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Amber & Lochlann (Flesh & Blood)

Page 6

by Reders, E. M

  Not all mating’s went well with humans, some of the girls had died in the past when their chosen mate hadn’t been able to control their thirst for blood. “Hell if she knows of those tales then I will never get her to be my mate.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure. She spoke to Raven the other day, asked about feeding.”


  “Really, Raven told me all about it. Wanted to know if it hurt, along with a few other details and you know Raven, I have no doubt she told her all the positives and probably none of the faults.”

  Yes Raven was known for her offering of blood. So much so that Tristan had on occasion banned her from any bites.

  “I swear that girl is addicted. Think we may need to have another talk with her soon,” Tristan said.

  “Most defiantly, her neck was covered in bites the other night I dread to think about the rest of her.”


  The water was lovely and warm, relaxing, the smell of lavender drifting in the air around her. But while her body was relaxed her mind was anything but. She was going to have sex with a vampire. How the hell had that come about? In a matter of a week her whole belief of what vampires were like had been turned on its head. She had always thought them evil, at least underneath the facade she saw on the surface, but now she knew different. She cared for Lochlann deeply. Every day they were growing closer and closer, she knew she was falling for him, falling deep, but there was no stopping it now. He had shown her a side of him she couldn’t ignore, a loving, caring side.

  They would meet later than normal tonight as he was going to visit Marcy first for a feed. She still hated the thought of him taking pleasure from someone else, even though it was necessary as she had never offered him the blood he needed to live.

  The sky slowly began to darken outside though she felt no rush to get ready. Her phone began dancing across the edge of the large Jacuzzi bath. Grabbing it before it danced into the water she answered it without checking the caller ID, “Hello?”

  “Amber dear its Mrs Brown, just wanted to check on you. You haven’t been in all week and I was wondering if everything was ok.”

  “Oh yes, I'm so sorry I didn’t call. I'm working away at the moment.” Mrs Brown knew she worked nights but she hadn’t told her exactly what she did, a few places had turned her away after finding out she was a stripper.

  “Did you get my note?”

  “Yes I did, I'm still looking for a place but so far things don’t seem to be going to well, I may need to stay a little longer. Is that a problem?”

  “It is a bit. You know I have allowed you to stay longer than we normally allow and well if you don’t need the room we do have a waiting list. I don’t like to keep people away when I have a room sitting unused.”

  “Of course, I really am sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it dear. But if you do not need the room at the moment would you be ok with me removing your things so I can give it to someone else?”

  What could she say? It wasn’t her place. She couldn’t deny someone a room they needed when she herself had a roof over her head, at least for a few more nights at least.

  “No of course not.”

  “I would only be able to hold on to them for a day or two though. You would need to come and fetch it. Is that a problem? How far away are you?”

  “It’s no problem; I'm not too far away. My suitcase is under the bed, it should all fit in there. I will be round sometime tomorrow afternoon to collect it if that is convenient for you?”

  “That is fine my dear. I don’t like to do this but there are other people that need a roof over their heads at the moment.”

  “I understand, really I do. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “Yes tomorrow, bye dear.”

  She would have to make sure she got up early enough to go and fetch her things, and then she would have to really begin considering some of the places she had already seen. There had to be something out there.


  The show just wasn’t interesting him tonight and he wasn’t even trying to pretend that it was. Instead his eyes remained glued on Amber as she sat there running her finger around the rim of her glass of wine over and over again. Every other night she had refused to drink alcohol instead choosing to stick to water, but as he had made to order their drinks she had asked for a large glass of white wine instead. He had tried to start conversation a few times but she was only giving one word answers so he had soon given up. Something was on her mind. Had she decided that she didn’t want to go any further with him? Hell he hoped not, he had thought of nothing else but what it would feel like to have her wet silken pussy clamping around his cock as she climaxed as it had his fingers the night before. He needed to talk with her, to ask her what was wrong, what she was thinking. But here in the club was no place for that conversation, not when the room was full of vampires that would be able to hear everything that was said over the load music, even if they whispered. Rising from the table he downed the last of his glass of blood and held out his hand to her. “Let’s head back up.” Nodding slightly she took it and walked hand in hand with him to the elevator, but never once did she meet his eyes or speak a word.

  The silence was deafening, never had it been like this between them, what was going on in her head. “Amber? Please say something.” She began fidgeting with her hands, giving him quick glances. “Just tell me what you have decided. Do you want to take things further between us? I know you have been torn over the past few days.

  “I want to, but I'm worried.”

  “It all comes down to trust. Do you trust me Amber?”

  “You know I do.”

  “You trust me enough to give you pleasure, to be alone with you but do you trust me with your body, trust me not to take that what you do not give?”

  Her blood.

  She did, never once had he done anything without her asking for it of him first, and a part of her wanted to give him that also, give him everything. But there was a small voice in the back of her head that kept telling her she was crazy, that it was too much. But he was leaving soon, very soon and tonight was the last night of her arrangement with him. Rachel had called her earlier as she was getting ready to inform her that as tomorrow was open night at the club she would be back on the main stage. It was now or never. So did she trust him enough to go through with her deepest desire?

