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Amber & Lochlann (Flesh & Blood)

Page 5

by Reders, E. M

  She didn’t tell Raven about what had happened between her and Lochlann, didn’t want to risk others finding out and judging her. Leaving Raven to prepare the bars for the night Amber headed back up to the room to make her own preparations, and to think over what she had learnt.

  On her way back upstairs Amber had walked past Rachel’s office, her mind in turmoil. Was it best to tell her that she could no longer work for him, that it just wasn’t working out? That way nothing like last night would ever happen again. But as she had stood there outside the door her hand raised as if to knock she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Her heart ached at the thought of never seeing him again, of never feeling his gaze upon her, his hands. It hadn’t even been a week but already she was addicted to him, craved him.

  Excepting that quitting her private job was not an option she carried on up to the suite. There was no avoiding it, no avoiding what had happened during the lap dance and deep down she didn’t want to avoid it she wanted more of it. He was controlled, she could trust him, she knew she could. So tonight she would not hold back, she would carry on as normal and just go with the flow. Whatever happened, happened.


  “Another feeding?”

  “Yes my dear and I am sorry that I have to keep coming but I don’t want to take any chances where Amber is concerned. She has not offered to feed me so I will not take from her, not unless she asks me to,” he told Marcy as they sat together in the living room of her small suite. He hated feeding from her so much, it wasn’t fair on her. She could always refuse but he knew she would never do that which made it worse.

  “Well I hope she does offer, I'm going to be running low on energy for a while if this keeps up,” she laughed offering her neck.

  “So do I.”

  As he bit down into Marcy’s soft aging neck he wondered if she ever would offer to feed him. She had surprised him so much already, what with the lap dance, then allowing him to bring her to climax. But would it be enough? It would have to be. He and Tristan were going to talk to Marcy soon and then he would be leaving. If Amber was ‘Owned’ he would buy her from him no problem, but she wasn’t. He couldn’t demand her to come with him, to leave her life here behind, to quit her job. He had grown attached to her over the past week, had come to depend on her. Life wasn’t boring with her around; she brightened up his dark world, made him feel alive again.

  Extracting his fangs he licked the wounds clean helping them to heal quicker. “Thank you Marcy, I will let you retire for the night now.”

  “Have a good night Lochlann and please, take care of her,” a knowing smile on her lips.

  “Hi,” Amber said shyly as she exited her room, ready to head down to the club. He had worried how she would be around him now after last night but he couldn’t sense any emotions coming from her that would worry him too much, though she still seemed nervous around him, a little unsure. He would settle her nerves, he told himself. They would carry on as normal. That was unless she instigated anything, then he would only too happily oblige.

  He had spent the day replaying last nights in his head, the scent of her arousal, her silky flesh under his hands, her moans of pleasure. When she had come on his hand he had wanted nothing more than to slip his fingers into his mouth, to taste her sweet nectar but then he had been overcome with the scent of her blood and she had risen suddenly from him and his desire to taste them had been forgotten as he had worked to reassure her that she was in no danger from him. At least he hoped she wasn’t. Anyone else would have been perfectly safe but there was something about her, she called to him.

  They spent a good few hours in the bar talking, though she was a little quieter than usual. Tristan joined them for a while, filling him in on the previous night and the new members. Apparently everything had gone smoothly and Tex was free to re-join them if Amber wished him to. She refused the offer which he was very glad about. She was being a little distant but at least she still trusted him enough to be alone with him. He didn’t ask her to dance for him that night and as they made their way back to the suite Amber finally brought up the lap dance, “About last night.”

  “What about it?” he asked.

  “I feel so embarrassed. What must you think of me?” stopping in the corridor and hiding her face in her hands.

  “There is no need to be embarrassed, and as for what I think of you… I think you are a remarkable, beautiful, talented dancer who like myself was highly turned on last night and you was in need of some release. The fact that you asked me, allowed me to be the one to do it, to touch you. Well I am highly honoured.” Her face blushing as he pulled her hands away from her face gently. She was biting her bottom lip, looking up at him from under her dark lashes. He wanted to kiss her, to pull her hard against him and taste her mouth, to bite that lip himself. “Now let’s get back and order room service,” he said. Forcing himself to move he guided her towards the suite, his hand on the small of her back.

  “Why haven’t you asked me to dance tonight?” Amber asked as they sat at the table for dinner.

  “I wasn’t sure if you would want to tonight, thought I would give you the night off. You have been dancing for me for almost a week now with no time off.” Even though it was only one dance a night he felt that she should at least have one night off from it, and she had danced twice the night before.

  “I like dancing for you,” her eyes cast down at the table.

  “I am glad that you do, but I don’t want you to feel like I am taking advantage.”

  They continued their meals in silence then retired to the sitting area, Lochlann popping himself down in the chair he had sat in for the lap dance. He found himself quite fond of that chair now. Maybe when he left he would buy it off Tristan and take it back home with him, give him some nice memories of his time with her.

  “Don’t you want me to dance tonight?” she asked.

