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Page 16

by J. M. Nevins

  “I dunno, I assume. He said Chicago, but didn’t specify. He flew out on a charter at like eight in the morning and was back by soundcheck for the Indy show. He was all dressed up in a nice suit, tie and all. I hope it wasn’t a funeral or something. I didn’t ask. He’s been a little… uh… Well, let’s just say he’s been partying. I’ve tried to talk to him. I think he’s got something heavy weighing on his mind.”

  She let out a quiet groan. Seemed they both did. She shook her head. “Like what?”

  “Oh, who knows? Listen, girl, I’d love to keep up the chat, but I gotta run. I’m going to lunch with Michelle and Bernie.”

  She frowned. “Who are Michelle and Bernie?”

  Maxine giggled. “Michelle is Tony’s girlfriend. She’s the only sane one I get along with. The groupies are too crazy. Plus, this is Michelle’s first time on the road. She and Tony had only been dating for a few months before he headed out. I guess things have been going well long-distance and he flew her out. She’s in culture shock, so I’m helping her adjust. And Bernie, she has a better sense of how the road goes. She’s Nicky’s girl. They broke up about a year ago and decided to get back together like a week or two ago. They’re super cute together and she’s one cool-ass chick. She’s like my new soul sister without you here. You would love her!”

  Kit snickered. “Culture shock is a great way to describe Michelle’s experience. The road can be, well, interesting. Hope Bernie is still there when I make it out. She sounds great. I’d love to meet her. I’m happy Nicky has a girl. Will probably tone down his partying and that’s a good thing. He and Sully get all fired up together. Ok, I’ll let you go. Have fun. Tell the guys hi.”

  “I will, Kitty. Take care of yourself and get your ass back out here so we can party together!”

  She nodded. “I’ll do my best, Max. Bye.” She hung up the phone and let out a long sigh. She wondered if she should go against her doctor’s recommendation. She glanced at the schedule again and realized they would be in New York the following week. She set her sights on those dates. They were playing Madison Square Garden two nights back to back, sold out. She would pick up the tour there, come hell or high water, and no one was going to stop her.


  The pounding on the door was so loud it made Sully wince. He groggily opened his eyes and groaned. His head throbbed. As he moved his arm to bring his hand to his head, he felt it brush against a body—one with curves and soft skin. He glanced over to his left to notice a naked girl passed out next to him.

  He shook his head and heard Sean’s voice yelling through the door. “Sully! Get your ass outta bed! You’re holding us up. We’re gonna be late!” Sean pounded on the door again.

  Sully sat up, glanced to his right and noticed another girl. She roused and rolled over onto her back. She giggled and pulled him toward her, but he immediately resisted. He gave her an awkward grin and gingerly jumped over her. He threw on his jeans and opened the door.

  Sean was not amused. His disapproving stare made Sully feel like a misbehaving kid that got busted and was now sitting in the principal’s office. He shook his head as he noticed the two girls on the bed. His English accent drawled with disgust. “Nice, Sully. I guess you just had to leave your mark on the state of Virginia. Mission accomplished.”

  His brown eyes narrowed as he spoke curtly. “You’ve got exactly two minutes to get your ass down to the limo or you’re going to need to find your own transportation to Madison Square Garden for soundcheck. Got it?” He held up two fingers. “Count them, two only. I’m serious. I’ll leave your ass here. Get your shit together, man.” He started walking away and turned around once again, glaring and holding up two fingers.

  Sully let out a sigh and frantically started collecting his belongings. One of the naked girls approached him. “I can come to New York with you. It will be fun. I’d love to…”

  He looked up at her and forced a grin. “Gotta go. Thanks. It was fun.” He hastily kissed her on the cheek and ran out with his suitcase in hand. He took the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, sprinted through the lobby and out to the limousine where he noticed Sean somberly standing next to the limousine donning dark sunglasses, its door open, as he slowly tapped his wristwatch.

  Sully gave his suitcase to the driver and nodded at Sean. “I know, I know. I’m sorry.” He climbed in.

  Sean climbed in after him and took a seat. “The guys went ahead already.”

