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Page 6

by Sandra Sookoo

  “I don’t care about that. You’re here now.” Her heart beat so loud, she feared it would wake Mrs. Altier. “It’s too cold to goof around outside tonight. Come to my bedroom, but be quiet. If you wake Mrs. Altier, we’re both dead.” She caught one of his hands and tugged him inside. “I missed you.” Her heart lurched as she realized it was the truth. He’d been the one constant since she’d arrived in Destiny. Now that she’d given herself permission to let him into her heart, she knew no barriers.

  “And I you.” He crushed her into an embrace as soon as she closed the door.

  Ava drowned in the heat coursing through her body and the feel of his strong arms around her. She pulled away before she could become a puddle on the floor. “Not here.” The trip up the stairs went much faster than coming down. The step creaked. She didn’t stop or even care. The sooner they got to her room, the sooner she could have him on the bed, preferably naked, desperate, and hard.

  “Miss Lesarris, let me—”

  “Hush.” As quietly as she could, Ava opened her door, pushed Sam inside, and just as softly closed and locked it. “You owe me an explanation. Tell me why you think you’ll die in three days.”

  “Does it change the way you think of me?” Hope shone in his eyes like a beacon showing her the way.

  “No.” The connection between them had been established the first time they’d met.

  “Good.” He tugged her to the bed. “It is now slightly over two days, and that long, drawn-out story can wait. I intend to kiss every inch of your body at the moment.”

  Damn. I’m in trouble now. This was a man who knew what he wanted and was used to getting it. Exactly the kind of man she’d secretly wished Mike would be. A tiny twinge passed through her stomach. For all practical purposes, he’s dead to me. Their relationship had no fuel to continue. Now, she could see it all so clearly, and she let him go.

  You’re free now. Her wolf whined but lay down, rolling over on her back. Sam will dominate us. He’s what we need.

  Thelonious’s words came back to haunt her. Find what you think you do not need…

  Sam grinned. “Time permitting, I can do other things as well. I have had much experience over my lifetime.”

  A shiver crept over her skin. The longer she held his liquid-brown gaze, the more aroused she grew. Her nipples drew into almost painful buds visible beneath the layers of nightclothes. As she stood, trapped in unfamiliar uncertainty, she watched Sam’s focus slide to her breasts, then return to her face. Intense desire burned in that one look, enough to cause her knees to buckle.

  “I’d like that.” She licked her dry lips. Flutters erupted in her stomach when Sam growled and tackled her. They came together in a jumble of limbs.

  “Remember, if you do not want to rouse your guardian, this must be a silent seduction.” His words whispered across her cheeks. “No screaming allowed, no matter what I do to you.”

  She had no time for a smartass reply before he claimed her lips, employing long, drugging kisses that left her head spinning and her heart pounding. He moved over her mouth like a general, with commanding authority, demanding she give him all he requested. Ava surrendered with a sigh. She relaxed into a more comfortable position. When he dragged his lips over her chin and down the column of her throat, she whimpered. “What do you plan on doing to me?”

  “Enjoy you. Give you pleasure. Make an impression so you will remember me, what we had together.”

  “About that.” She pushed against his chest, determined to find out why he thought his days were numbered.

  “In good time.” He untied the ribbons at her throat. The wrapper fell open. He pushed it from her shoulders and his hands were at her breasts, kneading them through the nightgown, his thumbs brushing over the distended tips. “I am pleased you have already dressed for bed. I abhor wrestling with corsets.”

  “You and me both.” She arched into his touch. “I need your mouth on me.” Wanting him with considerably less clothing, she worked the buttons on his waistcoat.

  Sam raised his head. White teeth flashed in the darkness. “We are of one mind.” He edged away. “Take off the gown. I’d rather not tear such a gorgeous garment, but I will if you request it.”

  She didn’t waste any more time talking. Struggling out of the many yards of voluminous fabric, she’d barely thrown it aside when he shucked out of his jacket, waistcoat, and boots. “Touch me now, please?” She heard the strain in her voice and held out a hand. “I don’t like waiting.”

