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Page 4

by J. M. Nevins

  She looked completely dumbfounded. “You mean, she’s not just going to New York for a few weeks? She moved there? Are you kidding me?”

  He sat back and got comfortable. “I’m surprised she didn’t tell you.”

  Maxine sighed and cast her eyes down. “I probably didn’t give her the chance. I’ve been in my own little world.” Her eyes met Sully’s. “I’m sure she tried to tell me, but I wasn’t paying attention. Been caught up in my Brad drama. Break ups suck, Sull. Especially when there’s a condo in the middle. A condo I’m getting bought out of. I hate this!”

  He chuckled, trying to make light of it. “We’re two peas in a pod, girl.”

  Her eyes widened. “You and Kit are done?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Looks that way. We’re in this big grey area right now—the grey area of seeing other people and keeping our options open. And to top it off, she’s living in New York now. Should make for an interesting tour. Problem is, Max, I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  Maxine shook her head. “Oh, Sull. Wanna talk about it?”

  He shook his head. “No. Not really.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Ok. Know that I’m here if you wanna spill the beans. We certainly are two human messes sitting here tonight.”

  He nodded. “True, but you’re a much more beautiful mess than me.”

  She giggled. “Thank you for that.” She reached over and patted his knee. “You’re such a great big brother to me, Sull. Always have been.”

  He smiled. “Ditto, little sis.”

  She nodded and took another sip of her strong drink. “Y’know, maybe me being around here will be a good thing for both of us.”

  He saluted her with his beer. “I think it will, Max.”

  Alexa and Kit walked into the space and looked around, fully surveying the property while the realtor droned on and on about the amenities of the building. Kit wandered over to the windows and grinned. The view was breathtaking. She nodded. When she wandered back over to Alexa, she lowered her voice. “What do you think? Is this the future home of Platinum Magazine?”

  She grinned and shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe. We have one more property to look at and then we can make the decision.” She called out to the realtor. “Can you please give us a minute?” The realtor quietly departed.

  Kit smiled. “Ok, the realtor is gone. What’s up? Why the hesitation? This place is perfect!”

  She looked around. “Maybe you’re right. I dunno, Kit. This is scary!”

  Kit laughed. “Of course it is, but let’s face it, Platinum is growing and you mentioned we have new investors on board.” She grabbed Alexa’s hand. “The business can afford it. Building KMK Management was scary for me too, but I did it with the help of you, Wes and many others.”

  She grinned. “Do you want an office here?”

  Kit smiled. “No, but thank you for the offer. Remember, I’m on the board. Do not make me part of your executive team, ‘cuz if you do I think my head may explode. I can’t handle it. Speaking of workload, did you resign from Diamond yet?”

  She sighed. “Yes. Damn that was hard. I did it yesterday. Gave them one month’s notice.”

  Kit’s eyes widened. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She shook her head. “You were just getting settled in. Kit, you’ve only been in the city for three days and you’ve been dealing with some heavy stuff. I didn’t want to get into it.”

  Kit stared at her. “You’re freaking out. I can tell.”

  Alexa’s eyes welled up with tears. “Maybe just a little. C’mon let’s get out of here and grab lunch. Let’s blow off the last appointment and I’ll write this realtor a big check.” She stood in the middle of the space and looked around. “Platinum Magazine, welcome to Midtown.”

  Kit smiled wide and clapped her hands quietly. “You’re making the right move, Lex. That office downtown was not cutting it. Let’s go get some champagne to celebrate!”

  She nodded and headed out to find the realtor. Kit approached the windows again and noticed that familiar springtime rain pouring down again and wiping the slate clean. She was excited for Alexa. The magazine was already thriving and creating quite a buzz. The first issue debuted two months prior and featured Sully on the cover along with a very favorable article. Alexa had done a great job of hiring a fantastic staff, including Maxine with her very own weekly editorial out of Los Angeles.

  Alexa returned and nodded to Kit. “We’re outta here, sister. Gave her the check. It’s done.”