  Danny stared at his brother. “Rough night, bro? When are you gonna chill out, huh? What’s been eatin’ you? You’ve been way out of control lately. What the hell have you turned into?” He shook his head and looked out the window, mumbling “little monster,” under his breath.

  Sully threw on his dark sunglasses and stared out the window. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  Danny rolled his eyes and shifted his attention back to his brother. “Your answer to everything these days. Thank God Kit is coming back on the road. She’ll set your ass straight.”

  Sully’s eyes widened and he took off his sunglasses. “She is? Since when?”

  Sean shook his head. “Yeah, you missed that call ‘cuz you were too hungover. Effective tomorrow night’s show, she’s back on the team. Frank will still assist while she gets back into her groove. We all need to be supportive.” He pointed his finger. “Especially you. Get your shit together, Sully. You’re slipping.”

  He sighed. He knew Sean was right. He had been out of control. Too many things were clouding his mind and his impromptu day trip to Chicago had only worsened matters.

  Spencer stepped out of the limousine and trailed behind Kit and Simon. He was in awe as he walked behind them, headed for the backstage area of Madison Square Garden. He glanced down at the VIP all access pass around his neck that Kit had graced him with before they left Alexa’s place. He chuckled and felt completely out of his element, yet excited to see what the future weeks ahead would hold.

  He couldn’t stop staring at the plethora of people in the backstage area. As they approached the private dressing rooms for both bands, he noticed the increase in groupie traffic and the change in atmosphere. People zipped around, press hung out, and fans pleaded with security to pass through to that coveted area.

  He took it in stride, flashed his pass to the security guard who waved him through while he trailed after his sister. He noticed she was still hand in hand with Simon and it bothered him. He wondered what was going on with her. She wasn’t the same vibrant, saucy Kit she normally was. He blamed her new boyfriend.

  Nicky Campo was the first one to spot Kit. He smiled wide and yelled out her name. She laughed, let go of Simon’s hand and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. “How are you, Nick?”

  He grinned and nodded his head. “I’m great. It’s gonna be quite a show tonight. This is practically home town for us.”

  Kit giggled. “That’s right. You’re a native New Yorker, aren’t you?”

  He nodded proudly. “Brooklyn, born and raised, baby. Hey, I want you to meet someone really important to me. Can you hang a minute while I go find her?”

  Kit smiled. “Absolutely.”

  Nicky charged off into the crowd, while Kit surveyed the backstage area right outside the two large dressing rooms for the bands. Nicky got her attention and waved her into the Indecent Xposure dressing room. Frank caught a glimpse of her while in the middle of a conversation and gave her a nod.

  She approached Nicky and noticed a stunning, petite woman next to him with long, straight raven hair and glowing light blue eyes. She shared a smile with her and then shifted her attention to Nicky. “And who is this lovely lady, Nick?”

  He kissed her on the cheek and put his arm around her. “This is my amazing girlfriend, Bernie. We’re high school sweethearts. Bernie, this is Kit. Y’know thee Kit. The one I told you about. The one Maxine talks about all the time.”

  Bernie smiled wide and shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I heard you’re coming
back out on the road. It will be great to have another gal around, especially a cool one.” She winked.

  Kit giggled. “Max has spoken highly of you. We’ll definitely have to make some time to hang out.” She looked at Nick. “Glad to see you so happy, Nicky.”

  He couldn’t disguise his disappointment in seeing Kit with another man. His loyalty to Sully bled through, but his curiosity got the best of him. He nodded. “And who’s this with you, Kit?”

  She glanced over at Simon and smiled. “This is Simon Easton. Simon, this is Nicky, lead singer of Indecent Xposure.” She reached back and pulled Spencer forward. “And this, Nick, is my brother, Spencer. A new addition to the management team.”

  He laughed and nodded. “Oh yeah, heard about you. Great to meet you, man. Sully’s been singing your praises!”

  Spencer chuckled. “Let’s hope I live up to everyone’s expectations. It’s good to meet you.”

  Kit looked at Nicky and Bernie. “Sorry to run off, but I think you’re due on stage in a few and I need to go see my band who I haven’t seen in weeks.”

