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Saving Sara: Warriors Of Kelon Book 5

Page 6

by Castle, Angela

  Solron whipped around when he heard Sara call out to him. She was running, her pale hair shining in the sunlight: golden, beautiful. She launched herself at him and he caught her easily, lifting her up against his chest.

  “Don’t leave me here. This isn’t my home anymore. I love you, I want to be with you, please, I’ll do anything, don’t leave me here!”

  “By the Fires of Elron!” Her small hands trembled while they clutched at his shirt, her face buried against his shoulders. “But what about your family? Do you not wish to be with them?”

  “My parents are dead and my sisters don’t want me, and I don’t know what I will do if you don’t either.”

  He felt his shirt dampen with her tears. He pulled her tighter against his chest. Her words gave him more hope than he dared believe.

  “My precious star shine, of course I want you, I always have. You are my corami.” Solron glanced to his right to see his commander with a I-told-you-so smug expression.

  “I claim Sara as mine.”

  “By the Fires of Elron, it is about time!” Te-Commander laughed, slapping Solron on the back. “The whole crew laid bets whether you would let her go or not.”

  “You knew?”

  Te-Commander Rell gave him a dry stare. “You think any of us would not claim a jewel such as Sara if they had her alone in their quarters for four weeks? You may not be a warrior, Solron, but you are still a male with primal Kelon instincts.”

  “Commander Rell!” Colonel Morland marched up behind him. “Tell your doctor to release the woman; we will take her from here.”

  “I am afraid Sara has decided to take our good doctor here as her mate, and Solron made a claim for her.”

  The colonel’s face reddened. “She is a traumatized woman and doesn’t know what she’s saying. Give her to us, now.”

  Sara raised her head from Solron’s shoulder, and turned to glare at the colonel. Solron gently set her on her feet, but kept his arm around her waist.

  “Hell no, I’m not going with you. I’m not going to let you interrogate me and do experiments on me. I want to stay with the Kelons and I want to stay with Solron. I love him, so go shove it up your drainpipe.”

  Sorlon could not help the proud grin widening his mouth at her feisty words.

  She glanced over to her sister, who stood with her arms folded a look of disgust clear on her face. Sara’s heart broke. She loved her sisters but they did not return her affection. Her life was now with Solron.

  “You see, the female knows what she wants, and I will respect her wishes and it is best if you do also. Solron, take Sara and secure her on the shuttle.” Te-Commander saluted the colonel. “Good Earth day to you, Colonel.”

  “You haven’t heard the last of this!” yelled the human colonel, as Solron carried her back onboard, followed by the commander. The door slid shut behind them.

  The pilots turned with curious stares when he put her back in her seat.

  “Take us back to the station,” ordered Te-Commander Rell, retaking his own seat.

  “Does that mean you want me, even though I can’t have children?” Sara gazed at him, her lashes spiked wet with her tears.

  “Star shine, I have formally claimed you as mine; in your language it means we are married, and I have no care whether you can have younglings or not. I have what I want—you.”

  Her eyes grew wide with astonishment. “We’re married?”

  Te-commander’s laughter filled the shuttle. “You two have been married since you first mated with him,” Te-Commander said behind them. “It is our way to only have sexual relations with our mates. We were simply waiting for Solron to publicly acknowledge that he claimed you.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know.”

  Sorlon chuckled, watching Sara’s cheeks turn an arousing shade of pink, as he realized the ship’s commander knew all along what they were doing in Solron’s quarters.

  “Oh, my sweet corami, in my heart I always knew you were mine, but wanted what was best for you, even if it meant letting you go back to your planet.”

  Sara shook her head, her lovely blond locks falling over her shoulders.

  “I thought it was what I wanted, but my world has changed, I’ve changed. Deep down, I knew I couldn’t live without you. I love you.”

  Solron, not caring if they had an audience, leaned forward and took her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. When he pulled back, he saw her beautiful soft smile with her shining silvery gaze speaking more volumes of the love she had for him than words ever could.

  The rest of the universe be damned. He followed his instincts and it brought him his heart’s desire. Now he had her, he would never let her go.

  Chapter 7

  Sara resigned herself to knowing that Sorlon liked to carry her and she loved being in his arms. She no longer protested when he swept her up and insisted on carrying her. It was sweet, even romantic, his carrying her through his apartment, giving her a quick tour, which of course, ended in the bedroom.

  She giggled when he bounced her on the soft mattress.

  “No more off-planet expeditions, too many ears to hear what we get up to.” He came down on top of her, then assaulted the side of her neck with his lips.

  Sara tilted her head, allowing her husband better access to her throat. She moaned softly, sliding her hands up over his broad shoulders, and anchoring them to draw him closer.

  “I’m surprised how quickly we reached your planet,” she said, her voice sounding breathless and husky.

  “We have direct coordinates to fold space between Earth and Kelon. Otherwise, hyperdrive is dangerous, but we are home now.”

  He raised his head and stroked her hair. She stared up into his dark gaze, filled with tender love and heated passion.

