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Something Wonderful

Page 5

by M. Clarke

  “It’s past noon. I’m hungry, and considering your grumpiness, you must be hungry, too.”

  He was right. I was starving to the point that my stomach panged in hunger. Skipping breakfast this morning, I had forgotten to grab anything to eat. Knowing he wanted to eat lunch with me made my heart flutter, but at the same time, I didn’t like how I was feeling. Nothing good could come of me having a secret crush on Matthew Knight. In the end, I would be the one who got hurt. Not only that, he was Max’s brother. What if things went wrong? This was assuming he wanted to be more than just friends, but what the hell was he doing trying to hold my hand?

  As I followed Matthew to the food court, I studied him from behind. His firm ass was perfect, and I couldn’t stop staring. Jeans never looked better. Looking like a runway model, he strode with his long legs. With his arms flung behind his back while holding my two bags, his biceps flexed and stood out, even through his black sweater.

  When we turned the corner, my nostrils immediately took in the aroma of all the food the stores had to offer. My stomach rumbled so loudly that I was sure he had heard it when he turned to me; or was he making sure I was still following him, since I tried to stay as far back as possible.

  “What would you like to eat?” he asked when I caught up to him.

  I couldn’t decide; I was so famished that I didn’t care. Instead of answering, I headed to the first place I saw and grabbed a tray. I didn’t bother to ask him what he wanted or pay attention to where he headed. After I told the lady I wanted half and half—steamed rice and noodles, with beef and broccoli, orange chicken, and a bottle of water, I slid my tray to the cash register.

  “I’ll have the same thing she ordered,” Matthew said to the lady.

  He had apparently followed me here. Before I even had the chance to take out my wallet, he had already paid for the both of us. Blinking, I stared up at him with a glare. “You didn’t have to pay for me,” I said lightly, not wanting to sound rude, but uncomfortable that he had. I didn’t want to feel like I owed him a lunch in return.

  “Of course I did. I made you mad, so I need to apologize to you with my presence,” he chuckled.

  My cheeks pinched inward, as I tried hard not to laugh. He was cute and he knew it. “You mean you’re going to torture me with your presence. Is that how you apologize to people?”

  “Maybe not torture, but punish instead.” He slid the shopping bag handles through his arms, placed my plate on his tray, and led us to an empty table.

  After we settled down, we each opened our own container and watched the steam escape. From the corner of my eye, I watched him slide the cover off the chopsticks, split them perfectly in the middle, and dive into the noodles. He was not an amateur with the chopsticks as I was.

  Next thing I knew, he was behind me. Pressing his chest on my back, his arms were around me, fingers touching fingers, showing me how to hold the chopsticks correctly. Heat infused and spread to the rest of my body. I couldn’t concentrate on his demonstration or his words. All I could do was feel his body against mine, and realized how much I liked that feeling. His warm breath brushed the side of my neck when he spoke and I imagined him being a vampire, sinking his teeth into me. Oh, for heaven’s sake…I had to stop thinking of the characters I was reading about.

  “There. Isn’t that much easier?”

  Too afraid to turn to answer his question, because if I did, his lips would touch my cheek or my lips, which wouldn’t be so bad but what was I thinking? I stiffened, nodded, and that was my reply.

  “So you like to read?” he asked, sitting across from me now. “Don’t forget the middle finger in the center,” he reminded, pointing to the chopstick.

  “Yes.” My answer was short, and I was feeling shy, which was unusual for me. I’m never like this around men. I’m usually the one that makes them lightheaded.

  We continued to eat in silence for a while. Sometimes there were moments of stolen glances between us. It was as if we were two shy teenagers suffering through puppy love and we didn’t know what to say. After Matthew swallowed, he spoke. “Did you finish your Christmas shopping?”

  “Yes,” I replied, wondering where he was going with this. “How about you?”

  “I think so. If not, there’s always gift cards,” he laughed.

  I smiled at his comment. “Doesn’t look like you shopped today. You don’t have any shopping bags.”

  “I was distracted,” he said, looking straight at me.