  He nodded, took her hand in his and kissed it. “I totally understand. It’s been a pleasure, Miss Kit. See you later tonight.”

  She nodded. “Break a leg, Nick.” She grabbed Simon’s hand and led he and Spencer into the Gypsy Tango dressing room that was complete mayhem.

  Spencer’s mouth dropped open seeing the sheer craziness of wall-to-wall people in various states of engagement—from completely professional conversation, to partying their asses off. An assorted bunch of fans, groupies, reporters, a crew from MTV, friends, a huge entourage and gofers running back and forth kept him entranced. He glanced over at the two enormous tables filled with the best booze imaginable and a buffet of delicious food.

  Sully was in the middle of an interview with Hit Parader Magazine when he noticed Kit walking into the dressing room. He frowned when he saw her holding hands with Simon. He gulped and did his best to turn his attention back to the interviewer.

  Sean was the first one to approach Kit with open arms. He smiled wide. “Welcome back, gorgeous.” He kissed her on the cheek.

  She chuckled and hugged him tightly. Although Sean’s welcome was warm, she felt awkward like she was suddenly an outsider. This didn’t seem like her world anymore, it seemed completely foreign. She shrugged it off as jitters to stepping back into a world she hadn’t been a part of for weeks.

  She pulled back and smiled at him. “So great to see you in person, Sean-Bon. How’s everything going? Did soundcheck run ok this afternoon? I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. Had a last minute conference call with Lew at Diamond that ran late. Last minute strings to tie up before I enter the throws of tour mania.”

  He nodded. “Everything’s running smoothly. Take your time acclimating. Frank has a good handle on things. The band really misses you. I told them not to tackle you—to be gentle.”

  She grinned and squeezed his arm. “Thank you.” She looked up at Simon. “How about you and Sean catch up? I need to go see my guys.”

  He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “Of course. Do what you need to do.”

  She looked at Spencer. “Come with me.” He did as she said and followed her lead. She approached Jimmy first who was occupied in a conversation with a local deejay. She tapped him on the shoulder from behind.

  He spun around and his face lit up. “Kit!” He hugged her tightly and gently lifted her up off the ground. He put her down and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s so great to see you! How are you feeling?”

  She shrugged and forced a grin, feeling her eyes well up with tears and willing herself not to cry. “I’m hanging in. Glad to be back, Jim. Glad to be back.” She patted him on the shoulder and started walking away. She looked at Spencer. “I just need a minute. Go mingle.”

  She was on her way to the ladies’ room when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She glanced back to see who was trying to get her attention and her eyes met Sully’s. She smiled wide and turned around to face him. He pulled her into his arms. She held onto him and despite her efforts to hold tears back, they flooded out.

  Sully held onto her tightly and it seemed the whole world stopped for them in that moment. He whispered in her ear. “It’s ok.” He stroked her back gently. “I’m glad you’re here.” She pulled back from him and nodded as he wiped her tears away. He gazed into her eyes and saw confusion and fear. “Are you sure you’re up to this so soon?”

  She broke free from him and sniffled, forcing a smile. She knew lying to him would be futile. She stared into his eyes. “I honestly don’t know, but I’m gonna give it a shot.”

  “Pretty Kitty!” Bryan yelled out.

  She chuckled and turned around to face him. “Bry, hey!” He charged over and hugged her tightly. Sully nodded, gave her a grin and squeezed her hand as he walked away.

  Three weeks had passed and Kit was still having trouble finding her groove on the road. The ease and fun that it once held for her had morphed into annoyance, stress and too much work. Frank had done a great job of holding things together in her absence, but now that she was back she wondered how she did it all along.

  Part of her secretly craved her drab Midtown office at Diamond records and she wondered who she was turning into. Her attraction to the nightly party hadn’t left, though. She simply found a different clique. Her new posse consisted of Maxine, Diana, Bryan, Tony and Sal, Nicky’s drummer. When Bernie was on the road, she joined in, but she had recently left to go back home.

