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Saving Sara: Warriors Of Kelon Book 5

Page 7

by Castle, Angela

  Sara sucked in a breath; she could do this. She smiled up at Solron, believing in him and her own strength.

  The guards opened the immense doors. They walked through; separate huddles of aliens stood in different areas of a massive room, divided by a long shiny black table with high-back seats.

  The low tones of men heatedly talking, reached her ears.

  “Solron.” A Kelon she recognized approached them, smiling down at her. “Hello, Sara.”

  Commander Syl Paltaic was the husband of one of her new friends, Rachel. The woman recently gave birth to twin girls.

  “Commander Syl, how are Rachel and the babies?” Sara asked, eager for news of the little ones.

  “Doing very well. Rachel calls them her little angels; I understand it is an Earth term for a deity.” Syl puffed his chest in pride. “I do not understand the endearment, but they are indeed most beautiful.”

  Sara grinned.

  “How do the talks fare?” Solron asked.

  Syl’s face fell, his lips thinned and a hardness replaced his mirth.

  “Not so well, the Methrill only desire profit and the Xersons…” He shook his head. “But you are here to tend the wounded. A fight broke out not long ago. Some of the delegates were injured in the scuffle before the guards could break it up.”

  Sara lifted Solron’s bag and he took it from her. “I am sure they are minor injuries then.”

  “Come this way and you can see for yourself.” Syl turned, heading back towards the group of Kelons and Solron followed.

  The small hairs on the back of Sara’s neck stirred, the feeling of being watched making her skin prickle. She turned her head and met a pair of large brown eyes and snarling teeth.

  A sickening wave of terror welled up from her belly. She froze, feeling her veins turn to ice, the blood draining from her.

  There he stood, the same creature who tortured, tormented, and then left her to die.

  Sara’s body shook, not knowing what to do. She wanted to run, but was held captive by his evil gaze raking over her from head-to-toe.

  * * * *

  When she did not follow close by his side, Solron turned back to Sara. Concern hit him upon seeing her face drain of color. He could see her smaller frame visibly shaking and her rigid stance as she stood staring across at a group of Xersons.

  He immediate put his body in front of hers, blocking her view of their once enemy. Her eyes glanced up and he saw the utter fear in her silver depths.

  “Star shine, what is the matter? You need not be afraid of the Xersons; they will not harm you.”

  “It’s him…”

  Even her voice trembleb when she talked.

  “Him? You know the Xerson?” Syl came in on her other side, no doubt taking note of Sara’s distressed state.

  “M-my master, he was the one who—”

  “Hurt you and left you to die,” Solron finished, suddenly realizing the core of Sara’s fear.

  “Are you sure, Sara?” Syl asked.

  A little color returned to her face as she glanced up at Syl.

  “Yes, as much as I want to, it’s something I will never forget for the rest of my life.”

  Solron heard the anger in her voice replace her fear.

  “The Xerson Chancellor Rit is clearly a war criminal and not fit to negotiate with us,” Syl growled.

  A red blanket of rage fell over Solron’s vision. The low dangerous growl came from him. He wanted to tear the creature apart for what he did to his beautiful, frail human; the scars still on her back, which he saw daily, a testament to the creature’s cruelty.

  “I shall have him arrested.” Syl stepped away.

  Solron shot his hand out, gripping Syl’s arm. “Arrest him!” Solron snorted with disgust. His rage, like a hissing bubbling river of fire flowed through him. “No, I want his blood!”

  Before the commander could react, Solron grabbed the sword buckled to Syl’s belt, ripped it from its scabbard and vaulted across the table.

  He ignored Syl shouting his name and demanding that he stop, his focus on one thing: tearing out the Xerson’s throat.

  He roared at the pressure on his arms; someone gripped him, yanking him back, before he could leap on the Xerson chancellor.

  Kerr and Melor stopped him before he could attack.

  “What is the meaning of this attack?” demanded the Xerson, in an evidently fake offended tone. “I come here in peace and your people attack me.”

