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Page 3

by J. M. Nevins

  He was suddenly desperate to make her stay. “Kit, please don’t go. Maybe we can work this out. I was hasty. Maybe we just need a few weeks, y’know?”

  She grinned and patted his knee. “No, baby. You were right on the money. Can I have my GT ring back, please?” He nodded slowly and handed it to her. She quickly plucked it from his hand and slipped it back onto her right ring finger. She gently stroked his cheek. “Take care, babe. I’ll be in touch.” She leaned forward and gave him a sweet, soft kiss on the lips. She quietly got up and headed out of the studio.

  Sully watched her as tears welled up in his eyes. He felt like his heart was breaking in his chest and he had made a huge mistake. He wanted to follow her to New York but feared it would push her farther away. He buried his head in his hands and sobbed. He didn’t want it to be over. He had to find a way to get her back, but before he did that, he had to get back to the guy he was when Kit fell in love with him. He rushed over to the studio phone and dialed a number. He knew he needed help with this. He grinned when her sleepy voice answered the phone. “Lex, I need your assistance.”

  “Welcome, Ms. McKenna. Can I get you anything before we take off?” The friendly flight attendant smiled at her.

  She got more comfortable in the large leather chair inside one of Diamond’s luxurious private jets. She nodded and forced a smile. “Scotch on the rocks, please.”

  The attendant returned with her drink and Kit’s mind reeled. She kept replaying the final words she exchanged with Sully, particularly the fact that he wanted to see other women. She couldn’t shake the blame she cast on herself. She had brought this on. She had pushed him away in her lust for power, just as she had with all the others.

  As the jet speed through the late night sky, she thought of Joe. She mumbled to herself. “Joe, you were right. I’ve turned into a monster. How did this happen?” She sat back in her seat and sighed. Solutions that always came to her easily eluded her now. She shut her eyes in hopes of drifting into a peaceful sleep, but it didn’t work. Her eyes popped wide open.

  Annoyed, she rifled through her carry-on bag until she found a pad of paper and a pen. She started scribbling thoughts and found that her pen wouldn’t stop. Maybe this was the solution.

  The squeal of the tires hitting the pavement in Teterboro was the sound that jostled Kit from her slumber. She opened her eyes and looked out the window as the jet slowed. She noticed a helicopter out in the distance awaiting her.

  Upon learning that Kit was flying into Teterboro, Wes opted to send a helicopter for her rather than a car. The staff of the private jet scrambled to meet her every need as she collected her things and made her way to the helicopter.

  Ten minutes later all of her belongings were loaded and she was on her way to the Midtown helipad. As the Manhattan skyline came into view, she recalled the last time she was in New York—a little over a year ago for the Grammy Awards when Gypsy Tango won for ‘Best New Artist.’ She remembered that time like it was yesterday. Sully had gone very public with their personal relationship and she felt like they were iron clad. They were at the time, but now that had crumbled.

  She stepped out of the helicopter and onto the ground. She took a deep breath and stared up at the surrounding skyscrapers that looked majestic despite the ominous, dark grey clouds that threatened a rainstorm.

  She grinned and knew this was the first step toward her new life—a life she had no idea how to envision. All the goals she wanted for she and Sully in the beginning had already been achieved. She may not be at music mogul status yet, but she was well on her way. She swallowed hard realizing that goals were met, but her happiness was not.

  A brand new, elegant, silver Maybach awaited her complete with a suited driver. He tipped his hat to her and grinned. He made his way to the passenger door and opened it for her. “Good morning, Ms. McKenna. Welcome to New York. Did you have a nice flight into Teterboro?”

  She smiled and nodded. “Yes, thank you. What’s your name?”

  He grinned. “I’m Hobbs, Mr. Matthews’ personal driver. He’s spoken quite highly of you.” He helped her into the richly appointed vehicle. He leaned in and pointed to the center console next to her seat. “There is a hot cup of coffee waiting for you. Cream, no sugar.”

  She giggled. “Thank you, Hobbs. That’s perfect.”

  He nodded. “Give me a few moments to load your luggage and we’ll be on our way to the Matthews’ residence.”

