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Her Colorado Pleasures [Spirit, Colorado 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Lara Valentine

  Evan pulled out, leaving only the head of his cock in her ass. Then he thrust back, running over sensitive nerves, and she groaned at the sensation. Sin pulled out as Evan entered her, then slammed back in, and her pussy tightened on his cock.

  They fucked her just like that. One would enter her and the other would pull out. They built up speed until they were riding her fast and without mercy. The men were fucking her hard, just the way she loved it, and she wouldn’t last long. Despite coming hard several times tonight, she was ready and on the edge of the cliff. She just needed her men for the dive.

  Evan grunted and thrust inside her hard. He froze, reaching around and rubbing her clit with his fingers. She flew apart, sending shattered pieces of herself helter-skelter. The pleasure was so intense it bordered on pain. The intensity slammed her down on Sin’s chest. He, too, froze inside her, his body going tense. He cursed, his grip tightening on her hips. Her cunt was so sensitive, she could feel their hot cum filling the condoms.

  Exhausted, they collapsed, their bodies covered in sweat and sticky with her juices. She protested when they pulled out of her, not wanting to break this magical spell.

  “We have to take care of the condoms, sweetness. Then we’ll take care of you.”

  Sin came back and cleaned her with a warm cloth before they snuggled together in the bed. She fell asleep happy but not content. She knew she would have some hard decisions to make before Monday.

  Chapter 16

  The sun was just coming up over the trees. It was going to be a sunny day. Evan’s mood, however, was decidedly glum. He stared out the kitchen window, across the snowy landscape. He had no idea if their all-out full-court press to make things so wonderful Casey wouldn’t leave had worked. It was Monday morning, and she would have to make a decision before the end of the day.

  It had been a weekend full of laughter and lovemaking. Even Sin had lost his usual stoic demeanor and relaxed in the splendor of Casey’s smile. Making love to her was a revelation each and every time. With no one else had they felt the connection they felt with her.

  “What are we going to do?”

  Evan turned to see Sin grab a cup of coffee. The remote expression was back on his face, but Evan knew Sin well enough to recognize the pain, too. If Casey left, this would kill him.

  Evan sighed heavily and slumped against the sink.

  “I don’t know. If this weekend didn’t convince her, then our only hope is whether or not she can sell the store. The restoration is far enough along she won’t have any trouble putting it on the market. She’ll probably get a good price for it, too. It’s one of the most successful businesses in town.”

  Sin shook his head. “I don’t want to be a fucking consolation prize, Ev. I want her to stay because she loves us, not because she can’t find a buyer for the store. I love her, and I want her to be happy. If it’s not with us, well, I guess I’m going to have to find a way to live with that. But I’ll be damned if I keep her here on a technicality.”

  “What are you saying? You want us to let her go?”

  The ache in Evan’s chest doubled at the thought of her leaving.

  Sin pushed his cup away in disgust. “I think we should put in an offer for the store. Then her choice is clear. She can stay with us or take the job and leave.”

  Sin’s voice choked on the last word, and Evan put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  “We might lose her, bro. She may take the job and go.” Evan kept his voice soft and gentle.

  Sin turned away. “I love her more than myself, Ev. If we don’t make her happy, fuck, I want her to be happy. I need her to be happy. I don’t care about myself. Only her.”

  Sin turned back, his jaw tight. “We make an anonymous bid for the store. Shit, we can afford it. Let her make her choice. Free and clear.”

  Evan fell into a kitchen chair, thinking about the beautiful woman sleeping peacefully upstairs.

  “You’re always doing this noble shit, Sin. I guess you’re right. I want her to be happy, too. If she’s not, then I don’t have a hope in hell of being happy.” Evan picked up his cell phone. “I guess I’ll be waking our attorney up bright and early today. Let’s buy a store. I guess if she leaves, we’ll have the store to remember her by.”

  Sin just shook his head. “That’s not what I’m going to remember.”