  “Yes Lochlann, I trust you completely.”


  His mouth was hot against hers as he backed her into the suite and straight through to her room. It was finally happening he was finally getting the one thing he wanted more than anything, needed more than anything. As her legs hit the back of the bed he lowered her down and looked into her heavy eyes. “So you really want this?” he asked. He needed to give her one last chance because he was at the edge of no return.

  “Yes, please yes.”

  Smiling he lowered his mouth back to hers to feast on her swollen lips once more, their tongues warring before he moved down her body, kissing his way down her neck. Pulling down the straps of her dress he exposed her breasts. As he sucked her nipple into his mouth she gasped arching her back off the bed. He wanted to feel her pressed against him, no fabric between them. These clothes needed to go. Releasing her nipple he stood up and gripped the front of her dress with both hands, ripping it down the front to expose the flesh below. His eyes widened as he took in her naked body. She had been naked below that dress all the time. He knew that she had not been wearing a bra, the dress wouldn’t allow it, but he had no idea that she had skipped out on wearing underwear again, but he was so grateful that she hadn’t. Taking in the beautiful body beneath him he felt like the luckiest man alive. If alive is what you could call him.

  “You are so beautiful Amber.”

  Kneeling on the floor he grasped her hips pulling her to the end of the bed and draping her legs over his shoulders. “I can see how much you want this. Your soaked with arousal, dripping with it.” He spre
ad her wide with his fingers opening her up to him completely then lowered his mouth to wrap his lips around her swollen bud.

  “Oh shit,” she whimpered, her hands moving down her body to pull at his hair. Releasing her clit he moved down to her damp entrance circling it before sliding his tongue inside. As he fucked her with his tongue his fingers took care of her clit, rubbing, pulling, teasing it until she could take it no more and she shattered, shouting his name to the room.


  He was really good at that, she thought as she tried to catch her breath. Every orgasm seemed bigger and more powerful than the last, but surely there was no topping that one.

  “I swear I could live off this, survive off your sweet honey alone. I could drink you like this all day and night. But right now I need to be inside you.”

  Standing up he began removing his clothes. She had thought she knew what to expect, he was a well-built man, muscular. But as each item left his body and more was revealed to her she realised that her imagination had never done him justice. He could be stood naked next to all the male statues in the world and still he would look more perfect, godlier than any of them. She had once thought that he didn’t have a vampire’s body as all the vampires she had met had been lean though incredibly strong. But Lochlann was pure vampire, pure power, every muscle seemed to be more defined. He was a work of art. As his trousers fell away to reveal his rigid erection she gasped at the sheer size of him, how in the world would he fit that in her body?

  As he moved towards her she skirted further up the bed till she was in the centre. Kneeling before her he slid his hands up her legs to her knees and spread the apart before running his hands down the inside of her thighs under her ass to slide her forwards onto his lap. She was nervous again, worried, but meeting his gaze, seeing his unblinking eyes full with need, need for her she calmed. She trusted him. He gave a sharp inhalation as her hand wrapped around him and guided her to her entrance, looking deep into her eyes he drove deep. She may have been worried about his size at first but now she couldn’t deny that he filled her completely. It was as if he was made for her. Pulling back till only the tip remained inside he thrust back in hard before pulling back again. Over and over he thrust. Every time it felt like he was hitting the end of her. She wanted to sit up, to straddle him so she could kiss him but as she reached up to pull herself to him he pushed her back down to the bed holding her arms down.

  “Stay still my sweet, enjoy this.”

  Once he was sure she would not move one of his hands moved down to her mound finding her swollen bud and began rubbing in circular motions. She could feel herself building towards another orgasm even stronger than the one before. How is that even possible, she thought as he pushed down on her clit and sent her soaring, his name a hoarse shout from her lips. Her muscles rippled, contracted around him as he continued to trust inside, picking up speed. As one climax ended she could feel another building as his pace picked up again.

  “Come with me Amber, milk me dry.” And she did. She shattered, her eyes closing, head thrown back as her body trembled, Lochlann finding his release with her as he came with a roar. Lying down on top of her he grasped her waist rolling to place her on top of him, keeping them connected. Falling on to his chest she closed her eyes in bliss. Why hadn’t she allowed this before? She thought as she closed her eyes and relaxed into him quickly falling asleep.

  Chapter 6

  When she got back to the bedsit the following morning Mrs Brown met her at the door, a sad smile plastered on her face. “I really do hate to do this to you dear but there are rules.”

  “It’s ok Mrs Brown I understand. It wasn’t fair of me to disappear for the past week and not let you know. And to be honest I think I really needed this push to find my own place.”