  When the door shut, Kit closed her eyes. She was relieved to be on the ground, knowing soon she’d see Alexa’s smiling face or Wes’s or both. Alexa and Wes were like family. She hadn’t seen them in months. They had moved to Manhattan shortly after they married. It was a good move for both of them. Wes had an investment firm of his own that was now thriving and Alexa had successfully laid the groundwork for the new magazine she was creating with Kit, Platinum.

  She opened her eyes slowly as the car started moving. She gently took the cup of coffee into her hands and took a sip. The Maybach quickly surrendered to the ebb and flow of Manhattan traffic and Kit wondered how long she’d be sitting in the car as it inched its way toward Alexa and Wes’ home in the West Village.

  When she finally reached her destination, fifteen minutes had elapsed. Alexa flung open the door and screamed with delight, outstretching her arms. Kit squealed with joy and ran into her arms, hugging her tightly and not wanting to let go. They swung back and forth, laughing. Alexa kissed her on the cheek and pulled back, her violet eyes lit up with excitement. “Aw, Kitty. It’s so good to see you live and in person. It’s been way too long. The phone just doesn’t cut it!”

  Kit giggled and nodded. “I agree. Is Wes here?”

  She shook her head. “No. He’s at work, but we are having lunch with him. He’s looking forward to seeing you too. Come in, come in. Do you want to take a nap before lunch? You’ve got a few hours to rest your eyes.”

  Kit nodded and her eyes welled up with tears. “Yeah. That sounds good. I’m so happy to be here, Lex. You have no idea.” She reached out and fell into Alexa’s arms again.

  Alexa held her tightly and stroked her back. “Everything can be figured out, Kit. Even this. Whatever you’re struggling with, we’ll figure out a solution.” She pulled back and grinned, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Ok?” Kit nodded her head silently. Alexa gently linked her arm in Kit’s. “Let me show you to your room.”

  Kit was getting settled in when Alexa shut the door. She took a moment and leaned against it. She closed her eyes and let out a breath. The last time she had seen Kit look so broken was ages ago when they were twenty and they had both been dealt a devastating blow.

  Alexa recalled the memory like it was yesterday and had been banned by Kit to ever speak of the chain of events again. Alexa had lost a treasured friend and Kit had lost even more, her first love, Kirby Nelson. Alexa realized that this time she could do something to pull Kit out of her darkened well and she felt a rush of determination.

  She hastily headed to her bedroom and shut the door. She dialed a number from memory. When she heard the familiar male voice answer she sighed. “Sull, you’re right. We have to figure something out. She’s not good… Yes, she’s here, but I’m not sure for how long. She mentioned something about a day or two. I’ll find out.”

  The pillow felt soft and the bed more comfortable than ever. Kit’s body easily relaxed and she tried to drift off, but events of the last two days cluttered her mind. Now, feeling safe in the confines of Alexa’s guest room, she broke down crying, afraid she couldn’t stop.


  The rain poured down in sheets and angrily pummeled the windows of Alexa’s kitchen nook where Kit sat at the table across from her, clinging to a cup of hot tea. She silently stared out the window.

  Alexa sighed. “Ok, Kit. It’s time we talk. Really talk. You did great over lunch, but you didn’t give us a clue what’s going on. Wes won’t be home for hours. It’s just you and me, honey. You’re safe. I know you didn’t c
ome here just to help me with the Platinum office because we both know it’s been running smoothly for weeks. Start talking.”

  The moment of truth was upon her now and Kit knew she couldn’t wiggle out of this one. She had run away from Los Angeles and realized her problems chased her to New York.

  She pursed her lips, looked up at Alexa and met her violet eyes. “Lex, I think I’ve gone off the deep end. I came here to find some grounding. Sull and I have been having problems for months now. We’re not seeing eye to eye. We called it quits before I left and honestly, I can’t blame him. I don’t even know who I am. My power hungry quest for the top has clouded my decisions.”

  Kit gave Alexa every painstaking detail from beginning to end and along with it a myriad of feelings reared their ugly heads. Guilt, anger, regret and shame came alive in her mind once again and Kit was driven back to tears.

