White Christmas - A 6 Book BWWM & BBW Holiday Romance Collection Of Billionaires, Alpha Males, SEALs, Tycoons & More!

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White Christmas - A 6 Book BWWM & BBW Holiday Romance Collection Of Billionaires, Alpha Males, SEALs, Tycoons & More! Page 38

by Cherry Kay

  “I’ll get you a drink,” James said, heading for the large bar against the wall. I already knew his intent and had made up my mind to enjoy myself tonight. I was going to drink a lot in hopes that perhaps I could forget everything that would happen these next couple hours.

  For the next half hour we mingled on the dance floor as I thoroughly enjoyed the Long Island Iced Tea that was given me. It was my favorite and somehow he must’ve known that. Don’t ask me how.

  There were men and women dressed up, carrying around trays of caviar and shrimp with cocktail sauce above their heads. Luckily for me, my palette was accustomed to seafood.

  Upon downing the second drink, I began to feel warm all over, the rush of alcohol opening my mind to everything around me. Luckily I wasn’t the only female of African American heritage in the large room, otherwise that would’ve made me feel even more out of place.

  James had off and disappeared for a bit, leaving me to myself. So many strange faces laughed and twirled around me until I felt overwhelmed. Then a young man with bright green eyes and a pleasant smile bumped into me, knocking me to the floor.

  My head spun for a second until I recollected my thoughts. One thing for sure was, the tile was definitely very hard here.

  The place was bustling so much that no one seemed to have noticed except for the handsome young stranger before me. Concern engulfed his face as he bent down to help me up.

  “I’m sorry Miss. I didn’t see you.” His words came out with a slight southern accent, but not entirely unpleasant. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine,” I replied while testing my footing. Apparently the drinks had gone to my head a little fast because the familiar dizziness set in.

  “Thank God,” he spoke with such enthusiasm. “Here, allow me to get you a drink.”

  I smiled at him warmly. “I’m okay, but thanks,” I giggled a little out of uncontrollable giddiness.

  James was at my side almost instantly. He looked at the blonde male smugly and put an arm around me. “Get out of here, Jason. Go fornicate with Jessica since I’m sure she’s drunk by now as always.” His tone was harsh and stern. “And stay away from my date. Got it?”

  Jason eyed him with malcontent. Obviously the kind façade he had put on only seconds ago was now replaced with a scowl.

  It was clear there was something between the two beyond the fact that he was hitting on me. I felt James’ arm tighten around me, which at any other time would’ve been so attractive. But the heat only intensified with the stares between the two.

  Jason turned from James to me. “I’m sorry you had to get mixed up with this tight ass loser. He doesn’t know how to treat women right and will play you like a damn fiddle.” Then he snorted and walked away.

  I stared after him, wondering about what just happened. “Is what he’s saying true,” I questioned James. I wanted to know, even though it didn’t matter. I was quite succumbed by the alcohol and ready for pretty much anything. Whether or not I was being played was no concern of mine. I just wanted to take advantage of the carefree circumstance and do whatever made my heart content. The bird in its cage was finally set free, and all I needed to do was fly.

  As usual, he didn’t answer me. Instead he placed an arm around my waist and pulled me firmly into the throng of people. Bodies were surrounding me, grabbing and reaching. Some were more intoxicated than others. The sweet thing, however, was I was oblivious to all of it except him. He protected me in his large arms and drew me close to him.

  Our bodies touched as I quickly forgot everything that had just happened. He was beautiful to look at, looming just a foot above me. But he wasn’t as drunk as I was, which somewhat disappointed me a little.

  Placing both hands on his large chest I muttered, half drunk. “You shouldn’t let me drink alone. That’s rude.” My eyes shone up at him.

  “I’ll show you rude,” he enticed in deep honey tones, pulling me hard against him. His face came down to meet mine, that dark mist enveloping us until it felt as if we were alone. The energy in the air vibrated rhythmically through our bodies.

