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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty

Page 9

by Mz. Lady P

  “Did you suck that nigga’s dick, Trish?”

  “No Markese.”

  Markese walked over to the shower, opened the curtain, and slapped me across my face.

  “Bitch, you lying!”

  “No I’m not Markese.” I had to put my hands up in front of my face to block the blows.

  “Bitch, you disgust me right now. I can’t stand to look at you or touch you. So much for us getting back on track. You know he’s a dead man, right? I got the right mind to kill your ass right now. That will have to wait though. You gonna get my money back from that nigga first.

  “Markese, please don’t make me do this.”

  “Bitch, shut the fuck up and get out this shower before I beat your ass again.”

  I did as Markese told me to do because my eyes were already swollen shut. I could feel it. I was praying this ass whooping was over. I definitely know how Tina felt when Ike was tagging that ass. I could barely see, let alone walk. Markese eyeballed me as I tried to walk past him. He snatched me up by my throat and slammed me on the bed.

  “If you ever in your life cross me for another nigga, I will kill your ass. Do you hear me?”

  I nodded my head because he had me around the throat so tight that I couldn’t speak.

  “You are not to leave this house without my permission. I don’t want you talking to anyone about this, not even Aja.”


  Markese released me and grabbed his car keys off of the nightstand. “Where you going?” I cried.

  “Oh yeah, don’t speak to me unless I speak to you. Just get yourself prepared to get my fucking money back.”

  He walked out of our bedroom. I heard the front door slam and his car leaving out of the garage.

  I cried myself to sleep because this shit was far from over. When I woke up, my body felt like a ton of bricks. I could barely move. When I looked at the clock, I realized I had slept the entire day away. I was in so much pain that my ribs felt like they were broken. It hurt like hell to breathe. I finally got the strength to get out of the bed. After limping into the bathroom, I was horrified when I looked in the mirror.

  Both of my eyes were black and bloodshot red. My lips were swollen and so was my nose. Markese had ripped my hair out by the roots. Clumps of it were all over the floor. I had bald spots all over my head. I mustered up the strength to go downstairs to get some ice for my lips and some witch hazel for my eyes. I heard the TV on in the living room. I knew that meant he was in there. I tried to move around as quietly as possible. Markese would probably want to whoop my ass some more if I breathed the wrong way.

  I got what I needed and went back upstairs and got back in bed. Not too long after that, I felt Markese come into the bedroom. I pretended to be asleep. This nigga was itching to tag my ass some more, I could feel it.

  Markese climbed into bed and pulled the covers off of me with so much force that I flinched. All I could do was cry quietly. I slowly got up to walk out of the room, but I felt sick to my stomach. I rushed to the bathroom. I was vomiting everywhere which hurt my ribs even more.

  “What the fuck you throwing up for, Trish?”

  “I think it’s because I haven’t eaten anything.” I got up off the floor and flushed the toilet.

  I got up off the floor and went to brush my teeth. The light was still off so Markese still hadn’t seen my face. He cut the light on and I can tell he didn’t expect to see my face that fucked up. He hurried up and cut the light off. I walked passed him to go into the other bedroom, making sure not to make any eye contact.

  “Where the fuck you going, Trish?”

  “I’m going to sleep in the other bedroom.”

  “Get your ass in this bed now!” He raised his voice so loud that I jumped.

  I made an about face quick as hell. I have never been scared of Markese until now. I really believe this nigga wants to kill me. I can’t say he’s wrong for what he did to me. I’m dead wrong for going M.I.A on him. I should have just stayed and handled the situation like a woman. I was flat out wrong for confiding in Mont. I had no business being in that man’s house. I should have told Markese the moment he started extorting money from me. I kept a secret to save my own ass, and now I’m paying dearly for it. We both laid there in the dark. I knew he was awake.

  “Markese, do you hate me?”

  “I hate your fucking guts right now. Imma say this again...don’t say shit to me unless I say something to you.”

  That hurt worse than him whooping my ass did. I have to get his money back. I have to regain his trust and show my loyalty to him.

