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Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)

Page 6

by Bowman, Dara

  I’m so screwed.

  I grab a couple bottles of water, and do one more check in the mirror. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, so I yell good-bye to Elle and leave.

  The ride to the rehearsal space is short, which is good considering my nerves are on edge. It’s an old warehouse, with tons of room for everyone involved. We’ll work here until we move to the Honda Center, where Diesel will kick off the first show of the tour. We’ll get two full run-throughs at the Honda Center, and that will be it, then it's live in front of 10's of thousands of screaming fans.

  I fight the urge to vomit as I get out of my car and walk across the parking lot. There aren’t too many cars, and I know that will change as we go further into rehearsals and more behind-the-scenes people begin to show up.

  I step into the building and look around. I see two women by a piano, heads bent close together as they look at some music. They must be the other two backup singers.

  And then I see Dom, he looks like he stepped out of a magazine, wearing holey jeans and a ratty t-shirt. His hair is as wild as ever, and he seems to be in a heated conversation with a muscular guy who has thick, wavy blonde hair.

  As if he feels my presence, Dom whirls around and our eyes meet. I see a myriad of emotions in his eyes before his mask of cool arrogance slides back in place.

  “Hey,” he says, as he makes his way towards me.

  We hadn’t parted on the best of terms, but I decide to be nice.

  “Hey,” I say in a small voice, forcing a smile.

  He laughs out loud. “That was a pretty sad smile.”

  “Okay, well I’m nervous!” I shoot back. I can feel my arms start to shake.

  He takes pity on me, and snakes his arm around my waist.

  Oh god, that feels amazing.

  I notice him stiffen a bit, and I wonder if he can feel my heart frantically beating against my rib cage.

  “Don’t be nervous,” he whispers, “I’ll take you around to meet everybody.”

  I feel like I have whiplash after going from Douche bag Dom, to sweet, protective Dominic Dresden.

  I can’t speak, but I nod my consent and I let Dom lead me across the room.

  “First, let’s meet the band.”

  We’re standing in front of three guys who I vaguely recognize as the other members of Diesel. Of course, being the front man, Dom always got the most press, especially with his killer good looks and sensual singing voice.

  “This here is Johnny-boy, our bass player,” Dom says playfully, ribbing a baby-faced guy in the gut. The guy grins at me, he tosses his blonde hair from his face, and I notice he has two adorable dimples. He looks way too sweet to be in this band.

  “Hi, Annie,” he says. He shakes my hand, and I don’t dare ask how he already knows my name.

  “Johnny here is the pretty boy and our little brother, so we have to take good care of him for his mommy,” Dom teases.

  “Fuck off,” Johnny says, grinning wildly.

  “This is Avery,” Dom continues, motioning to the brooding guy by the drums. Avery’s dark features break into a friendly smile and he waves at me.

  I wave back.

  “We’ve heard lots about you,” he says, emphasizing the word lots.

  Dom shoots him a look that shuts him right up.

  “And lastly, this is Jenner, our keyboard player.”

  Jenner jumps up to shake my hand. I take in his long scraggly brown hair and kind brown eyes.

  “Jenner’s an interesting name,” I say, trying to make conversation.

  The other guys snicker.

  “What?” Did I miss something?

  “Well, Jenner is actually his last name,” Dom explains.

  “Oh. Well I like it.”

  Avery snorts and Jenner smacks the back of his head.

  “What? What am I missing?”

  “Don’t you want to know his first name?” Dom asks.

  “Shut up, Dom,” Jenner says, going back to his keyboards.

  “Ashleigh!” Avery calls out gleefully. The guys start laughing like a bunch of fifteen-year old boys.

  “Yeah, yeah, so fucking funny,” Jenner says dryly, playing a quick melody.

  “I kind of like it.”

  “Thank you, see.” Jenner says, flashing me a killer smile. Wow. He looks totally different when he smiles. “It’s a family name, but it sounds a little too pussy for a rock band.”

