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Emma's Reaper: Soul Reapers #4

Page 10

by J. D. Lowrance

  I did as I was told. I grunted and groaned as I stood and placed the water on the nightstand. Emma was back with a bag of ice and helped me take off my shirt, shoes, and jeans. My commando preference did not go unnoticed as my dick lengthened under her gaze.

  “Don’t look at me like that cher.”

  “You are in no condition to do anything about it,” she baited.

  “Wanna bet?” I took one big step, wrapping my arms around her as I pulled her onto the bed. I bit back my groan as she landed on my bruised ribs.

  Emma’s laugh lifted my heart and when our eyes connected I saw nothing but love shine through. “I love you.” My heart skipped a beat at her words.

  “Je t’aime bebe tu es mon coer.” I cupped her neck before bringing her lips to mine.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t ever leave again,” I said, kissing her.


  This man was more than I ever bargained for. His fire blue eyes that burned with an intensity I never understood until the day he told me he loved me. His Cajun accent that sent shivers up my spine and made my body burn for his. His body hard as he pinned me down and showed me no mercy again and again until I slipped into oblivion with him still deep inside of me.

  Seeing him hurt by the hands of his family tore me open. I wanted nothing more than to show them the same in return, but knowing Gunner he probably thought he deserved it as he turned his back on them. If I was a betting woman, I would bet that he did not even put up a fight as they took turns whaling on him, showing him none of the mercy he would grant them.

  I purposefully slowed my erratic breathing down so I did not wake Gunner. The pills kicked in quickly last night, knocking him out mid sentence as he told me once again how much he loved me. A genuine, happy smile crept across my face. God, I love this man! And I needed to show him just how much.

  Sliding out of the bed, I quickly got undressed and pulled the covers back enough that I could see his cock lying against his leg. I cringed as I took in all the bruising and started to second-guess myself. I needed this, and I knew Gunner did to, so I forged ahead kneeling along side his legs, taking his limp cock at the base and running my tongue over his tip. I glanced up and saw that Gunner was still asleep as I took him in my mouth. My eyes closed as I felt him thicken in my mouth. Gunner inhaled through his teeth, growing harder and harder as I took him deeper and deeper until he hit the back of my throat.

  “Emma.” I opened my eyes when he said my name. “That feels amazing.” He moved slightly so that he could wrap an arm around my hips to position me perpendicular to him. My pace never slowed, even as his hand snaked between my legs and his fingers slid through my folds.

  “Gun,” I hummed around his cock as he found his rhythm.

  “Cher,” he uttered. I knew he was close and I hollowed out my cheeks to finish him off, but he did not allow it as he pulled me up and on top of him. My hands flew to his shoulders to brace myself, as he fed me his cock a little at a time. “Can you feel that?” Gunner asked when he was fully seated inside of me.

  “Yes,” I moaned as I began to move my hips back and forth.

  “That’s it cher,” he encouraged. “Surrender to it. Just let go.” And I did. I let all the hurt, the pain, the uncertainty go as I let the love I felt for this man take over. Gunner’s hands found my hips as he took over pulling me closer to the edge while pushing my limits with each hard thrust up.

  I could feel my orgasm building as our pace quickened. It started with the slightest of trembles as it grew to the force of a tidal wave that washed over me again and again as I exploded in waves of pleasure. As our eyes collided, I saw the deepest of need coated in love stare back at me.

  “I love you,” I murmured, feeling his cock jump in response as Gunner rammed into me another time. “I love you,” I repeated more loudly, letting him see how much I meant it as I stared into his eyes that were blue like the hottest of flames, alit now with nothing but love. “I love you,” I chanted one last time as Gunner rolled me onto my back and pumped into me once, twice as we let go together.



  “I could get used to wake up calls like that,” I teased, as Emma lay naked and sated in my arms. Her laughter did amazing things to my battered body. It still burned from the abuse it took, but having her next to me was like five of the pills she gave me last night.

  “We need to get dressed before the boys come running in here.” Emma made an attempt to get up, but I just held her tighter to my side.

  “Not yet.”

  “I’ll stay on one condition,” she said, placing her fist on my chest and propping her chin on it.

  “Anything.” I lifted one arm to rest behind my head so that I could see her and the other hand began making circles on her bare back.

  “Tell me where do we go from here? You don’t have VP on your cut anymore. Baton Rouge is missing from the back.”

  “All good questions cher. I am no longer a member of the Baton Rouge chapter. This weekend will mark the beginning of the Whitewater, TX chapter. My VP patch will be replaced with Founder .”

  “Holy shit! Founder,” Emma exclaimed as she sat up, giving me a nice view of her perfect tits.

  “Unbelievable I know.”

  “So Woods and the other guys will all be founders of Whitewater?”


  “Where in Texas is Whitewater?”

  “Less than thirty minutes from the hospital, about forty-five from here.”

  “Gun!” Her excitement showed in her eyes. “This is it!”

  “Ej t’aime.”

