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Living To Love You (Santos Family Series Book 4)

Page 27

by KD Bryan

  The next day Rob drove Jillian to her radiation appointment and then took it upon himself to find Dr. Sudan while they were at the hospital. Jillian was sure he’d used his considerable charm to persuade the young receptionist in the radiation department to find the doctor for him, and she shook her head as he leaned on the desk with a lazy smile chatting up the poor, unsuspecting young woman.

  Jillian had almost felt sorry for the receptionist a few times over the past weeks anyway because every time Jillian walked in with another gorgeous man at her side, the poor thing’s eyebrows retreated to her hairline. Between Rob, Rico, Marco, and Reid the young woman hadn’t stood a chance. Jillian had even noticed on a few occasions that several other young, very attractive x-ray techs had managed to make their way to the front office. She’d caught them peeking through the window separating the desk from the lobby, and then whispering among themselves. Jillian wanted to laugh and tell them that it was too late ladies, they were all attached and had eight kids between them with number nine on the way.

  Rob finally returned to the lobby just as Jillian was exiting the hallway leading to the radiation treatment rooms. He met her with a smile, and then leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips.

  “We’re good to go, baby. Dr. Sudan said he thinks you can safely attend the party, but he does recommend the mask. Actually he thought my idea was nothing short of brilliant,” bragged Rob with a grin.

  As they left the area to enter the hallway leading to the parking garage, Jillian did an eye roll and dryly, “I’m sure he did, Roberto, because everyone knows that a renowned Radiology Oncologist was hanging onto your every word. What else did he say, after he recovered from your stroke of genius of course?”

  Grumbling under his breath, Rob said, “You’re really a smart ass sometimes, did you know that?”

  Jillian gave him a genuinely cheeky smile and nodded. “Of course I do, Roberto. And that’s just one of the many things that you love about me, huh?”

  They’d arrived at the car by then, and Rob opened Jillian’s door to help her inside. Before she could sit, though, Rob stopped her with his hand at her waist and a kiss to the lips.

  “Yeah, just one of many. And it’s a good thing you’re so beautiful, because I’m not sure I could put up with your sassy self unless you were.”

  Laughing at his backhanded compliment, Jillian patted his cheek saying, “I know it’s a struggle sometimes, sweetheart, but try and do your best. Now, what else did Dr. Sudan have to say?”

  “Nothing much besides what I told you. He did say again that he thinks you’ve handled this part of your treatment very well, though. Only one more week to go, and then it’s behind you,” said Rob as he slid into the car beside Jillian.

  Jillian’s answering silence had Rob turning to look at her before he even started the engine.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? I thought it was all good news.”

  Nodding in agreement, Jillian swallowed and said, “It is, Rob. I guess the thought is never very far way, though, that after my treatments are finished then it’s another PET scan and my final lab work. That’ll tell us if everything worked, and whether I’m in remission or not.”

  “Come here,” Rob demanded softly. He gathered Jillian into his arms the best he could over the console and pressed a kiss to her temple.

  “We have to keep the faith, babe, and pray that it all worked…that we’ve beat this thing, and we can start moving past it,” Rob said earnestly.

  “I know. You’re right, and I’m sorry that I sometimes lose sight of that.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry about, not in the least,” Rob assured her. With a smile he pulled away and settled his body behind the wheel again. “Well, you could be a little sorry for questioning my brilliance earlier, but other than that we’re good.”

  Snorting out a laugh, Jillian shook her head as she pointed a finger in his direction. “Just drive, Roberto! We have a party to get ready for, and we need to stop somewhere to buy a mask.”

  “Oh, that’s right, my brilliant idea put into motion,” he returned smugly, determined to get the last word in.

  Although she was smiling at his antics while they drove, Jillian’s heart was still heavy with the knowledge that she was very close to learning her fate. She refused to dwell on it today, though, and was going to concentrate on enjoying herself tonight as they celebrated the addition of another sweet child into the Santos family.

  It’s during the worst storms of your life that

  you will get to see the true colors of the people

  who say they care for you.