  Driven on by the alcohol and a sudden carnal lust, I slowly turned around and let go of everything I had made myself to be. The little dress wasn’t short enough but I was pretty sure I could get him going well enough with clothes on. The idea seemed good at the time so I went with it. Instinctively I touched my voluptuous ass to his belted crotch and ground hard and slow to the rhythm of whatever was playing. It being Christmas music made no difference to me at the moment. This was something I needed to do.

  His response was expected and such a turn on. He reached his hands around and hugged my lower stomach, pulling me even harder against him. Together we swayed in the sinful desire to the beat of Jingle Bell Rock, not giving a care to who was around us. Everyone else was half drunk as well and paying no attention. I felt him harden through his pants, unable to hide the sexual attraction. He could hide things well, but this was something that he felt no need in concealing from me. He invited it, roughly pressing against me with each seductive swing of my hips. One thing I knew for sure. I had curves and sure as damn well knew how to use them.

  After dancing this way for a few more minutes, he whispered in my ear. “This party bores me. I’m sure we can figure out something else to do in the suite upstairs.”

  “Are you sure,” I asked.

  “Never more,” he said, spinning me around to face him. He took me in his arms and swayed with me back and forth to calm down. “I have more drinks in the room.”

  My body tingled at the idea of going with this strange man into a strange room. There were no rules and the anticipation of where things might go thrilled me to no end. Partly the alcohol was making me horny, so I hoped he might actually have the same idea that I did. Whether or not I saw him again after tonight would all depend on him.

  We made our way from the crowd and headed to the nearby elevator. Long agonizing moments passed before it opened and we walked in. He pressed the button to the sixteenth floor.

  Soft tunes played through speakers as we waited to ascend. And before I knew it, he was on me like a vicious wolf. He slammed me against the back of the elevator, my back hitting the wall hard. I was too drunk to even feel the pain at that point, nor was I sure I would remember it tomorrow. I just plain didn’t care.

  His arms pinned mine up in a territorial declaration, growls escaping his throat as his mouth met mine sweet and hard. My large lips enveloped his as my heart began to race from the sudden surprise. This was totally and pleasantly unexpected behavior. It was such a turn-on that I felt myself instantly soak through my panties with expectation.

  Softened moans escaped my lips with each hungry kiss. His tongue began to delve and explore, forcing my mouth open further to taste that sweet nectar. His scent enveloped me until I could barely think straight, or about anything besides what he would feel like inside me.

  As my breathing grew heavy, he kissed me harder, his own labored breath echoing mine. His surprisingly full lips for a white male left no inch of my mouth undiscovered. He only let go of my hands to conquer my sex starved body even further.

  With greedy fingers he grabbed at the neck of my dress, pulling it down to reveal a majority of my large dark breasts. They were round and succulent, squished together with my push up bra rather perfectly for the situation. He bent down, his mouth finding them more interesting than my lips. He planted soft determined kisses on my goose bump riddled skin. Each touch tingled, drawing a direct line of stinging desire to the folds of my sex. Dear God I wanted him I could barely stand it. But I had to. He gave me no choice as his tongue licked and trailed their way to my large hardened nipples. As soon as he touched them, any ounce of control I had left would be gone forever.

  Before he could go any further the elevator came to a halt. James hissed a little out of desperation and stood up, wiping some wetness from my breasts and fixing my neck line. “Should’ve pressed the emergency stop for crying out loud,” he
sneered, eyeing me with such hunger in his feverish expression. “I had no intention of making it out of this elevator anytime soon.” I didn’t say anything. My heart was racing fast and I was too thrown back by his sudden oncoming that I was speechless. I could still feel his kiss fresh on my skin. He wasted no time in rushing me to our elegant and lavish room. It was at the peak of the hotel overlooking quite a bit of Atlanta. There was already a fire blazing in the small fireplace and tons of plushy pillows on the bed, which was on a small platform of steps. I stared wide-eyed at the place. “Holy crap, you rented this for the night?” Star struck with awe, I walked around the room like a little girl. There were beautiful curtains on large windows, a mini bar, and a large flat screen television. He laughed at me and closed the door behind him. “It’s not the best, but it’s still nice.” I prayed that he was joking. “You’re kidding right?” I asked him, quite baffled with how nonchalant he was about it all.