  “Whatever, I like it.”

  “Thanks, but you can still call me Jenner.”

  The guys start banging out one of the new songs, and Dom steers me away. I can’t believe how friendly the rest of the band seems, and I’m having a hard time concentrating with Dom’s hand pressed against the small of back.

  Damn, how can his skin feel so hot through my shirt? Or maybe it’s just me?

  “Let’s meet the other backup singers,” he says softly. He leads the way toward the group of women, when all the sudden his phone starts buzzing in his pocket. He stops, and frowns.

  “It’s my mom. I have to take this. Just go on over and introduce yourself. They’re expecting you.”

  He leaves me standing there as he answers the phone and walks away. He doesn’t strike me as the type of guy who takes calls from his mom during rehearsal, but maybe they’re closer than I realize. I feel like my stomach is going to drop out as I make my way over to the two women by the piano.

  “Hi,” I say quietly, and they turn around to survey me. “I’m Annie.”

  One of the girls is short and curvy with wild, curly red hair and she smiles at me before beckoning me closer.

  “Hi, I’m Liz. This is Mel.”

  Mel smiles at me but doesn’t make eye contact. Instead she gives me a quick once-over, probably judging my outfit. I get the strange feeling that she doesn’t like me already. Instead of saying hello, she just gives me a limp wave. I’m already intimidated, and Mel’s standoffish greeting doesn’t help. She’s long and leggy, dressed in skintight black jeans and a tight green blouse, and she stands confidently in a pair of four inch black heels. Her straight, jet-black hair hangs down to her waist. Her skin is a warm olive tone, and I notice her high cheekbones, strong jaw, and her stunning pale green eyes.

  I feel mousy in comparison.

  Mel turns her back to me and begins to talk to Liz, rudely leaving me out of the conversation. Thankfully Liz opens her body towards me and beckons for me to come closer.

  “We were just going over some of the new songs,” Liz explains. “We heard that you had a few lessons and are already killing it.”

  “Yes, I had a few. I hope I’m caught up with you guys.” I say modestly.

  I edge closer to the piano, and look at the music they’re holding. I can feel disdain rolling off Mel in waves.

  It’s a struggle not roll my eyes at her. I know I’m going to feel timid and shy for about one more day, before I get sick of dealing with this girl’s bullshit.

  I don’t recognize the song they are looking at it, and I see that it only has backup vocals for two women.

  “Oh, I must not be part of this one,” I say foolishly, backing away.

  Liz looks at me with confusion.

  “Please,” Mel says sarcastically under her breath. Clearly she’s not the most patient person.

  “This is your part,” Liz says, pointing out some of the melody and lyrics.

  I laugh. “It’s definitely not. I’m just a backup singer, like you guys.”

  Liz’s eyes widen. “Did they not tell you? This is the song where your voice is featured. Mel and I are singing back up.”

  I look back and forth between the girls, I don’t believe what they’re saying. Liz seems sincerely surprised that I am clueless, and Mel just looks pissed off.

  “No way. I know nothing about this.”

  Liz smiles broadly, “It’s true. The band was very clear about it.”

  “Must be nice to just waltz right in and get featured in a song,” Mel says scathingly.

I need to set the record straight.

  “Look.” I say, “I know I just met both of you, but I’m telling you now I know nothing about this.”

  Mel rolls her eyes at me. I know she’s jealous that she didn’t get picked.

  I snatch the sheet music out of Mel’s hand, much to her surprise, and march over to Dom who is now working with the band.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask, unable to keep the edge out of my voice.


  He steps aside and I thrust the sheet music in his hands.

  “What the hell is this?”

  A smile spreads across his face.

  “It’s our next number one hit.”

  “Ha ha, very funny. Want to explain why the two girls over there are telling me that I’m the one being featured?”

  “Because you are.”

  His smug, matter-of-fact tone is annoying the hell out of me, and I get the urge to knee him in the balls again.

