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Page 14

by Joanna Blake

  Much, much more intense.

  Jagger started mumbling nonsense words as he rammed into me, his cock pulsing out his seed. He held my hips and pushed my head down so he could get all the way inside me. He'd never been deeper.

  He groaned as his cock expanded, throbbing intensely as thick jets of come shot from his cock. He couldn't be any farther inside me. He was deliberately trying to seed me.

  I smiled dazedly as my body clamped down on him with all I had.

  I had a sudden feeling that it had worked.

  Either way, I knew I'd never forget this night.

  It was ten minutes later before we spoke again. Both of us were quiet, relaxed as we cleaned up and slid into the twin bed, snuggled close together. I realized that we would be doing this for the rest of our lives, though hopefully in a bigger bed. This was perfect though, just having him with me made everything perfect.

  I smiled, grazing his chest with my fingertips.

  "I have a request too."

  "What's that, sweetheart?"

  "I want a mirror in the bedroom."

  He let out a laugh and kissed my temple, pulling me even closer against him.

  "Yes, sweetheart. We can have a mirror."

  He kissed me deeply and I felt his cock growing between us. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

  "And here I thought you were going to ask for an ice machine."

  Chapter Twenty-Four



  "Yes, sir. This model has the highest safety rating of all SUV's in its class."

  I nodded. I had done the research early that morning. I was going to buy it. I just wanted to make sure.

  Kick the tires and what not.

  "What color are you thinking about?"

  "What colors can I drive out of here today?"

  The salesman grinned, realizing he'd made a sale. About an hour later, I was walking through the sales lot with a set of keys.

  He'd driven a hard bargain at first. And then he'd found out I was military. Suddenly, the price was a lot more reasonable.

  I stopped at a big box store for a car seat and a case of water. I got diapers, baby wipes and a few things I thought Jenny might need.

  And whipped cream.

  A whole case of whipped cream.

  If she'd liked the ice, I had a feeling she was going to love being my dessert even better.

  And I knew I would like being dessert for her.

  I adjusted my cock as I got into the car. Just thinking about how she'd looked kneeling between my thighs was making me hard again. Never mind all the wicked things she'd done with her mouth...

  I drove back to her soon to be ex-apartment and waved. Jenny was on the stoop, holding Hallie on her lap. I felt pride swell up at the sight of them.

  Those two beautiful girls were mine.

  "All set?"

  She nodded.

  "We should take the travel crib and everything. Seems a shame to leave it behind."

  I smiled.

  "That's why I bought big blue."

  Her eyes were wide as she stared at the sky blue SUV.

  "You bought it?"

  I nodded.

  "I want my ladies riding home in style and comfort. Airbags and what not."

  "But- Jagger- you don't need to spend that kind of money on us."

  "Hush darlin'. That's exactly what I need to spend money on. I'm a family man now."

  I pulled her close and grinned at the adorable blush on her face.

  "Besides, I can afford it."

  She looked at me.

  "You can?"

  "Yes sweetheart. They pay pilots pretty well. And it's kind of hard to spend a lot overseas."

  Her pretty pink lips opened.


  Then she shook her head.

  "But I still want to work."

  "Of course, sweetheart. If you want to. After you finish college."

  Now she was smiling, her eyes shining bright.

  "You didn't forget."

  "My word is my bond, Jenny. And I meant what I said about Sundays."

  She smiled at me, hoisting Hallie onto her hip.

  "You better."

  I grinned and packed the car with her stuff. There wasn't much so it didn't take too long. I settled Hallie in her car seat and adjusted the straps. I was going to drive slowwwww.

  I had precious cargo aboard.

  It took almost six hours to get home. I knew I could have made the trip in half the time on my motorcycle but I didn't care. We talked the whole time, except when Jenny dozed off.

  Then I talked to Hallie.

  She watched me driving, her eyes bright blue in the rearview mirror. I loved the way she smiled at me. I could have sworn she laughed a few times too.

  Oh yeah, she was gonna be a daddy's girl alright.

  It was dark when I pulled up in front of my place and started unloading. I'd told Jenny the two of them were staying with me, starting tonight. I was done having her away from me, ever again.

  Talking Jenny into moving in was the easy part.

  I knew tomorrow was going to be the hard part.

  Tomorrow I had to face the General.



  I woke up smiling in Jagger's big, strong arms. It was the second morning in a row and the reality was starting to set in. He loved me. I loved him. We were going to get married.

  It was hard to believe that just a few days ago I'd felt so alone. And now I was... not.

  I felt safe and warm, snuggling in a little further. Hallie was still quiet in the room next door. Everything felt perfect. Jagger always made me feel desired but it was more than that.

  He made me feel cherished.

  I giggled as he started making snuffling noises in my neck, like he was an animal rooting around for something. His hands slid over me from behind, smoothing over my bare skin. Behind me, his erection pressed into my backside in a particularly naughty way.


  "We have a deal, remember? You promised me morning sex."