  They exited the building moments later, their umbrellas drawn and open as they headed toward the silver Maybach that awaited them. Hobbs opened the door quickly and helped them in. Once they were settled, Kit looked over at her. “I know Wes has money and you have your trust fund, but seriously where did all this extra money come from? Let’s start with your palatial West Village home in one of the best neighborhoods in Manhattan, then a Maybach? And let’s not forget about the helicopter. Did I miss something?”

  Alexa laughed. “Honey, the Maybach really belongs to Wes. He’s being generous because you’re getting settled. Usually I zip around town via car service. Wes still has his Jag and I still have my Benz, but they’re garaged and I hate driving in this city.

  “To more accurately answer your question, let’s just say that when Wes decided to sign on as part owner of this investment company he heads up now, it was a significant increase. He’s a financial genius. Wall Street knows this and when he put his feelers out to come back to New York, he was greeted with open arms and several attractive offers.” She giggled and winked. “And the helicopter was rented. He was just trying to impress you.”

  Kit laughed. “I’m happy you two are doing so well. Tell me more over lunch.”

  Alexa grinned. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know and then we need to go over to your new place and get you settled in. I need my Henri time. I’m dying to see what he’s wearing today. That guy can pull off anything.”

  Kit sat across from Alexa at one of their favorite restaurants in Midtown. They opted for a table in the back corner, tucked away from peering eyes. Shortly after Kit arrived in New York and ventured out into the city, the paparazzi found her. She wasn’t pleased when she opened The New York Post earlier that morning to find Page Six speculating a break up between she and Sully, showing pictures of them in their daily routines on opposite coasts. She knew there was truth to the statement, but the last thing she wanted was to see confirmation of it in print.

  She scanned the restaurant for cameras and realized she was acting paranoid. She decided to engage in conversation with Alexa and she pushed down the nasty gossip column discovery, but not for long.

  Alexa’s voice brought her back to reality. “I know you saw Page Six this morning. How are you feeling about that? Wanna sue them for libel?” She sipped her champagne slowly.

  Kit sighed. “No. It’s not actionable because it really isn’t libel, unfortunately. Lex, when did our life become this?”

  Alexa frowned and chuckled. “Become what, sweetie?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Complicated, over the top, out of control? Pick one or all of the above.”

  Alexa nodded. “Baby, New York is a different world. You’re feeling that pressure already, I can tell. Let me remind you, you’ve only been here three days. You flew here on a private jet and now you have a Fifth Avenue address, the penthouse I may add, car service at your disposal and a corner office at Diamond Entertainment in Midtown. Welcome to your new life. This is called being at the top, Kit. It’s what you’ve wanted since we were kids.”

  She sighed. “Not like this, Lex. I appreciate your offer to hit the society circuit in the Hamptons when summer hits, but I don’t know if that’s me. I had that growing up. Joe and I used to make fun of it. And our deb ball, when we were sixteen, just about did me in. So not my style. I dunno. Maybe moving here was a mistake. I haven’t found my groove yet.”

  Alexa stared at her. “You miss Sully.”r />
  Kit raised an eyebrow and took a sip of her champagne. She teased. “Great observation, Captain Obvious.”

  Alexa giggled. “Ok, ok. Kit, you two should find a way to work this out. Really. You’re both a mess without each other.” Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

  Kit tilted her head. “You talked to him? When?”

  She grimaced. “Oh, God. Me and my big mouth. I can’t break my word, Kit. Just know that he’s struggling. And I get where you’re coming from too, love. Let me find some hangouts for you that are more your style. You’ll be up to speed in no time.”

  Kit nodded, but wasn’t entirely convinced yet. She was looking forward to living with Henri for two weeks, knowing there wouldn’t be one dull moment. She grinned, hoping she could explore the city with him.


  The flowers in the trees and gardens of Central Park were vibrant and inviting as Kit took her evening stroll. She had devised a routine of leaving the office on time to rush home and walk through the park only a stone’s throw away from her new residence, courtesy of the Valois family.