  “Since when?” I growl.

  “Since you signed off on it in the contract.”

  His eyes stare into mine, challenging me, and I feel anger start to flood my system. How can I be so physically attracted to someone who pisses me off so damn much?

  “The contract?” I ask stupidly.

  Shit, shit, shit. I knew I should have looked that over, but once again, Dom had worked his magic. That’s why he had brought the contract over himself; he knew that if he managed to piss me off, he could distract me and get me to sign without any questions.

  “It was all in there,” he says simply. “You’ve also agreed to shoot the music video.”

  “What?” I yelp.

  Everyone around us stops to stare.

  “You’ve agreed to be in the music video,” Dom says slowly, lowering his voice “And you could act a little more grateful. This is going to do wonders for your career.”

  “You tricked me!” I accuse. I can feel my face redden, I probably look like a tomato right now.

  “I did nothing of the sort! I told you we should go over the contract.”

  He’s right but I was too furious to think clearly.

  “Yeah, well I’m sorry but I was too busy trying to make it clear that I didn’t want to kiss you!” I shot back. “I just wanted you to get the hell out of my apartment as quickly as possible.”

  “Well, you’ve signed it already, so I suggest you learn your part.” He gives me his famous, cocky Dom Dresden smile. I don’t know if I should melt, or scream.

  “Whatever,” I hiss, I can feel everyone’s eyes on me. I stalk back to the women and throw the sheet music down.

  “Let’s learn this.”

  Liz is looking at me with a newfound respect, and even Mel seems to regard me with some awe. I guess they aren’t used to seeing anyone put Dom in his place. Oh well. It’s about freaking time somebody did.

  I straighten my shoulders, nod at the piano player to start, and I begin to sing the shit out of my new song.

  Chapter Nine


  I listen to Annie singing at the piano, and I can’t help but stare. Neither can the other guys.

  “She can sing,” Avery says, clearly impressed.

  I don’t even respond, I just keep watching Annie. She’s practically making love to the piano as she sings the lyrics, and it’s all I can do to not run over there and kiss those beautiful lips.

  “Hello? Earth to dipshit?”

  Startled, I turn and see Jenner smirking.

  “You have a hard-on for her, don’t you?” He asks.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t lie, Dom. We all see it. You’re dying to get into her panties.”

  “Of course, we don’t blame you,” Johnny says, and I notice his eyes roving over her gyrating body. “I would certainly want a piece of that ass too.”

  “Hey shut the fuck up!” I growl. “Let’s get back to this song, so we can start putting it all together sometime this century.”

  The guys leave Annie alone, and we start working on our song. I flub the lyrics three times, because I’m so busy thinking about Annie, and the dumb fuckers in the band who keep glancing over at her. Why the hell did she wear those tight little legging pants? And whenever she bends over the piano, her shirt rides up and I can see the way the stretchy material hugs her fine ass.

  Christ, I’m losing it!

  I force myself to concentrate, and we manage to get through the song.

  That’s when our musical director, Richard, calls everyone together.

  Annie stops singing, and she and Liz walk over with Mel trailing behind them. I can tell Mel doesn’t like Annie already, and I really don’t care. Mel is a stuck up bitch, and I know she’s pissed because she didn’t get bumped up to lead backup vocals. Maybe she would have had a chance if she could pull that stick out of her ass.

  Richard drones on about production quality, and rehearsal space, and I only half listen. I can’t help but watch Annie, who is rapt with attention, and I think back to my mother’s phone call from earlier.

  Mom had just called to make sure that I do everything I can to make Annie feel welcomed. I didn’t tell my mom that I could think of all sorts of ways to make Annie feel welcomed that she wouldn’t approve of, and Annie would never agree to.

  I know my mom means well, but sometimes I feel like I’m still a sixteen-year old boy who she’s constantly checking up on. It only makes things more complicated when I think of how Annie’s father is marrying my mother.