  I think I swallowed my chicken without chewing. Not wanting to blush from his words, I quickly asked him a question. “Don’t you have to work today?”

  “It’s Jenna’s first day back. Max will be with her, so I took the morning off. I hate shopping right before Christmas, but I can’t seem to find anything today.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more,” I mumbled under my breath, consciously aware of his eyes watching how I was using the chopsticks.

  “Not bad,” he winked.

  Watching him wink at me tickled my stomach so much that my chopstick slipped and I lost my grip on the broccoli. Darn! It didn’t matter anymore; we were both done with our lunch.

  “Well, Becca, it was nice to see you unexpectedly. I won’t tell Jenna or Max what you got them for Christmas. I’m sure Max will enjoy it just as much as she will.” Standing up, he took both of our white lunch boxes and threw them away before I could.

  “Thanks for lunch, Matthew,” I said sincerely, standing up to retrieve my bags from him.

  “If you want to model any of the Victoria’s Secret lingerie and have a little bite afterward, just give me a call.”

  After I flashed my eyes to his, I dropped them from embarrassment. He did not just say that to me, did he? “Shut up,” I said lightly, and slapped him across his arm.

  He pretended the slap wounded him, and gave me my bags. “See ya around, Becca.”

  This time, I loved how my name rolled off his tongue, like a melody he knew all too well. Still standing there as he sauntered away, I looked over my shoulder before I could stop myself. He was actually walking backward, unmistakably checking me out. When his eyes met mine, he winked once more and mouthed, “Nice ass, Victoria’s Secret model.” Then he turned the corner.

  Not only did I giggle like a school girl, I was too afraid to move a muscle. Too afraid he would know that he had completely unglued me with his words and unraveled me with his eyes. Those piercing, drop-dead, gorgeous hazel eyes, caressing every inch of me, producing wicked thoughts in my mind that I didn’t want to have.

  Being back to work after a couple of weeks of being absent made me jittery beyond words. Though I knew the employees had no idea what had happened, I was still a nervous wreck. Max had informed everyone by email that I would be working from home on a special project. I wondered if they’d thought otherwise or questioned the meaning of “special project.”

  Before heading to Max’s office, I stopped by the customer service department I used to work in. I told them that I would be right upstairs or just a phone call away if they needed me. A part of me felt somber that I was leaving them. In the short amount of time I had been there, I enjoyed their friendship, especially with Lisa. I promised that I would join them for lunch when I had the chance.

  I also convinced Max to promote Lisa to my old position. She was not only professional, but she definitely proved that she could hold down the fort while I was away. Max listened to my suggestion and made it happened. Lisa was very grateful to me, but I told her that she really deserved it and it was her expertise and knowledge that got her the position.

  Until late afternoon, Max trained me how to lay the design on formatted pages. Everything was done through the set of layouts on the computer, which made it easier for me. I would be working closely with Matthew and other employees I had yet to meet, since I was still in Max’s office.

  “You know, Matthew should really be the one to teach me all this stuff,” I said. Sitting on his lap, I had my legs tucked under
the desk. He practically held me hostage, but I didn’t mind.

  “Matthew doesn’t know everything. I do. I’ve been here the longest and I’ve done everything, almost everything. Not your old position. I don’t answer the phones.”

  “Confident,” I spit out.

  Max chuckled, making my body shake with him, and then he tilted his head and gave me a peck on my cheek. “I guess I should be glad you didn’t say arrogant.” He quickly typed a few words to show me how it could look on page ten. “And besides, I like to have you all to myself.”

  “You have to share me when we come to work, Max.”

  His arms swung around my waist. “Only when I give my permission.”


  Max pushed up from his feet and turned me around to the side but I managed to stay on his lap. “Okay, I will share you, but not every part of you.” After squeezing my bottom, he slowly glided his hands up to my breasts, and teasingly kneaded them. Then, with a naughty, satisfying grin, he buried his face into the open slit of my blouse. He was so good with his tongue and teeth that he managed to open a couple of buttons without any help from his fingers. “I’m not sharing these,” he mumbled into my flesh as his wet kisses traveled from one nipple to the other, waiting eagerly for his tongue. My pulse raced and my heart pounded against my rib cage from what he was doing to me.