  Mrs Brown led her through to the living room where she found her all her stuff neatly placed in boxes and her small suitcase of clothes already packed for her. She didn’t have a lot of stuff, when she was at her old job she had house shared with a few of the other girls. The place was already furnished so she had nothing big to take with her. Her whole life fit into one small suitcase and three boxes. She loaded them all into the car and gave Mrs Brown a little money for the trouble she had caused. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do now, she was effectively homeless and with Lochlann leaving she would no longer be able to stay at the club in his suite. It was time she talked to someone about this, but not him and certainly not Tristan; she didn’t want to owe him anything if he did help her out. No she would talk to the girls, see if any of them could at the very least offer her somewhere to kip for the night. A sofa would be better than sleeping in her car on the side of the road.

  That was it. She was no longer working exclusively for Lochlann. She was happy to be back with the girls she had missed them, missed the gossip, the laughs that they had down in the dressing rooms every night. But it was so hard being away from Lochlann. It had only been an hour since he had walked her down from the suite to the dressing rooms downstairs, giving her a long passionate kiss up against the wall, making her weak at the knees before releasing her and allowing her to enter the room. She knew he would be watching, would be sat in his usual booth, his eyes glued on her as she danced. The room would be full of people tonight but even though there would be others she would be dancing for only him in her mind. He was all that mattered.

  “Hey what you thinking about so hard?” Beth asked snapping her fingers in front of Ambers face.

  “Oh sorry I was miles away.”

  “Obviously.” Smiling knowingly, “he’s really got to you hasn’t he?”

  “Yeah he has, I can’t get him out of my head.” He had taken over her life completely; she lived to please him, to be pleased by him. But now with her about to become homeless - well she was already homeless really, and all she could think about was him leaving and how much she wished he wasn’t.

  “Beth, do you still have a spare room at your place or did you find a roommate?” Beth’s old roommate had moved out the other month suddenly leaving Beth having to work extra shifts and take every private dance offer made.

  “No still haven’t found anyone and that bastard landlord is upping the rent next month. I'm well and truly fucked.”

  “Would I be able to stay at yours for a while? It’s just that I had to leave the bedsit and haven’t found anywhere else yet. I’ll help with the rent while I'm there of course.”

  Beth flung her arms around her, squashing her in a fierce embrace. “Oh that would be fantastic chick, I’d love you to come and stay.”

  “It will just be for a while I promise, I'm sure I’ll find something soon.”

  “Don’t be silly, move in, be my roommate. It will be so much better to have you as a roommate than some stranger.” Beth’s eyes were sparkling with happiness at the mere idea of it, how could she say no and really did she even want to? Beth was one of her closest friends, they hadn’t known each other long but she loved the girl. But still even though it would be great it was still a life away from Lochlann.

  “Sure why not.” She said causing Beth to squeal in excitement.


  Lochlann was sat in his booth, the room slowly filling up. Tonight was Amber’s first performance back on the main stage and he hated it. He didn’t want others seeing what was his because that was what she was, his. Well in his mind anyhow.

  The previous night had affected him in a way he hadn’t expected, though all the signs had been there he had ignored them, telling himself that if he could only have her naked beneath him his fascination with her would be over, he could move on. But it was far from over and it never would be. He loved her, she was the one, the one person in the whole world that he wanted to share eternity with. But did she feel the same way? He couldn’t ask her to leave her human life behind, at least not until she admitted to feeling for him just as strongly as he did for her, that’s if she did. Humans were always attracted to vampires even if they didn’t want to be.
But attraction and love were two very different things.

  As the lights dimmed signalling the beginning of the show Lochlann tried his best to calm himself. This was her job, what she had been doing for years. Everyone here had seen her dance before anyway, it wasn’t as if this was anything new.

  As he watched performance after performance waiting for Amber to appear his mind drifted back to the previous night, and how it had felt to be buried deep inside her as her body clamped down on him milking his cock. Never had he felt so much pleasure, felt so alive. The only thing that could have made it perfect would have been to have tasted her pleasure in the blood rushing through her body as she climaxed. He so wanted to, wanted to sink his fangs into her delicate neck. It had been hard but he had resisted, resisted the urge to let his fangs descend. He had known that if her neck had been close to his face, if he had been close to that fresh sweet tasting aroma, he would have succumbed. That was why he had kept her laid down, kept her at a distance until he was sure he wasn’t a danger to her.

  As Amber walked out onto the stage his hands gripped the table, cracking the wood. “Try not to damage the furniture Lochlann, I would hate to have to throw you out,” Tex said with a smile standing next to his booth.

  “I hate all their eyes being on her,” he snarled looking around the room as the music started and Amber began her routine.

  “Don’t worry about them, she’s safe. What with me and Al around, and you of course I doubt anyone will try anything, not with the protective, possessive vibes your giving off. And she reeks of you; your scent is all over her. No doubt in my mind what went down between you two last night.”

  Tex would be able to scent him on her; he wasn’t your average human after all, neither was Al. Not that any of the girls knew that.

  “Still don’t like it.”


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