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Page 17

by J. M. Nevins

  He shook his head. “No, no. I’m not talking about that. Didn’t you see what they were just doing?”

  Jimmy finished his beer. “No, I didn’t. And I trust my wife. Let her and Kit and Maxine have their fun with that actor guy. Max has not had one night off since we started this tour. And Kit has had a rough few months. Let ‘em blow off some steam.”

  Sully was about to start arguing again, but his groupies were back with a vengeance and led him away, getting his mind off of what Kit was up to with little effort.


  “Reeeeemooooo.” Kit cooed as she walked toward him at the after party in his suite, arms outstretched. “I love saying that. Reeeeemooooo. It sounds so funny.” She erupted into giggles. He laughed at her. She hugged him tightly. “You are the best drummer in the world! Have I ever told you much I love you?” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and loudly made the sound, “Mwah!”

  He continued to laugh at her, knowing she was high on something. He had never seen her this out of control before and found the situation completely entertaining. “I love you too, Kit-Kat.”

  She grinned and nodded. “See, that’s it. It’s all about the love. Love makes the world go round. Whee!” She spun in a circle with her arms out, her face in the air with eyes closed, smiling. She then proceeded to hug everything in the room in Remo’s suite. The bed, the chairs, the couch, perfect strangers, even groupies were all game to be cuddled by Kit.

  Maxine giggled and made a beeline for the balcony. “Bryan, I have wings like a fairy! I saw ‘em in the mirror! I can fly!” He managed to grab her arm and led her away from the balcony and back to Diana.

  He looked at Jimmy. “We need to keep them all away from the balcony tonight.”

  Jimmy nodded as he calmly strummed his guitar, sitting on a chair next to the balcony. “I’ll keep an eye on ‘em and make sure nothing happens.”

  Tony walked over to the guys. “What is up with them? Anyone know what they took? Mushrooms?”

  Jimmy shook his head and sighed. His voice was flat when he spoke. “No. They dropped acid backstage with that Gregg guy. They’ll be like this all night. I should have paid better attention to what Diana was up to backstage. I didn’t find out until she told me an hour ago.”

  Bryan frowned. “Where the hell is Sully?”

  Tony looked at Bryan and pointed to the front door of the suite. “There’s the king and his court. They’ve just arrived.”

  Sully walked into the party wearing only a bed sheet wrapped around him. He was drunk and laughing. Two girls hung on him as he stumbled around.

  Remo knocked on the door to the bathroom. “C’mon girls. I need to take a leak.” All he heard were giggles and random conversations followed by peals of loud laughter.

  Kit, Diana and Maxine had locked themselves into the bathroom and found the bathtub, shower curtain, toilet and sink to be highly amusing. Maxine jiggled the handle on the toilet, playing with it and laughing. She squealed. “It’s so shiny!”

  Diana rolled into a ball on the bathroom floor overcome with laughter, while Maxine continued to flush the toilet over and over again. Kit sat in the bathtub with the shower curtain in her hands, looking at it in awe and smiling. “It’s so beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.”

  Remo walked over to Jimmy. “I can’t get them out of the bathroom. They’ve locked themselves in there and won’t stop laughing. I need the key to your room to hit the head.”

  Jimmy shook his head and handed over his key. “Our lead singer is drunk and probably high, walking around the hotel in a bed sheet and our manager has locked herself in your bathroom, tripping on acid. This tour is fucking out of control. Off the rails, man.”

  Remo had reached his boiling point. He stood on the bed and screamed at the top of his lungs. “Everyone… get the fuck out of my room, now!”

  People rushed and scrambled to grab their drinks as they ran out. Sully looked up at him and rolled his eyes. “Nice buzz kill, Remo. Way to fuck up a good party.” He looked at the people on their way out and yelled to get their attention. “Hey, anyone that wants to party, come to my room!” He ran out and an entourage followed him.

  Jimmy stood up and Remo jumped down from the bed. They exchanged a look. Jimmy shook his head. He was rendered speechless.