  “Max,” I moaned. When I felt his hardness growing, as his tongue was playing with my nipple, I moaned louder and tilted my head back. Thank goodness, he had locked the door and this room was sound proof. “It’s my first day back,” I managed to say, losing any rational thought.

  Effortlessly, Max lifted me up and before I knew it, I was standing in front of him cradled in his arms. His aftershave, and the scent that was just simply him, drove me wild.

  “Let me welcome you on your first day back,” he arched his brows playfully. “I just wanted to tease you a little, but now I think it’s me who can’t handle having you this close; and don’t make that sound, Jenna. You’re driving me crazy.” Brushing my hair with his fingers, he kissed me tenderly. Then he let out a frustrated growl. “Maybe it’ll be better when you are working upstairs. I can’t think when you’re in the same room or even on the same floor.”

  I scowled at him. “See, I told you Matthew should be the one to train me.”

  Max’s sexy Adam’s apple slightly vibrated when he chuckled as his hand glided down to my fingertips. I loved how his fingers twirled, flickered, teased and flirted with mine. He was good with his hands in more ways than one.

  “He will tomorrow, when he comes back to work. He took the day off today. I have to go to a dinner meeting tonight. Do you have any plans?”

  “I’m going to have dinner with Becky.”

  “Good. I approve of Becky being your dinner buddy. Will you be staying at our home tonight?”

  He was being seductive, searing me with his eyes; he licked my bottom lip with one long, SLOW stroke, while one of his hands caressed between my legs and the other squeezed my behind. Blazing, erotic heat shot to every part of my body and I could no longer stand on my own two feet, but somehow I managed to mumble one word. “Yes.”

  Thank goodness I had slacks on, or I would have lifted my skirt up myself, just to have him inside me. Max started to nip my jaw, sensually heading to my ear. As he teased with his tongue, his words were slow coming. “I…need…easy…access…Jenna. These pants…are no good.” He tugged at my pants and made another sound indicating he was annoyed.

  Max retreated a step, staring at me with wanting, lustful eyes that were full of searing heat. Gawking at me from head to toe, I felt utterly naked under his hypnotic gaze. When he looked at me like that, with possessiveness so powerful, I came completely undone. I’d lost all motor coordination and any coherent thought as I surrendered myself to him wholly. He could have stripped me naked on the spot, if he wanted and I wouldn’t have minded.

  “I’ll be thinking of you. See you at home, Ms. Mefferd.” Walking backwards, he winked and left the room.

  Max called his penthouse our home, which I thought was sweet of him to say. Though he’d rather have me move in with him, my mind told me not to, at least not for a while, especially since we had only recently begun dating exclusively. He knew he was moving fast. I didn’t mind as long as he understood the reason why I didn’t reciprocate was not that I didn’t want to, but because I thought it would be best for us to take things slow. Nothing would come of acting as if we were dating for a couple of years when we hadn’t.

  Heaving a deep sigh, I was left completely sexually frustrated thanks to Max. Can a woman get “blue vagina” like a man got “blue balls?” The throbbing, flaming need between my legs was driving me insane; he had left me feeling unfulfilled on purpose. Needing that feeling to go away, I thought walking would help, so I headed to the restroom. What I really needed was a cold shower, even if I didn’t think it would really help.

  I began to take in the new day as I groggily shifted my head on the pillow from side to side, recalling the wonderful dinner Becky and I had together. Fluttering my eyes open, I suddenly froze. I felt something…and it was growing. Growing…bigger…BIGGER within the palm of my hand. I heard a soft sensual groan fill my ears. OH MY GOD!

  Before Max woke up, I realized I needed to take my hands off him, but before I could, his hand was on top of mine, holding me in place. Heat rushed to my face and I was too embarrassed to turn my head to look at him. It wasn’t as if this was the first time I touched him. I was just so shy when it came to things like that.