  Chapter 24 – Rahmeek

  Now that my personal life is back in order and I got my girl back, it’s time that Markese and I handle this situation with Juan. I’m glad we put our differences to the side and decided to link up. Some shit is just not adding up. No one knew about that shipment but us. I’m not the smartest mutherfucker, but something in my gut tells me that Juan is behind this.

  We are finally having the meeting today to discuss our plans. We are meeting up at my warehouse. I’m glad everybody made it on time and I was glad. I needed to get back home to Aja. This pregnancy has her clingy and hungry as hell.

  “I just want to say thank you for coming. I know that this is a transition for both sides to link up. But all of our lives are in danger if we don’t handle our fucking business ASAP.

  “I’m not sure what the fuck is going on so fill me in,” Killa said.

  “A couple of weeks back we made a pick up for Juan. In the process of dropping the package off, we were robbed at gunpoint,” Markese said.

  “Damn, what Juan talking about?” Nisa said, looking concerned.

  “We got two weeks left to get him his money or we’re dead. That’s why I wanted y’all here. I believe Juan is behind all of this,” Rahmeek said.

  “Wait a minute! That’s his own shit though?” Hassan said.

  “Not exactly. Juan is our connect, but he gets the product from his older brother, Hector, in Colombia. He has to pay a percentage of whatever he makes to his brother. I guess Juan wanted to be greedy so he robbed us so he wouldn’t have to pay him. Now because we were robbed, we owe him and Hector.”

  “Juan ain’t got nothing but dough. I do not understand why he would do this?” Boogie asked.

  “Greed, pure and simple.” Markese stated.

  “So, what’s the plan, Rahmeek?” Killa said.

  “Since he want to rob us we gon’, rob and murk his ass first. He threatened my family and for that, his old ass got to go. Me and Markese gon’ call him and tell him we got his money. While we’re meeting up with him in his office, y’all will be downstairs robbing him for his money and product.”

  “So, check it out. I already know y’all murder game is official. Not to toot my own horn, but I got a couple of bodies under my belt as well. I know for a fact that he keeps all his money and drugs in an underground tunnel beneath his house. This is where our work comes in. I have been able to put his head of security on my payroll. He has informed me that there are cameras all over the fucking place. He will power them off when we get there. He also gave me a layout of the entire house. Nisa, I need you to come out of gangster mode for one night. He has all types of security at the front gate. I need for you to put on your sexiest gear. I want you to act like your car broke down up the road and you need to use their phone because your cell phone died on you. If that nigga wants to feel on your ass, let him. If he wants to fuck, you get that nigga naked and blow his fucking brains out. Can you do that for us?”

  “Man, Rahmeek, I got to put on a dress? It’s cool though. I will take one for the team. Let’s get this money, but y’all owe me.”

  “Hassan, Killa, and Boogie, this the most important part of the plan. While we are taking the old man out of his misery, y’all will be outside waiting for Nisa’s cue that the coast is clear. Y’all will be posted at the back of the house. As soon as y’all enter the back door, there is a pantry with stairs w
hich leads to the tunnel. Get in and get out. I want that bitch empty. Don’t worry about me and Markese. We will hold off on killing Juan until y’all give us the cue that you got the dope and are gone. We have to be on point. No fuck ups or we die. We going in as a team and coming out as family. We’re not losing anybody. We’re going in alive and we coming out alive.

  “Does anybody have questions or doubts? Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  Everyone agreed to the plan. I was happy because that money will have all of us looking real nice for a long time.

  “Okay. This shit goes down next week. We all need to get rest and be focused. Oh yeah, we’re moving the girls to a safe place.”

  With that being said, everyone got up to leave the room and Hassan showed them out.

  “Aye, Markese, can I holler at you on some personal shit?”

  “Yeah what’s up?”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, where is your boy Mont at?”

  “Mont won’t be a part of this operation. He is no longer a part of this crew,” Markese stated matter of factly.