  I nodded, my body already responding to his closeness. "Yes, but we have to be quick. And quiet." Then I arched my back, rubbing my bottom against his length.

  He moaned and nipped my shoulder. I felt him position himself behind me. I was already wet as he rubbed his cock against me. We lay there, spooning as he slowly pressed his shaft inside me.

  Jagger started to fuck me slowly, and very, very quietly.

  Something about being quiet, about the small, concentrated thrusts, made it even naughtier than regular sex.

  This was sneaky don't-wake-the-kids sex.

  And I liked it.

  I came quickly, with a little help from Jagger's nimble finger. He whispered something about a reach around and I stifled a hysterical giggle. It wasn't long before he was coming too.

  I could feel his seed inside me as I lay there, watching him get dressed. His essence. He took one look at me and whistled.

  "You look good with my cream pie."

  I threw a pillow at him but didn't move. I wanted another baby with him. Laying here for a while before cleaning up would help move that along.

  "How do I look?"

  I nodded my approval and he pressed a quick kiss on my lips.

  "We can go ring shopping later. First I need to go and talk to your father."

  I sat up in alarm.

  "I should be there too."

  He shook his head, looking a little grim. I leaned slowly back down again.

  "I think I need to do this alone. It might not be pretty."

  I stared at him, thinking that was a gross understatement.

  I wished him luck, praying that my father didn't shoot him.

  "Jagger, if he pulls out his gun, hit the ground."

  He looked at me and nodded.

  I had the craziest feeling I was sending my man off to war.

  Chapter Twenty-Five



bsp; "If you are looking for Jenny, she's gone. Thanks to you."

  I stared at the General, my hat in my hand. This time I'd worn my entire dress uniform. I was here to prove myself.

  And to grovel.

  Oh yeah, it was a good thing I had strong knees. There would be lots of begging done today. Lots and lots of it.

  "I'm here to see you, General Reeds. May I come in?"

  He just stared at me.

  "What do you want?"

  "I'm here to discuss Jenny's future. And Hallie's too, of course."

  He stared at me. I was still outside. I was not sure he was going to let me in until I told him the truth.

  "Is that what your problem was? That she has a kid?"

  "No. My problem was that it was my kid. And she didn't tell me until a few weeks ago. But I was wrong to hold it against her, sir. I'd like to discuss our future as a family."

  His eyes got wide. He took a step forward. I could see his fist clench.

  Then he stepped to the side and made room for me to come in.

  I took a deep breath as I walked into the lion's den.

  He sat in an easy chair and reached for a drink. He looked me up and down. Once again, he didn't ask me to sit.

  "What do you want then?"

  "I am here to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."

  He snorted.

  "It's a bit late for that. You should have kept your damn fly shut- what is it now? Two years ago?"

  I stared him right in the eye.

  "Just about."

  "You have a lot of nerve coming in here and asking me that, when you defiled my teenage daughter. She was a good girl! Until-"

  "Until her mother died. I know Jenny, sir. I know who and what she is. And I love her."

  He looked at me in surprise.

  "She was wild the night I met her. Drinking but not drunk. By herself. Asking for trouble. I think I fell in love with her in the first five minutes."

  He narrowed his eyes at me.

  "I told myself that if she didn't like me, I'd just see her home. But she did like me. It was one of those things. Fate maybe."

  I lifted my chin.

  "But I don't regret one second of it. I just wish I'd known how to find her. I wish I'd know about everything she faced without me. So I could have done this two years ago."

  He took a sip of his drink and stood.

  "I'll give you my answer. After."

  "After what?"

  "After this."

  The General was taking off his belt. For a moment, I wondered if he was going to take a piss on me, and then I saw the way he was holding the belt.

  Jenny's father was going to whoop me.


  He took a swing at me with the belt and I jumped out of the way. He swung it again and it nearly hit my leg. I turned and jumped again, feeling like I was in a cartoon. One of those ones about the cat and the mouse. Or the one where one cowboy shoots at the other one's feet while he dances.

  I felt like an idiot but I didn't have a choice. I had to evade until he lost steam. He cursed and tossed the belt away, then came at me, swinging his fists. The General was older, but he was not out of shape.

  Not by a long shot.

  It didn't matter that I could have theoretically taken him. The reality was that I didn't stand a chance in hell. This wasn't a fair fight.

  In fact, it wasn't a fight at all. It was a beat-down. An asswhooping of the highest degree. And if I had to take it to get the old man to agree to let me marry his daughter, I would.

  I couldn't hit Jenny's father. She'd never forgive me. Besides, he outranked me by a hundred miles. And I was still waiting for him to agree to the wedding, never mind have his daughter living in sin with me until then.

  So I had to just stand there and take it.

  I backed away until I ran out of rug. I was in the corner, pressed up against the wall. He reached out and grabbed my collar, twisting it. He lifted me up until I was on my toes. I was a big guy. The General must have been insanely strong when he was my age, if he could lift me up even a few inches now.

  I held my hands up in surrender, trying to use a placating tone of voice.

  "Please General, let's just talk this out. I'm not going to fight you."