  Chapter Thirty-Two

  A few hours later Rob parked at the back of the restaurant so they could bypass the crowded main dining area on their way into the party. Jillian stepped in behind him and then reached into her pocket to retrieve her mask. Rob had called everyone to get a ‘wellness report’ as he’d referred to it, and then told them that Jillian was coming but she’d be wearing a mask. Isabella said she’d explain to her kids, but with them being a little older it shouldn’t be an issue. Jillian was still worried, however, about Gabriela, Malaya, Pilar, and Angelina who were still too young to fully understand.

  Rob took Jillian by the hand, and before they started down the hall he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Do you think you could wear that later in bed? We could pretend you’re a naked, masked bandit or something.”

  “Roberto, seriously! You’re incorrigible, and you really don’t care,” complained Jillian smiling behind her mask.

  With a proud grin, Rob winked and said, “Nope, I really don’t. Now, let’s go party and then get home, Madame Bandit.”

  Laughing together, they entered the dining room to find all the adults looking at them as they came through the door. Jillian glanced up at Rob, but his expression said he was just as confused until Carli broke away and started toward them saying, “My goodness, we haven’t heard that sound in a long time.”

  Enveloping Jillian in a tight hug, Carli whispered near her friend’s ear, “Hearing you laugh again is the best sound in the world right now.”

  Jillian pulled back in Carli’s embrace and said with a shrug, “You know your brother, he thinks he’s the world’s next gift to comedy.”

  Chuckling quietly, Carli slipped an arm around Jillian’s waist and led her over to the others. Jillian was immediately surrounded, and received a hug, a kiss, or both from everyone present. She felt Carli tugging on her hand as she said, “Hey, come with me. There’s a couple of someone’s here who would like to see you.”

  Puzzled, Jillian followed Carli until she finally spotted the two people who were smiling and waving in her direction. Russ Prescott was just as handsome as ever, and the grin he wore had Jillian smiling in return. His fiancé, Caterina Santini, was standing beside him, and Jillian thought again what a striking couple they made. Both were tall and slim in build, and Caterina’s dark hair and features were in sharp contrast to Russ’s blonde, blue-eyed California surfer look. Jillian knew they were planning to marry this fall, and she was happy they’d found one another.

  Stepping up to the couple, Jillian was immediately pulled into Russ’s arms for a careful hug as he said, “Jillian Barnes, the bell of St. Louis. How are you, sweetheart?”

  Returning his hug, Jillian stepped back and said, “Hanging in there, Russ. How are you guys doing?”

  Turning to Caterina, Jillian welcomed a hug from the young woman she’d actually known for years. Jillian had attended parochial school with not only the Santos siblings, but with the Santini clan as well. Caterina was Marco’s younger sister so she’d been several grades behind Jillian in school, but they’d all grown up together.

  “Jillian it’s so good to see you,” said Caterina. Her physician’s training immediately kicked in as she assessed the tall, too thin woman beside her. Jillian was obviously wearing a wig tonight, and the mask didn’t completely hide the sharp bone structure of her face. Overall, Jillian looked
healthy, though, and Caterina was happy to see it. Isabella had kept her updated on Jillian’s progress, so she knew the other woman was almost at the end of her treatment regimen.

  Jillian realized she hated trying to talk to people from behind a mask, but it was better than the alternative of staying at home. She’d had a good day today, and felt better than she had in some time actually. Anxious to catch up with everyone, she looked at Russ and Caterina saying, “So, the wedding is this fall, is that right?”

  Slipping an arm around his fiancé, Russ said, “It sure is, and we’re ready. Caterina’s finishing up her residency, and then she’ll be looking for a position in the city. Once that happens, it’s easy street for me.”

  Laughing at his expression, Jillian caught Caterina’s eye roll. “Easy street? Exactly what does that mean, Russ?”

  Caterina slapped Russ on the stomach with the hand not holding her drink and said, “Oh, he’s been imagining himself as the spoiled, pampered husband of a doctor, Jillian. He says he may even quit his job so he can stay home and play golf every day. I’ll be bursting that bubble rather quickly, believe me.”

