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What The Heart Wants

Page 19

by Gadziala, Jessica

  “Covering up a pregnancy,” John said, looking up at her with unfathomably sad eyes. “She had my baby.”

  Anna nodded, reaching across the island to rest her hand on top of his. “No one seems to know what happened. She obviously didn’t raise the baby herself.”

  John looked over at her then, his brows lowering, making him look stern. He looked down at her hand on top of his, then back up to her face again, a strange blankness masking his despair and confusion. “No,” he agreed, handing her back the pictures. “she obviously did not.”

  “John,” a voice called, moving toward the kitchen. “John I told you ten times I need you to stop leaving your cuff links… oh,” the woman said, coming to a stop in the doorway.

  Anna felt a memory trying to surface. A feeling of recognition she quickly pushed away. Mrs. Sinclair was close to Viv’s age, attractive in a severe way.

  “Sorry Jamie,” John said, looking pointedly at Anna. “Miss. Goode was just leaving.”

  Jamie gave her a cool, tight-lipped smile. “Well I will see her out then,” she said, waiting for Anna to get up and follow her toward the front door.

  Anna turned back on the steps of the porch. “Please thank Mr. Sinclair for me,” she said.

  “Of course.”

  Anna walked back to her car, acutely aware that Mrs. Sinclair was still standing there, watching her leave. She got into her car, glancing out her passenger window at her. Then she remembered. The Spring Into Summer dance. Where she first saw John Sinclair. Where she had noticed a woman staring at her like she was her worst enemy.

  Jamie Sinclair.


  She parked her car on main street and walked toward the sheriff’s office, unsure if it was the right move.

  Just as she was walking to the door, it swung open and Aiden walked out, squinting at the afternoon sun. “Ms. Goode,” he said, smiling at her before sobering. “Is everything alright? Have you had another incident?”

  Anna shifted her feet. “No. No. Everything is fine. Actually I think it was a mistake to come here…”

  Aiden reached out, his hand gently grabbing her wrist. “Wait. Come in and talk to me,” he said, opening the door for her.

  Anna settled herself on the uncomfortable chair and watched Aiden lean back on his, propping his feet on the corner of his desk. “So what is going on?”

  “It’s probably nothing.”

  “Maybe,” Aiden said, shrugging. “But maybe not. Let me figure that out.”

  “Okay,” Anna sighed. “So I went over to Mr. Sinclair’s today to ask him some things about Mam. Then his wife came.”

  “Jamie,” Aiden asked, setting his feet back on the floor.

  “Yeah. Well I didn’t remember it at first but as I was leaving I remembered where I had seen her before. She was at the Spring Into Summer dance. And I know it sounds crazy, but she had been giving this look. Like she hated me. I had never even seen her before. And today again, she was looking at me like I had done something awful to her.”

  Aiden leaned forward on his desk, his eyes sharp and calculating. “I don’t think you’re crazy. Jamie,” he started, fumbling for his words. “Jamie Sinclair has had some issues with people in the past. It has never escalated to any kind of damage like this but I am going to look into it. I haven’t been able to find out anything else to go on so far.”

  “It’s probably nothing,” Anna insisting, getting on her feet and feeling foolish.

  Aiden stood up too, moving toward the front of his desk to stand closer to her. “Listen, you’re not being paranoid if someone is genuinely looking at you wrong. Considering the situation, it is good to notice these kinds of things and to keep me informed.”

  Anna smiled. “Thanks, sheriff.”

  “Aiden,” he corrected, rolling his eyes. “I will let you know if I come up with anything.”

  “Thanks,” she said, walking toward the door.

  Maude’s door still had an occupied sign on it. Anna checked the time on her phone, marveling at how a psychic reading could run over two hours. With a shrug, she went to the general store and found a supply of mini mason jars she could use for spices. The store owner told her she would have to wait two weeks for her new freezer to arrive.

  She left feeling accomplished. Glancing again at Maude’s with growing disbelief, she walked over to the bookstore to browse around and get some coffee.