  The other reason my mom called was to tell me that she had been contacted by one of her friends who said they spotted my dad in San Diego. I feel my adrenaline kick into overdrive at just the thought of my dad being in the same state as my mom and I.

  I know my dad has business all over the country, but last time I checked, he was living in Colorado. I’m not sure what he was doing in San Diego, but if that fucker so much as emails my mom, I’m going to punch his face in. The last time he was in town, he called my mom up and asked her to lunch. Being the sweet and forgiving person that she is, she agreed. They only got halfway through the lunch before my father was calling her a gold-digging whore, and that he hoped she got hit by a car.

  I shudder as I think about how my mom had called me that day, sobbing, telling me she had seen my father and he had scared her, again. My mother comes off as strong, but deep down, she’s still the frightened, battered woman my dad had turned her into during their abusive marriage.

  After their lunch date, I tracked my father down at his hotel, kicked his door in and found him lounging casually in his boxers as if nothing had happened. I shoved him against the wall, with my forearm on his throat, and told him if he ever tried contacting my mother again, he wouldn’t live to tell about it. He tried to act all macho, but I knew he was scared.

  The next month Diesel hit it big and we haven’t seen or heard from my dad since.

  “Dom, you got that?” Richard is looking at me now, and I see everyone’s eyes on me.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumble, “Can you say it again?”

  “I was just saying we’re going to work the top of the set list now and go over things very roughly.”

  “Yeah, yeah. That’s good.”

  I catch Annie’s eyes, and she’s looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and something else. I can’t read the other emotion and I turn away from her before I do something stupid.

  The next few hours fly by, and soon we’re breaking for lunch.

  I smell a familiar scent of lemons and mint and turn around to see Annie behind me.

  “Hi,” she says quietly.


  “Is everything okay with your mom?”

  What is she a fucking mind reader? And I guess she’s already forgiven me about the song and music video, this chick is a roller coaster ride.

  “Everything’s fine,” I snap.

  I see I’ve upset her.

  “Fine. Whatever. I was jus
t trying to be nice. She is marrying my dad, after all.”

  She turns to walk away.

  Great job, dick head.

  “Annie! Wait!”

  She turns back around, the long necklaces around her neck jingle softly, and I notice the ends are nestled in her cleavage.

  “Sorry for snapping at you. Everything’s fine. She just told me to be nice to you.”

  Annie’s eyes widen.

  “Geez, sorry.” She says, looking at her feet.

  I can tell she’s embarrassed.

  “No worries. I told her I would try not to be as big a dick as usual.”

  I see Annie half-smile at my self-depreciating joke.

  “How’s it going over there?” I ask, nodding in the direction of Liz and Mel.

  Annie bites her lip, and plays with her hair. I’m starting to pick up on her nervous cues. Hell, she’s sexy when she’s vulnerable. So much sexier than the trashy pieces of ass I’ve been seeing lately.

  “Liz is great, but Mel…” she trails off.

  “Is a first-rate bitch, huh?”

  She snorts in surprise and then quickly collects herself.

  “You said it, not me.”

  “I’ll say it again. Mel is a bitch. She’s hard to get along with, I know. Don’t take it personally.”

  “I think she’s mad that I came out of nowhere and got the lead backup vocalist spot over her.”

  I nod in agreement; Annie is pretty perceptive.

  She narrows her eyes and lowers her voice. “Do people know my dad is marrying your mom?”

  “No. Why?” I ask surprised.

  Relief washes over her face. “Well, I just thought that maybe everyone thinks I got this gig because of our parents.”

  I’m a fucking fool. I didn’t even think of that.

  “No one knows yet, but I’m sure they’ll find out soon enough. It’s not like it’s a big secret. Anyway, everyone has already heard you sing, so no one should think otherwise.”

  Annie beams, and I feel good making her smile like that.

  “Alright. See you around.” She says, as she turns to walk away.

  Then she hits me with a hard gaze. “And just so you know, I’m still pissed off about the song.”


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