  Sound check the following afternoon was going smoothly and Kit was relieved as she took a deep breath and sighed. She stood behind the boards with the sound engineer watching the band. She donned dark sunglasses and could barely speak. She hadn’t slept all night and her body ached. Her cheeks hurt from her permanent grin the night before and her jaw throbbed from grinding her teeth.

  She had worked diligently in her hotel room all morning and part of the afternoon in preparation. Tonight was slated to be a big night for the band and she had no idea how she was going to be on point.

  The media tidal wave had hit and several magazine writers were going to be present to talk to the band and her in addition to MTV again, who wanted to do an exclusive interview. She knew at any moment, Gypsy Tango would be number one on the charts and one step closer to their platinum goal.

  She was grateful that the check sounded good. She headed backstage where a few of the guys were hanging out afterward. Jimmy looked at her and couldn’t resist joking with her. “How was your trip last night, Kit?” Remo, Bryan and Jimmy chuckled.

  She shook her head. “Shut up. I’m not in the mood. I didn’t sleep. Was up all night and have been handling a media shit storm all day. You guys better be ready tonight. You will all be in serious demand.”

  Remo smiled and spun his drumstick. “We’ll be ready, Kit-Kat. No trippin’.” The guys burst into laughter. She was not amused.

  She rushed around backstage making sure everything was in its place. Sean stopped her. “Hey, Danny wants to know if we’re going to need extra security tonight. He couldn’t find you earlier.”

  She shook her head and buried it in her hands for a moment. Thinking was a challenge today. “Sorry, Sean. I have no idea how I’m going to get through tonight. I just need a little something.”

  Sully walked by. “Hey, Kit.”

  She looked at him and nodded. “Hey, Sully.” He continued to walk toward the band and she shook her head muttering under her breath, “crazy little monster.”

  Sean chuckled. “Yeah, seems that’s his nickname these days. Sully’s been a little crazy lately. That’s for sure. What can I get you Kit? I’ve got everything. You know that. I’m a walking pharmacy. You want to go up or down? I’m guessing up.”

  She nodded and pushed her thumb up in the air. “You guessed correctly. Straight to the top with a bullet.”

  He gently grabbed her arm. “C’mon.” He led her to an inconspicuous corner of the dressing room. He laid out two lines of cocaine for her. She did the first line and waited a moment for it to take effect then followed it up with the second. Sully walked into the room and saw her. He shook his head in disbelief.

  She looked up and noticed him. He glared at her and left the room. She got up to find Sean. “Hey, thanks for hooking me up.”

  He nodded. “You’re welcome.”

  She stared at him, completely high and fully amped. “Don’t ever do it again. I like this shit too much and the last thing I need to deal with on this tour is a drug problem—my own. Did you have a question for me earlier?”

  He nodded. “Yep. Do we need extra security tonight?”

  “Yes. It’s going to be a media circus tonight. No groupies, no exceptions. No drugs for the band either, especially Sully.” She stormed off.

  Kit mingled backstage like a pro that night, putting on a friendly, charming smile and chatting up all the right people while the band played their set. They appeared after finishing their encores and jumped into the mix. She was struggling again to stay on top of her game. She observed everyone and noticed that things seemed to be running smoothly like a well-oiled machine.

  She pulled Sean aside. “C
an you take it from here? They’re doing well with their interviews. The big shots from MTV have already wrapped. The rest of the evening should be on autopilot.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, we’re good. Go.”

  She grinned. “I will, thank you.” She grabbed her purse and looked at Sean. “You’re in charge. Don’t let the kids burn down the house, ok?”

  He chuckled. “Got it. Where are you off to? Hot date?”

  She grinned and spoke flatly. “Yeah, a hot date with my bed, my pj’s and a sleep mask. Do not let those clowns or my brother wake me up tonight or you’re fired.” She turned on her heel and left the arena.

  The driver wasn’t expecting her and scrambled to open the door in her presence. “Good evening, Ms. McKenna. You’re early.”

  “Just get me to the hotel as quickly as you can, Tim, please.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Kit felt a gentle nudge. “Ms. McKenna? Ms. McKenna, we’re here.”