  Evan knew it wouldn’t be what he remembered either. It would be the love.

  * * * *

  Casey’s mind whirled in disbelief as she watched her unexpected visitor exit. She had an offer on the store. The attorney would not divulge the buyers, but she had a bona fide offer to buy the store. A generous offer. There was nothing keeping her in Spirit any longer.

  Who was she kidding? She was in love with two men. Two amazing, wonderful, reasons to stay. The weekend had been nothing short of phenomenal. They turned sex into an art form, and she was their medium.

  If she was honest, it wasn’t just the sex. It was the way they made her feel. For the first time in her life, she felt loved, cared for, and safe. They had fun together and had so much in common. The passion was just a bonus.

  They were good men. They worked hard. They were honest and loving. Men like these came along once in a lifetime. She slumped into the chair by the fire and wondered for the thousandth time just how dumb she must be to even think about leaving them.

  She thought back to her childhood. It had been lonely and painful. She’d always had trouble making friends as the new girl in school. Her thrift-store wardrobe hadn’t helped. Her one goal was to make sure her life would never be like that again.

  She’d certainly accomplished the goal. She was educated and successful, with a healthy bank balance and several pairs of designer shoes. A job offer from Jonathan Pettit assured her she had value to add to an organization. She was also the owner of a very successful business in a charming little town.

  And most of all, she was loved. She was loved. By two men who had been through a hell of a lot more than she had. And they still had the courage to love.

  Her men hadn’t said the words, but they didn’t have to. Every touch, every glance told her what she needed to know.

  Suddenly, the need to own her own firm didn’t seem so important. The thought of moving to Chicago and working there didn’t seem so terrific either. The thought of a cold, empty apartment in a cold city didn’t appeal to her. Thoughts of the log house, Hershey, warm dinners in the cozy kitchen, and hotter-than-fire nights in the master bedroom assailed her. This was happiness and love. For the first time in her life, she was living it.

  She looked around her little store. The boys were almost finished with the restorations. The store looked practically brand new. She didn’t want to leave it. She didn’t want to leave her men.

  After all, they had a lifetime of sampling the merchandise ahead of them. She picked up her cell phone and dialed Jonathan Pettit. She knew she was doing the right thing. Her heart was singing, and her smile was a mile wide.

  * * * *

  Sin pulled his truck up in front of the Emporium with a heavy heart. They had spent the morning grabbing supplies to finish the work. The attorney had said Casey was thinking about the offer to buy the store.


  She hadn’t turned it down, which didn’t bode well for them. He needed to face the fact she was leaving. He’d let down his guard, and now he was getting his heart well and truly stomped on.

  Evan grabbed his arm before he could push open the door to the store.

  “Listen, this noble shit sucks. We’ve been working so hard to get her to do what we want. What if we do what she wants? It would be worth it. We’d have her. That’s all I really want.”

  Sin scowled. “I’m not any happier. What did you have in mind? What do you mean, do what she wants?”

  This time it was Evan who had the plan.

  After listening, Sin slapped Evan on the back with a grin. “Now I see why you’re the genius. It just might work.”

in entered the store with hope in his heart.

  * * * *

  Sin and Evan pushed through the door of the store, stomping snow off their boots. Casey was practically jumping up and down, she was so excited to tell them she was staying. She ran and grabbed their coats and dragged them over to the fire. Lorna had taken her break and was headed down to the bookstore. It was just the three of them.

  “Good grief, woman, let a man get his coat off.” Evan brushed snow from his shoulders.

  Casey smiled, her heart beating fast. Damn, she loved these men.

  “I’m trying to help you.”

  The men hung their coats up, and she opened her mouth to tell them her decision but was halted by Evan holding up his hand.

  “We need to talk to you, pretty girl. Why don’t you sit down? We’ve got a few things to say.”

  Casey sat but couldn’t keep still. She wanted to tell them her news, dammit.