  Alexa got up and hugged her. “This will blow over, but only if you let it. You know you have job security, Lew assured you of that. You’re still GT’s manager, so things are good there. Kitty, why don’t you just talk things out with Sully? Maybe take a week, sort things out and have a talk.”

  She shook her head. “I dunno, Lex. Maybe we’re not meant to be together, y’know? I need to figure out who I am without him and Gypsy Tango. I have no plans to head back to L.A. anytime soon. In fact, I’m moving into my new place in two days.”

  Alexa’s eyes widened. “How in the hell did you find a decent place so quickly in Manhattan?”

  Kit took a sip of her tea and chuckled. “I made a call, Lex.” Alexa stared in amazement and Kit continued. “I called Abigail because I knew the Valois family had a place here. I wanted to see if I could rent it out. Turns out, I won’t be renting it out. They’ve given it to me for free, but there is a small catch.”

  Alexa moved to the edge of her seat. “Where is it?”

  “You’ll remember when I tell you. We stayed there before with Joe and…” Her voice trailed off and Alexa understood perfectly.

  She recalled that trip they took to Manhattan with Joe and Kirby when they were eighteen. It had been fun filled and still produced pleasant, yet slightly melancholy memories for her. She nodded. “Ok, yeah. I vaguely remember it. I know it’s super-duper posh and over the top, but I don’t remember the exact location.”

  Kit continued. “Lenox Hill. It’s a four-bedroom penthouse with a beautiful view of Central Park and a recently tuned baby grand. Perfect for me. Bittersweet memories, for sure, but I’ll be fine.” Her eyes met Alexa’s. “The four of us had so much fun on that trip. I can’t believe they’re both gone.”

  She sighed and rubbed her hand. “I know, babe. I know.” She eyed her suspiciously. “So, what’s the catch?”

  Kit giggled. “Do you remember Henri?”

  Alexa’s eyes widened. “Henri Valois? Oh my God, yes! How could I forget? How the heck is he?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “No idea, but I’ll soon find out. That’s the catch. He’s staying there right now, but Abigail said he’ll be out by next week, so we’ll have a few days of overlap. It will be nice to catch up.”

  Alexa grinned. “I’ll say. I’ll have to pay you a visit. He’s some pretty serious eye candy.”

  She nodded. “That he is. And so seriously gay that he always looks fabulous. His stories are the best. He’s like a gay version of Joe, don’t you think? Larger than life and entertaining as hell!”

  Alexa giggled. “Well, he is a Valois. Isn’t that usually the way that family rolls? Joe’s dad and Henri’s dad are still larger than life helping to run that empire they have.”

  She nodded in agreement and smiled. “Maybe hanging out with Henri is just what I need, y’know? Gets me back to my roots. Remember when he stayed with Joe and me that summer in Philly?”

  Alexa burst out laughing. “Hell yes, I do. I paid you all a visit that summer. He was entertainment personified. I’ll help you get settled in over there in a few days. That way I can see him. Maybe we can get him over here for dinner to meet Wes too?”

  She smiled. “That’s a great idea.”

  * * *

  As Jimmy pulled his car into valet parking, he glanced over at Sully. “Are you sure you want to do this? If you want to back out and take a cab home, I can cover for you.”

  Sully stared straight ahead as the car came to a stop. “I told her I wanted to see other women. Let’s see if that’s really true.” He looked over at Jimmy as the valet opened his door. “Better to get back on the horse than sit around moping.”

  Jimmy didn’t agree. He thought Sully had lost his mind. He had baited him with the suggestion of a blind date with one of his fiancée’s close friends as a joke. He had never intended for Sully to bite on the offer. He hoped word didn’t get back to Kit. He felt like he had somehow betrayed their trust regardless of her being on an opposite coast.

  The trendy Hollywood restaurant was a buzz with activity and as Jimmy and Sully made their way to the reserved table in the back, they were stopped by fans offering words of praise or asking for an autograph. They were kind and took it in stride, relieved once they reached the table.

