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The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted

Page 14

by K. K. Allen

  He takes my hand and we step towards the water, the bonfire to our right now, we sink our feet into the shore. Fireworks still explode in the distance but this time there are thunderous pops and screams that accompany them. Simultaneously Alec and I look towards the noise.

  Iris and Ava are running around the bonfire, giggling. “Are they holding fireworks?” There’s shock in my voice.

  Alec says nothing. It’s all in his expression as he’s off charging towards the bonfire. The girls are screaming and laughing hysterically. One of them trips and falls, but they get back up again and continue to run.

  When Alec catches up with them things settle down and I turn towards the water. I sigh, knowing that this is nowhere near the end of my troubles with these girls. I close my eyes, playing back the great moments of the night so far. Alec likes me. He kissed me. I’m giddy still feeling the tingle of my lips. In spite of recent events I’m just proud of Alec for standing up to them.

  Distant sounds of yelling capture my attention and I turn to face the beach. The yelling is coming from Alec, Ava, and Iris. The angry voices grow louder. I tune in to hear what Alec is saying.

  “You girls need to go home. You have been nothing but trouble since you got here.” Alec is clearly upset but I can see him trying to keep calm. It’s Iris that’s being loud.

  Iris turns her while dagger-like eyes on him. “What are you talking about? No we have not.”

  Alec shakes his head. “Yes. You have. You’ve been running around this party trying to be the center of attention. Interrupting my conversations. Treating Kat as if she’s dirt and she’s done nothing to you. You two need to go home, sober up, and take a good look at yourselves. You look like fools.”

  Iris’s expression is as hot as Hawaiian lava about to explode. “You have got to be joking me, Alec. I’m trying to protect you. You’re running around here with Rose’s granddaughter. You know how creepy that old lady is – creating laws for our town, holding secret meetings with the rest of her cult followers – and now you’re falling for her spawn?” The disgust in Iris’s voice was clear.

  “Stop talking about her like she’s Satan. Iris, she’s a nice girl and you would probably like her if you’d stop being so jealous.”

  “Jealous?” Her voice rises to a shriek. “I am NOT jealous of that Summer girl. She’s a witch! Just like her grandmother.”

  I cringe. Something in the sky pulls my focus before I can react. I notice dark luminous clouds covering the entire beach. They’re picking up speed. Could I be causing this?

  “You know, she’s practically an orphan. Her mom died, her dad abandoned her, and only Rose would take her? Who is this girl anyway? You don’t even know her.”

  My body begins to shake as if there’s a tiny earthquake beneath me.

  “Stop it. You’re obsession with the Summers needs to be over,” Alec fires back.

  “She’s a witch!” Iris hisses this time but I’m able to make it out undoubtedly.

  And there it is. That word. Witch. Fire builds up inside me.

  I barely see Alec pull away from her as my fury within me grows at every hateful word Iris speaks of my grandmother and me. I can feel the temperature in my body rising higher and higher, like a bubbling detonation. This is new. Not euphoric like when I use my powers. This is different. Strange.

  “Alec, stay away from her.” Her plea is desperate. It’s enough to set me over the edge.

  My fists close tight and before I know what’s happening my eyes shoot a laser-like white streak in Iris’s direction.

  My mouth grows wide in horror as I watch the scene unfold in slow motion. Iris reels back from my blast as she’s propelled towards the bonfire.

  Chapter Ten

  Alec lunges for Iris, a terrified look on his face. He grabs her before she gets any closer to the fire that rages near them, threatening them with its thunderous grumble. The wind roars above me. The teens that surround the bonfire react at once. Everyone is panicked and hot from the deafening flames. Bodies scatter in all directions – anywhere but near the fire.

  Knowing that I have to do something, I move towards the fire but my feet have recessed deep into the sand and I’m caught. The sand is my prison and I fall to the ground. I groan as I clench my jaw in a struggle with my own body. I’m sinking lower into the quicksand as a great force propels me forward. My face falls flat into the wet shore. Ouch.

