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Something Wonderful

Page 6

by M. Clarke

  A hot, territorial groan escaped Max’s throat, and that alone made me combust. Rubbing his dick against my ass, teasing me, taking his time, I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned my head to the side and looked at him. “Max,” I managed to say, desperately asking him to be inside me with my yearning eyes.

  He gave me a wicked grin and slapped me once on my ass at the same time he took me. The combination made me gasp so hard and fast, it sent erotic passion straight through to my core and had my head spinning. Gradually penetrating in and out, he was slowly building me to climax. While pressing his chest on my back, he had one hand squeezing my nipple and the other teasing the hell out of my clit. He knew exactly what to do to drive me crazy.

  Seeing my ragged breath fog up the glass, my grip on his hand was my sign that I could not take it any longer.

  “You want it faster, Jenna?” he asked through his gritted teeth as he heaved through water dripping on his body. Nodding was not an answer for him. “Say it,” he demanded, as he pumped just little faster, but not enough.

  As shy as I was, and being the type of girl that would never ask for it, I was building up the courage to tell him what I wanted, because Max made me it easy for me. He was breaking me out of my shyness and I loved every bit of it. It was a big step for me. I turned my head just enough for him to see my face, and finally, I demanded it. “Faster, Max.”

  That put a huge satisfied smile on his face and he didn’t hesitate after that. He swung me around, and lifted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, my back anchored against the marble wall, and his hand on my behind supported my weight. Then he drove into me hard and fast. My center sizzled at first from the sensation, then exploded deliciously throughout my body so fast I thought I was going to detonate.

  He rode me harder and faster, never taking his loving eyes off me, filling me until I couldn’t take it anymore. My hands on his back were now clawing into him and I knew I was digging too deep when I heard him groan. Still inside me, he shifted us over so my back was now against the glass.

  The glass shook and vibrated from Max’s rhythm, the same rhythm as my hammering heart, drumming delicious, pleasurable beats. I swear I thought the glass was going to shatter underneath us. Max sucked my lip as the water fell on our faces, and I sucked his back. We were licking, nipping, and tasting each other as if we were starving. Panting, we were out of breath as the glass completely fogged up.

  While I closed my eyes, I dissolved into him. I let him take me, every single piece of me. Then, I blissfully surrendered in his arms.

  When Max moved away from me, my feet touched the ground and I watched him come all over me. I didn’t mind; I wanted to feel every part of him. The water quickly washed him away, and then Max held me tightly as our chests rapidly rose and fell together.

  “That was amazing, Jenna.” His breath was heavy in my ears.

  I was thinking the same thing. Too exhausted to stand on my own two feet, too breathless to speak, I nodded in agreement as I continued to hold onto him. Then a thought crossed my mind. Max didn’t use a condom. In the heat of the moment, I didn’t care, nor did I remind him. I wasn’t on the pill, but from my calculations, I was pretty sure it would be okay—there shouldn’t be a risk of an accidental pregnancy.

  “Welcome to my department,” Matthew’s smile beamed as he embraced me warmly. Wearing a dark gray suit and tie, he looked very sharp and serious. This was the first time I had ever seen him dressed for work.

  Looking past him, I saw that all eyes stared as they approached me with a welcoming smile.

  “Everyone, this is Jeanella Mefferd. Jenna, this is Pamela, Stephen, Mandy, and….” He said them so quickly, I couldn’t remember their names as I shook many hands. After the introductions, they all got back to work.

  This room was huge. It was nothing like an ordinary office. There were several white boards attached to the back wall, covered with layouts of articles and pictures of models. In the center was a huge circular table. I assumed it was for our meeting.

  “This is your desk.” Matthew led me to the desk next to his.

  Both were cherry wood, rectangular, and bigger than the other employees’. Hmmm, I didn’t want to be treated differently. I hadn’t earned that right yet. Running my finger across the table, not a single scratch marked it. I wondered if it was new. Knowing Max, it must have been. With a computer and all the office necessities on top, my stomach tingled at the thought of being where I’d always wanted to be, working right at the heart of a fashion magazine. I couldn’t help the feeling of joy that filled up my heart beyond what I could ever imagine.