  “I shall carve you up and watch you suffer for what you have done to my female, Xerson dog!” Solron yelled, struggling against the Paltaic brothers.

  “He is justified.” Syl stepped forward. “This Xerson is a war criminal; Sara has identified him as the one responsible for her state when she was found.”

  “You believe the word of a pitiful human female?” The Xerson glared back at the brothers and at Solron.

  “Yes, we do; under both Kelon and intergalactic law, I officially arrest you for crimes against the human species.”

  “His blood is mine; I claim battle rights!”

  All three of the brothers now turned their attention to him.

  “Solron, you are not a warrior,” Melron pointed out unhelpfully.

  “He issued the challenge, all have heard, if the—”

  “I accept! I shall defeat this weakling Kelon with ease,” the Xerson interrupted, taking a step forward.

  “What does this mean?”

  Sara’s small voice made everyone turn. She stood behind them.

  The fight left Solron when he gazed upon his mate’s pale face and her confused expression.

  “It means, female, that I will battle your mate and take you back as mine.” The evil gleam in the Xerson’s eye stared back at Sara.

  “You shut up. I am not frightened of you anymore. Anyone who picks on someone weaker than them is nothing but a coward. And you, the biggest coward of them all.”

  The Xerson growled, taking a menacing step forward; Syl stepped up, shoving the Xerson back.

  “Guards, detain Chancellor Rit until the challenge date is set,” commanded Syl.

  Kerr and Melron pulled Solron back as a group of soldiers marched in and surrounded the Xerson delegates. They had no choice but to go with them.

  “Is this true?” Sara asked once the Xerons were taken from the room.

  “Kelon law states that if two challengers fight over a female, then the winner gets rights to her. You have no reason to fear, Sara, we would not let him have you,” Syl explained gently.

  “She is mine!” Solron growled. “I will fight the dog!”

  “Solron, calm down,” Kerr commanded.

  Sara moved around and touched him on his chest. He gazed down into her worried eyes. Both Kerr and Melron let him go. He pulled her into his arms, soaking in her warmth and sweet scent, helping to calm his rage.

  “Do not worry, Solron, I will stand in your stead,” Kerr said. “I am unmatched in the arena.”

  Shock ran through Sorlon at Kerr’s statement. He would fight for him?

  “No, brother, I will take Solron’s place. His corami needs him. I am a proven warrior,” Melron boasted with a grin.

  “You were almost killed the last time you fought a challenge,” Syl goaded, humor twinkling in his eyes.

  “You cannot fight for me. Sara is mine to protect, not yours.”

  “I think you forget how much you mean to all of us, Solron. You cared for all our mates and continue to do so. You are there for us when we need you. Now, we are here for you.”

  Sorlon was deeply touched that they would offer to fight for him, but his pride would not let others fight his battles. Did they all really think him so useless?

  “You can’t fight him,” Sara added. “He is a vicious creature without mercy.”

  Solron drew in a deep, calming breath and shook his head. “I thank you, all of you, for your offers. But this is not your fight. I only ask you give me time to prepare and protect Sara.”

f course, we shall protect her,” growled Kerr.

  “I can help train you,” Melron offered.

  “No, it will not be necessary.” Already, a plan was forming in Solron’s mind.

  “This is suicide if you fight him. You do not have his size or strength. Please reconsider and let one of us fight for you. Think of your mate.” Syl’s tone held a note of pleading.

  Solron glanced down into Sara’s eyes. She licked her lips and drew in a breath.

  “I can’t lie and say I’m not scared out of my mind right now, scared I will lose you. I love you with all my heart, but I also trust you, trust you to know and do what is right,” she said with firm assurance.

  He lifted his head, meeting Kerr’s worried gaze. “I will handle this, Commander.”

  “Very well, I will call another healer to take care of the injured. Take your mate home and do what you must to prepare. I will arrange a morning battle, while the surface is still cool,” said Kerr.

  Solron nodded, his arm firmly around his mate. They walked from the conference room, their heads held high. His mind was on what he needed to do.

  * * * *

  “Please help me understand why you must fight him.”