  Living with Henri Valois had turned out to be nothing short of entertaining. She was happy to have him there, not only because he was a ball of laughs and adventure rolled into one, but also because he was helping her heal. She had spent many nights in his arms crying her eyes out, while he kindly consoled her. She wasn’t looking forward to his departure in a few days. He had become her most beloved shopping partner and a wonderfully supportive human security blanket.

  Her beeper went off and she hastily reached for it. She stared at the number and sighed. She recognized the number immediately. It was KMK’s office in Hollywood. She sped up her evening stroll and headed back home.

  She dialed in immediately and asked for her assistant. “Hey Linda, I got your page. What’s up?”

  “MTV wants GT in to do a guest VJ stint.”


  “Next week.”

  Kit sighed and kept the cordless phone affixed to her ear as she rushed by Henri who unsuccessfully attempted to get her attention. Once in her office, she seized her scheduling book and flipped through the pages. “Yep, we’re good. Fax me the terms. If they’re favorable we can book it. I’ll call you back once I review the fax.”

  She hung up the phone and let out a long sigh as she leaned against the desk. Having Gypsy Tango as guest VJs on MTV meant one thing—Sully would be in New York and she would be seeing him. Her mind reeled and she drifted off into a world of scenarios.

  Henri wandered into her office and smiled. “Where did you go, beautiful creature? Your eyes are practically glazed over,” his strong French accent jested.

  She snapped out of her daze and smiled at him. She held her arms open. “Hello, my love. How was your day? Meet any new boys?”

  He hugged her tightly and kissed her on each cheek. “No, no. Saving myself for my lover at home. I get to see him very soon. Can’t wait! Kitty, come to Cannes with us. It will be so fun! We’ll go to Monte Carlo too.”

  She giggled. “Believe me, that does sound like fun, but unlike you, I work for a living, Henri.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Quelle domage, mon chéri. I still think my cousin should have left you part of his estate.”

  She shook her head. “No, Henri. It wouldn’t have mattered. Even if I were sitting on millions, I’d still be working. I love my work.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Yes, ok, maybe that’s true. But, Kitty, you need a man. Let’s go get you one tonight.” His caramel brown eyes lit up.

  She laughed. “Baby, I can’t find myself a man in one of your bars.”

  He giggled. “Of course not, chérie. I was invited to a party. It will be a colorful mix of people. You may meet someone you like. In fact, there is one gentleman that could be a potential suitor.”

  She stared at him, annoyed. “Oh, no. Now you’re setting me up?”

  He raised his eyebrows again and put his hand to his chest. “You are single, n’est pas?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes. But, I dunno that I’m ready to date.”

  He chuckled. “Who said you’re dating, silly bird? I just want to do an introduction. You two can do whatever you want with that and hopefully much more!” He giggled and donned a devilish smile.

  She wasn’t entirely convinced, but thought he may have a point. Sitting around crying over Sully was doing her no good. That ship had sailed and she had to pull herself out of misery. “Ok, who is this guy? What’s his name?”

  Henri smiled wide. “Simon Easton. He’s from London. Living here. He’s got a very successful production company that he runs out of here and L.A. Artsy, creative, very smart and very rich. Older than you, divorced. Has a young son. Splits his time between here and L.A. Has a place in the West Village, near our chérie Alexa and her delicious husband, Wes.”

  Kit couldn’t deny that she was intrigued. Maybe Henri was onto something. “What kind of production company, babe?”

  He giggled and rubbed his hands together. “Ha! I got your attention. Oui! C’est si bon! I knew Simon would be the ticket.”

  She chuckled and was about to inquire further when she heard the fax machine spitting out her desired information. She ignored Henri and seized the paper. She read the details carefully and picked up the phone to call her assistant. “Linda, it’s a go. Get it confirmed and booked with MTV. Once you have all the details call the guys and let them know. Send me another fax confirming all the details. Thanks.” She hung up the phone and noticed Henri giving her a disapproving stare.