  “Jenna.” Matthew broke me out of my daze, swinging his rolling chair toward me. “I’ve sent you some pictures and articles I need you to format for me. Please don’t hesitate to ask for my help. I know Max started training you, but he hasn’t taught you everything you need to know. After my morning meeting, I’ll show you other layouts, and where you can check for references. We all have a specific job to do in this department, but you can ask anyone for help.”

  “Sure, thanks, Matthew,” I replied, placing my workbag down on the floor and sitting down on my plush, leather seat. Turning on the computer, I could not wait to get to work.

  “I’m going to take it easy on you for couple of weeks so you can get the hang of things, okay?”

  “Thanks,” I smiled, watching him turn to his desk with a nod. Then I clicked the email to open. The first email I saw was from Max.

  Hello, Ms. Mefferd,

  Hope you have a fantastic day. Matthew will take good care of you and make sure you’re comfortable. Don’t let him boss you around. I won’t be having lunch with you today, but I’m still good for dinner. I’ve invited Matthew and Becky to join us. I hope that’s okay. See you tonight. Always thinking of you. TKLS



  Yours? This was the first time he’d written that, and I loved it. Reading TKLS made me smile, recalling what it meant—touching, kissing, licking, and sucking. The words triggered the memories of us in the shower and Max under the running water. Remembering how sexy he looked, I was about to have an orgasm just from the thought of him. I was at work, I reminded myself. Breaking away from thoughts of Max, I checked Matthew’s email and got right down to business.

  Jenna offered to pick me up from home since the restaurant was close to our apartment. Max wanted to celebrate Jenna’s promotion. I thought that was so sweet of him. When he’d called me on my cell phone, my heart pounded out of my chest. I thought something had happened to her; but after he explained, my heart quickly settled, though the pounding still lingered longer than I wanted it to.

  I’m not sure what was wrong with me lately. Perhaps it was reading all those manuscripts where something bad always happened when it was just starting to look good, or maybe it was the thought of almost losing my best friend, again. I just needed some time to get myself together.

  When we walked in, the place was already packed. Since Jenna wore a casual dress, I changed out of my jeans and sweater as well. Almost tripping from my heels, my eyes were glued to the floor to see what I had stepped on. I hadn’t noticed Max standing in front of us until I peered up again.

  “Hey, Max,” I cheered. He was wearing his work attire, suit and tie. He must have come here straight from the office.

  “Becky,” he greeted, giving me a hug. Then he placed his arms around Jenna and kissed her forehead as they proceeded to the table.

  I took off my coat, placed it around my chair, and sat next to Jenna. After we got our drinks, we talked about my job. Like Matthew, Max was curious as well.

  Just as I finished explaining it all, Max waved. Looking in the direction of his line of vision, my stomach knotted so tightly, I was just about to choke on the beer I was drinking. With a cool, relaxed stride, Matthew came toward us as the women he passed checked him out. The dim lights above kissed the side of his face, exposing his flawless, gorgeous skin and glowing over parts of his body. I
was melting as my heart throbbed with heated passion that I could not control. No amount of oxygen was enough to satisfy me. His presence always sucked the air out of my lungs.

  When his eyes met mine, I broke away, but that didn’t stop my heart from hammering in a delicious way. Jenna didn’t tell me Matthew was coming. But then again, she didn’t plan this dinner so I couldn’t really be mad at her. Besides, she didn’t even know how I felt about him, and neither did I.

  “Hey,” Matthew greeted everyone with a nod. Placing his beer bottle on the table, he took off his suit jacket and draped it behind his chair. Either he had been at the bar waiting for us, or he went there first, before looking for us.

  “Hi,” I said quickly and hid behind the menu so I couldn’t see him sitting in front of me. Boy, this was going to be awkward. I had to stop acting like a child, pretending I didn’t have this secret crush on him. After gathering myself, I placed the menu down. Thank goodness he had shifted his attention to Jenna.

