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Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)

Page 7

by Bowman, Dara

  I watch her tight ass swish away; I’m so mesmerized that I don’t hear Avery coming up behind me.

  “I’m serious, Dom. If you don’t want to bang her, I will.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Well, obviously you’re too busy with groupie pussy to pursue Annie, and the rest of us guys are more than happy to make a move.”

  “Leave her the fuck alone, and stop worrying about what tail I’m getting.”

  “Touchy, touchy. She seems too good for you anyway.”

  I shove Avery and he laughs at me. Avery has a way with women, and he’s certainly pickier than I am. The thought of Avery and Annie makes me see red, but I don’t know why I’m acting like I have some kind of claim over her.

  And Annie has nothing to do with the fact that I’ve ignored three texts from Brittany in the last twenty-four hours. She’s going to be my fucking step-sister in a few months.

  Roberto is supposed to be out of town for the next few days and I know Brittany is dying to come spend the night with me. That poses two problems. One, I never actually spend the night with women. I always leave afterwards, or make them leave. Second, the thought of her big fake tits, in my big, cold house just leaves me feeling sick now.

  I go back to the guys and see all of them staring at Annie again.

  “Seriously bro, I’m going to make a move on tour,” Jenner says, licking his lips.

  “Whatever.” I say, trying to save face.

  I stalk off to the food table, and make myself a heaping sandwich. After two big bites, and a full thirty seconds of not thinking about Annie, I see something that stops me cold.

  I toss my plate down, and stride across the rehearsal space. I don’t see Annie anywhere, and for once I’m glad. I’m going to take care of this shit before she reappears.

  I shove the muscular, dark-skinned guy hard against the wall.

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re doing here, but this is a closed rehearsal, and you’re not welcome.”

  Sid looks me over with contempt. “Chill out, Dom. I’m just here to drop something off to my girl.”

  My eyes are wild as I swivel my head and look for Annie. How could she be back with this douche bag?

  Mel comes hurrying over.

  “What is going on?” she screeches.

  I still haven’t let go of the unwelcome prick.


  “Are you here for Mel?” I ask stupidly.

  “Of course,” he scoffs. “Who else would I be here for?”

  And then I know the shit has hit the fan, because Sid’s eyes focus on something behind me, and I see the look of sheer surprise on his face.

  “What the fuck?” he whispers.

  I don’t need to turn around to see that Annie is standing behind us now.

  I turn around anyway, and see Annie standing twenty-feet away, her face is pale and she’s visibly shaking.

  “That’s right asswipe. So, I suggest you give Mel whatever crap you have for her, and get the fuck out. And I’m warning you now, to never set foot in our rehearsals again. Do you fucking understand me?”

  Sid is still staring at Annie, and it’s like I can feel Annie breaking to pieces behind me.

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Good luck with that crazy bitch on your dick.”

  What happens next feels like slow motion. I release Sid, and Mel sighs with relief, but they don’t notice as I draw my arm back. I hear Annie gasp with surprise, and then I feel smug glee as I punch Sid right in his surprised fucking face.

  All hell breaks loose.

  “What the fuck!!” Mel screams, and I feel Johnny drag me backwards. Annie shouts too, and Sid is on the floor, covering his bloody nose, screaming obscenities at Annie.

  “You shut the fuck up! This has nothing to do with her!” I shout as I fight against Johnny.

  “Dude! Stop! What the hell are you doing?” Johnny pleads.

  He has help now, and the guys drag me away, and Mel helps Sid off the floor. I triumphantly watch the blood trickle down his chin, and I think of what a pansy he looks like right now. He’s all talk and no backbone; the fucker has no intention of fighting back.

  Sid scrambles up and points at me. “You’re fucking crazy too!” He puts his arm around Mel and walks to the door. He turns back around and looks straight at Annie with a sick, satisfied smile on his face. “Nice job, sweetie. Certainly moving up in the world aren’t you? I’m sure his cock ain’t half as satisfying as mine.”

