropped me to my feet and had my back against the door, pushing his body into mine. The room was dark enough that I could only make out his outline.

  “Emma.” My name was like a prayer on his lips.

  “Gun,” I breathed.

  “Ej t’aime.” I tried to push against him, but his hard body did not move an inch. “No,” he protested. “Not anymore. This is it. No more running. No more leaving. No more. You are my heart and I can’t live without it anymore.”

  “Well my heart can’t live in second place anymore either.” This time when I pushed him he took a step back, but kept his arms on either side of me.

  “I may not have been able to show it the way you needed me too, but you were never in second place. You were always on my mind and in my heart. I had obligations in Baton Rouge that I thought I needed to fulfill, but I have found a way to carry on GF’s legacy on my own terms.”

  The lightest of weights lifted from my chest as hope took hold. “What are you saying?”

  “My duty is no longer bound to Baton Rouge.”

  “You are back at Camden City.” The thought made me happy for him, but that weight came crashing back down as I realized my life was no longer there.

  “No.” I could not stand being in the dark, both figuratively and literally, so I flipped the switch that was next to the door. We were both blinking hard to adjust to the sudden brightness. When the spots cleared, I gasped at what I saw.

  Gunner’s entire left eye was black and blue, swollen shut. His top lip was split open and his right cheek was red and angry. “Oh my God. What happened to you?” I asked, cupping his cheek. He leaned into my hand and closed his eyes, savoring my touch.

  I began to check out the rest of him to see if I could see any other injuries when his lack of a VP patch caught me eye. There were still threads hanging from his cut as if it was ripped off.

  “Gun, what happened?” He winced when my hands touched his sides. Tears sprang to my eyes as I saw pain reflected in his. “Let’s sit down.” I led him over to my bed, which was on the opposite wall. His slight limp and audible intake of breath had me worried as he fell onto the bed. “Start talking,” I demanded as I slowly started to take his cut off. Each groan, hiss, and held breath told me how serious this was.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he said, taking my face between his hands. “None of this matters.”

  “Why? Why doesn’t it matter?” I demanded.

  “Because it needed to happen.” Why was he speaking in riddles?

  “Why did it have to happen?” My patience was wearing thin.

  “So that I could be with you.”




  Could she not see that no amount of bodily pain hurt as much as losing her? Could she not see that all I needed was her? I saw every shade of brotherhood in the last two weeks, and in the end I was able to paint my own in order to be with her.

  “What are you talking about?” The unshed tears in her eyes had me wanting me spill my guts, but she did not need to know all the gory details.

/>   “I had been talking to Wesson for quite a while about the issues in Baton Rouge. He kept encouraging me to come back or break out on my own. I thought I could make it work there. I thought I could fix what T-Bone broke, but the deeper I got the more I realized the brothers there wanted it that way. The more I left to be with you, the more they thought I was being disloyal to them. They gave me several options. None that I could live with, so after losing you to Texas I knew I had nothing else to lose.” Her tears now ran down her cheeks and onto my hands, but she never said a word, waiting for me to continue.

  “The last two weeks I have spent getting support to branch out on my own. I needed a total of five brothers to make it happen. Fish, Bain, and The Dream joined me from Baton Rouge, and Woods agreed to come with me from Camden City. I had needed three out of the four chapters to support the expansion of the club. Bain, The Dream, and I traveled to all four chapters to make our case. Three of the four for different reasons all agreed to the support. This,” I said gesturing to my face and then my body, “was what happened when Baton Rouge was told of the expansion.”

  “Oh my God. Your father did this to you?” Her voice quivered with sadness and a hint of rage.

  “And Fox,” I answered. She gasped as her hand covered her mouth in shock.

  “How could they?”

  “To them I not only betrayed the club and their cause, but I also betrayed the family. With the support I gathered I did not need them to agree, but it would have been nice to part on good terms as we are all still part of the same club. They disagreed.” When I attempted to laugh it off, I ended up wheezing and coughing.

  “Gun,” she exclaimed. “Have you taken anything?” I shook my head no. I wanted to get to her as fast as possible and drugs would have slowed me down. “Let me get you something for the pain. I’ll be right back.” She disappeared into the bathroom and returned with a cup of water and a handful of pills. “Take these and I will get you some ice.”


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