  “I love you too.”



  I had no idea how Gunner pulled all of this together, but here we stood in their newly minted clubhouse. It was a large property with a farmhouse and a two-story barn right next to it. When I asked how a new chapter could afford it, I was told the standard answer – club business. I left it at that, because in the end I really did not care. Gunner was by my side and we were happy. Everything in my life was coming together . . . finally after so much loss.

  The piece that was missing was Amber. I barely saw her and when I did it was in the middle of the night or early mornings when I was half asleep or running out the door with the boys. Something was up with her and once all this settled down I was going to find out.

  “Hey preggo.” Dylan looked miserable in this Texas heat. “One month right.”

  “Yes.” She drew out her answer. “I cannot believe that you chose this place over Camden City. We might have humidity, but this heat is ridiculous.”

  “And it is not even summer yet.”

  “I cannot even imagine.” Dylan was fanning herself.

  “Well let’s get you into the farmhouse where it is air conditioned.” Dylan was sweating a lot even for the warm spring we were experiencing and it had me a little worried.

  “When will the clubhouse finally have it?” she asked as I helped her to stand.

  “Once the barn is fully converted and the upstairs is made into their meeting room,” I answered leading her out of the barn doors.

  “It is going to be really nice in there once it is done.”

  “It will be,” I agreed, right as Dylan grabbed her belly and bent over.

  “Shit,” she grunted in pain. “That hurts.” Immediately my nursing instincts kicked in as I put my arms around her. Dylan dropped to her knees, clenching her stomach. “Knox. I want Knox.”

  “I know babe. I am going to get him,” I assured her as I ran the rest of the way to the clubhouse. I opened the back door and entered the kitchen to find Logan, Campbell, and a host of other ladies preparing for the barbeque. “Dylan’s in labor. Someone call 911. Someone get Knox.” I turned around and immediately ran back to Dylan who was now on all fours.

  “You okay?” It was a dumb question, but one I had to ask. Dylan growled at me in response.

��Dylan.” Knox’s voice bellowed from the farmhouse as he came racing over to us. “I’m here Princess. I got you. We gotta drive you to the hospital.”

  “What? Why?”

  “The ambulance is going to take too long. Colton is getting a truck and the ladies are getting blankets and towels.

  “Baby, it hurts.”

  “I know Princess. I know. We are going to get you to the hospital.”

  Colton came speeding across the lawn and pulled up right next to us, as he jumped out of the truck. Gunner joined us with the blankets as Knox helped get Dylan in the back. I squeezed in with them as I checked her pulse and counted time between contractions.

  “Drive. Fast,” I demanded, as the time was already too short between contractions. She was so close to having this baby on the way to the hospital.

  As we got onto the main road, motorcycles overtook the truck as the Reapers led the way to the hospital. I had never seen such a sight as three chapters of bikes stretched out all around us to help get this old lady to the hospital.

  Pulling up there was already a unit waiting for us with a wheelchair that they immediately put Dylan into before racing her into the hospital. I followed, along with Knox, as I gave all the information to the nurses.

  In the elevator, Dylan looked to me and said, “You have to help deliver this baby.”

  “What? I am an ER nurse here. I don’t deliver babies.”

  “Well there is a first time for everything,” Knox said as he looked down at Dylan. “If Princess wants you in there, you’re in there.” He was now staring at me as he said the last few words.


  I still could not get over the fact that Dylan was giving birth at this very moment. The entire waiting room and all of the parking lot was full of the club waiting for the good news. Colton and Wesson were both nervous wrecks as they paced back and forth. Dylan was a month early and this had them very concerned. But I knew she was in good hands. Emma followed them into the hospital and when she did not return I knew Dylan had her stay.

  Never a dull moment with this club.

  “Hey Prez,” Fish said as he joined me against the wall. I laughed at the craziness of it all. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “I still can’t believe you guys named in President.”

  “Why? You made it all possible. Without your need to get out of Baton Rouge we would all still be stuck there.”

  “I am just happy you guys came with me.”

  “We always have your back.”

  “I know brother. I know.”

  The elevator dinged open and the whole room froze as a petite red head in scrubs came off. “Ms. Price’s family,” she called out. Wesson and Colton bolted over to the doctor, towering over her as she said, “Mother and baby are fine. It’s a boy. He was born at 6:09 this evening at 6 pounds, 9 ounces.”

  “6-09 at 6-09. You gotta play those numbers,” Suggie yelled from across the waiting room. Suggie had decided to join our chapter, stating he wanted to die a free man, not some bitch in jail like the rest of Baton Rouge with the way they were going. I was learning that when Suggie opened his mouth, usually laughter followed. And I was not disappointed as the whole room erupted in laughter and cheers. Wesson and Colton bear hugged the doctor. The look on her face was priceless.

  Woods came in from outside at the same time they released the doctor. I saw the minute recognition dawned on his face. He staggered backwards as he looked to her and then to the brothers and then back to her. “Harley,” he yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. “Is that you?”