  I look up. The wind has taken control of the fire now and it’s grown at least one story high. There are terrifying screams, gasps, and bodies running in all directions. Why can’t I move?

  I grab my necklace and close my eyes. “Release me!” I scream this over the sound of the flames, not understanding my own words. I’m still stuck but I feel a presence with me. “Release me now!” I scream again, more defiant. That’s when I feel the sand soften beneath me. I use all of my heightened strength to wrestle and claw my way out. I have to help Alec and Iris.

  The orange billowing flames are growing with every second. Most of the crowd has scattered far away but Iris has fallen, caught by debris of the fire. Her hair lights up in all orange tones. I scream. “Close your eyes!” My voice carries as I will it to and without hesitation she slams her eyes shut. Alec stays with her, using the sand to put out the flames that has taken her hair, but the fire behind them grows wild and looks as if it’s about to attack. “Run!”

  Alec pulls Iris to her feet but she’s too limp or scared to stand. He drags her away from the fire but it’s as if they are magnets to the flames.

  I see Ava now, standing off to the side, still – a horrified expression on her face. She just stands there while Alec attempts to rescue Iris from the deadly flames.

  An adrenaline rush surges through me and I pull myself from the sand. But before I make it far a shield of smoke halts me in my tracks. The black smoke surrounds me now, and I’m trapped inside its walls as it creeps in closer.

  The smoke nears my face I begin to gasp. Then choke. I fall back, desperately searching my mind for the answer. I need to stop the fire. I think hard to remember what I’ve learned over the past couple of weeks. And then I remember the elements.

  That’s it. I think to myself. Water. I look up. I remember everything that Rose taught me that night by the pool. How could I forget such an experience? I use all my energy, everything that I possess to pull the rain from the sky. It comes down in a drizzle at first, but it’s working. I smile at my conquest. But when I look to the fire disappointment sets in – the fire still rages on. I need more water.

  I look over my shoulders at the restless Bay waters and decide I have no other choice. I don’t know if this is even something I’m capable of. The last time I did something so grand I had two other Enchanters with me but I have to try.

  I turn fully towards the water, so my body is facing it head-on. My inner strength guides me. My arms slowly begin to push themselves away from my body and then they lift steadily and focus with all of my strength. I use the wind and the friction they create as my arms continue to rise.

  I can feel the magic working. I can sense the water at my command. I continue to recreate the water in front of me and produce the largest wave the Bay has seen in years.

  Even with the non-stop teachings of Rose and Charlotte over the past few weeks, I’ve never done anything this crazy. I don’t even know how I’m doing it – or if it’s the right thing to do. It’s too late to turn back now.

  The wave in front of me grows to the size of Summer Estates until it’s thundering over the shore, ready to cascade on top of the equally threatening fire.

  Water beats fire. And with a quick release of my hands, I allow it to do its will. It fires back toward me like a slingshot – faster than I expected. I’m only able to take a short breath before it covers me completely.

  For what seems like eternity, I’m thrown around the current like a rag doll. I use my arm strength to pull me to higher water. I don’t know how far up I need to go to reach the top but I just ke
ep swimming. Every time I make the slightest movement to the top, the tide pulls me down to the Bay floor. I’m losing breath rapidly. Not even my magic can pull me out of the current that has seized me. I made this wave. And now it’s my imminent death.

  I’ve lost all air and I’m growing weaker and weaker until my eyesight begins to blacken. Unable to hold onto my power anymore, I release my will and float among the water. An eerie peace overcomes my body.

  I imagine Rose talking to me now. What makes us most powerful can also kill us. I think of how right she was for not wanting me at this party. There is obviously so much we don’t know – things I can’t control.

  My necklace. And in my last hope I attempt to lift my arm to touch my amethyst but my strength is gone – power drained. I’m lifeless and floating away into my own darkness.

  My darkness begins to consume me.

  Strong arms tighten around my waist and pull me to the water’s surface. I’ve swallowed so much water that it’s as if I’m still drowning. But the gentle breeze and sound of waves crashing around me tells me that I’m being lifted into the air.