  “You,” Liam’s voice yelled from somewhere in the back of the store as soon as she walked in.

  “Yes, it’s me,” she said, running her hand across the spines of a row of books.

  Liam came into view in his usual jeans, band t-shirt, and big white button-up sweater. Anna almost took a step back, seeing the accusation on his face. “Why would you do that to him?”

  Anna felt one of her feet move backward, ready to retreat. “Do what to who?” she asked, confused.

  “You’re not stupid, don’t act like you are. Eric,” he said, shaking his head and looking toward the floor for a minute.

  “What did I do to Eric?”

  Liam sighed, the angry set of his shoulders leaving his body as he did so. “He’s in love with you,” he said, looking up at her, his almost transparent eyes making her uncomfortable. “Do you have any idea what that means for someone like Eric?”

  Anna felt a fist settle in her stomach. “Alright,” she said, taking a breath. “if you get me a coffee, we can talk about it.”

  Liam sat across from her, his elbows on the table, his hands clasped together. “He isn’t the kind of man who falls in love with someone.”

  “I know,” Anna said, sipping her too-hot coffee. “but, Liam, we were barely dating. And he was fully aware that I was… seeing someone else too.”

  “Sam,” Liam said, frowning. “I know everyone thinks Sam is the better man. He is a good man, don’t get me wrong. But Eric isn’t what everyone…”

  Anna held up a hand, stopping him. “Liam. I know. I know Eric is not who everyone thinks he is. He was nothing but good and patient and understanding with me. But I cant help that I had stronger feelings for Sam.”

  Liam sighed, opening his mouth to speak when the door opened with a whoosh of hot air.

  Maude and Viv walked in, arms linked like the oldest of friends. “Oh my gosh, Anna,” Viv gushed. “I just got the best news from Maude!”

  “That’s great, mom,” she said, her voice sounding sad even to her own ears.

  “Oh, well, hello,” Viv cooed, her eyes taking Liam in with appreciation.

  Maude shook her head. “What did we just talk about?”

  Viv waved a hand. “Oh please. I know I know. But having two of these,” she waved her hand at Liam. “in town is just too much.”

  Maude looked at Liam, her eyebrow raising. “You leave this girl alone, you hear?” she asked, putting a hand on Anna’s shoulder. “She’s not the right one. You know what,” she said, pulling Anna out of the chair. “why don’t you take your mother home? I need to have a chat with this boy.”

  Anna smiled watching the look of boyish dread cross Liam’s face.

  “Two years,” she heard Maude say to Liam as she and Viv reached the door. “Two years and you’ll understand why.”


  Sam paced back and forth across Mam’s front yard. They had been gone for hours already and he was losing precious daylight.

  “Finally,” he murmured under his breath when he heard a car on the street.

  Anna’s little green hatchback pulled up and parked, Anna hopping out of the car quickly. “Is everything alright? Did something happen?” she asked, her voice higher than usual.

  “Yeah, honey, relax. Everything’s fine. I just wanted… I have a surprise for you,” he said, feeling sheepish.

  Viv reached for the bags in the backseat. “Go, go see what your man has for you. I have these supplies.”

  She stood there dumbly for a second before Sam ran forward, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the side of the ho
use. As soon as they were out of view, Sam pushed her back against the house, his hands cradling her face, and kissed her, long and rough.

  Anna smiled up at him. “Was that my surprise?” she asked, smiling dazedly.

  Sam chuckled. “No, we gotta take a little walk,” he told her, taking her hand again and pulling her alongside him.

  Anna could feel his excitement, palpable like it was her own. She looked over at Sam, his shaggy brownish-blonde hair, his tan skin. Everything was easygoing and kind. She wondered what he was like when he was angry. Was he the type to yell? Or was he distant and cold? Did he hold grudges? Did he even get angry?

  “Alright, now close your eyes,” he said, stopping and standing in front of her.

  “What? Why? There’s nothing to see,” she objected.

  “Well not yet,” Sam said, grabbing her chin between his thumb and forefinger and shaking her head side to side. “That’s why I want you to close your eyes. It’s not far now.” He looked down at her, her uncertain gaze. “Come on, trust me,” he urged.