  “My home is anywhere with you. I love you, Solron.”

  “And I you, my corami.”

  “What is a corami?”

  “You are the one who fills the void in my heart so no empty space remains. You are the one who makes my life complete.”

  Her vision blurred as warm tears slid down the side of her face. “Oh, Solron, it’s so beautiful. You are my corami.”

  He dipped his head before kissing her. She kissed him back with the full force of the love and desire in her heart. He broke the kiss, pulling back to again gaze at her.

  “My whole life has been planned for me by my father. Knowing I would never be a warrior, he put me into the ranks of the healers and he even planned who I would mate. I went along with his plans with no real thought to what I really wanted. You have changed everything, my sweet corami.”

  “I’m sorry, Solron, I don’t want to come between you and your family.”

  “I have always gone along with what everyone else wanted with no real thought as to my own desires. You helped me realize I do not want to live a life commanded by others, destined to be with a mate I do not want, to end up…” he swallowed, drawing in a breath. “To end up like my father, cold and emotionless; you are my life, my warmth.”

  “You are far from passionless or emotionless. You care so much for others and you are the most wonderful doctor in the whole galaxy.”

  “I guess my father never counted on me enjoying being a healer. I am glad to have those skills. He was displeased when I contacted him to inform him that I took a human as my mate. I honestly do not feel bad about it, as we were never close, and I have everything I want right here.”

  His arms tightened around her.

  “Still, he is your father.”

  “Yes, if he truly cares for me, then he will accept you also.”

  Sara sighed, holding her man close to her heart, as close as he was to her body.

  “I make you no promises, Sara, but I think we may be able to have younglings, though only if you wish it.”

  Her sad thoughts vanished and a thrill of hope speared through her. “You really think it’s possible?”

  “Now we are home and I have the proper equipment to examine you plus all the medi
cal data I could gather from Earth. I will study it and see what we can do.”


  “Yes, many of the human women have learned to read and write Kelon. If you are willing, I will have you trained as my assistant. I know our females would rather keep home for their mates, but I know humans are stronger of mind. Truth be told, my star shine, I want you with me, always.”

  “Yes, oh yes, Solron, I would love that—I was training to be a teacher before¼before I was taken.”

  Sad, painful memories washed over her.

  Solron sensed her distress and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind.

  “I will do everything in my power to make you happy, so do not cry.”

  “I’m crying because I’m happy.” She hiccupped. “If you think it’s possible, I want to have your babies.”

  She loved the smile lighting his handsome face.

  “Enough talk. Kiss me, show me your love. I need to feel you.”

  “With pleasure.” Solron captured her mouth with a scorching kiss.

  “I grow tired of these barriers between us.”

  A thrill ran down her spine when he gripped the shirt she was wearing as a dress and ripped it down the middle, exposing her skin to the warm air.

  She was already dripping wet in anticipation of having him inside her. It felt like forever since they last made love.

  He settled his body over hers. She automatically widened her legs and hooked them around his thighs, relishing how hard his cock felt against her core. Wriggling a little, she moved down on the soft sheets until the round head pressed against her clit. “Mmm.”

  “Do you even need me here?” Solron’s tone teased.

  Sara grinned up at him. “Oh yes, most definitely; I’ll let you do all the work tonight,” she teased back.

  He nipped her lower lip in retaliation. “Humm, star shine, with pleasure.”

  She felt his right hand slip between their bodies. His thick fingers slid through her wet heat, finding her swollen nub. He rubbed it in firm circles, making her arch her hips seeking more.

  He lowered his head and nuzzled the side of her neck, nipping at her skin before soothing away the sting with his tongue. Sara turned to liquid fire in his arms. It never took him long to make her writhe and beg for him to fill her.

  Her arms looped around his neck and she pulled his face up and pressed her mouth against his. She nipped his lower lip, making him growl.

  His fingers pulled from her core, shifted hurriedly to shove down his pants, thus freeing his cock.

  “Now, I claim you; now, I make you mine.”

  His breathless declaration made her burn hotter. She wanted this, wanted him more than anything in her whole life. Nothing ever felt so right.

  “Yes, oh yes, Sorlon. I am yours, always.”

  His cock connected with the mouth of her sex, and he slid into her in one swift thrust. Her head fell back, thrashing from side-to-side at the intense sensations coursing through her. Her body was so ready, so aroused, it would only take a few strokes to make her come.

  “By the Holy Fires of Elron, I claim you, Sara.”

  His proclamation rang in her ears as he withdrew and plunged in again. She screamed his name, every nerve ending exploding in raw pleasure.

  On and on he fucked her, making her peak again until his thrusts became hurried, urgent, then he threw back his head, roaring as he came inside her.

  He slumped over her before holding her close and rolling so he didn’t crush her under his weight.

  “I am no warrior, but I will do my best to protect you and make you happy, my sweet star shine.”

  “Who says I need a warrior to protect me? You are everything I want. I’m already happy knowing you’re mine as much as I’m yours.”