  The rest happens so fast as I’m fading in and out of consciousness.

  I’m on a cold hard surface…

  Something light and metal is swinging in front of me…

  Someone is pumping my chest…

  I’m choking…

  A mouth lands on mine…

  Pressure in my lungs causes me to heave water out of my mouth…

  Water continues to empty from my stomach and I can finally breathe again. I take a gasp of air as if it’s my last.

  There’s a tightening on my neck and something snaps…

  And then I lose myself completely to the darkness.

  “Kat, wake up!” A voice screams at me over and over until I’m pulled from my darkness. I look up and I see Alec. His glorious green eyes shine down on me. “Kat!” He’s relieved. He looks tired, scared. Did he think I was dead?

  I try to pull myself up. I want him to know I’m okay. But I am quickly dizzy. My head falls into the sand. Sand? Wait. I thought I was on a boat.

  “Just relax Kat. You almost drowned.” Alec’s concern strengthens me. I smile up at him, in spite of my near death experience. And then I remember Iris.

  “The fire! Alec. Where’s Iris?”

  Alec looks to his left. “The ambulance is coming. She’s okay. I was able to put most of the fire out.”

  He’s looking me up and down and patting my arms, my waist, and then my face. He pulls me in, but my arms are lifeless. I’m still weak.

  “Are you okay?” The concern in his voice tugs at my heart. But I’m too disturbed from the events to reciprocate his affection.

  I find the strength to nod. “I’m okay.” I assume the croak in my voice tells him different because he looks down at me, helplessly.

  He shakes his head, unbelieving. “That wave almost killed you. And it saved Iris’s life.” A look of puzzlement reads clear in his expression. He wants to understand what just happened, or why, or how. I can only imagine the thoughts that play in his mind.

  I look in Iris’s direction and my heart breaks for her. She’s lays there, hair gone, scalp red, and moaning. A tear floats down her cheek.

  I look to the moon and then close my eyes. I know that if I reenergize I can help Iris. I soak in the light of the moon.

  When I feel my power restore I ignore Alec’s warning and sit up. I move quickly and reach Iris’s side. I place one hand on my necklace, the other hand over her heart. My necklace. The amethyst is still there. But my heart locket is gone. No. My heart thuds deeply in my chest. My breath is caught in my throat and I struggle to take another breath as panic sets in. How could I have lost my mother’s locket? A tear falls down my cheek and I want to sob, but I see Iris lying below me and I know I need to help her.

  Alec is right. Iris’s burns aren’t as bad as they could have been. Her scalp is badly burned, most of her hair removed. But that’s it.

  The voice in my head produces fragmented thoughts. This entire disaster…so angry…I had no control…the fire…it was me.

  I caused all of this. Maybe I should have died under that wave. I practically did die under that wave. But someone was there. Someone saved me.

  “Katrina!” Rose’s voice startles me. “What happened?” She asks this question but then she closes her eyes and I can see that she’s playing back the scene herself. We can do that? But when she’s finished she looks up at me, a bothered look in her eye. I know what she’s thinking. Tears threaten to release.

  Her and Charlotte collapse by my side. Charlotte throws her arms around me.

  Charlotte’s hold on me is comforting but I refuse to leave Iris’s side.

  There are going to be consequences for what I did tonight – I know that. But I’m not ready to face them right now – not until Iris is okay.

  “Go check on the ambulance?” I ask of Alec. I need him to leave so I can heal Iris. He doesn’t hesitate.

  As soon as he’s far enough away I lean in closely to examine Iris’s face.

  Rose and Charlotte shift themselves so they are on the other side of her body. I’m glad they are here to help. My stomach churns at the sight of her cooked hair. Her scalp is red from the lethal heat. Fortunately the fire didn’t reach her face.

  Iris opens her eyes and tears flood her eyes. “It burns, Kat.”

  My next words are the quietest of whispers. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay. Close your eyes.”

