The American Plague
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D’Antonio, Michael
Darby, Willie
Darling, Caroline Louise (Sister Constance)
Darwin, Charles
Davis, Jefferson Davis, Jefferson, Jr.
Dean, William E. (Patient XY)
deaths from yellow fever
death wagons
debt of Memphis ()
De Kruif, Paul
delirium from yellow fever
Desowitz, Robert
Destroying Angel
dismissive letter from Rutherford B. Hayes (President)
doctors and yellow fever
Durham, Herbert (Dr.)
Eastman, George
Ebola vs. yellow fever
Eclipse cocktail
Edison, Thomas
eggs of mosquitoes
Egyptian mosquito (Aedes aegypti) . See also mosquitoes
Ehrlich, Paul
Electric Light Company, Memphis
electrozone disinfectant
Elliott, Thomas
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis
El Niño cycle impact on yellow fever
Emily B. Souder (screw steamer)
end of plague (Memphis)
England, Thomas M.
Environmental Protection Agency
epidemic, single case as
epidemics ofand
eradication of mosquitoes
Erskine, Alexander (Dr.)
Erskine, John H. (Dr.)
escaping from Memphis
“Etiology of Yellow Fever: A Preliminary Note, The” (Reed)
“Etiology of Yellow Fever—An Additional Note, The” (Reed)
evidence-based medicine
evolutionary dexterity of mosquitoes
evolutionary masterpiece, viruses as
eye (whites of) and yellow fever
Faget’s sign
Family Physician
Farrell Oysterdealers, Memphis
Fat Tuesday
fear created from yellow fever
federal vs. state rights
female mosquitoes
fever from yellow fever
Ffirth, Stubbins (Dr.)
Fifth Army Corps
filth and disease
financial loss fromepidemic
Finca San Jose
Finlay, Carlos (Dr.) “Mosquito Man”
Aristides Agramonte and
atmospheric conditions and yellow fever
background of
dinner honoring
“Etiology of Yellow Fever: A Preliminary Note, The” (Reed) and
Havana Yellow Fever Commission and
mosquito theory and
second-generation mosquitoes with yellow fever
vivisection (human experiments) by
Walter Reed Memorial Association
Yellow Fever Board (Cuba) and
fireworks, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
First Baptist Church, Memphis
first recorded case of yellow fever
Fisher, Charles G.
Flexner, Simon (Dr.)
Flippin, John R. (Mayor)
floats, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Flying Dutchman
Folk, Levi E.
Fontaine House, Memphis
Forbes, Wallace W.
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
frost and end of plague, Memphis ()
fumigation of mail
Garrett, Laurie
GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)
Gayoso Bayou, Memphis
Geographical Society
George (King of England)
German blitzkrieg
germ theory
gin for yellow fever
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
Golden Crown (steamer)
Gorgas, Sir William .
“Graveyard Girl” (Grace), Elmwood Cemetery
Great Influenza, The (Barry)
Green, Soloman P. (“Old Sol”)
Greene, Colton (General)
Greenlaw Opera House, Memphis
Greenwich Village, NY (“The Village”)
Guinea Pig No.
Guitéras, Juan (Dr.)
gunpowder blasts for cleaning air
Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London
Hadden, David P. (“Pappy”)
Halsted, William
Hamann, Paul
Hamilton, Alexander
Hanberry, James .
Handback, Sunny
Happy Hollow, Memphis
Harpman and Brother Cigars, Memphis
Harris, George . (Reverend)
Harvard Medical School
Havana harbor
Havana Yellow Fever Commission ()
Hay, John
Hayes, Rutherford B. (President)
Hayne, Theodore B. (Dr.)
headaches from yellow fever
Hearst, William Randolph
help (pleas for), Memphis
Hench, Philip S.
heroic medicine
Hildebrand, James
Hill, Byrd & Sons, Memphis
Hitler, Adolf
homes (infected), fear of entering
horrors (mysterious) of yellow fever
hospitals, avoiding
house calls by doctors
Howard, Leland (Dr.)
Howard Association
Hudson, Dr.
human experiments (vivisection)
human scents, mosquitoes drawn to
Huxley, Thomas
ill, neglect of the
immigrant population in Memphis
immigrants and death from yellow fever
immigration and epidemics
immune system of body and viruses
immunity to yellow fever
incubation period of yellow fever
Indianapolis Journal
Indian Wars
Infected Clothing Building of Camp Lazear
infected homes, fear of entering
Infected Mosquito Building at Camp Lazear
International Health Division
“In the Children’s Hospital” (Tennyson)
invitation to Rex’s ball, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Irving, Washington
Jackson, Andrew
Jack the Ripper
Japanese encephalitis
Jefferson, Thomas (President)
Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia
Jefferson neighborhood, Memphis
Jenner, Edward
Jernegan, Warren G.