  “Did you tell Max that I was a great boss?” Matthew asked Jenna, grinning at her.

  “Of course. Although we were so busy today, you didn’t really have a chance to boss me around,” Jenna teased. She looked so relaxed and happy. It was great to see her this way. Ironically, I was the nervous one.

  “See, Becca? I actually do have a job and I actually do work,” Matthew murmured, placing his elbows on the table, leaning closer toward me. At the same time, he tapped his shoe against mine to get my attention. Before he could do it again, I moved my leg. “Did Becca tell you that I ran into her at the mall at Victoria’s Secret?”

  I don’t know why, but glaring heat touched my cheeks, especially when I saw the look on Jenna’s face; the kind of look that was filled with questions and amusement.

  “No.” Jenna whipped her head to me. She plastered a huge giddy smile on her face. “Why didn’t you tell me, Becca?”

  Great…now she was calling me by that name, too. I arched my brow with a smirked expression, making her think a little, but think about what? Thank goodness for the waitress. After we’d ordered, Max held up his glass of wine, Jenna held her glass of water, and Matthew and I held up our beer bottles.

  “To Jenna, and her new position. Hope it is all that you want it to be,” he said and winked at her.

  After a “clink” from each glass, we each took a sip. During dinner, my heart managed to stay calm. Matthew was actually cordial and talkative. The four of us talked about our jobs, family, and Christmas plans. Jenna’s parents were coming in a couple of days. She was really excited about that. Her parents were staying for a week at a hotel nearby. Due to Jenna’s work schedule, they planned to leave right before New Year’s Eve.

  Jenna told me last week that Max wanted to pay for her parents’ plane tickets, but she threatened she would never sleep at his place again if he did. I had a feeling he was going to pay for their hotel though. After all, he was the one to convince Jenna not to fly home. He was always concerned for her safety. It was something that I’d never experienced with the men that I had dated. It was great to see that happening for Jenna. Max was a truly swoon-worthy, real life “book boyfriend,” just like one would read about in a novel. God…I had to stop thinking about those damn novels with their book boyfriends.

  Max convinced Jenna to spend the night at his place. He actually didn’t have to try hard, he just pouted and she gave in, but only after Matthew offered to take me home, making it a done deal. Though I was hesitant, I had to be an adult about it and stop acting like a schoolgirl who couldn’t even think around her crush.

  After Max and Jenna departed, Matthew told me he would wait for me at the bar while I went to the restroom. Though the restaurant was packed, it wasn’t hard to spot him, especially when giggling females surrounded him. Boy…did he work fast. I don’t know why, but a part of me was jealous. I wanted to throw them off their barstools.

  Instead of heading toward him, I sat on the opposite end of the bar. Not wanting to interrupt the barrage of females by his side by telling him I wanted to go home, I decided it was best to stay away for a bit. If he decided to ask one of them out, I didn’t want to be in his way. When he spotted me, his body stiffened; then it stiffened even more when a male leaned into me.

  Knowing Matthew couldn’t hear our conversation, I gave him a taste of his own medicine and hugged Craig.

  “Hey, Craig.” I gave him a warm hug. Craig was tall and lean, but not as tall as Matthew or built as well. He had short, blondish hair, his eyes were a pretty shade of blue, and he had the cutest dimples.

  “Where’s Nicole?” I asked, slightly flirting with my body, twirling a strand of my hair around my finger. Craig was clueless as to what I was doing, but Matthew caught on. His eyes were deadpan as he stared at Craig and me. It made me feel good that he looked jealous. Wow! What was I doing? I had to stop this.

  “Nicole went to the restroom. Are you here by yourself?”

  “No. Actually, Jenna and Max were here, but they’ve already left. Max’s brother, Matthew is taking me home.” When I turned my head to the direction where Matthew was, he had already diverted his attention back to his companions. I don’t know why, but that panged my heart a little.