  Iris closes her eyes as I place my fingers on top of her head. I let the energy take over my body as I look to the moon for support. I feel it. There’s a tingling sensation in my fingers as the energy in my body transfers to Iris, healing the root of her wounds.

  Rose and Charlotte extend their hands too. Their power is now assisting mine. I look at them both as they pour their healing into Iris. I’ve failed them. Rose has her eyes shut and she’s mumbling something. I tune in to make out what she’s saying. It’s less than a whisper, but I hear her clearly. “May the Solstice Gods bring you comfort and healing.” She repeats this over and over.

  Iris finally begins to relax. Her eyes remain closed and I think she’s sleeping. Her heartbeat is strong.

  Alec is back just as the sirens signal that they are near. I step away from Iris, Rose, and Charlotte to speak to him.

  “Is she okay?” Hope floods his voice.

  I nod. “She’s resting. She’s going to be okay.”

  His shoulders sag. His expression is worn. He feels responsible. The thought crushes me.

  The ambulance distracts us as we watch it pull onto the beach, siren blaring as it approaches.

  I turn to Alec. “How did I get to the beach? I was drowning and someone pulled me out.”

  Alec shakes his head. “I don’t know. I saw you go under. And then we went under. But we weren’t as close to the water as you. After the wave crashed I saw someone put you on the beach. I don’t know who he was. But he just put you there and took off like he didn’t want to be seen.”

  I shiver but confusion is the most dominant thought playing through my mind. I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. Iris is okay.

  But now I have to face Rose and Charlotte.

  I stand. Alec is right in front of me. “Take care of Iris okay? Please. And call me after.”

  Alec pulls on my arm. “No, Kat. You almost drowned. You should let them look at you.” His voice is so gentle that sends a knife through my chest. He has no idea that I caused this disaster. He thinks I’m a victim.

  “We’ll take care of Katrina,” Rose says to Alec. Her tone is undisputable.

  I ignore her and look at Alec. “I’m fine. Really. Just take care of Iris.”

  Alec looks at me, defeated. His eyes sweep past Rose and Charlotte but he doesn’t argue. After the paramedics load Iris into the van, Alec is right after them taking a seat beside her.

  I watch the doors of the ambulance as they close behind him.
The tires peel away and quickly fade into the distance. With a final glance in its direction, I say a silent goodbye to Alec as I head to Summer Estates with Rose and Charlotte – ready to face my fate.


  Back at Summer Estates, Rose and I sit facing each other in the great room. Charlotte has gone to grab tea. Rose isn’t looking or speaking to me. A look of deep concentration is evident in her features.

  My heartbeat escalates as I replay the last couple of hours over in my mind like a broken record. What have I done? What will my punishment be?

  I look to Rose, considering the fact that she is disappointed with me. A sinking in my chest tells me that I don’t want her disappointment.

  Charlotte enters the room moments later with a tray and three full cups of tea. Steam rises from the top reminding me of the smoke from the billowing flames. I shudder.

  It’s in this moment that I recall the very first dream I had while driving to Apollo Beach.

  “My dream.” I say this out loud and look up wildly between Rose and Charlotte. Panic rises to my chest. “I dreamt that this would happen.”

  Charlotte sits beside me now. Rose looks at me for the first time but says nothing.

  “Something was preventing me from escaping the sand. When I finally got out I was trapped in a cloud of smoke – just like a dream I had.” I am close to tears. They aren’t speaking to me and I feel as alone as I did when I first moved here.

  A million thoughts race through my mind. “Am I going to be punished for what I did?” My voice is weak – scared of whatever consequences I face.

  Rose looks at me, her eyes sharp as blades. “Punished for what, dear?”

  Every thought I’ve had recently is halted by these words. Rose doesn’t think I should be punished?

  “I caused all of this. I was angry. The wind got out of control and took the fire with it. I couldn’t stop it. I tried but I couldn’t control my own powers. The Law Book says that punishment is worst than death.”

  Charlotte places a hand on my leg. “Kat, listen to what you’re saying. You couldn’t control that fire because you didn’t create it.”


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