  “I think it’s a little late for that now, the night will be over in an hour or two.”

  “Well I could always give you another lap dance,” she whispered, a light blush on her cheeks.

  He could smell her arousal; it had been getting stronger and stronger through the night. What was she up to? He didn’t think a dance was what she really wanted. There was something else she was after… sex? Man he hoped so, but still she would have to come out and say it before anything could happen.


  There she had said it, she had made the offer. Hopefully he would say yes and then she could dance for him again and hopefully seduce him. She needed him, needed to know what it felt like to have him buried deep inside her. Ever since Raven had mentioned sex it was all she could think about, no matter how much she told herself it was wrong. “I get the feeling that you don’t really want to dance for me tonight Amber. I think something else is going on in that mind of yours and I would very much like for you to tell me what it is.”

  She didn’t want to say it. What if he rejected her? What if she had read all the signs wrong and he didn’t like her the way she thought he did? But she knew that he would never do anything unless she said that she wanted it. He had made her say that she wanted him to touch her last night. Thing was now she wanted so much more that touch, she wanted everything. Minus the biting of course, while Raven had promised her that it was pleasurable with the right vampire and she had no doubt that Lochlann would be gentle with her, she was still not comfortable with the idea of feeding him.

  “I enjoyed last night Lochlann, really enjoyed it. And well I wouldn’t mind doing that again, maybe even more. You know that I am attracted to you, aroused by you. Well I can’t fight it any longer.”

  “Well,” he said, a slow smile spreading on his lips. “I am very glad you have told me.” Standing, pulling her up with him he grasped her wrists and walked her backwards pushing her up against the wall. “I only wished you had informed me earlier as we have very little time left before sunrise, which means I will not get to do everything I want to this magnificent talented body
of yours.”

  His mouth came down on hers, his lips soft which she had not expected. She opened for him, their tongues meeting. He kept her wrists held tightly against the wall pushing his body against hers. She could feel his erection pressing against her. Kissing the corner of her mouth and across her cheek he made his way down her body placing open mouthed kisses to every inch of skin he found. When he ran out of flesh he pulled the straps of her dress down her shoulders to free her breasts so he could feast upon them. The first touch of his tongue had her leaning her head back against the wall, moaning as her legs shook. Swirling his tongue around her nipple he sucked it into his mouth being careful to keep his fangs in check as he bit lightly at first and then harder when she moaned for him to do it again.

  Going down on to his knees he ran his hands up her smooth long legs pushing the short black dress she was wearing up to discover that she had gone panty-less tonight. At first she wasn’t going to, but at the last moment she had quickly pulled them off, then as she moved to put them back on he had knocked on her door freezing her in her tracks and she had quite forgotten about them until she heard the small intake of breath at his discovery.

  Pushing her legs apart he leaned in and inhaled, “Oh Amber your aroma is so intoxicating, I cannot wait to find out what your womanly honey tastes like.” Opening her to him with one hand he slipped the other over her slick folds feeling her wet arousal and spreading it up and over her clit then slipping them back to her heat and pushing first one then two fingers into her tight pussy. Running her hands into his dark hair she urged him forward, desperate to feel his mouth on her, to give him that taste he had spoken of. “Taste me Lochlann,” his eyes flashing up at her heavy with hunger.

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  As his fingers continued exploring her heated depths his mouth went to work on her clit, licking and sucking the small swollen bud into his mouth. Twisting his fingers he searched for that small sensitive spot, knowing he had hit it when her body twitched and her breath hitched. Rubbing against it faster he bit down lightly on her clit sending her into climax. His name spilling from her lips as her body shook and her legs went from under her, Lochlann catching her and laying her down gently on the floor. Lying down beside her he stroked her face, kissing her softly as her body calmed. “You taste divine my dear, as I knew you would.”

  “What’s happened to your eyes?” she asked noticing that they had changed slightly, they seemed darker, closer to black than any other colour.

  “Oh,” he breathed sitting up and moving slightly away from her.” It’s nothing Amber just the effect of your heated blood that’s all, but don’t worry you have no need to fear me I promise.”

  “I know.”

  “You do?” clearly surprised.

  “Well yeah. I trust you Lochlann, that is why I have let things go this far and I want them to go further,” moving towards him and straddling him. “I’ve felt both your fingers and your mouth upon my flesh but I want so much more, I want you buried deep inside me,” grinding her bare pussy against the mound in his trousers.

  “While I would love for that to happen I am afraid it cannot happen tonight.”

  “Why not?” her face falling in disappointment.

  “Because you tempt me in ways no one else has for a very long time and I don’t want to risk your trust by rushing things and not being able to control myself when your body blooms in orgasm and your blood calls to me. I need to be fully fed Amber if I am to be completely in control when I take you that way.”

  She wanted to tell him that she didn’t care, that she would risk it, and that he could even feed from her if that is what he needed but she stopped herself. She wasn’t ready for that, not yet maybe not even ever.

  “So when?”