  He stood before her with his hands on his hips. “Chérie, it is no wonder you’re having problems d’amour. You’re too bossy. And we were in the middle of a conversation when you dropped everything for work.”

  She shook her head. “In this business, time is money, Henri. I have to keep the ball rolling. It’s my job.” She started heading out of the office and seized his arm, pulling him along. “C’mon, I need to go get my kickboxing session in. You can tell me about Simon on the way. What time is this party tonight?”

  He smiled. “Eight. You won’t be sorry, Kitty!”

  * * *

  Maxine walked into the living room and did a slow, full turn for Sully. She was wearing a trendy black and white mini-dress and heels, a rarity for her. She had her blond tresses pulled back at the top and long in the back. She forced a smile. “Do I look ok?”

  He smiled. “You look beautiful. Thank you for doing this. I can’t go to this thing alone. It will look bad.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Let’s hope I don’t eat it in these pumps. I never wear ‘em.”

  He held out his arm to her and grinned. “Shall we?”

  They made their way downstairs to a limousine that awaited them. Sully had been invited to a party being hosted by Diamond Entertainment. They were holding two: one in Los Angeles and one in New York in a few days. He knew that Kit wouldn’t be present at the L.A. party and didn’t want to be caught alone. He opted to take Maxine as his date knowing she was safe. The rest of the band would be there too and that put him at ease. He hoped he wouldn’t run into Lew. He didn’t want to discuss his personal life, specifically Kit.

  When the limousine pulled up at the hotel where the festivities were being held, he felt his breath catch in his throat. He had no idea this was going to be a red carpet event. He noticed the paparazzi in droves. He was overcome by a sinking feeling in his stomach. He wondered if they could somehow get out of it, but when the door to the limousine opened, he knew that would be impossible. The driver helped Maxine out and Sully trailed after her.

  She turned around and gave him a look of disapproval. He sped up, sensing she had something to say. She leaned over and spoke into his ear. “This is a press event? Sull, this isn’t good. Kit will kill me if she sees me on your arm. Not cool.” She gave him a scolding look.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t know. Why don’t you head over there? I’ll do this alone and we can meet i

  She let out a breath and nodded. “Deal. I love to be behind the camera, but certainly not in front of it and not under these circumstances.” She started making her way, but it was too late. The paparazzi had caught a glimpse of both of them and the questions started.

  They grilled Sully on the identity of his date, but he kept his mouth shut and did his best to honor their angles the best he could. Maxine stood a few steps back until one of the photographers encouraged her to get into the shot with Sully. She tried her best to smile, but wasn’t pleased.

  As they made their way off the red carpet, she glared at him. “I’m going to kill you, Sully Foxx! I’m gonna find a pay phone and call Kit. The last thing we need is this showing up in the press. We gotta get your publicist on this to minimize it.”

  He sighed. “Max, what’s the point? It’s going to come out that you’re our photographer and that we have a long history. Yes, they may try to spin something romantic, but Kit will know better. The problem is they’ve already sold us as being broken up. That can’t be avoided. Let it go. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  Maxine shook her head. “Ok, but if she doesn’t, you’re going to have some explaining to do. I need a drink.” She stormed off.

  Sully sighed. He hadn’t anticipated how complicated his life would become without Kit in it, especially now that he was constantly under the microscope of the constantly probing press.

  He had reached celebrity status and now all of his dirty laundry was public as was Kit’s. He closed his eyes for a moment and wanted to leave, but when he saw Lew Diamond heading in his direction, he knew that was no longer a possibility.

  Kit strolled into the party on Henri’s arm. The event was already in full swing. It was certainly more high society than Henri had led on and she swallowed hard. She grew up in that world and left it behind by choice, but now here it was again. She did her best to play the game.

  She was relieved when she saw Alexa and Wes in the distance. She then surveyed the crowd more closely. She started recognizing celebrities, several actors and many more Diamond Records’ artists than she had seen in one contained area, save a Diamond hosted party. She then remembered that the New York Diamond party was slated for next week.


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