  Sully and Kit seemed polarized. They were friendly with each other, but the disconnect was obvious to everyone, including Spencer who had tried to talk to Kit about it one morning in her hotel room. She shut him out and wouldn’t give him any answers. She felt a little jilted by her brother too. He and Sully were as thick as thieves, practically inseparable. Nicky seemed to waver between hanging out with Kit and hanging out with Sully and she didn’t mind, but she felt like Spencer wasn’t on her side anymore.

  Her emotional roller coaster still continued and she wanted off. She had put in a call to her doctor who assured her things would level off soon and was horrified she was out on the road despite strict instruction not to be. She really didn’t care anymore. She felt herself going down the road marked ‘self-destruct.’ That road held such an alluring darkness, and drew her in with such magnetic force she felt she couldn’t retreat. What scared her the most was that she wasn’t resisting.

  She swallowed hard realizing that a professional relationship with Sully and a joke of a friendship weren’t enough. She thought they would be and starkly realized she had sold herself a bad bill of goods. Her heart ached for him, but he seemed preoccupied with the trappings of superstardom. He was still warm and kind to her, but his attention lay elsewhere. She felt so close to throwing in the towel, yet something inside wouldn’t let her.

  She stood on the side of the stage watching dutifully. Maxine was on the opposite side of the stage, camera in hand, happily shooting. Kit grinned. She was happy to have one of her best friends on tour with her.

  She shifted her attention to Sully and she grinned. Although things weren’t ideal, he was still killing it every night on stage despite his out of control nightly ritual of partying and groupies. When it all boiled down, he was a professional and Kit held contentment in that thought knowing she helped him get there. Her heart ached for the past and the fun times they had. She quickly shoved her thoughts down. As the band got ready to close out the show and start their encores, she headed back to the dressing room.

  An hour later, Maxine, Kit and Diana stood at the bar in the corner of the dressing room doing tequila shots after the show. They erupted into giggles. Diana smiled. “See, we can party just as hard as them!”

  Kit smiled. “I’m sure we can party harder than them, actually.”

  Maxine nodded knowingly. “Absolutely.”

  Gregg Robb, a very handsome, tall blond with brown eyes, high cheekbones and a wicked grin sauntered over, captu
ring the attention of all three ladies at once. He smiled. “Ladies, I see you’re having some fun over here.”

  Kit grinned. She was in awe of the gorgeous man standing in front of her. He was the latest heartthrob movie star out of Hollywood and a huge fan of Gypsy Tango. He had gotten in touch with Sean, begged for backstage passes and a meet and greet with the band. Sean had obliged and now he was standing in front of them, reducing them to a band of giggly teenage girls.

  Maxine grinned. “Why don’t you come over and make us have more fun,” she stated boldly. He laughed and walked over. They all engaged in conversation and flirting for a bit, thoroughly enjoying it.

  He smiled. “Do you ladies really want to have a lot more fun tonight?”

  Diana nodded. “Yes! Any ideas? Don’t go too crazy, I’m a married woman and my husband is standing right over there.” She pointed to Jimmy.

  He shook his head. “Nothing like that.” He held up a piece of paper with tiny perforations and small symbols on it. “This is what I’m talking about. You’ll have the night of your life with one of these tabs. Are you ladies game?”

  Kit shrugged her shoulders and figured, why not. Sully was clearly drunk and preoccupied with his women. Spencer left for an after party with Indecent Xposure’s entourage and she and Maxine were looking for some trouble to get into that night. The timing was perfect. She spoke up. “I’m game.”

  Gregg chuckled. “Ok. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

  Kit raised her eyebrows and did as he told her. He tore off a tiny rectangle and placed it on her tongue. He did the same with Maxine and Diana.

  Sully was giggling as one girl kissed his neck and the other tugged at his pants. He glanced over and saw Gregg with the girls. He stepped away from the groupies and walked over to Jimmy, concerned. “Hey, Jimmy, what are they doing?”

  By the time Jimmy turned around, he had missed Gregg’s stealthy distribution. “It’s called talking, Sully. Pipe down. Kit’s just flirting. Relax. She doesn’t belong to you anymore, remember?”


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