  I watch something inside Annie snap, and she’s in front of Sid in two seconds flat.

  Her voice is so low, that I have to strain to hear her.

  “You stay the fuck away from me, or I’ll make sure that less-than-satisfying dick of yours never sees another woman again.”

  Mel gasps audibly.

  Sid only glares at her. I want to jump and shout with pride for Annie, but I am frozen in place as I watch her walk away from Sid.

  Jenner hoots in approval next to me, and Avery cheers and starts clapping his hands.

  “Go Annie!” Johnny yells.

  Everyone else is eerily quiet. I see Annie turn around, she’s surprised to see the guys cheering for her.

  “Get the fuck out, loser,” Avery says.

  With a sneer, Sid smacks Mel’s ass and stalks out of the building.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Mel cries, running up to me. I shrug and turn away, but not before I see her hightail it after Annie.

  “What was that all about?” she demands, whirling Annie around.

  Annie flinches at her touch.

  “Don’t touch me,” she says in a quiet voice.

  “I want to know why Dom is punching my boyfriend, and what any of that has to do with you?”

  Annie’s eyes are cold blue steel. “I have no idea why Dom punched him,” she says, her voice is equally cold, “And Sid and I are history. But you might want to ask him about Ammara.”


  “Ammara. She’s an art distributer in Long Beach. I’m sure she’ll explain everything.”

  Then Annie slips behind a black curtain that’s dividing the room.

  I hurry to the other side of the room, and slip behind another section of the curtain.

  I’m practically aching now, I need to see Annie. I need to see that she’s okay. I really don’t know when I turned into such a pussy.

  I see Annie about thirty yards away at the other end, and she seems to be sitting on the ground crying. I hurry towards her, and notice that she is actually hugging herself and rocking back and forth.

  Oh, shit. She’s seriously upset. I’m not sure I know what to do here, but I go with my gut instinct.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” I soothe, as I approach her.

  She’s shocked to see me and she jumps up in surprise and wipes at her tears.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks angrily, turning her back to me.

  “I could tell you were upset. I wanted to check on you.”

  She sniffles loudly and turns around to face me. Even though she’s been crying, she still looks fucking beautiful. I want to pull her in my arms, but I resist the urge.

  “Thanks,” she says cautiously. She takes a shaky breath. “Why did you punch him?”

  Shit. Now I need to admit that I’ve been snooping like a lovesick teenager.

  I try to shrug it off like it didn’t mean anything, but Annie’s baby blue eyes bore into me, and I know she’s not buying it for a second.

  I blow out an exasperated breath.

  “I always thought he was a doucher, but then I learned what happened with you two.”

  Annie’s face reddens, and she ducks her head while tugging nervously on her shirt.

  “Everybody knows,” she says hopelessly.

  “Actually, I don’t think they do,” I offer. “I had to do some snooping to figure it out.”

  This gets her attention and her head snaps up. I don’t look at her, but I can feel her assessing me.

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  “Well, your dad alluded to something happening at the Cherry Tower…”

  “Oh crap, now I’m really embarrassed!”

  “Don’t be! The little shit deserves it, and he deserves way more than that one little punch I just gave him.”

  I look up and see a small smile play on Annie’s lips.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  And I don’t know why, but everything just seems to fall into place. It’s like a wall just came down between us, and we are both standing here in front of each other, exposed.

  So, I try again, and hope the third time’s the charm as I grab Annie roughly, and pull her to me. She doesn’t resist, and instead a small moan escapes her lips that drives me fucking wild. Her body is so soft against me, just how I remembered but even better. I press my lips hard against hers, and she complies, parting her lips so I can slide my tongue into her warm mouth.

  She tastes even better than I remember, and I keep waiting for that excruciating pain of being kneed in the balls but it doesn’t come. I kiss her harder, and Annie responds under my touch like she was made for me. Fuck, she feels so good!