  “I will feed again tomorrow as soon as the sun sets. That’s if you want to take things further?”

  She wanted to tell him that she did, that she desperately wanted that, but the words stuck in her throat, her mind in turmoil.

  Chapter 5

  “Beth can I ask you something?”

  She had woken up more confused than ever, not knowing what to do, so she had gone downstairs to practise and found Beth working on a new routine. After both wearing themselves out they had sprawled out on the dressing room floor to catch their breaths.

  “Of course, what’s up?”

  “Have you ever been attracted to them, you know to the vampires more, than the obvious physical attraction anyways?”

  “Oh dear, you’ve fallen for him haven’t you? In all honest truth no I haven’t, but there have been others that have. A few girls over the years I have been here have grown close to a client, have drawn in by their charm.”

  “What happened to them?”

  “Most left with the vamps after Tristan relinquished his hold on them. But one or two, well they never made it that far. It all depends on the control the vamp has over themselves.”

  So she wasn’t the only one, there were others that had felt feelings like those she was feeling towards Lochlann and had taken the risk, most having survived but not all. To die at the hands of the one you loved. Could she take such a risk? And what had happened to the ones that had survived after they had left. And how had they? Tristan ‘Owned’ them, fair enough he didn’t own her but still, she needed to find out. She would have to ask Rachel, she was the only one that would know apart from Tristan of course but she wasn’t comfortable asking him, he was Lochlann’s friend. What if he said something to him? No she couldn’t risk that.

  Rachel was in her office, her eyes glued to the screen of her computer, “hey Amber what can I do for you?”

  “I just wanted to ask about something… I was wondering what happened to the girls that left here with vampires, the ones that developed feelings for them?” That got her attention. Amber had expected her to be shocked, horrified even. But no, the look in Rachel’s eyes was anything but.

  “Oh hell, I had hoped that this wouldn’t happen with you but I guess it was inevitable with one such as Lochlann. Those that were lucky enough to find a mate with enough control have all gone on to live with them, some deciding to remain human for a time in order to feed their mate. But eventually they all take the ultimate bite and become a nightwalker like their lovers.”

  “They become vampires?”

  “Yes, even now the idea of Lochlann leaving pains you doesn’t it?”

  “Yes.” She couldn’t deny it, it terrified her.

  “Well do you really think that if you chose to be with him that he wouldn’t feel the same way about you? To become a vampire would be the only way to be with him forever, otherwise you would age and decay before his eyes.”

  She had never thought of that. But Lochlann had never offered her a life with him, he was attracted to her, had proven it, but was that all it was, a brief attraction? If she gave herself to him would he be done with her after getting what he wanted? She didn’t think she could bare the heartbreak, but she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn’t and again she couldn’t live in regret. So what was she to do? Give in or pull away?


  “So what do you say Marcy?” Lochlann asked.

  He and Tristan had explained their idea to Marcy about her retirement from club life to his estate in Scotland. It had taken sometime to convince her they were actually being serious and not pulling some kind of joke.

  “Well I don’t know. It would be great, beyond fantastic but I can’t imagine not being here, I’ve sort of grown attached to this place. The thought of living a somewhat normal life outside of these walls is kind of terrifying.” That was understandable she had never left the club apart from the odd shopping trip and doctors visit. “And all the girls, what will I do without them? I never had the chance to have children but they are all like daughters to me,” tears flowed down her face. It broke something inside of him to see her this way.

  “Hey there is no need for that, you take your time and t
hink about it and remember you would not be saying goodbye forever, you could easily visit,” Tristan said.

  “But Lochlann never comes here anymore, and I have a feeling the only reason he did was because of this offer, am I right?” looking him in the eyes. She was right of course that why he had originally come here, but things were different now, Amber had changed everything. But still she had not given in to him, given in to the desires he knew she felt. If she didn’t, if she refused him and stayed here then he would visit every chance he got, that’s if he could force himself to leave at all.

  “I will return Marcy if that is what you wish. I would not keep you away from this place and anyway you do not need my permission to come here. I am not your owner and I never will be. You are a free woman to do with your life as you choose. I am simple just offering you somewhere safe, and might I add beautiful to live.”

  They left her to think things over and returned to Tristan’s office. “So what is happening between you and Amber? I have noticed the growing tension between you both and I can smell her scent on you, her ‘honey’,” his lips turning up in a knowing smile.

  “I'm not sure at the moment, every time I think she is going to give herself to me completely she panics. She is in two minds.”

  “She has always had this perception of us that we are cruel, evil creatures, not human in the slightest. Some of the members here haven’t helped with that view, but you have shattered that image. She needs time to come around, to accept what she now knows as truth.” Rachel said walking in to the room without invitation.

  “To knock would be polite Rachel, even if I did hear your heels clicking down the hall,” Tristan smiled.

  “Has she spoken with you?” Lochlann asked.

  “Yes she just left my office, wanted to know about the other girls that have mated with vampires in the past. So obviously she has been talking to someone about this.”


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