  "No, you're not. You're just going to stand there and bleed. If you're lucky, I'll let you live for what you did to my little girl."


  We turned in unison to see Jenny standing in the open doorway.

  "Put him down, Daddy."



  My father was an idiot. My fiance was an idiot. Basically, I was surrounded by idiots.

  Sweet, handsome idiots.

  I glared at them, seated on opposite sides of the long sofa. Daddy glared at Jagger. Jagger looked at my dad with more than a trace of nervousness. I'd never seem Jagger afraid of anything.

  Until now.

  I almost laughed at how ridiculous they looked. Like two cowed dogs, snapping at fireflies. But I was too annoyed to laugh.

  "How am I supposed to marry him if he's all bruised up, Daddy?"

  "He took off on you and Hallie! He's a dead beat!"

  I sighed and spoke slowly as if my father was a small child and not a General in the United States Armed Forces.

  "Daddy. It was an accident. It wasn't his fault he wasn't around. He didn't know."

  He scowled and looked away.

  "You honestly want to marry this cretin?"

  I glanced at Jagger, who was starting at his hands with a guilty look on his face. He looked like a little boy, who'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Which was pretty much exactly what had happened.

  Except I was the cookie.

  And he'd done a lot more than steal a cookie. He'd gotten the cookie pregnant. I smiled.

  "Yes, Daddy. He's a good man and I love him."

  Jagger looked at me with a dawning smile.

  "Even if his hair is a little too perfect."

  Jagger's smile grew even larger. He gave me a smug, but endearing look. I knew he was fighting the urge to run his hands through his hair.

  Damn him, it wasn't fair that he had a better 'do than me.

  Even Crystal thought his hair was amazing, and that was saying something. She'd asked me a while back to look through his medicine cabinets to see what products he used, but I'd declined. Maybe now that we were getting married though, he'd let me in on his grooming secrets.

  "We're getting married, Daddy. And he's going to be a good father to Hallie. And any other babies that come along."

  "More babies?"

  He roared and shot to his feet. I crossed my arms and stared at him until he slowly sat down again. It took a minute, but I wasn't going to back down.

  "Would that really be a bad thing, Daddy? Jagger and I almost lost each other. But we got a second chance. And we got Hallie. Wouldn't you like another little kid around?"

  He nodded sheepishly.

  "That girl is the light of my life. Other than you."

  I smiled and sat on the couch between them, grasping each of their hands.

  "Come on, now. Play nice. After all, y'all are about to be related."

  They stared at each other with a little bit of shock. I laughed. I guess they hadn't really thought all that through.

  "Stand up now."

  They stood up and faced each other.

  "Shake hands."

  My father grumbled a bit. "You aren't living under his roof until you're wed." I smiled to myself. I had a feeling he was going to make one last stand.

  Jagger opened his mouth to argue but I nodded.

  "Alright Daddy, you win. Now shake."

  Jagger held his hand out and slowly, very slowly, the General shook it. And shook it. I watched as they tried to crush each other's hands.

  I swatted them apart and took Jagger's arm.

  "He's going to walk me over to Crystal's to get Hallie. Then I'll be back. You can bring my stuff by la
ter, right Jagger?"

  He nodded and we walked out, leaving my father staring after us with a clearly suspicious look on his face. The second we were out the door Jagger swept me into his arms and kissed me. I kissed him back before smacking his shoulder.


  "You are an idiot. I could have handled him without you."

  Jagger stared at me, clearly preoccupied.

  "Jenny... you can't move back in here. How are we ever going to be alone?"

  I sighed. I knew my father. Now that he knew Jagger was Hallie's daddy, he was going to make him suffer.

  "We aren't. Not until the wedding."

  He swallowed, looking tragic.

  "How long will that take to set up?"

  I shrugged, taking his arm as we walked towards Crysal's house.

  "I'm not sure. I'm thinking at least a month or two."

  "A month?"

  I nodded, thinking to myself I could probably get something small together in two weeks. I'd tell him soon. But it was too much fun to watch him stew.

  "What's wrong Jagger? What's the big deal?"

  He looked at me, his face strained and miserable.

  "Jenny, that's too long. That's four Sundays!"

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  Five days. Five days since I'd been alone with my fiance. The mother of my child. The love of my life.

  Five days and my balls were full to bursting.

  Oh, I'd seen her. We'd gone out to dinner and taken walks with Hallie. The General even let me come in and sit in the living room with the baby.

  But he wasn't letting his eye off his daughter until the wedding. A few stolen kisses. That was it.

  I was irritable. Unable to sleep. Crankier than a drunk in church.

  Speaking of church... I had pushed and pushed until Hallie moved the wedding date up to next weekend. A whole 'nother seven days away.

  I wasn't going to make it. I'd explode in a burst of sweat and sperm first. Seeing her, being around her and not being able to touch her... well, it was fucking torture.

  But tonight, tonight that was going to stop.

  Tonight, I was getting my bride alone. Just for an hour or so. And I was going to use every Goddamn second of it.


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