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Page 5

by Sandra Sookoo

  “Will you walk with me?” He released the door as Ava eased it all the way open. Between her and her companion, yards of fabric consumed the space.

  “You bet.”

  She’d barely joined him on the porch when the dragon spoke again. “Do not think you can try anything untoward, Mr. Tremaine.” She waggled a finger at him. “I have eyes all over this town, and though Destiny is not as strict with society’s rules as other places in the country, I will not allow you to violate my charge simply because you are out of time. And you—” She turned toward Ava so quickly her chins quivered. “You need your jacket, your hat, and your gloves. At least deport yourself with a modicum of decorum. You are a reflection on me while you are here.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Ava ducked into the house, followed by Mrs. Altier.

  So anxious was Sam to be in Ava’s company, he paced the length of the porch. Three days. Three measly days to spend with her. What could they talk about when words were at a premium? The door opened, and the tread of her heel sounded on the porch planks. As he turned, he forgot how to breathe.

  She was beautiful and completely different from any woman he’d ever known. Ava wore confidence like a garment. It floated around her, more alluring than the finest gown and more addicting than the purest opiate.

  “Well, Sam, here I am.” She adjusted a soft-looking gray shawl over a plain lavender gown. “If you’ve got plans for us, I suggest you get to them. Mrs. Altier isn’t pleased you weaseled a date this morning.”

  “I am not concerned with her.” His last three days would not be spent pandering to the old dragon. He held a hand out to her. “Are you pleased I’ve come for you so early?” Warmth snaked up his arm when she placed her fingers on his palm.

  “Absolutely.” She hitched her skirts with one hand. White lace from a petticoat greeted his hungry gaze. Ava grinned, then tugged him down the steps, following a brick-laid path leading to the rear of the house. “She has no sense of humor and refuses to talk about anything that doesn’t pertain to husbands, raising children, or keeping a proper house.”

  “Do you have no use for these skills?” He stuffed his gloves into a pocket of his coat. For the duration of their time together, he intended to employ as much sensory perception as possible. He wanted to feel her skin on his, but her kid gloves thwarted his plan.

  “Not at the moment.” Her grip on his hand tightened as she guided him down a garden path, lined on both sides with evergreen hedges. “Back in my time, I was very career oriented. I loved working, loved competing against the men, and seeing where each job could take me.”

  “And now?” He couldn’t imagine a world where men and women held the same positions or worked side by side. Society must have grown by leaps and bounds in a hundred years or so. How fascinating it must be to see the advancements.

  “I miss it. If there’s no hope of getting back there, I guess I’ll have to make my own way here, but—” She slowed and faced him. Her pale skin and pastel outfit stood in stark contrast to the eight-foot evergreen shrubs. “I refuse to be trapped in some sort of weird domestic, slave-type situation. It’ll be my way or nothing.”

  Domestic slave? His mind tripped over images of Ava tied to various pieces of furniture in barely dressed scenarios, available to do his bidding on a whim. Heat invaded his bloodstream. He fumbled at his too tight neckline. “I do not doubt it for a moment.”

  “Besides, I haven’t found the right guy, haven’t really connected with someone so deeply I knew it was right from the start or would want to give up and share my life with him.”

  “I understand.” In his mind, he hoped he would be the man to hold that honor. As she slipped around another curve of what he now recognized as a maze, he shook his head and followed. “Where are we going?”

  Ava glanced over her shoulder. “To the back of the maze I checked out last night. If we stick to one side of the hedges, Mrs. Altier can’t see us.” Disappearing behind yet another turn, the vegetation muffled her next words. “If you look carefully, you’ll see her standing at the attic window.”

  Doing as she suggested, he chuckled when he saw she was correct. The lace curtains in the window twitched, falling into place as if an errant current of air had moved them. “She’s only concerned for your virtue.” He yelped as Ava yanked him into the heart of the maze.

  “My virtue? Yeah, that hasn’t been a problem since my sophomore year in college.”

  A grin curved his lips. “You are not a virgin?”