  Evan sat across from her, while Sin leaned against the counter, just as they had the first day in the shop when she’d fallen into a pile of vibrators. She couldn’t help but giggle at the memory. A determined look crossed Evan’s face.

  “You seem real happy today, honey. I guess it’s ’cause your dreams are coming true. Well, me and Sin, we want to talk to you about our dreams, too.”

  “I know, I have something to tell—”

  Evan squeezed her hands. “Please let us say this. It isn’t easy for men like us to talk about our feelings. But, we love you, Casey.”

  Casey flew out of her chair. “I love you, too.”

  Sin pressed her back into the chair. “We’re not done. Please let us finish.”

  Casey couldn’t believe how quickly one could go from deliriously happy to annoyed, but she was getting there. Evan and Sin were hardly letting her get a word in.

  “Because we love you, we realize your happiness is paramount. So, we’ve made a decision.”

  Evan looked at Sin for confirmation, and he nodded.

  “If you’ll have us, we want to go with you to Chicago. We can’t ask you to give up your dreams for us. We can live anywhere. We want to be with you. If the job doesn’t work out, well, we can always come back here. The store will always be here for you.”

  Casey just stared at them, her jaw hanging. “Let me get this straight. You’re willing to give up your business and home and follow me to Chicago? What would you do there?”

  Evan just smiled. “We have other business interests than carpentry, honey. Are you worried we’d be a financial burden?”

  Hell, no, these men would always be able to take care of themselves.

  “No, no! I just, oh hell, I’m just shocked. But the store won’t always be here. Actually, I got an offer on the store this morning.”

  Sin’s lips twisted into a smile. “We know. We were the ones who made the offer. We wanted you to make the decision to stay of your own free will and not because you couldn’t sell the store.”

  Casey sat in the chair, letting everything sink in. Her smile got wider and wider as she looked at the two men she would love for the rest of her life.

  “Well, I have news, too.”

  Casey tried to be nonchalant but knew she couldn’t pull it off.

  “I turned down the job offer.”

  Their stunned but ecstatic expressions made her heart do little dances. She launched herself at Evan and then at Sin, tears starting to stream down her cheeks.

  “I just couldn’t leave. I love you both so much. I love this town so much, and I love running this store. I can’t leave you or it. It would break my heart. We all belong here in Spirit. I’ll run the store and stay here and love you. How does that sound?”

  Evan tilted her chin up with his work-roughened fingers. “We love the idea. We love you.”

  Sin pressed close to her back and kissed her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “I love you more than my own life, Casey. Forever.”

  Casey let herself lean back on Sin’s chest, luxuriating in his strength. These were men she could always count on. She jerked upright as their words penetrated her blissful mind.

  “Wait a minute! You offered for the store? How could you afford something like that?”

  Evan and Sin grinned. Sin nibbled her ear. “Ev is a real-life genius, honey. A financial genius. We don’t spend a lot, and Ev here has invested our money. Quite successfully, as a matter of fact. We’re pretty financially secure, you could say.”

  Casey looked at her men in amazement. They never ceased to surprise her.

  “When you say financially secure, what does that mean?”

  Sin named a number, taking her breath away.

  Holy hell.

  “You’re filthy rich. Holy shit, you’re filthy rich. What do you want with me? You could have anyone.”

  Sin sat down and pulled her into his lap. “I don’t want to hear that shit out of you ever again, Casey Charles. I fucking love you. I feel alive for the first time in my life. It’s because of you. I want to spend my life with you, dammit.”

  “Well, I want to spend my life with you, too, dammit. Both of you.”

  Evan growled and knelt down to look into her eyes. “Do you mean that? Will you marry us, Casey? We know it’s fast, but—”

  “Yes! Yes!”

  Casey pulled Evan in for a sweet kiss, then Sin. She smiled as she thought of all her new dreams. Dreams with these men.