  She sat up and realized that her driver, Tim, was waking her up from a deep sleep. She got out of the limo and thanked him. She sleepily headed up to her room. Once she walked in, she threw her purse onto the desk and fell onto her bed. She was out cold moments later, fully dressed.

  Jimmy was on stage playing his guitar. He smiled when he saw her emerge from the wings. “There she is all bright eyed and bushy tailed!”

  Kit laughed. “Yes, I am back from the dead, gentlemen. Sleeping fourteen hours does a body good. Why are you guys standing around? Shouldn’t you have started your check thirty minutes ago?”

  Sean walked out overhearing Kit’s question. “No. Sully’s not here yet.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Sully’s not here yet? He’s always here on time for soundcheck.”

  Sean shook his head and let out a frustrated sigh. “Not today. What do you want to do?”

  Kit sighed and shook her head in disbelief. She knew that both she and Sully were completely off track, but seeing him slip professionally, even a little, served as a clue that something was seriously troubling him.

  She looked at Sean. “Let’s wait a bit. I think I may have a solution for us. Let me see if I can find Nicky Campo. He should be in his dressing room. They finished their check a while ago, right?” Sean nodded his head silently and walked away.

  Jimmy shook his head. “I don’t want to wait. Go find Nick. Let’s go. Unless, you want to give it a shot, Kit-Kat?” A smile spread across his face.

  She giggled and pointed at him. “Wishful thinking, Jim. No way. Give me a few minutes. I’ll find Nicky.”

  As promised, Kit returned with Nicky who was happy to help the band out with their soundcheck. Luckily, he was familiar with several Gypsy Tango songs, making the last minute substitution seamless.

  Sully heard the beginning notes of the song, ‘Jaded,’ ring out and quickly ran through the backstage area and up the stairs to the side of the stage where he stopped in his tracks before running out. Soundcheck was going on without him. He stood in the wings and watched as Nicky sang in his place. He noticed Kit sitting on the drum riser and had a moment of clarity. He was mesmerized with her. He suddenly wanted to whisk her away from all of this and get back to where they used to be, but he had no idea how to make that happen.

  Sean walked by him and uttered, “Be careful. She’s gonna be pissed when they’re done. They waited an hour for you.” He kept walking.

  Sully sighed. He felt bad. He had gotten into too much trouble the night before and was going to pay dearly for it now. He realized his out of control behavior had to stop. He was losing his edge without her constant love and support. He was acting like an amateur, not the pro he was. She had prepped him all these years to get him to this level. He needed her back, though he wasn’t sure she wanted him anymore. He hadn’t exactly given her reason to lately.

  After the song ended, Jimmy walked over to Nicky and bumped fists with him. Kit strolled up to them, shared some positive words and laughed. Sean walked out onto the stage. “You guys sound good. We’re set.”

  Kit turned so that she faced the entire band. “Ok guys, if you elect to leave, be back at the arena by eight.” Sully walked out onto the stage and she noticed him. She didn’t call attention to him. She merely turned her focus back to the rest of the band. “Sound good?” They all nodded and acknowledged that they would be there. One by one they left the stage as Sully approached her.

  She forced a grin. “Hey, Sully. What’s up?”

  He sighed and looked at her. “I am so sorry, Kit. I fucked up by missing soundcheck. I didn’t mean to put you or the band in that place.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s ok, Sull. Shit happens.” She started to walk away, heading off stage.

  Sully ran after her. “Kit, wait.”

  She stopped and turned around. “What?”

  His eyes pleaded with her. “I know I’ve been out of control lately. I’m sorry for that too. I’m cleaning up my act starting tonight. No more drugs, no more groupies.”

  She nodded, unconvinced. “Good for you, Sull.”

  He stared at her and gently squeezed her arm. “I am, really. I mean it.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Ok.” She didn’t believe him, but didn’t want to continue the conversation. It wasn’t the time or the place. She nodded. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do back at the hotel.” She lied. She didn’t have all that much to do except phone interviews for new assistants to join her team on the road and help out.