  “Nope. Shocked?” She settled herself on a stone bench, then patted the empty spot next to her. “Come, sit.” Wicked intent sparkled in her eyes.

  “Honestly, no. It merely means I will not be taking advantage of you.”

  “I like the way you think.” When he followed her dictate, she continued. “I refuse to let anyone tell me I can’t jump a guy’s bones.”

  “I presume that charming phrase means initiate sex with a man?” Her speech patterns pulled him deeper into her web, and again, regret sat heavy on his chest that he wouldn’t have more time with her. “Is that the reason you brought me out here, to jump my bones?” The fact that she wasn’t shy about discussing sex sweetened the pot. There’d be no asinine hints and flirting, no wondering if he’d hurt her or dealing with histrionics after the deed was done, and no whining about him leaving until he returned with a consolation gift.

  He and Ava could simply enjoy each other’s bodies. And still, his cock remained asleep. Hellfire and damnation! He glanced into the sun-streaked sky. Please, one more time…

  She scooted closer to him. Their knees knocked together. “Among other things.”

  His thin veneer of control snapped, and he reached for her. When death hovered, small talk simply had no bearing. “You are pure delight in the shell of a temptress.” He skimmed his hands up her arms, dislodging her shawl, and continued on to bury his fingers into her warm, thick hair. “You are unlike anyone I have ever known.”

  “How about getting to know me a little better?” Then she tipped forward, and her lips met his.

  Sam ripped the pins from her hair as if his life depended upon it. When the tresses tumbled about her shoulders, he tangled his fingers deeper and tilted her head upward. He took possession of the kiss, falling gratefully into the soft pillows of her lips. Sweeping his tongue along their crease, he groaned as she opened her mouth and met his tongue with hers.

  Satin heat and silk became his world. He paid homage to her like an acolyte to a goddess, seeking approval born of desperation of wanting to be remembered. When she gasped and pulled away to breathe, he feathered kisses along her jaw, tasting the sweetness of her skin. “I need to touch you.” His self-imposed abstinence had taken a toll. He longed to feel the velvet of a woman’s body, feel the various textures a tongue could encounter on the vast feminine landscape.

  “Hell, Sam, you can run all the bases you want, just do it!” She fumbled at the buttons on his waistcoat, then plucked at his shirt. “One of us is gonna show skin this morning, and it doesn’t matter to me who goes first.”

  “I suppose that means you give permission.” Already, he’d worked half the line of tiny pearl buttons down the front of her gown.

  “Of course.” Ava growled and wrenched away. “I hate all the layers of clothing this time period requires.” She peeled the gloves from her fingers and threw them on the ground.

  “I have said the same thing many times myself.” He encountered the stiff fabric of her corset. “Damn contraption.” Beneath that she wore a silk chemise, but operating the hooks and ribbons of the shell-like garment would take several minutes. “It will take some time to disrobe you.”

  She batted his hands away. Her chest heaved with each labored breath she took, and her breasts swelled at the top of the corset. “We’ll do you instead.” Moving close again, this time nearly onto his lap, she traced a hand along his torso. “But yeah, way too many clothes.”

  “Ava, what do you intend…?” Sam lost hi
s train of thought when her hand drifted lower until she covered his cock with a confidence that spoke of experience. Crippling need shook his frame. He hadn’t been fondled there by a woman for a long time. Lord, how he missed the intimacy. “Aw, damn.” How many sex acts did she know from her time, and how to convince her to teach them to him?

  “Sweet spot, huh?” She pressed her body closer, and her hand slid snugly into his crotch. “Come on, baby, let’s see you grow into a man.” A fingertip slid along his length as she held his gaze. “Guess you’re not prone to a woody in the morning?”


  “It’s okay. I know exactly how to get this solider to salute.” Gently, she squeezed his balls through his trousers, alternately stroking his penis before starting the process over again. “If this doesn’t work, you’ll have to take your pants off.” Desire darkened her eyes as she smiled. “I’ve been known to give a pretty good blowjob.”