  Anna sighed, closing her eyes. She felt Sam’s hand reach down and close on hers then pull her forward.

  “Alright,” Sam said a minute later, letting her hand drop. “Open.”

  Anna opened her eyes to find herself standing inside some sort of half-built structure. There were metal bars reaching up toward the skies, but no walls or roof. She turned to Sam, her eyes questioning. “What is it?”

  Sam smiled down at her. “A greenhouse,” he said, looking around. “Obviously I just got started, but I’m building you a greenhouse. You can extend your growing season. I’m gonna find someone to equip it with solar so you don’t have to worry about the winter. It gets really cold here.”

  Anna felt her face breaking into a huge smile. “Oh my gosh, Sam. This is so great!”

  “You like it?” Sam asked, answering her smile.

  “I love it,” she grinned, walking over and wrapping her arms around him. “This is so perfect.”

  Sam kissed the top of her hair. “I thought you would like it,” he said squeezing her uncomfortably tight. “I’ll have the walls done by tomorrow. Then we’ll figure out the heating and do the finishing touches. Shouldn’t be more than a week or so. Start getting your seedlings ready.”

  Anna raised herself up on her tip toes, grabbing his face in her hands and kissing him hard. Her tongue snuck inside his mouth, rubbing greedily against his. She felt his hands slide down her back, grabbing her ass and squeezing. Anna melted against him, her hands falling from his face and reaching up under his shirt and running her fingers across the muscles of his stomach.

  She felt Sam sigh as her fingertips grazed his waistband. Emboldened, she quickly unbuttoned and zipped his jeans, her hand diving inside and grabbing his hardness. Sam’s breath came out in a strangled huff, his chin falling down hard on her head. Her hand slid underneath his boxer briefs, his stiff erection hot in the palm of her head. She stroked his length, his unsteady breath hot against her hair.

  Her hand slipped away and she grabbed at the waistband of his jeans and underwear, pulling them down quickly. She looked up at him for a second, her smile unsure but determined. She knelt down in front of him, reaching out for his cock again with her hand. She led it toward her mouth, carefully licking the head in slow circles. Above her, Sam groaned, his hand reaching down to swipe the hair away from her face. She moved her mouth to take in his hardness, an inch at a time, slowly until she reached her limit. She sucked him slow and gently for a few moments, Sam’s hand getting bunched in her hair and pulling.

  She started moving quicker, her mouth pressing down with more pressure. Sam’s hand pulled her hair harder, moving her head backward until she didn’t have him in her mouth anymore. Opening her eyes, she looked up at Sam.

  Sam cursed quietly, shaking his head at her. His hand released her hair and pulled her onto her feet, kissing her hard and demanding. He knelt down in front of her, his face was level with her heat. He rested his face against the front of her jeans for a second before he reached up and unfastened her pants and pulled them down in one swift motion. Anna obediently stepped out of her pants.

  His hand reached out, pushing her thighs apart. His fingertip slipped between her wetness, stroking her clit in slow circles before his finger dipped lower and pushed up inside her. Anna felt her body clench around him, wetness filling her.

  She couldn’t wait. Her body needed his with a fierceness she couldn’t, and didn’t want, to fight. She lowered herself onto his waist, reaching between them for his cock and grabbing it. Tying to lead him to where she needed him most.

  Sam chuckled against her neck, reaching to stop her hand. “Hold on, honey,” he said reaching to where his pants were still bunched around his ankles. He fumbled around for a second before producing his faded brown wallet. Reaching inside, he pulled out a condom and ripped it open. He reached between them for a second before putting his hands on the ground behind him, leaning backward.

  “Alright,” he said, smiling wickedly. “all yours.”

  Needing no further encouragement, she reached for his cock, pushing it toward her slick opening. She had a moment of hesitation, uncertain about dealing with the pain again. But the heavy need deep in her belly brushed aside her fears. His hardness pushed against her entrance hard as she lowered her body down. She felt it push past the threshold. Her body stretched around his, just short of painful. Anna pushed harder until she felt him fill her to the base, her pelvis hard against his.