  After introductions, Sully took his seat and forced himself to make small talk with Rachel. He couldn’t deny that she was a stunningly beautiful brunette with a great smile and big blue eyes. She made good conversation and was even fairly interesting, but Sully found himself checking out. His mind wandered back to Kit, wondering what she was doing. She had only been gone two days, but it felt like an eternity.

  He came up with an excuse after dinner and took a cab back to his place on La Cienega. He strolled in and flipped on the lights. He despised living alone. He had gotten so used to living at Kit’s place in the Hollywood Hills that his own condo didn’t feel like home anymore. Jimmy left after getting engaged to Diana and Bryan moved out a few months ago.

  Sully made his way out to the balcony and surveyed the twinkling lights of the city. He glanced back over his shoulder and noticed the blank wall that Joe had originally coined the ‘platinum wall.’

  He wandered back into the living room and stared at the plain white wall. His attention was drawn to the corner where a small glass case now resided. Inside it was a lone Grammy award. He sighed as he approached it. He gently touched the glass, not wanting to remove the award. He vividly recalled the night he won it the year before. The details came flooding in and he easily remembered exactly how he got there. All of it was with Kit’s help.

  The phone rang and it made him jump. He rushed into the kitchen and picked up. The night doorman’s voice caught his attention. “Mr. Foxx, I’m sorry to disturb you so late. I have a Maxine Riley here in the lobby insisting to see you. She’s quite distraught.”

  Sully frowned. “Distraught? That’s not good. I’ll come down to the lobby and bring her up myself.”

  The night doorman hung up the phone and stared at Maxine’s tear drenched face. Her eyes were puffy and she sniffled. He offered a kind grin. “Mr. Foxx is on his way down to escort you personally.”

  She forced a grin. “Thank you.” She held fast to her bag, leaving her other suitcase at her feet, glued to her calf. She sniffled again and tried to keep it together, but that all went out the window when she noticed Sully stepping off the elevator, rushing toward her.

  His eyes reflected deep concern. He held his arms open on instinct. “Max? What’s up?”

  She fell into his arms and sobbed. She remained that way for a moment, then pulled back and hastily wiped her tears away. “I’m sorry to bother you. I didn’t know where else to go. It’s over with Brad. He kicked me out of our condo. When I moved out of Kit’s, I gave her back my key. I can go to a hotel, but I didn’t want to be alone.”

  Sully forced a grin. He leaned down and grabbed her suitcase as he put his other arm around her. “C’mon. You’re staying here tonight. Let’s go talk.” He guided her onto the elevator and they silently stared up at the briefly lit numbers as they climbed to the penthouse.
r />   He led her into his condo moments later, got her situated in the guest room and made her a drink. He called out to her. “Max?”

  She reappeared and took a cross-legged seat on the sofa in the living room. Sully grinned and handed her the drink. She nodded. “Thank you.” She took a sip and giggled. “Ooh, you make a stiff drink. Just what I need.”

  He chuckled. “I figured so much.” He walked over to the stereo and turned on some music as he glanced over at her. “So, what’s going on?”

  She let out a long sigh. “Once again, Sull, I am so sorry to drop all this shit on you…”

  He shook his head and interrupted her. “You’re not dropping anything on me. You’re a good friend, Max. You’re like family. It’s ok for you to be here. You can stay as long as you want. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind the company. I hate living alone and I can’t exactly put out an ad for a roommate these days.”

  She smiled and laughed. “So true. Couldn’t you just see it? There in the classifieds of the L.A. Times, ‘rockstar seeks cool roommate.’” She shook her head. “Seriously, Sull. It’s really cool of you to let me stay. I’m going to call Kit and see if she’ll let me move back in.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Sure you want to do that? You’ll be in that big mansion all by yourself, sweetie.”

  She sat back and frowned. “Huh? What are you talking about? Kit will be back in a week or two. Ok, I know you guys are going on tour in a few months, but I’ll find a new place by then.”

  Sully swallowed hard realizing that Maxine didn’t know Kit had made the move to New York. “Max, Kit moved.”


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