  Imagining her mouth around his cock, he nearly fell off the bench. No matter how much he enjoyed holding her or having her roam his body, it could never go further than that. His aging penis would not cooperate. It twitched a couple of times, but like a tired old man, it gave up in favor of sleeping. “I am sorry, Ava. I do not feel myself at the moment.” He eased her from his person, for the first time wishing he weren’t a phoenix. “I should go.” His chest tightened painfully as mortification washed over him.

  “I’m sorry.” A blush colored her cheeks. “It’s my biggest flaw, pushing people to do things they’re not ready for, but I thought your signals were so clear.”

  “My signals?” Her way of speech was damned annoying at times.

  “I thought you wanted to, you know…” She cleared her throat. “There’s an attraction between us. I’ve never felt something so strong before…” The tendons in her neck worked as she swallowed. “Forget it. Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part.”

  The embarrassed sadness on her face caused his heart to lurch. “No. I felt it too.”

  Her bright smile returned. “Will I see you again? You also need to explain that imminent death thing.”

  To ignore the hope and longing reflected in her face would be criminal. He had no strength to deny her. “Tonight. I will come tonight and give you everything you need, verbal or otherwise.” He fled like the coward he was.

  Chapter Five

  Ava flopped onto her back. She gathered the quilt in her fists while trying hard not to scream from sheer frustration. Once Sam fled the scene this morning as if the hounds of hell were after him, she’d had no choice but to return to the house where Mrs. Altier rushed her into the parlor. After a round of questioning in which Ava gave up nothing that had transpired between her and him, she’d stomped upstairs to her room and refused to come out, which was fine since she’d eventually fallen asleep and hadn’t awoken until late in the afternoon. Even her wolf remained quiet.

  Grudgingly accepting a dinner tray later in the evening but refusing Mrs. Altier’s company, Ava lit an oil lamp and turned the burning wick down so soft, shadows danced in the faint light. She struggled out of the hated period clothing and into the slightly more tolerable voluminous nightclothes. The only redeeming quality about the thin cotton garment was the dainty embroidery along the cuffs, neck, and hem as well as the soft, handmade lace. Maybe 1899 did have its finer points after all. The decadent slip of the fabric over her skin did huge things for her confidence. Hell, not squeezing herself into the corset seemed like a little piece of heaven.

  You need to eat and keep up your strength. He’s coming for us soon. I can smell him on the wind.

  “Oh, you decide to come out of hiding now?” Ava thought about ignoring the beast inside, then chucked the idea as stupid. There was no ignoring. The wolf would always be with her.

  I wasn’t hiding. I needed to know how you felt about Sam.

  That was a scary thought. “What did you find out? You were gone so long, it must have been deep down.” In spite of her urge to defy the wolf, Ava grabbed her fork and took a few bites of the fragrant pot roast Mrs. Altier had made.

  You bury your feelings well, but I know the truth. You like Sam. You feel a bond you can’t explain, and that terrifies you.


  He’s the sort of man lifetimes are built around with love and children.

  “Yeah, right. I’m not the mommy sort of woman.”

  Stranger things have happened.

  “Why should I try for more when he’s already said he’ll die soon? If it’s true, we can’t have a real relationship outside of a quick jump in the sack.” Heat tickled between her legs as she thought of sex with the handsome phoenix. Remembering his strong jaw and hard chest made her shiver. No wonder heroines in novels were always swooning. Hanging out with hunks while wearing a corset wasn’t a great combination. “Besides, if I can’t find a way back home, you and I are stuck here, in this time. Don’t you think that’s more important to deal with instead of looking for a happily ever after?”

  What makes you think it can’t be found here? Happiness doesn’t have to be fifty years. Reproach crept into the telepathic response. Do you enjoy being in his company?

  Ava set the fork down on the plate. “He makes me feel protected, almost cherished, I guess.” She glanced at the remaining food on her plate, but her appetite had fled. “It’s exciting and thrilling. I haven’t felt that way about a guy for a long time.”

  Then what are you worried about?