  “This is like…you don’t understand.” I found myself tripping over my words while trying to explain to him how exactly luxurious this place was to me. He gave me no time to finish before he had flipped out the main lights and scooped me up in his arms. “We can talk nice hotel rooms any time after this, but for right now, just shut the hell up.”

  I didn’t fight him. He told me he’d show me rude and I supposed he wasn’t kidding. This was what I got for choosing a man like him, cocky and totally self-centered. But he was so hot and sexually attractive that it was easy for me to get over his short remarks. He threw me on the bed quite roughly, ripping off his vest and shirt expertly, as if he had done this a million times. I just tried not to think about it. He lifted me to my knees on the bed.

  “Sorry,” he murmured in apology for throwing me. “It’s okay,” I replied before he smothered my mouth with his kiss. He was exciting and bold, pulling unexpected moves every passing moment. He climbed on the bed behind me, getting on his knees with me and pulling my back against his bare chest. I felt my ass hit his pelvis and the hard length of him between our clothes. He trailed his hands around me, starting at the shoulders and kissing my neck.

  At first they were butterfly kisses starting just below my ear. He nibbled my lobe a little causing shivers down my spine. Then he became more aggressive, sucking on my neck and grazing it with his teeth between haggard breaths. His hands once more found their goal, pushing my dress down completely to expose my breasts and the strapless tan bra. With one more fell swoop he pushed my dress all the way down to my knees. I spun around, wanting so badly to touch his sculpted figure. His white skin paled in the dim lighting, reminding me of honey milk. I wanted to taste it.

  Feeling his fingertip graze my nipple while his other hand released the clasp of my bra, I stared at him in disbelief. He had just taken a mere second to figure out the delicately designed brassiere which seemed to drive most men for a loop.

  Sensing my surprise, he giggled, then laid me down on the bed. His moans of pleasure were low yet audible. The beast in him was rising hard and fast. I wanted him to make me feel such pleasure that it almost turned to pain. There is a fine line between pain and euphoria. One must not be confused with the other even though the hurt is sweet.

  I gasped as his hands cupped my breasts and his mouth came closer to my hardened nipples. Their sensitivity pulsed from his touch. I wanted to moan loudly, but it wasn’t yet the time. “Don’t make me wait,” I begged to him with every rise and fall of my belly. “Make me moan!”

  I didn’t have to tell him twice. His tongue found my weakness as my knees felt like buckling and my legs shook. He flicked my breasts ever so softly, circling them until they hit home. My wetness thoroughly soaked through the thong I wore, my clit pulsing in response to the stimulation.

  Almost as soon as he started I heard the familiar clank of a belt buckle. He was going to start early since I seemed to be drunker than I thought. Was I being loud? I couldn’t tell. All I knew was the burning desire in my sex craved to feel his hard erection.

  Not bothering to fully remove my panties I felt his shift as he tossed away his pants. He pressed his hardness against the side of my leg as it raged, long, hard, and hot. The soft petal skin of his shaft made my body instinctively tilt my pelvis to receive him. I knew what was coming, and it was coming soon.

  Instead of thrusting in me, he lay over me and rubbed me outside softly. His eyes closed as he groaned from the pleasurable sensation. My sex was open and bare before him with nothing but a thin piece of fabric to keep him from entering me.

  He brushed my clit with his fingers below my thong and murmured. “God you’re so wet.” It seemed from his tone that he was rather satisfied with my response. Before he removed his hand I took it in mine. “Don’t stop,” I moaned, hoping he’d touch me there again. “I want to feel everything.” Never had I felt so sinfully delighted to feel a man’s touch. “Mmmmm,” I sighed, feeling the quaking in his large broad shoulders from the restraint. How much longer could he last before giving in to my sweet depths? How much longer could I last before shoving him onto me?

  Answering the question instantly, he ripped the bottom of my panties to the side and placed his hardness against my opening.

  “I can’t hold back anymore…God…” He growled ravenously as he pushed against me gently, his head tilting back from the painful pleasure.