  My greedy hands cup her ass, pulling her body tighter to me, and she moans again when she feels my hard dick press into her thin leggings. I can feel the gentle line of her folds against my cock, and I can’t help but groan myself.

  My hands are everywhere, running up and down her shirt, grabbing her ass, and fisting in her hair. Annie’s body is wrapped so tightly around me, that I don’t think she’ll ever let go. She’s moaning softly into my mouth, meeting each of my kisses with her own eager lips, and her nails are running up and down the back of my neck, making me shudder with pleasure.

  “Annie,” I groan.

  She responds by only kissing me harder.

  “Dom! Where the hell are you?” Comes a booming voice from the other side of the curtain.

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  The moment is ruined, and Annie pulls back as if I burned her. Her delicate hand flies to her swollen, pink lips, and a look of embarrassment washes over her face.

  “Oh my god,” she whispers, “What am I doing?”


  “I’m coming!” I croak, hoping Richard doesn’t come looking for me on this side of the curtain.

  I try to gather myself, knowing I’ve got a major boner in my tight jeans. I run my hand through my hair, and try to calm myself down. I’m a little freaked out, because Annie is looking at me like I’m Jack the Ripper or some shit.

  “I shouldn’t have done that...” She says, “Dom, I’m so sorry.”

  “Whoa. Wait!” I grab her hand. “But I’m not sorry.”

  But Annie only shakes her head, and her eyes are swimming with tears again.

  “Dom!” Richard bellows.

  “Fuck! We’re not done talking about this!” I whisper.

  But Annie’s already dashing towards the other end of the black curtain.

  My mind is a fucking mess, and I can still taste Annie and feel her body pressed against me. I adjust my unquestionably blue balls, and I curse to myself as I go in search of Richard.

  Chapter Ten


  After Dom and I kissed I ran away like a scared little girl and hid from him. I somehow managed to avoid running into him one-on-one for the rest of the day, and kept to myself for the following two days after that. As soon as the weekend came, I could finally breathe easy again.

  It was difficult to purposefully avoid Dom, after all, I too wanted to talk about what happened, but I managed it. He sought me out countless times, but I either slipped away, or acted like I was too engrossed in other conversations to speak to him. I could tell he was angry and confused. I’m sure I hurt his pretty little ego, but I've lost control and this is the only way to get the ball back in my court.

  The kiss with Dom had been amazing, I’ll admit it.

  The moment was mind-blowing, earth-shattering, and life changing, but it was all wrong. It was everything I wanted, and everything I knew that was completely bad for me.

  How do I explain that to Dom? How can I tell him that I want him, but that we can never be together?

  He must think I’m crazy.

  I can’t stop thinking about how he punched Sid because of me. No one had ever done anything like that for me before. Dom stood up for me and defended me without question. Of course, I’m still completely embarrassed that he found out about my onstage tantrum at the Cherry Tower. But in a weird way it’s touching that he cared enough to go out of his way to find out the details.

  Days later I am still reeling from Sid’s appearance at rehearsal. And if Mel didn’t like me before, she certainly didn’t like me now. Especially after she took my advice and called down to Long Beach and found out exactly who Ammara is. I don’t know why I told Mel; I should have let her find out the hard way like I did. She deserved as much. Now Mel is pretty much giving me the silent treatment, as if I am the reason Sid is a two-timing jerk-off.

  I take a long sip of my lemonade and look over at Elle. Her head is resting back in the pedicure chair and her eyes are closed. This is exactly what I needed - a nice, girly activity to keep my mind off Dom and Sid.

  I wish it were actually working.

  “Elle?” I ask tentatively.


  “I can’t stop thinking about Dom.”

  Elle’s eyes pop open and she picks her head up to look at me.

  “You have to let it go. He’s nothing but a colleague and your future step-brother, I might add.”

  “I know, I know. I just wish I had never kissed him,” I moan.