  Sara waited to speak her mind to Sorlon, until they were alone in their apartment high above the Kelon city.

  Holding her tightly against him, he lifted her chin to meet his dark intense gaze.

  “You are mine, Sara. Mine to protect, mine to love. Your pain is my own. Do you want this vile creature to get away with what he did?”

  She was sick to her stomach of living her life in fear; what she now feared most was losing Sorlon.

  “No, nor do I want to lose the man I love. What do I have to live for if he succeeds in killing you in the arena? Why not let Kerr or Melron take your place?”

  “Do you have such little faith in me, my love? Do you wish for a stronger, more skilled warrior?”

  It was an unfair question. She tugged from his arms.

  “No, never. I want you, always. But it’s why I’m frightened, frightened of losing you.”

  “I may not be as big or as strong as the other warriors, but I am not without skill or mind. Trust me that I can do this. Let me do this for you, for us.”

  Sara swallowed the lump in her throat, pushing back the helpless feeling clawing at her insides. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  He bent and kissed her forehead. “Would you order us a meal? I need to spend time downstairs in the med rooms.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Solron stalked to the door, before slapping his hand over the panel.

  It slid open to reveal Borlon. His expression one of concern, he looked at Solron.

  “I came when I heard. News is spreading quickly through the city that you will fight the Xerson at morning light tomorrow. We are friends and I have always been fond of Sara.”

  Sara listened with surprise at Borlon’s confession.

  “Do not fear, never would I challenge you for her, but I wish to be friends with you both. I offer myself as Sara’s guard and to stand in as your second, if you fall. You know I will take very good care of her if you should fall to the Xerson in the arena.”

  “It is appreciated, Borlon, both your friendship and being Sara’s guard, but I will not fall tomorrow.” Solron stood back to let Borlon pass into the room.

  “How are you faring, Sara?” Borlon asked her.

  “As well as can be expected, but thank you for coming and thank you for your concern,” Sara said, moving closer to Solron.

  Borlon nodded, but still she could see the doubt in the other Kelon’s eyes.

  “But what do you mean by standing in as Solron’s second?”

  “It means if your mate dies in the arena, I will battle the Xerson, claim and protect you. I hope your mate is right and it does not come to that, for I know how much you love him.” Borlon’s large chest heaved as he drew in a deep breath. “My heart is one of envy for what you both share. One day, I pray that Elron will bless me with a corami of my own.”

  “I am sure he will.” Sorlon slapped Borlon on the back. “Thank you, my friend, I need to go prepare. Will you make sure Sara eats?”

  Borlon nodded and Solron took Sara’s hands, drawing her into his arms.

  She struggled not to let the tear, stinging the back of her eyes, fall down her cheeks. Her breath hitched as he lifted her and covered her mouth with his, claiming her lips in a deep, soul-searing kiss. She was panting for breath when he pulled back.

  “Worry not for me and trust all will be well. I will not return tonight, but will see you tomorrow morning. And after the battle, we can make those younglings we want.”

  “You’re not coming home tonight?”

  “I have a plan and need to make sure I have everything I need. Will you be alright alone?”

  She glanced over to Borlon, before giving him a brave smile. “I’m much stronger than I used to be. I’ll be fine. I trust you.”

  “Thank you, my star shine.”

  With one last woefully brief kiss, Solron turned, nodding at Borlon, before striding out the door. She had to believe in him, had to have faith he could and would win.

  “It will be alright, Sara. We will not let him fall tomorrow.”

  She startled at the sound of Borlon’s, deep voice. He now stood by her side as she stared at the closed door her husband vanished through a moment ago.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter 9

  Sara wrapped the sandy-colored cloak tighter around her body, despite the heat from the suns beating down on her. Weariness and worry ate at her, making her stomach churn. Her anxiety of being alone no longer plagued her. But without Solron’s arms around her, and the pending battle, her night had been sleepless.

  Long before the sun began to rise above the domed cities of Kelon, Sara was dressed and ready for Borlon to escort her to the planet’s surface, where she was told the battle would take place.