  “Good morning,” he moaned, slightly chuckling. “Don’t be shy, Jenna. I like your hand there. I think your hand likes it there, too. Your hand is becoming mischievous, just like mine. I think they should play together and see how bad they can get…don’t you think so?”

  I had to admit, I liked my hand there maybe too much, but I couldn’t speak. Oh God, oh God. I had to calm down. I buried my face into his chest so I wouldn’t have to look at him, not to mention my stinky morning breath.

  “Did you have a pleasant dream?” His tone was sincere yet playful.

  I nodded, rubbing myself further into his chest and that was my answer. Finally letting go of my hand, he hovered over me, a blaze of heat shuddered down, practically curling my toes. The only barrier between us was a pair of thin silk shorts and a loose pajama top I had bought from Victoria’s Secret. Just his body over mine was enough to obliterate me and I quivered from want.

  “Open your eyes, Jenna. Don’t be shy. You’re beautiful,” he said softly, slipping his hands to my cheeks.

  He embarrassed me when he said things like that, but I managed to open my eyes, and gave him an innocent smile. “Good morning,” I murmured, trying to keep my breath to myself, if that was possible, while his lips lingered over mine.

  Max looked beyond good for this early in the morning, way too sexy. I wanted to run my fingers through his disheveled hair, but I stopped myself.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” His eyes were drunk with blissfulness and yearning as he stared back at me. He glowed from the sunlight that seeped through the window, perfectly outlining his body, looking like a mirage. Lost in his eyes, I sunk deeply into the mattress.

  Purposely rubbing his hardness against me, his lips traced up my neck. “Do you want me inside you?” His hot breath scalded my ear, sending scorching fire straight between my legs and spreading through every fiber of my being.

  As my nipples hardened, moaning sounds escaped my mouth. Unexpectedly, Max placed both of his hands around my waist, scooping me up into his arms.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, breathlessly.

  “To the shower, babe, a nice long, hot shower; and I’m not talking about the temperature. I’m going to wake you up. We need to get ready for work.”

  Oh shoot! I had forgotten about work. My eyes shot open, wide and alert from the reality of his words. Max must have felt my body tense.

  “Don’t worry. We have plenty
of time to get to work now that you’re working with my brother. But don’t let him boss you around, or else I’ll have some serious ass kicking to do.”

  Gently, he placed me down so my feet touched the cold marble of the shower floor. There were two separate shower heads, and though we were standing in the middle, the water spouting out from both sides still didn’t touch us.

  After he tested the temperature, he stripped us both naked and pulled me into his chest under one spout. The warmth from the water and having Max’s strong hands gliding over my back completely dissolved me. We had showered together many times, but it didn’t matter; I was just as shy as the first time.

  Max poured the shampoo on my hair and started to massage my scalp. The feeling was soothing and relaxing. I was lost in his touch but the smell of lavender filling my nose, awakened me. Shifting my body, my back was to his chest. He tilted my head and rinsed my hair. Then, he poured liquid soap into his hands and started lathering my neck, massaging my shoulders, and trailing down to my breasts. He glided down my stomach, around my butt, slowly sliding down my legs…gently, feather light, causing all sorts of hyper sensations.

  The whole time his hands explored my body, my knees wanted to give out. Every muscle felt like jelly, and I could not control the urge any longer. Turning around, I slammed my mouth into his, taking in some water. As our tongues swirled and tasted each other, my hands ran over his hard chest, around his broad shoulders, and down his back. He had a body any man would die for and any woman would love to touch. I closed my eyes, but I was very aware of him as I rubbed his erection, making him growl, a masculine sound that made me want him even more.

  Max took a fist full of my hair and forced my mouth away from his. “What do you want, Jenna?” he whispered. His eyes were dark and full of lust.

  Watching water drip down his face like rain, onto his hard, defined pecs, was so incredible sexy. I wondered if he might disappear as I continued to stare, mentally framing this vision in my mind. Finally breaking away from his gaze, I pressed my hand on the glass in front of me without answering him. Swaying seductively from side to side, I spread my legs for him while my back was toward him.


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