  A slow grin curved his lips. “Patience.” He smoothed his palms over her shoulders and down her arms. “The anticipation is as much fun as the actual act.”

  “Depends.” Almost naked and vulnerable, the cool air sent goosebumps careening over her exposed skin. Only the silk pantalettes stood between her and full exposure. She squirmed as expectation spiraled through her pussy. “If your time is limited, don’t you think you should hurry?” Her breasts ached, and she pressed more fully against him for relief.

  Sam didn’t answer with words. He dipped his head, taking a nipple into his mouth.

  Ava hissed with pleasure. Heat swirled low in her belly as he sucked on the tip. When she moaned, he rolled her neglected nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “You have a perfect body, Ava. A body made to be worshipped by the right man.”

  “Are you that man?” Oh God, please say yes. Wetness seeped between her thighs as her arousal grew. Every touch of his hand brought her closer to release.

  “I will try everything in my power to be so.” He dropped to his knees before her. “I pray that I am.”

  A response died in her throat as he stroked along her waist. Trembles swept over her skin, multiplying in quick succession while he drew her old-fashioned lingerie over her hips and down her legs. “Sam, please let me undress you.” She wanted to see his body, touch him everywhere he did her, taste his skin.

  “In a moment.” He pressed heated kisses to her belly, abdomen, and hips. Everywhere fabric had once been, he explored with his mouth until she stood on wobbly legs. Clutching his shoulders for support, she tried to bring him up, but he shook his head. “Sit on the edge of the bed.”

  “Sam.” When he placed a kiss on her curls, her knees buckled.

  He guided her to the bed, gently pushing her down so her legs hung off the side, and she reclined on her elbows. “Remember, no loud noises. It shall be our little game, hmm?”

  “Okay.” The threat of being found out by her benefactor added a thrill to their play. Her stomach flipped as if she’d plunged down a large rollercoaster hill. She stared back as he gazed at her while easing her legs apart. “Should I trust you?” Through it all, her wolf had remained silent, for which she was grateful. She couldn’t have sex with a voice in her head.

  “Do you have a choice?” Before she could answer, he lowered his head.

  The first swipe of his tongue along her slick folds sent heat rushing through her veins. The next stoked the heat into a fire that threatened to consume her. The moment he nibbled her clit and teased it with his talented tongue, she lost her mind to the white-hot sensations pulsing around her.

  Her whimper of submission went unheeded. Sam continued his erotic assault. His tongue circled the bundle of nerves in ever-tighter designs. Ava clutched handfuls of the bedding as coils of need wound low through her belly, ready to spring.

  “You taste as sweet as honey to me, Ava.” For one second, his gaze caught hers, intense, deep, shadowed with emotion, then he gave her a wink and returned to his work.

  She jerked when he suckled her swollen nub. Another tickle of his warm, moist tongue along her folds sent her over the edge. She bit her bottom lip hard as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into her. The energy screamed along her skin like a heated tornado of sensation and she collapsed onto the mattress, her chest heaving and her channel contracting with her orgasm.

  “You’re very good.” Ava wiped at tears in the corner of one eye. She sat up and gave him a shaky grin. Tiny afte
rshocks zipped through her body with every move. “It normally takes a much longer time to get me off.” And I never cry afterward!

  “Further proof that you and I have a certain chemistry.” Sam wiped his face with the edge of the quilt before he stood. “Thank you for giving me this honor. If you would like to talk, I am willing to give you answers.” Whispering couldn’t mask the complacency in his voice.

  “Not a problem, as long as you let me multitask.” She patted the bed next to her. “Your turn.” Her mouth watered, knowing that in less than a minute she’d have it around what was probably a large, hard cock.

  Sam’s chest rose and fell with a sigh. “I cannot guarantee you will have the results you desire.”