John . Porter (towboat)
Johns Hopkins University
Journal of the American Medical Association
jungle yellow fever
Kean, Jefferson Randolph (Major)
Army Surgeon General job for Walter Reed, supported by
bilingual consent form used at Camp Lazear
Camp Lazear
Carlos Finlay dinner
Jesse Lazear’s death from yellow fever
Walter Reed and
Walter Reed’s appendicitis
Walter Reed’s death
yellow fever, contracted by
Yellow Fever Board (Cuba) and
Kelly, Howard
Kettle Hill
Killer T cells
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kipling, Rudyard
Kissinger, John R. (Private)
Koch, Robert (“Popsy”)
Kpeve, Gold Coast
Kremer, Herzog and Co., Memphis
Ku Klux Klan
lab of Yellow Fever Board
Lambert, Gustaf E.
Lancet Infectious Disease
La Roche
, R.
Las Animas Hospital (“the Souls Hospital”)
laudanum for yellow fever
Lazear, Jesse (Dr.)
background of
Camp Columbia and
Congressional Gold Medal
death from yellow fever
Guinea Pig No.
James Carroll and
logbooks, disappearance of
Mabel (Jesse Lazear’s wife)
mosquito bite of
mosquito theory and
Walter Reed and
yellow fever, contracted by
Yellow Fever Board (Cuba) and
Lee, Fitzhugh (General)
“Lee’s Miserables,”
Lesseps, Ferdinand de
Lewis, Paul (Dr.)
life cycle of mosquitoes
Lincoln, Abraham (President)
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
living room, replacement for parlor
Lloyd’s, Memphis
Lodge, Henry Cabot
logbooks of Jesse Lazear, disappearance of
London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Lonsdale, John G., Jr.
Louisiana State University
Lowenstein and Brothers, Memphis
lower vs. upper class in Memphis
Maass, Clara
Machupo virus
Maine (USS)
male mosquitoes
Mansion House, Memphis
Manson, Sir Patrick
Marine Hospital Service (Public Health Service)
Martyrs of Memphis (St. Mary’s Cathedral)
“Masque of the Red Death, The” (Poe)
Maury and Mitchell Infirmary, Memphis
McCelland Drugs, Memphis
McCullough, Tom
McKinley, William (President)
McLaughlin’s grocery, Memphis
medical career, non-respected career
medical programs, lack of in America
medicine and religion
Memphis (). See also mosquitoes; mosquito theory; yellow fever
Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
city of corpses
Destroying Angel
doctors and yellow fever
Elmwood Cemetery
Havana Yellow Fever Commission
rebuilding of
steamers and yellow fever
Yellow Fever Commission of Experts ()
Memphis Board of Health
Memphis Exposition Building
mental decline from yellow fever
Microbe Hunters (De Kruif)
Milburn, John
Military Hospital No.
Mississippi River
Mitchell, Robert Wood (Dr.)
monkeys as hosts for yellow fever
Montauk Point
Moran, John J.
Morgan, John P.
Mosquito (Spielman and ’Antonio)
mosquitoes. See also mosquito theory
adaptability of
Aedes aegypti (striped house mosquito, Egyptian mosquito)
Aedes albopictus (tiger mosquito)
blood supply for eggs
Camp Lazear
eggs of
evolutionary dexterity of
female mosquitoes
human scents, drawn to
life cycle of
male mosquitoes
movement sensitivity of
sanitation campaign
steamers and
swatting (attraction to) by
tires as homes for
travel adaptability of
virus from mosquito to human to mosquito
Mosquito Hypothetically Considered as the Agent of Transmission of Yellow Fever, The (Finlay)
mosquito theory. See also mosquitoes; yellow fever
Albert Truby and
Carlos Finlay and
eradication of mosquitoes
“Etiology of Yellow Fever: A Preliminary Note, The” (Reed)
“Etiology of Yellow Fever—An Additional Note, The” (Reed)
George Sternberg and
Jesse Lazear and
second-generation mosquitoes with yellow fever
Walter Reed and
mourning during epidemic, Memphis
movement sensitivity of mosquitoes
mutation by viruses
Myers, Walter (Dr.)