  His head bobbed. “Ok.” As she walked away he yelled to her. “I’m gonna clean up my act, Kit. You’ll see. I’ll prove it to you.”

  Sean appeared out of nowhere and stood next to him. “You know she thinks you’re bullshitting her, right? Do you really mean that? Are you gonna give up your precious groupies and your favorite friends ‘caine’ and ‘sativa’?”

  He stared at him for a moment and rolled his eyes. “Yes. You don’t believe me either? What the fuck?”

  Sean chuckled. “You haven’t exactly had the best track record since we started this tour, man. You’ve dug yourself a pretty deep grave. Your own brother doesn’t even feel like he knows you anymore. Best of luck digging yourself out.” He slapped him on the back and walked away.

  Sully meant every word of his promise. He was going back to basics and it started now. He had a solid plan. He was going to do everything in his power to rekindle his friendship with Kit first in hopes of taking their relationship back to the intimate partnership they once had. He wondered if he could pull it off or if it really was too late for them. He was determined to find out.


  “Dude why are you seriously crashing and burning so hard?” Spencer stared Sully down as he sat across the table from him in his hotel room after the show.

  Sully groaned. “I thought you came in here to hang out and play guitar.”

  Spencer stared at him and got up to raid the mini-bar. “And to drink, yes, but Sull, you’re not yourself and neither is my sister. What the hell is going on with you two?”

  He slouched in his seat and shrugged his shoulders as Spencer returned with a beer for him and resumed his seat. He sighed. “I can’t speak for Kit, she’s got her own demons she’s exorcising. Gotta say, I can’t blame her. Yes, she’s tipped but there’s good reason. She’ll snap out of it soon, hopefully.” He chugged his beer.

  Spencer stared at him. “What drove her to this, Sull? There’s some big piece of the puzzle that no one will tell me.”

  Sully sighed. “It’s not my piece of the puzzle to tell, Spence. You have to talk to your sister on that one and she’ll tell you the details when she’s ready.”

  He sat back and surveyed Sully. “Ok. Are you involved in it? Is that why you’ve been so crazy?”

  Sully looked away and swallowed hard. He finally faced Spencer again. “Yes. And I have been coming to terms with it, but that’s not what’s made me go off the deep end.” He leaned forward onto the table. “Spence, what I’m about to tell yo
u cannot leave this room. I’m trusting you with something pretty heavy, man.”

  Spencer leaned in and met his eyes. “You’ve got my word. Tell me what’s going on.”

  He got up from his chair, walked over to the closet and opened the door. He crouched down in front of the hotel safe, punched in a code, opened the door and reached in. He grabbed a small square box and headed back to the table. He set it in front of Spencer and took his seat silently.

  Spencer picked it up and started at Sully in awe. “Are you serious with this? Is this what I think it is?”

  He sighed. “Open it.”

  Spencer opened the small box and gasped. Inside was a four-carat, round diamond with a Tiffany setting and a matching channel band set in platinum. He looked up at Sully with wide eyes. “Is this for my sister?”

  Sully paused and chose his words carefully. “I thought so, but now I’m not so sure.”

  Spencer frowned and set the box down. “Huh? What do you mean? And where did you get the cash for that thing? It looks like my grandma Tilly’s ring and that thing is worth some serious bank.”

  He nodded. “I know. Spence, that is your grandmother Tilly’s engagement ring and wedding band. She gave them to me for Kit.”

  Spencer’s mouth dropped open. “Holy shit! Nana gave these to you?” He shook his head in disbelief and looked at the rings closely again. He nodded. “Yep, these are her rings. I know she always wanted Kit to have them since she’s the only girl.” He shut the box and looked up at Sully. “So, you need to get your shit together and propose!”

  Sully chuckled and couldn’t repress his grin. He loved Spencer’s enthusiasm and wished it really was that simple. His grin quickly faded, though, and he chugged the last of his beer. He shifted his attention back to Spencer. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea, Spence.”

  He shook his head. “Oh, hell no! Don’t pull this crap that you think she’ll say no. I’m sure Kit will say yes. She still loves you.”


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