  “Well, I can’t blame you there,” she says honestly, “how could you have resisted him? He’s gorgeous.”

  “But he’s so cocky! Ugg! But I liked kissing him!”

  “Of course you liked kissing him! And alcoholics love a glass of wine after they’ve been sober for a few days!”

  That is a perfect analogy. I am like an alcoholic when it comes to bad boys.

  “When do you go on tour?” she asks, resting her head back down and wiggling her toes.

  “Next weekend is the kickoff. How am I going to co-exist with him? We’ll be sharing a tour bus for Christ’s sake.”

  Elle gives me a pointed glance. “This is your job. A job that we both know you desperately need. So suck it up, focus on your singing, and just be polite to Dom. His mother is going to marry your father. Keep it friendly but professional. End of story.”

  I moan, and put my head in my hands. Elle makes everything seem so easy. If only I could make my life so cut and dry.

  “Right,” I mumble. “Friendly and professional.”

  * * *

  We’re back at rehearsal on Monday morning. I manage to say hello to Dom and ask him a very polite question about the new song I’m featured in. I catch him completely off-guard, and he’s so surprised that I’m even talking to him that he doesn’t even think to bring up our kiss.

  But on Tuesday, when I try to talk him again, he’s ready.

  He puts his hand firmly around my waist and guides me away from the band. I can feel everyone watching us as we move into a corner.

  “When the hell are we going to talk about that kiss?” he asks in a low voice.

  He’s dressed in dark jeans and a tight black shirt. I try my best not to drool at the sight of him.

  “There’s nothing to talk about,” I say lamely.

  “Bullshit! That kiss was something and you know it!”

  I give him an innocent look. He breaks his hold from me and curses loudly.

  “Christ! What is it with you, Annie?” He says, his eyebrows are furrowed and he’s practically pleading with me, “One minute you’re thrusting your tongue down my throat, and the next you’re acting like I don’t exist!”

  He rakes his hand through his hair, and I’m surprised to see he isn’t even trying to maintain his cool façade.

  “I thought w
e had a moment,” he confesses, “I let my guard down…so did you, and I refuse to act like nothing happened.”

  I melt, seeing him before me, his green eyes wide and vulnerable.

  “Dom, you’re right, and I’m sorry,” I say.

  The words come tumbling out and I know that I’m going to regret them later.

  “We did have a moment, and I wanted that kiss. But you’re bad for me. I am notorious for picking lousy men.”

  His face twists with hurt, and I quickly try to backtrack.

  “I’m not saying you’re lousy, I’m just saying that I pick men that are lousy for me. I always wind up hurt and trampled on.”

  Oh my god, I need to shut up now because I’m acting like Dom wants a relationship with me.

  “I don’t even know what I’m saying!” I start to babble, “It’s not like you’re asking me for a relationship.”

  And then I fix him with a hard gaze, waiting for him to say something, because now I want to know just what the hell it is he wants from me.

  “What do you want?” I demand. “Do you want to kiss me again? Fuck me? Because if this is all some game to get in my pants, I am definitely not into it!”

  Dom cocks his head to the side as if he’s truly considering my question. I’m mortified because I’ve obviously made a big deal out of nothing.

  “Oh god, I’m so embarrassed. I’ll see you around.” I turn to leave, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him. Having his hand on my wrist scorches my skin, and I’m literally panting as he holds on to me next to him.

  “Those are valid questions,” he says in a low voice, “and until you asked them, I’m not really sure what I wanted. One thing is for sure though – I want more of you.”

  “More of me how?” I ask.

  I’m not letting this go if he’s going to be honest.

  “Yoohoo, lover boy!” Jenner calls out.

  We glance over, and Jenner is sitting at the piano.

  “Care to join us?” Jenner asks in an amused tone.

  “Damn it,” Dom curses. “I want to talk about this. I need to talk to you,” he admits.

  I look at him and shrug. The moment is lost and he needs to get back to rehearsal.


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