  “Becky,” Nicole squealed, giving me a tight squeeze. She was in her work attire like Craig. With her hair curled, pencil skirt and a purple sweater, she looked stunning. “Are you here by yourself?”

  After explaining again, she told me they had already finished with dinner. They had sat on the opposite side of the restaurant, which explained why we missed each other.

  “Do you need a ride home?” Nicole asked, looking at my line of vision. “Craig and I are headed home. Come on. He looks busy anyway.” Nicole looped her arms around mine and led me away from where we were standing.

  When I felt the phone vibrate in my purse, I took it out.

  “Let me get this,” I said to Nicole.

  Where are you? Are you ready to go home?

  Who is this?


  Surprised to get a text from him, I flashed my eyes to him. He was gazing around, searching for me.

  Why don’t you stay? My friend Nicole is here. She’ll take me home.

  No. I promised Jenna and Max that I would take you home.

  I don’t need a babysitter. I can go home with anyone I want. You can stay and entertain your friends. I don’t want to intrude.


  What? No!

  I was.


  “Sorry about that,” I said to Nicole, but she wasn’t looking at me. She was staring at something or someone behind me. When I turned out of curiosity, Matthew was standing in front of me with that killer smile.

  “Hi,” he said to Nicole, extending his hand to shake hers, then Craig’s. “I’m Matthew, the one who will be taking her home.”

  “Max’s younger brother,” I intervened with a roll of my eyes.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Nicole replied, looking baffled, most likely thinking she had seen him flirting with those other women and now he wanted to take me home.

  Turning to Nicole, I hugged her and whispered in her ear. “Don’t ask. I’ll call you later.” After we said our good-byes, I started to walk out the door while Matthew paced right behind me. I wasn’t going to walk beside him and pretend we were a couple. When I felt his hands on my shoulders, evidently not wanting to lose me, I slapped them. I heard a chuckle and then his hands were on me again. I slapped them again, but he didn’t give up. Grrr! Then he wrapped his arms around me from behind so I couldn’t move my arms as he led us toward the exit.

  “Oh my God! Get off me!” I yelled over the loud music. Feeling like a puppet and unable to escape, I had no choice but to give in. I didn’t mind it so much. He felt good holding me.

  “Just keeping myself safe, Becca. These women are trying to throw themselves at me. But you don’t mind saving me, right?” His warm breath brushed the side of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

  Yeah, I had to admit, feeling his hard body against mine not only made me wither, I liked it way too much. “I don’t think it’s you that needs saving, rather the ladies, instead.”

  His chest vibrated against my back from his laugh, and he squeezed me tighter as he led us out.

  I had to admit, I liked how Matthew was so protective over me, but at the same time, I had to bring myself back to reality and remember that he did it out of obligation. After he walked me to the door, which was totally unnecessary but very gentlemanly, I thought he was going to leave. Instead, he took off his suit jacket, slung it over the sofa and asked to use the bathroom.

  “Why can’t I use your restroom,” Matthew asked with a challenging tone.

  “I…umm…” Due to his unexpected question, I spurt out the first excuse I could think of. “Because I’m going to use it.” I really didn’t need to though.

  “Then I’ll wait here, but hurry. I need to go.” He plopped on my bed.

  “You can use Jenna’s.” I pointed, closing my bathroom door as I entered.

  “No, thanks. I want to use yours.” I heard him say.

  Seriously? He had to use my bathroom. Why?

  “Hurry Bec…ca,” he sang, whistling a tune.

  After I took care of business, I came out to find Matthew sprawled out on my bed. I knew he wasn’t trying to look seductive, but the way he was lying on his side with his hand tucked underneath his head for support, he looked like one of those GQ models on a steamy photo shoot. Now if only he had his shirt off.

  Snapping out of my thoughts that could get me in trouble, I paced toward my closet to look for a change of comfortable clothes and gestured to Matthew that the bathroom was all his. Instead of heading there, he went to my bookshelves. Hmmm…he wasn’t in a hurry to use the restroom now. He was just being a pest.


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