  “Good. I don’t trust that nigga. His eyes tell me he a snake. I also wanted to talk to you about Aja.”

  “What about her?”

  “Look, I know that you don’t want me with Aja, but we are trying to build a family together. I know I hurt her by not fucking with her when I first found out she was carrying my seed, but I was real salty about Hassan. Every day I’m trying to make it up to her. I plan on spending the rest of my life with her. So, basically I wanted to know could I get your blessings to ask for her hand in marriage.”

  “Aja means the world to me besides my girl and my seeds. She is all I that I have. She’s a grown woman who is about to be a mother. I’ll give you my blessing under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That you protect her and never put her in harm’s way. Rah, she loves you so much that she stopped fucking with me, so all I have to say is love her, and if you ever hurt her again that’s your ass, nigga.”

  “Yeah, yeah nigga I know. But, don’t tell her I’m going to propose. She doesn’t know yet.”

  “I got you Rah. Now let’s get this fucking money.”

  We dapped each other up and parted ways.

  Chapter 25- Aja

  I have been calling Trish for the last week and I have yet to speak to her ass. She doesn’t even know how things are going with Rahmeek and me. Markese hasn’t been answering his phone either. Some shit is going on and I’m about to find out.

  I pulled up to their house and saw Trish’s car in the driveway. I knew she was home, but all the lights were out. That’s not sitting well with me because she hates the dark. I looked into my purse and found my keys. I entered the house and it was eerily quiet.

  “Trish, where are you? I know you’re here so answer me!”

  “I’m up here in my room Aja.”

  Trish’s room was pitch black. “Damn cut on the light. What’s going on? I’ve been calling you. Why aren’t you answering the phone?”

  I hit the light switch and was horrified at the sight of my sister-in-law.

  “Oh my God! What the fuck happened to you, Trish?” I was in total shock and disbelief.

  “I’m okay. It’s better now, Aja.”

  “Who did this to you?”

  Trish turned away without looking at me and I knew Markese did it. My brother is not a woman beater, so I’m confused right now.

  “What the fuck is going on? I can’t believe this shit. Markese beat you like this? I’m about to call his ass right now.”

  “It’s all my fault, Aja. I betrayed him in the worst way. He doesn’t love or want me anymore. I brought this all on myself.”

  “Trish, I don’t care what the fuck you did. He didn’t have to do you like this. Please fill me in because I’m lost.”

  “Aja, when y’all were looking for me, I was staying with Mont. I was only there as a friend, but he had a hidden agenda. While I was there, he raped me and videotaped me. Now he’s blackmailing me. I’ve been giving him Markese’s money to keep quiet. Somehow, Markese found out and beat my ass. I deserved it. He said I have to get his money back, but I don’t know how to do that. I need your help, Aja. Please help me. I love Markese. You have to believe me.”

  Trish fell into my arms and cried her eyes out. I felt sorry for her because I know she loves my brother, but I also had to give her a piece of my mind.

  “On some real shit, I know you love my brother. That shit you did was dead wrong. You lucky he didn’t kill your ass. You need to get it together. Laying in this house feeling sorry for yourself will not make this situation better. Get up and fix yourself up. We’re about to get this money back.”

  “How are we going to do that, Aja?”

  “We gon’ get it back ourselves. All we need is Nisa and Niyah to help us.”

  “Aja no! Markese doesn’t want anybody to know about this, not even you. Nisa or Niyah can’t know.”

  “Look, you can trust Nisa and Niyah. We gon’ do this shit, and we gone do it right. We fuck with goons and we are their ride or die chicks. When one of us hurt, we all hurt. We about to set it the fuck off.”

  “You are six months pregnant. Rahmeek and Markese will kill me if something happens to you behind my bullshit.”

  “Let me worry about all of that. Now get up and get ready I’m about to call the girls over here.”

  “Thanks Aja. I really appreciate this.”

  “You’ve been helping me since forever. It’s time I pay you back.”

  Two hours later, Nisa and Niyah had finally arrived.

  “Daammmnnnnnnn!” They both sounded like Smokey from Friday.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” Nisa said.

