The American Plague
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solar eclipse, Memphis
soldier volunteers for human experiments
Sontag, Charles G.
Soper, Fred .
South America and yellow fever
southern U.S. and yellow fever
South Memphis, evading quarantine
Spanish-American War
Spielman, Andrew
spotted fever
St. Lazarus-Grace Church
St. Louis encephalitis
St. Mary’s Cathedral (Martyrs of Memphis)
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Stanley, Mr.
Stark, Major
state of emergency in Mississippi Valley
State Savings Bank, Memphis
state vs. federal rights
steamers and yellow fever
Sternberg, George M. (Surgeon General, “America’s Bacteriologist”)
background of
bacteria theory
blood experiments
children as subjects for medical testing
gonorrhea self-experimentation
Sternberg, George M. (continued)
mosquito theory
retirement of
“Round Robin” letter and
Typhoid Commission
vivisection (human experiments)
Walter Reed and
Walter Reed Memorial Association
Walter Reed’s report on mosquito theory
Yellow Fever Board (Cuba) and
Stokes, Adrian (Dr.)
strange occurrences in Memphis
“stranger’s disease,”
striped house mosquito (Aedes aegypti) . See also mosquitoes
sugar industry and Cuba
sulfur for disinfection
Surgeon General’s Library (National Library of Medicine)
swatting (attraction to) by mosquitoes
sweat baths for yellow fever
symptoms of yellow fever
Taft, William H. (Secretary of War)
Tate, R. H. (Dr.)
taxing district of the state, Memphis as
telephone, invention
temperance movement and Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Tennessee Club, Memphis
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Ten Years War
Thecla (Sister)
Theiler, Max
tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus). See also mosquitoes
tires as homes for mosquitoes
Tokyo trials
trade and transportation hub, Memphis
travel adaptability of mosquitoes
treatments (ineffective) for yellow fever
trentina (thirty days)
tropical medicine
Truby, Albert (Dr.)
background of
Jesse Lazear and
Juan Guitéras and
mosquito theory
Walter Reed and
William E. Dean (Patient XY) and
Yellow Fever Board (Cuba) and
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Turner, G.P.M. (Attorney General)
Twain, Mark
United States (present day). See also mosquitoes; mosquito theory; yellow fever
comeback of yellow fever
vaccine for yellow fever
Yellow Fever Commission, Nigeria ()
University of Havana
University of Maryland
University of the City of New York
University of Virginia
unrecorded cases of yellow fever, Memphis
“unworthy,” “worthy” perished for the
upper vs. lower class in Memphis
urban yellow fever
U.S. Army Medical Corps
U.S. capital, moved from Philadelphia to Washington .C.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
USS Maine
USS Yale
Vaughan, Victor Clarence (Dr.)
virulency of yellow fever
virus discovery
Viruses, Plagues, and History (Oldstone)
virus from mosquito to human to mosquito
vivisection (human experiments)
volunteers for human experiments
vomito negro (black vomit). See also yellow fever
Walsh, Mr. (county undertaker)
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Walter Reed General Hospital
Walter Reed Memorial Association
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Waring, George (Colonel)
“Waring System,”
Warner, E. .
Warner, Lena Angevine
“war of the doctors,”
Warren, William
Wasdin, Eugene
Washington, George (President)
Washington and Jefferson College
Washington Post
Weatherwalks, Edward
Welch, William (Dr.)
West, Clyde .
West Indies and yellow fever
West Nile
White, W. A. (Dr.)
white blood cells (B cells)
whites and death from yellow fever
WHO (World Health Organization)
Widal test
Wilkerson Drugs, Memphis
Williams, Greer
Wilson, Bruce
Winchester, James
Wolf River, Memphis
Woodworth, John M. (Surgeon General)
World Health Organization (WHO)
“worthy,” perished for the “unworthy,”
Writer, Jim
Yale (USS)
“yard sales” for slaves
yellow cardboard to mark doorway of
yellow fever. See also Cuba (); Memphis (); mosquitoes; mosquito theory; United States (present day)
African rain forest and
age of patient and
antibiotics vs.
atmospheric conditions and
bacteria theory
bioterrorism and
yellow fever (continued)
blacks and death from
cells (healthy) for replicating virus
children and death from
Civil War and
comeback of
convalescent period of
deaths from
Ebola vs.
El Niño cycle impact on
epidemic, single case as
epidemics ofand
fear created from
germ theory
horrors (mysterious) of
immigrants and death from
immunity to
incubation period of
journey from Old World
jungle yellow fever
monkeys as hosts for
noncontagious, yellow fever as
North America and
northern U.S. and
panic created from
plague, defined
reasons for
recovery period and return of
sanitation and
self-medications for
skin, transmission through
slave trade and
southern U.S. and
symptoms of
treatments (ineffective) for
urban yellow fever
virulency of
virus discovery
West Indies and
whites and death from
Yellow Fever Board (Cuba)
Yellow Fever Commission (Havana)
Yellow Fever Commission (Nigeria)
Yellow Fever Commission of Experts ()
yellow fever weather
yellow jack.
See also yellow fever
Yellow Jack (Pierce and Writer)
Young, Casey H.
Young, William (Dr.)