  Now she stood by his side, her gaze roaming over the huge sandy arena, which was three times the size of an Earth football field. More than half the population ventured to the surface to witness the battle, the crowd buzzing with expectant energy. The air, although fresh, was hot and dry as she breathed it in. Every part of her body ached with intense anticipation of Solron’s plan, wondering how he would defeat the Xerson. Sara knew he was not as large, or a practiced warrior, but he was smart.

  ‘I will have faith in my husband,’ she repeated over and over in her head.

  “Out of the way, you big oafs!” A feminine voice sounded over the lower hum of the male crowed.

  Sara turned to see Tara and Alice pushing their way through, flanked closely by their husbands.

  “Sara!” Tara rushed forward, grabbed her hand, and pulled Sara into a tight hug.

  “Oh, my dear, we are so sorry you have to go through this,” Alice said as Tara released her. Alice took her turn to hug Sara.

  “We’ve come for moral support; Rachel sends her support too, but someone needed to stay with our kids. We couldn’t leave all our twins to our mother-in-law,” Tara said.

  “It’ll be okay, Sara.” Alice stepped back, looking her in the eyes. “We all love and support you and Solron; our guys won’t let anything happen to your man.”

  Sara swallowed down the lump in her throat, overwhelmed with the support of her new friends. These women became closer to her in the past few weeks than her sisters ever had in her lifetime.

  “Thank you,” Sara managed to choke out.

  “I hate to bring this up, but who stands as Solron’s second if he falls?” Tara asked.

  “I do,” Borlon answered for her.

  The sisters stared up at Borlon.

  “He was my guard while on the ship and is a friend to both Solron and I,” Sara quickly explained. “But there will be no need,” she added, with determined force.

  Her two friends nodded, giving Sara’s hand a squeeze, but said nothing.

p; A booing and hissing through the gathered Kelons at the edge of the arena pulled their attention.

  “The Xerson Chancellor has arrived,” said Kerr, his voice dripping with distaste. “I have not sighted Solron yet.”

  “He’ll be here,” Melron piped in. “Still, he should have allowed one of us to fight for him.”

  “If I remember, you ended up in my healer’s bay the last time you fought here.”

  Sara’s heart leapt in her chest upon hearing Solron’s voice. Melron and Kerr parted to reveal Solron dressed in a black leathery material similar to the Kelon battle uniform. Despite being shorter than his warrior counterparts, his muscles bulged from his shoulders and showed he was not without strength. The two stiletto daggers strapped to his belt held a deadly gleam in the sunlight.

  Unable to contain herself, she ran to him, throwing herself into his arms. He gripped her tightly against his chest.

  “I missed you, too, my love. Do not fear, this will be over shortly,” he breathed into her hair. “Then never shall we be parted.”

  “Where is your sword?” Kerr asked.

  Sorlon set her down, but kept his arm about her waist. “I have no need of it, Commander. I prefer to battle with the lighter blades.”

  She saw Kerr’s and Melron’s doubtful expressions and irritation flashed through her. “Why are you always doubting him? Why bother to be here at all, if you don’t think he can win!” she snapped. “It’s why people go to car races, not to see the race, but hoping someone will crash. You may doubt him, but I never will.”

  She glanced up at her husband. His face was one of pure love and pride. Her heart beat faster in her chest, as he leaned down, then kissed her boldly.

  Tara laughed. “That’s it, honey, put them in their place.” She nudged her husband with her elbow.

  “Forgive us, Sara. We mean no disrespect to you or Solron. If you have faith he will win, so do we,” Kerr said, a smile playing on his lips.

  “I love you, too, my corami. Now wait here, I shall return shortly.” Solron set her aside, striding the long walk into the arena with his head held high.

  The crowd roared their support.

  “See, all of Kelon supports your mate,” Melron said.

  Tara and Alice flanked her, while she watched the chancellor approach Solron. They stood five feet apart from each other. The larger Xerson towered above her husband. She saw their lips move while conversing, but they were too far away to hear what was said.


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