  There was no difficulty as he slid inside, filling me. I arched my back from the intensity of his first thrust, sending tingles down my toes and threatening an instant orgasm from the sheer anticipation. And as his pelvis ground hard against my tender sex, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would orgasm right then and there.

  “No,” I moaned, throwing my head back on a pillow as my fingers dug into his arms. “Not yet.” My throat gurgled as he slowly drew his length out. I didn’t want it over with already. That wouldn’t be fair.

  “I’m supposed to be saying that,” he hissed playfully, leaning down to bite my neck.

  “Oh…” my voice hushed to a whisper, as my sentence was cut off from his second thrust. I meant to say something but I couldn’t remember the words.

  I rode him like a stallion, my hips bucking against his as his eagerness increased to a steady brisk pace. Sweat beaded our brows and the air was muggy, but I didn’t care. The scent of sex wrapped around us, enveloping our senses until that was all we knew.

  With every thrust inside me I felt the promise of release sneaking up on me. Just a few more and I would be done for. The feeling had started dull and aching, and as he dove deep within my walls I felt the frequency of my euphoria heighten to a sharp burning.

  “Yes,” I gasped as he delivered those final conquering plunges. “Don’t stop…don’t…” I lost all control as my head spun into exultation, my body stiffening from the final buildup. Then everything came crashing down. I convulsed, almost yelling, with my fingers balled into fists beside my head. It happened. It was perfect, the friction of him spurring each torturous orgasm on to the next.

  While I succumbed with blissful ecstasy, he sped up his tempo, his hard abs working extra hard to bring himself beyond that point. I didn’t even think to use a condom, but now as my consciousness returned from that far place, my heart leapt in my throat. Yet it was too late. His back stiffened and his face contorted as I felt him let go. He filled me with warmth, his erection throbbing uncontrollably.

  Exhausted by the performance, he pulled away from me and rolled on his back besides me. Neither of us spoke a word for the next few minutes. I wanted to wind down and just enjoy the peaceful bliss that one has after sex. It was probably the best feeling I had in a while, those utter calm sensations filling my womb.

  When he did speak, he sat up and stretched. “I could use a bite to eat,” he said between yawns.

  My stomach growled a little with the thought of food. I hadn’t noticed how much sex actually took out of a person.

  “Do you want anything,” he asked as he strode over to the nearby phone. “I’ll order something to be brought

  “Yes, I’m starving,” I admitted, patting my stomach. After eating, we went to bed. I wasn’t quite sure what the week or even day would entail after this. Chances were I would never see the guy again. It was one night. Believe me it was worth it. I decided to sleep on no expectations for anything to come of this.

  The night passed in comforting silence. James lay opposite me without once cuddling, his bulky form consuming a good portion of the bed.

  When I woke up the next morning…I was alone. James was nowhere to be found, but a note next to me and a single rose announced his departure. Somehow I had a bad feeling about what it would say, and my fingers shook as I reached towards it.

  The note was handwritten just by judging the envelope. It was plain and simply scribed. What waited for me inside I wasn’t ready for at all. Perhaps nothing could have prepared me for the secrets of James Smith and his mysterious manipulative ways. I knew he wasn’t a good guy to be toying with, but somehow in the spur of the moment it didn’t quite matter.

  I stared at the wall, shame filling my heart until I couldn’t shake the memory from my head.

  Chapter 6

  It was the end of December already and Christmas white cheer had settled its cool gaze southward. Cities were now bustling with the last few hours left of holiday joy before the upcoming Christmas Eve. Mistletoe and innocent kisses in the falling carpet of flurries always managed to brighten moods this time of year. Or at least it did for me on usual circumstances.

  But now everything felt wrong. With mascara in hand and my mouth open in that odd construed manner that women usually pose when applying makeup, I shook with frustration. Nothing felt right since that night, and irritatingly it was pissing me off. For every time I looked in the mirror, all I saw was a confused girl wearing emotions on her sleeve. Dear God, could I be any more obvious with how I felt about things? Even Gabrielle was noticing my behavior, but as of yet she hadn’t quite inquired into it.


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