  Tears sprang into her eyes. She blinked them away. “What if I want the lifetime?” Her stomach clenched in knots from the admission. She scrambled to her feet. “Sure, sex would be great, but if I get close to him emotionally and he dies, where does that leave me?” Pacing, she shook her head. She’d done the full-out, head-over-heels thing with her first crush in college. After graduation, he left with a flimsy excuse of starting his real life. “I don’t want to be hurt.”

  Her wolf snorted. What’s the point of living if you don’t feel something every once in a while? If you experience a couple of days’ worth of the purest love, don’t you think everything else you go through will be worth it? Wouldn’t the few days you have with this man far outweigh any pain?

  Ava had no answer. She refused to think beyond the present. Was there such a thing as love at first sight, or was it really just wistful optimism built upon the commercialism of the romance industry? Wrapping her arms around her body, she stood at the window. Sunset had come and gone. Stars twinkled against the inky darkness. With no need to compete with the glare of city lights, each space jewel burned proud in its place.

  “It’s peaceful here. There could be worse places to be stuck in, I guess.” She leaned on the windowsill, her chin propped in one hand. The anxiety of being thrust back in time, for no reason and without an escape, faded. No more rat race. No more working twelve- or fourteen-hour days. No more endless travel days or microwaved meals on the go. This time period had its advantages.

  And the chance to see history unfold got her creative juices flowing. “Who knows, if I ask enough people here, maybe I’ll find the place where I can fit in and be happy. Somehow, I don’t think it’s being a clerk at the bank.”

  Have you made peace with your life now?

  She grinned at her wolf’s question. “As dumb as it sounds, I think I have. Whatever happens, I’ll enjoy the moment. It’s time for a change, wolf-girl.” Maybe I’m here for a universal reset. If slowing down and finding my center means I’ll have to do it in 1899, how can I argue?

  A slight knock against the window glass startled Ava out of her reflections. “What the hell?” When it came again, she worked the clasp on the sill and pushed the double glass panels open. Leaning out as far as she dared, she stared into the darkness. “Sam?” Shadows moved against the blackness, but she couldn’t identify any one in particular. Chilly air rushed into the room and condensed her breath.

  He’s here!

  As her wolf paced back and forth in her mind’s eye, Ava squir
med as the animal’s excitement transferred to her in the form of heightened skin sensitivity. Her nipples tightened, but whether from the cold or his presence, she had no idea. The fine hair on her arms stood at attention. “Sam, is that you?” She didn’t dare raise her voice over a whisper for fear she’d summon Mrs. Altier.

  “Yes. Either come downstairs and unlock the door, or join me outside.” Though he kept his voice low, she’d swear she felt it reverberate in her chest. “Make your decision quickly.”

  “One sec.” Not since high school had she snuck out of a house to meet a boy. Then, it ended with sloppy kisses. This meeting would end with… Heat rushed through her chest. Well, it would end much better than this morning. Pulling the window closed, she dashed across the floor and extinguished the lamp. If Mrs. Altier did wander the halls in the night, she’d have cause to investigate. Scant moments later, she struggled into thin silk slippers and padded into the hall.

  With slow movements, she closed her bedroom door. Ava slunk along the hallway and eased down the wooden staircase. Halfway down, one of the steps groaned beneath her weight. She paused as her pulse marked the seconds. From somewhere on the bottom level, the chime of a grandfather clock announced the time. She waited and counted nine soft pings, her muscles tensed. When her guard dog didn’t appear, Ava relaxed and finished the trip without incident.

  She glided through a living area, then a smaller parlor. Mrs. Altier must have retired to her room for the night. Letting out a sigh of relief, she tiptoed to the door. The key still in the lock, Ava bit back a laugh, turning it before opening the door.

  Guess they’re not real concerned about security around here.

  Sam stood on the porch in a dark suit like he’d worn every time she’d seen him. His fiery red hair gleamed in the moonlight, a soft accompaniment to his brandy-hued eyes, except now, a few more gray hairs glimmered in his locks. New wrinkles marred his forehead and lined his mouth, almost as if his age had accelerated. “I apologize for leaving you this morning. It was childish and only netted us lost time.” He kneaded the brim of his hat in his fingers.


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