  Jillian was laughing at Caterina’s remark when she felt a familiar arm slip around her waist. Rob pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before greeting Russ and Caterina warmly. He and Russ had become friends over the last few years, and they stayed in touch between visits.

  “Roberto, how goes it, man?” asked Russ by way of greeting.

  He took in the tired lines on his friend’s face, and the protective arm he’d slid around Jillian’s waist. Reid had kept him in the loop regarding Jillian’s illness so Russ knew what role Rob had played in the whole thing. How he’d basically taken over Jillian’s care single handedly, and been by her side through the whole ordeal. Russ knew a little about their history together as a couple, or not, so he wondered how Jillian’s illness had affected things.

  Rob leaned across to give Caterina a brief hug, and then looked back at Russ. “It’s going, Russ.”

  Glancing down into Jillian’s upturned face, he was pleased to see her eyes looked a little brighter tonight, and he’d heard her laughing a few times since they’d arrived. He was suddenly glad they’d made the effort to get out tonight, and Rob only hoped it lifted Jillian’s spirits.

  The two couples visited together until they heard Carli’s voice saying, “If I could have everyone’s attention please. Reid and I would like for you to gather around for a moment.”

  When everyone had moved in closer, Carli stood beside Reid as he held onto Angelina’s hand. The little girl pressed her face shyly against his leg when she realized all eyes were on them now, and Reid leaned down to murmur something in her ear.

  “As you all know, our family recently expanded with the addition of one special little girl. Well, today she officially became a member of our family. Everyone, I’d like for you to meet Angelina Maria Gonzales-Brandt,” said Carli, the emotion evident in her voice.

  Reid bent down and lifted the little girl into his arms, and everyone laughed as she immediately buried her face against his neck. He ran one hand down her back while talking quietly into her ear, and with some coaxing she finally lifted her head to smile at everyone.

  Russ raised his glass in the air, and said loudly, “I’d like to propose a toast to the Brandt’s everyone, and the addition of Angelina into their family. And to many years of my buddy Reid being completely outnumbered by the women in his life!”

  The sound of laughter rang out again, as Reid pointed a finger at his best friend. “I’ve officially requested a boy this time around, so my days of being out numbered will soon be a thing of the past, Russ.”

  Determined to get the last word, Russ smirked saying, “It’ll be four to two, man. You’ll both still be outnumbered!”

  Jillian looked around the room at all the smiling and laughing people as they wandered back to their tables or toward the buffet. She and Rob had discussed the eating situation, and they planned to sit at a table away from the crowd so she could lower her mask. The little ones had all stared at her curiously when they’d arrived, but Jillian had made a point to talk with them so they’d recognize her voice. Now they were all wandering around the room and didn’t hesitate to toddle in her direction.

  At the moment, Malaya was squirming in her Tio Rico’s arms and he finally realized that she wanted down. Curious as to where she wanted to go, when Rico asked the little girl she pointed a finger at Jillian and said, “Jeel! Jeel!”

  Rico laughed as he lowered her to the floor and watched carefully as she made her way to where Jillian was sitting. Malaya lifted her arms to be held, and Jillian looked helplessly at Rob. She wasn’t sure if she could lift the little girl’s weight, and Rob quickly realized her dilemma. He stood and scooped his niece up into his own arms tickling her belly before depositing Malaya onto Jillian’s lap. He watched carefully for a moment to make sure Jillian could manage the active toddler, and then finally took his own seat again.

  The little ones all made their way over to Jillian one by one throughout the evening, and she smiled as Gabriela tried removing her mask by pulling at the strings that looped behind her ears. Jillian made a game out of pretending to bite Gabriela’s fingers through the blue paper covering her mouth, and the sound of the little girl’s giggles had Melanie coming over to see who was entertaining her daughter. She walked up carrying baby Mateo in her arms, and smiled when she found her daughter on Jillian’s lap.

  “Jillian, sugar, don’t let her wear you out. She can be a hand full,” warned Melanie.