  He brushed back her hair, before placing a tender kiss on her forehead.

  “Yes, my corami, we will face life and whatever it may bring together.”

  She snuggled against her husband’s chest, believing him with her whole heart and soul.

  * * * *

  Days morphed into weeks. Sara threw herself into learning all her husband had to teach her. They lived on the top floor of the Healer Center in the heart of Kelon Prime. Three of the top floors were accommodations for the healer center staff. She didn’t need to cook or clean; food was delivered and a cleaner came in every second day to keep things neat.

  When she couldn’t be with Solron, he left her at one of her new friends’ homes—Tara, Alice or Rachel—who she met with Sorlon in the section of the Kelon market set up for the human women. They had clothes for their ‘human’ size, even foods which were cultivated to help make life more comfortable for the few human women living on Kelon.

  The longing, envious looks she and other human women received from the men as they passed didn’t escape Sara’s notice.

  From what Solron told her, since the end of the war and many warriors returning home looking for mates, there was still a severe shortage of females.

  Peace talks between the once-warring factions started. The news datapad told them delegates were coming to Kelon for talks and treaties.

  Not every Kelon was happy with this news; they gathered outside the ruling council building, yelling and shouting to make their protests about the talks known. When some minor fighting broke out, it was quickly broken up. Solron was called in to help tend the injured.

  Despite the political tension in the cities, Sara couldn’t have been happier. Every day her love for Solron deepened and now, he was working on a way to get them pregnant.

  “So, do you really think I can have our baby?” Sara gazed expectantly up at her husband.

  He set aside the scanner then picked up a datapad. Sara pushed herself up, swinging her legs over the canoe-shaped biobed, her bare feet dangling.

  She watched Solron’s nimble fingers punch in the data before setting it aside to smile lovingly at her.

  “Star shine, I will not make promises I cannot keep. The layout of your reproductive organs prevent you from conceiving naturally and they are beyond my repair. But with the fertility knowledge I took from your planet, combined with our advancements, I may be able to fertilize one of your eggs, and then implant it into your womb.”

  “When?” Sara knew the importance Kelons placed on having younglings, as they called their children. She knew Solron loved her, even if it didn’t work. Still, deep in her heart, it was something she wanted to give him.

  Solron chuckled softly, leaning down to lightly kiss her lips before helping her to sit up on a medical bed.

  “Tomorrow afternoon, I will retrieve an egg. I will also need to collect my seed and store it.”

  The buzzing from the comm pulled Solron from her; he walked over to the wall comm panel, jabbing it with his fingers.

  “Healer Solron, your presence is required in the council chambers. A fight has broken out and a few delegates were injured.”

  Solron heaved a sigh. “I am on my way.”

  Sara slid from the bed and grabbed her shoes, slipping them on, then silently gathered all the equipment her husband would need to treat fight wounds.

  “We have been treating more internal fighting of late than I wish for.”

  “I’m sure once the peace talks are over, it will calm down, then we can focus having on our baby. I have some ideas on how to help you retrieve your seed.” She smiled seductively at him.

  Sara recognized the darkening of Solron’s eyes filling with want and desire for her.

  “Then we shall make haste and return home to practice.”

  Sara giggled, taking a step back before he could grab her, holding up his Healers kit. “Yes, let’s make haste.”

  Chapter 8

  The wheelless car slid silently along the streets, passing the crowd of Kelons protesting the peace talks.

  Sara had seen the large building several times in the past few weeks, but never had reason to go insi
de until now. Guards pushed aside the crowd, allowing them access through the gates.

  Solron helped her out of the transport when it came to a standstill. She turned to glance at the angry Kelons, some yelling threats to the guards.

  “Pay them no mind, Sara. They are simply words. Any true grievances are taken to the arena aboveground. Once they have battled it out, most arguments are settled without fatalities.”

  She shook her head at the odd way to settle disputes, but from the way the men were built, she guessed they had to work out their frustrations the best way they knew how without killing each other.

  She was not one to judge other customs. She quickly followed Solron into the heavily guarded building.

  The building was more opulent than most she had seen, with shiny sandstone floors and large halls. Solron led her up a long flight of steps, passing doors on either side until they reached the large double doors at the end.

  Two huge Kelon men, wearing full battle armor glared down at them both as they approached. Sara fought not to feel frightened by their size and hard stares. Sucking in a breath, she remained by Sorlon’s side and waited.

  “You were called for, not your human, Healer,” the deep voice of the first guard said.

  “She is my assistant.” Solron stood proud, glaring back at the guard who spoke. “I go nowhere without her and if you have a problem with it, you can take the matter to Te-Commander Kerr.”

  The two burly guards glanced at each other before one stepped forward, then opened one of the double doors.

  “Watch your human, Healer, there are Xersons in the room,” the second guard warned.

  Xersons ? A sudden sense of dread washed over her.

  “Maybe me being here isn’t such a good idea.” She stepped closer to her husband, before gripping his arm.

  “You are strong and brave; these Xersons are diplomatic delegates here to negotiate peace.”


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