Mystic Memphi
Myths of the Aryan People theme, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
National Board of Health
National Library of Medicine (Surgeon General’s Library)
Naval Medical Center
Neate, John
New Orleans and yellow fever
New York Times
Nigeria yellow fever epidemic ()
Nobel Prize
Noguchi, Hideyo (Dr.)
“No Man’s Land” in Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis
noncontagious, yellow fever as
North America and yellow fever
northern U.S. and yellow fever
Nott, Josiah .
Nuremberg trials
Oldstone, Michael
Olsen, William
Ophiuchus constellation and solar eclipse
orchestras, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Osler, William (Dr.)
Overton, John
pain from yellow fever
Panama Canal
Pan-American Medical Congress ()
panic created from yellow fever
Panic of
parades, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
parlor replaced by living room
Parsons, Charles Carroll (Reverend)
Pasteur, Louis
Pasteur Institute
“Pathological” lab at Johns Hopkins University
Peabody Hotel, Memphis
Peterson, Major
phonograph, invention
Pierce, John
Pillow, Gideon Johnson (General)
Pinar del Rio
Pinch District, Memphis
Pinto, Sherman Alva
plague, defined
pleasing patients vs. science
Poe, Edgar Allen
Popular Science Monthly
population (diversity of), Memphis
President’s Island (quarantine post)
prison (fewest cases of yellow fever), Memphis
privies, dumping into rivers
Progressive Era in America
Progressive Era of medicine
propriety, rules for
Public Health Service (Marine Hospital Service)
Pulitzer, Joseph
Quarantine Act of
Quarantine cocktail
quarantine inspections
Quemados, Marianao yellow fever epidemic
quinine for yellow fever
Quintard, Charles T. (Bishop)
railroads as channel of contagion
reasons for yellow fever
rebuilding of Memphis
receptor-mediated endocytosis
recovery period and return of yellow fever
“Red Ribbon brigade,” Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Reed, Blossom (Walter Reed’s daughter)
Reed, Christopher
Reed, Emilie Lawrence (Walter Reed’s wife)
Reed, Lawrence (General, Walter Reed’s son)
Reed, Lemuel Sutton and Pharaba White
Reed, Walter (Major)
Albert Truby and
American Public Health Association annual meetings
background of
blood experiments
burial of
Camp Lazear and
Carlos Finlay dinner
children as
subjects for medical testing
Congressional Gold Medal
Cuba loved by
death of
“Etiology of Yellow Fever: A Preliminary Note, The,”
“Etiology of Yellow Fever—An Additional Note, The,”
George Sternberg and
guilt over volunteers’ death
health, deteriorating
healthy eating habits of
human experiments at Camp Lazear
Jefferson Randolph Kean and
Jesse Lazear and
Keewaydin summer home of
Lena Angevine Warner and
letter to Emilie (Walter Reed’s wife) about yellow fever
mosquito theory
national hero
notebooks of Lazear, studying
opposition to
Pan-American Medical Congress ()
Pinar del Rio
seasickness of
self-experimentation by Yellow Fever Board
Typhoid Commission
vivisection (human experiments)
wire mosquito gift
Yellow Fever Board (Cuba) and
religion and medicine
reputation (sickly, filthy city) of Memphis
Rex, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Rhesus-A, B
river traffic, spreading yellow fever
robbing the dead
Rockefeller, John .
“Rockefeller disease,”
Rockefeller Foundation
Romances of Childhood ball, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Roosevelt, Theodore (Colonel and President)
Root, Elihu
Ross, Sir Ronald
Rough Riders
“Round Robin” letter
Royal Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences (Havana)
Royal College of Physicians
saffron scourge. See also yellow fever
Sanarelli, Giuseppe (Dr.)
sanitary conditions in Memphis
sanitation and yellow fever
sanitation campaign
São Tomé (“Dutchman’s graveyard”)
Saunders, Dudley (Dr.)
Sawyer, Wilbur (Dr.)
Schuyler, Louis (Reverend)
Scott, Sir Walter
second-generation mosquitoes with yellow fever
security, Carnival (Memphis Mardi Gras)
Seesel and Son’s grocery, Memphis
self-experimentation by Yellow Fever Board
self-medications for yellow fever
“serum hepatitis,”
sewer system for Memphis
Shafter, W. Rufus (General)
Shakespeare, Edward (Dr.)
Sherwood, Sergeant
shipping industry and Cuba
Siboney yellow fever epidemic
Sigsbee, Charles (Captain)
skin, transmission through
skin color from yellow fever
slave trade and yellow fever
smell of death and decay