  “Caden,” she said with the same look of shock on her face. Woods ran over and pulled her into his arms. Everyone was looking around trying to figure out who this red headed doctor was and how she fit in with Woods, but no one seemed to have an answer. After a few moments he released her and nodded before she turned back around, very robotic like, and disappeared into the elevator.

  When Woods was done talking with Wesson and Colton, he walked straight over to Fish, and me. Bain and The Dream joined us as well. “Who was that?” asked Fish, at the same time The Dream said, “She’s gorgeous.”

  “I . . . I don’t even know. That’s Harley Wilcox. My high school girlfriend who went away to college and never came back. And now she’s here of all places.”

  “That’s crazy bro.” I punched The Dream in the arm as he stated the obvious.

  “What now?” Bain asked.

  “I have no idea.” And the look on Woods’ face matched his words.



  Life in Whitewater was one adventure after the next. Dylan and Knox ended up staying almost a full month due to complications after her emergency C-section. Everyone was now home, happy and healthy. They finally decided on a name – Matthew Junior. Knox was already calling him MJ.

  The baby fever must have gotten to Gunner, because it was all he ever talked about and something I was beginning to consider myself. A little girl would make a great addition to our family. I knew becoming an old lady was in the works, but I still had no idea if I wanted to ever get married again. In the end I felt like it would happen to provide the boys with a healthy example of what a marriage should look like.

  Gunner wanted to move me out of Amber’s apartment and into the house he bought between the clubhouse and the hospital. I was still fighting it, but only because I wanted to get to the bottom of Amber’s long absences.

  We were supposed to meet today for lunch, but she was currently twenty minutes late. I called several times and left one pissed off message. Finally giving up, I left the restaurant and got to my Jeep when Amber came running over to my car.

  “I am so sorry. I lost track of time,” she explained. Amber was usually so well put together, but today she was a mess. Her clothes were wrinkled and her make-up smeared.

  “Did you just have sex?”

  “SHHH. Keep your voice down. People might hear.”


  “People I work with, clients. No body can know.”

  “Know what?”

  “My boss and I are together,” she air-quoted the last word.

  “Like boyfriend-girlfriend?”

  “Em, we’re not in middle school for Christ sake. We’re just . . . fucking.” Amber’s voice dropped at the end.

  “Oh my goodness.”

  “I know. I know. I promise to make this up to you. But I gotta run home to change, because I have a client viewing in 45 minutes.”

  “Fine. But you are coming to the clubhouse this weekend for dinner. The brothers are dying to meet you. Tommy is practically drooling at the fact there is another me in the universe. His words, not mine. ”

  “Fine,” Amber said, rolling her eyes.



  “Where is Woods?”

  “I don’t know Prez,” Fish answered. “It is not like him to be late.”

  “I know. This worries me.” Heads all nodded in agreement around the table. Even Suggie who barely ever made it on time was at the table before Woods. This was not like him. “Try calling him again,” I said as I looked to Fish, who was my VP. He got up as he messed with his phone and stepped out of the room.

  Not even a minute later Fish popped his head back in. “Prez, you wanna get out here real quick.”

  “What is it?”

  “Just come on.” I jumped out of my seat and was out the door with four brothers on my heels.

  There at the front door stood Dr. Wilcox. The moment she saw me she started to cry. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. They have Caden.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This guy I knew in Oklahoma. He always stopped in when he was passing thru. And his club. I couldn’t stop it. He’s insane . . . and . . . and then he saw the cut . . . and . . . and went ballistic. Caden tried to drop me off at home, but . . . but they were waiting for us. They beat him and . . . and then took him.” Tears spilled down her face as she hiccupped her way
through the explanation.

  “Who?” Bain demanded.

  “The Hellhounds.”



  · Logan’s Reaper (Soul Reapers #1)

  · Campbell’s Reaper (Soul Reaper #2)

  · Dylan’s Reaper (Soul Reaper #3)

  · Caged In

  · My Ranger Weekend



  A woman’s back was the sexiest fucking thing. All curves and smooth skin. The way it rose up from the top of her ass, spouting up and along her spine to her shoulder blades. The curvature on full display, when she wore a halter top or backless dress. It showed all I needed to know about her; the color and texture of her skin, how well she took care of her body, and whether or not she was affected by my touch with the goose bumps that followed in my wake.

  My favorite part was the unveiling of the body’s largest canvas allowing men, like me, to imagine what they could do to it, with it, on it. As she slid whatever fabric graced her body off her shoulders, down her spine, and over her hips, until it pooled at her feet. This was my foreplay. Who needed hands or a mouth on them to get rock fucking hard? Don’t get me wrong, I liked all of that and demanded it half of the time. But that was just to get me off so that I could paint that canvas with my cum over and over again.

  Damn! Now I was rock fucking hard as I stared at all these backless dress wearing mares. All I needed to do was wink at one of them and I would be dick deep in her before I could count to ten.

  Who was the lucky filly going to be?


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