  “I have a couple of new dreams, boys. Are you willing to make them come true?”

  “Hell yeah. Name them, baby.”

  Evan smiled. Sin gave her a look that was pure sin.

  “First, we need to close up the store for a few hours and start sampling this inventory, one piece at a time.”

  Sin walked over to the door, flipped the Open sign to Closed, and pulled the blinds.


  “I think I’m going to want a boy first, then a girl. Or a girl first. I’m really not picky.”

  Evan picked her up and deposited her on the counter, pressing her flat with his body.

  “We’ll give you all the kids you can handle, pretty girl. We’d love to have a family.”

  Sin kissed her with such love it took her breath away. He lifted his head, his eyes bright.

  “I never thought I would have this, Casey. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. Now let’s get going before the afternoon crowd starts pounding at the door. I think we should start right there.”

  Casey pointed to a shelf that made her men laugh in delight. Sin grabbed the pink vibrator from the shelf.

  “I guess we should pick up where it all started. In a pile of vibrators.”

  Casey pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it away. “Doesn’t matter where it started. It’s never ending.”

  Dreams come and go, but her men were forever. They would always make her dreams come true.


  Lana drank the last of her drink. “Shit, that was hot. I always knew Sin and Evan would be like that in the bedroom. So, so hot.”

  Ellie gulped the last of her drink, too. “I love a dominant man. Men. Shit, dominant men. Oh, I think I may have had one too many.”

  Hannah fanned her face. It had turned a becoming pink as Casey had told her story.

  “We all have, but it was damn well worth it. I don’t know who won, though. We’re all pretty lucky women. Let’s face it, most women would kill to be in our positions.”

  Selena giggled. “All of them. On our backs, our knees, up against the wall.”

  Lana pushed Selena’s glass back with an eye roll. “Yep, we’ve all drank too much.”

  Casey stood up. “I’m going to announce the winner. Since I can’t win, although my story was the hottest—”

  There was more eye rolling and groaning.

  “I think we’re all winners. So you can all share in the basket. Try to take something you’ve never used before.”

  Casey pushed the basket toward the women. They hes
itated for only a second before starting to paw through the contents, each item drawing an exclamation of delight. Casey sat back with a grin. It was almost Thanksgiving in Spirit, and she had so much to be thankful for—two amazing men, wonderful friends, and a successful business. The only thing that would make it better was the New Year’s Eve wedding when she would marry the men of her dreams. The emerald-cut diamond in a platinum band winked in the neon lights of the bar. The large stone made her feel really engaged. Her boys loved to spoil her.

  The door opening and boots stomping snow away drew her attention from her friends as they pillaged the basket.

  Sin and Evan.

  And they looked far too handsome and sexy for their own good. Her friends’ men followed Sin and Evan. Casey shook her head in disbelief. This town was something else. Every man was a walking dream. All their men were gorgeous. Weren’t they lucky? Casey giggled. She knew how to get lucky with her men. She hopped up and ran to them, jumping up in Sin’s arms and wrapping her legs around his lean middle. He was so strong, he held her easily.

  “Whoa, baby! Ted called us and said y’all might have had one too many. Looks like he was right. We came to take our woman home.”

  The other men quickly scattered to collect their giggling, tipsy women. Selena was brandishing a pair of padded handcuffs and some lubricant that heated up when applied to the skin.

  “Look what I won!”

  Shaking their heads and laughing, Sam and Andrew took the toys from her and shoved them into their pockets. Andrew helped her put her jacket on, and when he finished, Sam swung her up in his arms. It looked like they were in a rush to go home. Selena waved over Sam’s shoulder as her men carried her out of the saloon.

  Lana was pulling one of her men down for a wet kiss. She held out a tiny butterfly vibrator and a vibrating anal plug. Casey shivered, knowing Lana would have a good time with her men using those.

  “What do you have here, darlin’? A vibrating butt plug, huh? We need to get you home.”


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