  Trish went on to explain to Nisa and Niyah about the whole situation.

  “So, this explains why Markese is in a bad fucking mood. Oh my God! Y’all, this shit is happening at a bad time. We have some major shit going on y’all.

  “I’m so sorry Nisa. If I could handle this shit myself I would,” Trish said.

  “I can’t believe Mont is doing this! We supposed to be a family. Fuck that shit! Mont is a dead nigga walking.”

  “Yes, he got to go. I don’t want him nowhere around this family. I’m ready to kill his ass right now.” Aja said.

  “Rah and Markese will kill me if they knew I was plotting this shit with y’all. I love y’all like the sisters I never had. If we gon’ do this, it has to be ASAP. I have to be ready for this job I have to do with the team.” Nisa said

  Trish’s phone started to ring. She picked it up and glanced at the caller ID.

  “Oh my God! This is Mont calling my phone now,” Trish said, looking scared.

  “Answer it and put it on speakerphone,” Niyah said.

  “Yeah bitch, Imma a need $10,000 from your skank ass.”

  “Look Mont, I can’t give you anymore of Markese’s money.”

  “Fuck that nigga! I’m not trying to hear that unless you want his bitch ass to see the videotape!”

  “No, no I will give it to you. Where do you want me to meet you?”

  “At my house and wear something sexy. Be here by eleven tonight.”

  I hung up the phone and threw it across the bed. “This shit is crazy. I can’t do this y’all.”

  “Oh, yes you can, and you will meet up with him. Act like you trying to fuck that nigga. We gon’ be right outside waiting for you. You gon’ drug his ass just like he did you,” Nisa said.

  “I pray this shit works,” I said, sounding skeptical.

  “I do this shit for a living ladies. Just follow my lead and nothing will go wrong.”

  We went on to plan the night out. I prayed we got out without any fuckups. My brother or Trish don’t deserve this from Mont. Murking this nigga is going to feel good as hell.

  Chapter 26 - Trish

  I’m nervous as hell about this whole situation. I’m so nervous that I’m constantly going to the
bedroom. I put on my all black cat suit with my all black leather thigh high boots. I put foundation on to hide the bruises on my face. I hopped in my car and called Mont to let him know that I was on my way. The girls followed me to his house but parked down the block.

  “It’s about time you made it, Trish.” Mont said, hugging me.

  “I had to wait until Markese left the house.”

  I took off my coat and his eyes got big as saucers.

  “I see you took my advice and wore something sexy. You’re looking good enough to eat.”

  “I’ve been thinking. Being with you would probably be a good thing since Markese no longer wants to be with me.”

  “It’s about time you realized that. Now come over here and show Daddy how much you missed him.

  I straddled him and began kissing him. I let him get all into it so that I could distract him. He never saw seen the needle coming until he felt the pain in his neck. I injected him with a drug that made him unable to move, but he would be able to feel pain. I wanted him to be fully aware of what was about to happen. I let the girls in and we immediately went to work on him. We stripped Mont naked and tied him up. When he came to, he had four familiar faces standing around him in all black with guns drawn.

  “What the fuck? What the hell did you do to me?”

  He attempted to move, but quickly realized he was tied up. He just started panicking.

  “Shut the fuck up! I heard you like to rape females,” Nisa said, hitting him in the face with the butt of her gun causing teeth to fly from his mouth.

  “Aargh! Aargh,” Mont screamed out in pain

  “Didn’t she say shut the fuck up?” Aja asked before shooting him in both legs.

  “Y’all bitches crazy!”

  “Bitch? Who you calling a bitch?”

  Niyah spit her razor from her mouth and climbed onto Mont’s lap. She began carving the word rapist into his chest as he hollered in pain.

  “Stop all that damn hollering! Your ass wasn’t hollering while you were raping me.”

  I pulled my secret weapon out of my purse. After everything he put me through, I had to torture his ass. I pulled out the meat grinder, placed his dick and balls into it, and slowly turned the handle.


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