  She rolled her eyes. Every man’s ego was the same. “Paybacks are a bitch.” As he lay on the quilt next to her, she instructed him to put his hands behind his head. “No moving them until I give permission.” Leaning over, she dropped a quick kiss on his mouth. A shiver danced down her spine when she tasted her own juices. “Now, why do you think you’re going to die?”

  “A phoenix can only regenerate seven times in his life.” He shuddered as she worked his trouser buttons.

  “Why is that a problem?” Once she opened his pants, she eased the fabric down and repeated the action with the thin boxerlike underwear. His penis sprang out, framed by a nest of red-gray curls. Not exactly as hard or long as she’d hoped, he was still impressive enough to have potential.

  Sam levered up on an elbow. “Each regeneration takes a huge toll on the physical body. Once reborn, a phoenix ages at an accelerated rate.”

  “You don’t look all that bad to me.” She straddled his calves and tucked her hair behind a shoulder. “I mean, you’re what, maybe thirty-five? A little hair color, and you’ll be good to go.”

  “If I were a full human, I would be thirty-four.” His jaw clenched when she pushed the hem of his shirt up and skimmed a hand along his tight abdomen. “Since I am now on my last regeneration, I am almost ninety-nine years old. Each rebirth ages a phoenix fourteen years.”

  “Wow. You seem to be in fantastic shape.” Ava wrapped a hand around his cock. “So, let’s take this baby out for a spin.” His length, once thick and extended, would fit nicely into her palm. Another rush of heat shot through her at the thought of it filling her. She pumped her curled fingers up and down his shaft. Silky, wrinkled skin slipped beneath her hand, but he didn’t stiffen.

  “Ava, stop. There is something you need to know about my virility.” He reached for her, but she smacked his hand away.

  “You’ll satisfy me, okay? Let me do this.” Men were such babies about their size and prowess. Leaning down, she licked him from tip to balls before taking him into her mouth. As she swirled her tongue around the head, she watched Sam’s face. Surprise gave way to enjoyment, then abject need. His eyes narrowed to slits. She licked at the underside, massaging the tender, less than firm flesh with both her mouth and hand. His cock jumped. Ava sucked gently, grinning when he hardened a bit. Desire coiled low in her belly. Almost time. She pulled away. “Someone’s getting happy. With a bit more playtime, junior will be ready to go.”

  A strangled sound broke from his throat. “Damn it, Ava, I told you to stop.” Sam dislodged her from his legs and rolled onto his side, facing away from her. “I cannot please you in that way.”

  “Okay.” Her stomach clenched. “I’m sorry I pushed you. My wolf side tends to make me aggressive, especially where sex is concerned. Some guys don’t like that.” Great, I finally meet the one man I connect with, I take the lead, and he gets huffy.

  Her wolf growled. You’re wrong. He’s hurting.

  Yeah, well, so am I. Rejection blows. She crawled up the bed. “Feel free to leave.” She hoped he did it soon so he couldn’t see her tears. When will fate cut me a break?

  Chapter Six

  Hellfire and damnation, the woman was crying. Sam alternately cursed the heavens, his aged penis, and his cowardice. For the first time in years he was in bed with a beautiful, willing woman, and he acted like a violated minister. Tucking his near-useless member into his pants, he worked the buttons and slid up the bed next to her. How did one apologize for being unable to provide sex? “Ava, forgive me.”

  “Don’t bother.” She positioned herself so her back faced him, yet the long, creamy expanse provided as much temptation as her front. “I knew it was too good to be true.” The pillows muffled her words. “Just goes to show that the love-at-first-sight thing is total crap.”

  His heart squeezed as if stuck in a vice. She struggled with the concept as well? “My having difficulty becoming aroused has no bearing on how I feel for you.” He smoothed a hand over her glorious golden hair, then lifted the length to his nose. Lavender and honey notes made him grin. “I am merely a victim of old age.”

  “Guys in my time would kill to look like you do at ninety-eight.” A giggle escaped, only to be caught by the pillow.