  Jillian squeezed the little girl in her arms and looked up at Melanie. “She’s fine, Mel. We’re playing because this little girl wants to pull my mask off,” said Jillian as she tickled Gabriela’s belly.

  Rob walked up at that moment and Jillian lost her playmate as soon as Gabriela realized her Tio Rob was there. She immediately lifted her arms for him to take her, and Rob lifted her up making Gabriela giggle again as he pretended to throw her into the air. They wandered off a few minutes later to see abeula Rosita after waving bye-bye to Jillian and Melanie.

  Melanie took the seat Rob had vacated earlier and shifted the baby onto her shoulder. Studying Jillian for a moment, Melanie broke the silence by asking, “Sugar, did you and Rob ever talk about what you discussed with Rico? I hope you weren’t upset that Rico spoke with his brother. He struggled with whether he should say anything, and I told him that he should.”

  Sighing behind her mask, Jillian looked at Melanie and shook her head. “No, Mel, I wasn’t upset, not really. I didn’t specifically ask Rico to not speak to Rob, and maybe it was the push that I needed. Although, Roberto wasn’t too happy by the time he got home that night.”

  Melanie frowned, and then asked anxiously, “You two didn’t have a fight or anything did you? Rico would be upset since he’s the one who talked to Rob first.”

  Jillian hurried to reassure Melanie by saying, “No, we didn’t have a fight. I think he was more hurt than anything, and really he had every right to be. I should’ve spoken with him, Mel. I knew that, but truthfully I was trying to dodge the subject for as long as possible.”

  “I know, sugar, but obviously it was laying on your mind or you wouldn’t have spoken to Rico when you did,” reasoned Melanie quietly.

  Propping her chin on her hand, Jillian looked at Mateo perched on Melanie’s shoulder and sighed. He was so precious, and seeing the tiny baby just brought back the pain associated with the subject they were discussing.

  “It was…and it had been on my mind. And we needed to discuss it, but I think I knew that once it was out there then it became real. I wanted children, Melanie. I wanted a child with Rob, and I’ve always known that. I’ve never imagined myself in that situation with anyone other than him, but now it’s unlikely to happen,” Jillian said evenly.

  She needed to accept this, but accepting it didn’t lessen the pain any as she watched Mateo begin to squirm on Melanie’s shoulder.

I don’t know what to say to ease your pain,” said Melanie sadly. “It hurts me that you’re dealing with so much. I wish there was something I could do, but I’m not sure what you need.”

  Jillian reached out to grasp Melanie’s hand in hers and squeezed. “There’s really nothing anyone can do, Mel. It’s the hand I’ve been dealt, and I’m just so thankful that Rob Santos is the man that he is. We’re in this together, and he convinced me of that when we finally talked. If we have each other, then that will be enough.”

  Blinking against the sting of tears, Jillian reached out to run a hand across Mateo’s back. “You’ll just have to let us borrow your babies on occasion so we can get our fix,” she informed Melanie with a tremulous smile.

  Melanie blinked against her own tears and shook her head. “Any time, sugar. You just call, and we’ll pack their little bags and drop them off. How many days do you think they can stay?” teased Melanie. She knew they needed to laugh before they were both in tears.

  “As many days as you need for them to,” said Jillian smiling.

  “As many days for what?” asked Rob as he returned with Pilar now in his arms. He’d switched kids with Carli who now had their niece across the room.

  Jillian looked up and smiled when she saw that Rob had a different little one in his arms. The kids all loved their Tio Rob, and she knew how much he loved them as well.

  “Melanie is going to drop the kids off with their bags to stay as many days as needed,” Jillian informed him with a glance in Mel’s direction.

  Melanie rose from her chair and patted a now fussy Mateo on the back as she bounced him in place. “Well, I can assure you that you don’t want this one yet. He thinks he needs to eat at least every two hours, and he’s already gained three pounds,” Melanie informed them over her son’s cries.

  Rico appeared at his wife’s side and took the baby from her bouncing in place trying to quiet his son. “Is he hungry again, babe?”

  Melanie directed an eye roll at her husband. “When is he not hungry, Rico? I swear our children inherited Roberto’s appetite for food.”


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