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The Summer Solstice ~ Enchanted

Page 15

by K. K. Allen

  My thoughts slow to a canter. “But – I pushed her into the fire.”

  Rose narrows her eyes at me. “You pushed her towards the fire – which you shouldn’t have done. But you didn’t cause the fire to get out of control. You didn’t cause the wind.”

  Again, I replay the events, only this time, I think of Charlotte’s words. You couldn’t control that fire because you didn’t create it. She’s right.

  “I can only control the powers I create.” I’m reciting the Law Book now. And although I should be elated at the fact that I didn’t cause the raging fire, I’m struck now with a flood of new questions.

  “Then how did that fire get so out of control? I swear that thing had arms and legs. And it was aiming for Alec and Iris.”

  Rose and Charlotte look at each other, a look of fear crosses their line of vision. It’s as if they are determining who should deliver the news to me. “Kat, remember the stories of Astina Somer? And her evil counterparts?” Rose speaks up.

  I nod, remembering the stories vividly. “The gods and goddesses who were envious of her power and tried to throw her ranks.”

  Rose nods carefully. “That evil still exists today.”

  I remember this too. “In what form?”

  Charlotte is squeezing my knee now, as if bracing me for what comes next.

  “The Equinox.”

  I shake my head, not getting it. I haven’t come across that name in any of the books I’ve read. “What is The Equinox?” Just saying the words send a trickle of cold air down my backbone.

  “The Equinox fights our seasons and creates havoc for our world and our people. They are the reason we have settlements all over the world. It was the Equinox that caused a war in Ancient Greece to overthrow us. Loved ones were torn apart and that’s why our bloodlines have been compromised.” Rose’s brows furrow and her eyes darken. “An Equinox is among us. I can feel it.” Rose is shaking her head vigorously. “I haven’t crossed paths with one in quite some time. But I remember the signs…”

  I’m not sure I can take any more. “But why hurt innocent people? If they are out to get Enchanters, then why hurt Iris?”

  “Because whoever caused this knows that Enchanters live here. They are trying to identify us by causing harm to innocent people. In their opposite they find who they hunt. They look to those who do as an Enchanter would – and we heal.”

  Her eyes pierce through mine and I’m taken back to Rose, Charlotte, and I on the beach healing Iris. I gasp. “So the fire was a trap?” My heartbeat quickens. “But why are they hunting us? What will they do when they find us?” My voice is shrill. I already know the answer.

  In true dramatic fashion, Rose pauses before answering. “An Equinox only hunts for one reason – to kill.”



  The Equinox

  I didn’t ask for this life. To finally have the one thing in this world worth living for and then be forced to give it up is unbearable. He is forbidden to me, a temptation above any red fruit. He stands before me, yet out of my grasp.

  His eyes stare back at me with a look that breaks my heart. A pained expression tells me that I have hurt him. This look is far more powerful than the tears that threaten to surface, and I must will them away. To reveal before him my own pain would only complicate things, this I know for sure – this is how things are destined to be.

  Forcing my eyes away from his is my only hope in this moment, but even without my eyes on his tortured face, I sense him searching me for any signs of hope. I feel his love for me and a hole begins to burn straight through my heart.

  How did it happen to be that the love of my life would turn out to be the one I’m meant to kill?


  K.K. Allen is the Young Adult Author of the Summer Solstice Series. Her debut novel, The Summer Solstice: Enchanted, is now available on Kindle. Ms. Allen was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and raised in Seattle, Washington. She lived in the Seattle area up until 2008 when she made the bold leap to move to Florida. Ms. Allen now resides in Clermont, FL. She has always had a passion for reading and writing and has done so every day since the young age of 12. Writing has even transitioned into her professional career in the Media Industry as copywriter for websites and scriptwriter for video productions. “There’s just something about telling a story that drives me in everything that I do. Whether I’m creating a content outline for a website, or pulling together assets to write to, or even putting together a video production, it’s all about the storytelling.” Ms. Allen is proud to say that she’s worked with stellar professionals who have only provided her with additional opportunities to grow into the writer that she now is.

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  with K.K. ALLEN




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