  She looked at Sam, her eyes heavy with need. He smiled at her, leaning forward to kiss her quickly. When she didn’t move, his smile widened. “Go on,” he said, moving his hips slightly side to side. “Show me how you like it,” he said, his voice a harsh whisper.

  Anna closed her eyes as she inhaled once, her belly quivering. When her eyes opened again, her hips moved upward slowly, tentatively, testing the sensations. She felt his hard tip almost slide out and pushed her hips back downward, hard. An unexpected groan escaped her and she pulled away and slammed her body back down again. Slow, hard. “Oh my god,” she moaned, his cock reaching deeper than she thought possible.

  “Here,” Sam said, sitting upright and placing his hands on her hips. “Try this,” he said, keeping himself buried deep in her tight heat, and moving her hips gently up and down against his body. Anna’s eyes closed tight, her body moving against him, quicker and quicker, feeling her climax just barely out of reach.

  Just when she was about to push over the edge, Sam’s hands grabbed her hips roughly and hauled her off of him. “No,” she objected immediately. “I was just…”

  Sam smiled at her broadly. “I know,” he said, pushing her onto her knees and moving onto his own. “It’s fun to delay it,” he said, biting at her lip.

  “For you,” she groaned, feeling irritable.

  “Alright, I’ll show you then,” he said, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her forward. Anna’s hands flew down, landing in front of her on the hard ground.

  She felt Sam move closer, kneeling behind her. His hand pushed down on the center of her back when she tried to sit back up. “Nope, you stay there,” he said, his voice sounding amused. “Let’s see how you like this,” he said, his knee pushing her legs open a little.

  Before she even registered his intention, his cock slammed inside of her from behind, pushing until she felt his balls against her ass. “Oh,” she moaned, surprised.

  Sam’s hands were on her hips, still deep inside of her. “Do you like this?” Anna pushed her ass back toward him, wanting more and he chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said, grabbing her hips harder as his cock slid half way out of her and pushed all the way back in.

  Anna’s head fell forward toward her chest. His cock felt bigger, longer, hitting her so deep inside she felt it low in her belly. Her hips started moving backward and forward, matching his thrusts. His hardness slid against the top of her depths, touching on something new and she felt her orgasm coming fas
ter and faster. One of Sam’s hands let go of her hip, reaching forward and between them, stroking her clit quickly as he felt his own orgasm pushing dangerously close.

  “Harder,” the word choked out of her. She felt the tension build, making her body stiffen all over, her insides grasping at him tighter. If he just brushed over the sensitive skin fast enough… “Sam,” she yelled out, strangled and harsh as her body clenched once slowly, deeply then quickly over and over, grabbing at his hard cock as her orgasm ripped violently through her.

  Sam groaned, grabbing her hips and slamming her against his body roughly as he felt himself cum fast and hard, leaving him weak.

  His breath was coming out in harsh huffs. He reached out, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her back up against his chest. His arms were hard around her stomach as he held her tightly. Anna’s head fell backward on his shoulder. She turned her face slightly and planted a kiss on his strong jaw line.

  Sam smiled, leaning down and kissing the tip of her nose. She felt him slide out of her and she sank down on her heels for a second while he moved around, grabbing for the condom wrapper and his pants. She heard him stand up and move away for a second.

  When he came back, his pants back on, he knelt down in front of her again. He pulled her gently against him, kissing her. “So that was a good one?” he asked against her neck.


  Sam chuckled. “Position. That was a good one, huh?”

  Anna felt herself giggling, her chest shaking oddly with the motion. Feeling giddy and bold, she murmured. “That makes… three,” she concluded. “How many more do you have?”

  Sam laughed, his hands sliding down her back to cup her ass. “As many as you need,” he told her, biting her earlobe.

  Anna rested her ear against his heartbeat, slower than before but hard against her ear. She found it oddly comforting. “Thank you for my greenhouse.”


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