  “The irony here is I would probably kill for one chance at having sex without needing a woman to work on my aged parts for more than an hour.” The taste of her still lingered on his tongue, sweet and very intoxicating. Where other women had called him dissolute and scandalous for indulging in the act, Ava had not only welcomed it, she’d also sought to reciprocate. That tiny consideration lodged in his chest and glimmered with a hope he desperately wanted to grasp.

  In her, he’d found the one woman who could match him in experience and temperament. Because of his fated days, he was in danger of losing her. It could not happen. I refuse to allow it. I need her.

  She flopped onto her back and held him immobile with a baleful glance. “I don’t believe that.”

  He snapped his focus back to the conversation at hand. “Whether you believe it or not, these are the facts. I have not been a real man for some years now. As difficult as it is for you to accept, put yourself in my position. It is near impossible.” He struggled to his knees and pulled down the quilt. “Come, you will catch a cold. Get under, and I will tuck you in before I go.” The least he could be was a gentleman.

  “I’ve changed my mind. Stay until I fall asleep?” She crawled beneath the bedclothes, clearly expecting him to do the same with her big green eyes searching his.

  “You win.” He could no more deny her request than he could cease breathing on command. Once beside her warm, fragrant body, he drew the quilt around them and held her close. “It was never my intention to hurt you, Ava.”

  “You didn’t.” She wriggled her backside against him. His member twitched but didn’t respond further. “I guess I’m sad. After everything else, I thought somehow if you and I could sleep together, this whole coming-back-in-time thing would make sense or give me a purpose.”

  “I have found the longer I live, the less that makes sense. It is a matter of unlearning everything I knew before. This is especially true after meeting you.” He rested his chin on top of her head. “I am glad you came, for no other reason than the opportunity to meet you.”

  “You’re too charming for your own good.” Though he couldn’t see it for confirmation, he heard the smile in her voice.

  “Perhaps, but I am honest. You have brought light into my life where there was none. Spending my last days with you is quite delightful, despite my current difficulties.” Brushing his fingers over her breasts, urging her nipples into puckered flowers, he sighed. There was simply not enough time left to acquaint himself with her body as he’d like. “The life of a phoenix is harsh and exacting. It seems there is always a sacrifice involved.”

  “How so?”

  Sam felt the tremor that passed through her body. Despite her protests when he first met her, women were the more delicate of the species. He’d give up many things if granted the ability to remain alive and protect her, watch her do even the most mundane things, grow old alongside her. “Since there can only be one full-blooded phoenix living at a time, I never knew my father. If the stories are to be believed, he suffered from a malady of
the heart and died the same day as my birth. This also happened to his father before him.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Turning in his arms, she pressed her body against him, her arms around his waist holding him close. “Did anyone ever explain to you why?”

  “No.” He stroked his fingers down her spine, enjoying the simplicity of feeling connected to a woman, able to lie in bed without the distraction of sex. “This is how the race works with no choice to the bearers. We are very much alone in the world.”

  “What about your mother? Is she gone as well?” Ava’s whispered words tickled his ear.

  “Unfortunately, yes. She was heartbroken when my father died. She managed to live for a few years more before she succumbed. I was her only child.” The customary sadness rolled over him from the premature loss of his mother. “One of my mother’s sisters took me in. When I attained my majority, I struck out on my own.”

  “You came to Destiny?” She accompanied the question with the swipe of her tongue on his neck.

  Desire shook his frame at the fleeting touch. “Some time later. I had to make peace with my fate first. I learned everything I could about my unique race from every library I could find. It would seem there is no set purpose for a phoenix, which is probably why the race is dying out. It is almost as if the Creator lost a train of thought and did not follow through.”

  Her low, breathy laughter sent gooseflesh over his skin. “You never had the desire to reproduce?”

  “Never through my adult life. One, I did not wish to give this lifestyle to another, and two, if I produced a son, upon his birth I would die.” He drew his palm down the length of her back, massaging the slight dip at the base of her spine. He loved that spot on a woman’s body. “Most of my life has been spent in selfish pursuits.”

  “And self-preservation. It’s not a crime, Sam.”


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