Book Read Free

Force of Nature

Page 11

by Melissa Toppen

  Knowing I need to call my agent this morning in regards to an audition I hope she was able to schedule, I reluctantly sit up, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands as I scoot from the bed.

  Unlike the other two times I’ve stayed with Thad, this time I don’t run into anyone on my pursuit to make it to the house unnoticed.

  In fact, when I enter the house it’s eerily quiet. Either my mom must be out running errands or on a ride with her horse, Charlie. They are really the only two things that pull her from the house. Well, other than gardening but considering I looked to make sure she wasn’t in the garden before slipping out of Thad’s camper, I know that’s not the case.

  Climbing the stairs, I discard my jacket on the arm chair next to my closet the instant I enter my room. Making quick work of gathering up my toiletries from the top of my dresser, it’s only minutes before I’m standing under a stream of hot water, my mind not able to think of anything but last night and how Thad opened his arms to me without a moment’s hesitation.

  How incredible it felt to sleep in his arms didn’t surprise me—it’s not the first time I’ve slept with him. What does surprise me is how my feelings since last night seem to have multiplied tenfold.

  In fact, I can think of nothing else as I dress, blow dry my hair, and make myself a cup of coffee for breakfast. It’s like I’ve become a woman obsessed, addicted, waiting until I can get my next fix.

  Thankfully, hearing my agent’s voice come across the phone half way through my second cup offers me some distraction and I’m able to refocus on what should be my priority – finding work so I can get the hell out of here.

  “Laken, I was just getting ready to call you.” Wendy’s voice perking up the instant she realizes it’s me.

  “With good news I hope.” I chew on my bottom lip, swirling my finger nervously around the top of my coffee mug over and over again.

  “You got a call back on Blood Lust,” she announces, practically squealing through the phone. While Wendy is good at her job and usually very professional, we have established somewhat of a friendship and as such the way she approaches me has relaxed quite significantly.

  “Shut up.” I lean back in my chair. “For Jocelyn?” I ask, referring to the secondary character on the new paranormal series I read for a few weeks ago.

  “I’ll do you one better.” She lets a long dramatic pause extend between us. I’m seconds away from telling her to spit it out already when she almost screams into the phone, “It’s for Rose.”

  “Rose?” I nearly choke on the word, not able to process that I would ever be so lucky as to receive a call back for a lead role. I didn’t even try for it because I thought I had no chance.

  “Rose,” she confirms. “Harry called me this morning. He said after going over several audition tapes they narrowed it down between you and one other actress. He’d like you at the studio tomorrow to read for the part.”

  “Tomorrow?” I practically jump out of my seat in excitement.

  “Think you can make it work?”

  “You just told me that I’m up for the lead role in Blood Lust. If I have to sell my kidney to get a plane ticket I’ll be there,” I tell her.

  Thinking over what I’ve earned since being back on the ranch, I know I’ve got more than enough to buy a ticket to L.A.

  “Good. Text me your flight details once you have it booked and I’ll pick you up at the airport when you land.”

  “Done!” I practically squeal.

  “Perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow, Laken.”

  “I can’t wait.” I smile, clicking the end call button on the ancient cordless phone my parent’s keep in the kitchen.

  Knowing I need to get on this now, given that it’s already almost eleven, I slide my flip flops on and quickly head outside, needing to find my mom or dad so I can borrow a car to get to town. Jogging across the gravel driveway that loops around the back of the house, I notice that my mom’s car is already gone.

  Knowing my father could be anywhere, and because the property is just too expansive to go find him on foot, I immediately head for the barn.

  The door is already open when I reach it and before I can even think to step inside, Thad comes strolling out with Sheldon at his side.

  “Hey,” I get out breathlessly, my little jog coupled with excitement making it hard for me to catch my breath.

  “Hey.” He stops directly in front of me, his eyes full of curiosity. “Everything okay?”

  “Better than okay. Perfect actually.” I bounce up and down on the balls of my feet. “I got a call back to read for the role of Rose in Blood Lust,” I tell him excitedly.

  “The paranormal series?” he asks, my heart doing something funny in my chest the moment the words leave his mouth. I don’t know why but I didn’t expect him to care enough to remember. The fact that he did does something funny to my insides.

  “Yes.” I nod enthusiastically. “But it’s not the secondary character I originally auditioned for. It’s for the lead.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing. Congrats.” He smiles and while the action is easy, there’s something behind it I can’t quite pinpoint.

  “Thank you. Anyway, I’m looking for my dad. I need to go to the library so I can buy a plane ticket. The audition is tomorrow.”


  “Awesome notice, right?” I laugh. “And of course with Karen biting the dust I have no way of getting there and my mom isn’t home so I need to see if Dad will let me borrow his truck.”

  “Just take mine,” Thad offers, digging in the front pocket of his jeans, producing a set of keys moments later.

  “You sure?”

  “Technically it’s your dad’s truck anyway. He just lets me drive it.” He smiles, shoving the keys into my hand.

  “You’re amazing,” I tell him, sliding into his arms without thinking about what I’m doing or the fact that we are out in the open where anyone can see.

  “You remember that when you’re some big famous star,” he speaks into my hair, his arms closing around me for a brief moment before releasing me.

  “I’ll see you later?” I ask, stepping out of his embrace.

  “I’ll be around.” He grins, jerking his chin toward the truck.

  “Thank you, Thad.” I take a few steps backward before spinning around and taking off toward the truck, feeling his eyes on me the entire way until I hoist myself into the cab and take off down the driveway.


  “So you’re leaving tomorrow?” my mom asks, setting dinner plates on the table.

  “Yes. But I’ll be back Sunday,” I tell her, following behind her to place glasses at each place setting.

  “Why not until Sunday?” She keeps her focus on the task at hand. “I thought you said the audition was tomorrow.”

  “It is. But I wanted to stick around a day or two in case they need more from me. I also thought it would be a good opportunity to visit some of my friends that I haven’t seen in a while.”

  “I see. So where will you be staying?”

  “I talked to Whitney earlier. She’s going to let me stay with her and she’s going to drive me to the airport on Sunday.”

  “So tell me about this show again. It’s about vampires?” She crosses to the oven and leans down, pulling out the massive chicken casserole that’s been baking for the last two hours.

  “Among other things. There are angels and demons. Witches. Werewolves. And tons of other beings. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of Blood Lust.” I shake my head at the thought. Considering it’s one of the most popular book series in the country, I didn’t think there was a person alive who hadn’t heard of it. Then again, my parents really do kind of live in their own little bubble.

  “You know we don’t get into all those weird vampire and ghost shows.”

  “It’s a book series, Mom. And yes, I know.” I chuckle, taking the biscuits off of the sheet pan and dropping them into a large bowl.

  “Well, it sounds li
ke something you’re very excited about.” She nudges her hip to mine as we stand side by side.

  “I am.”

  “Well then I’m happy for you. And I really hope you get the role.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I smile, both of our attentions turning toward the back door just as my father, Thad, Seth, and Josh step inside.

  “Where are Ben and Chris? Dinner is almost ready.” My mother turns to set the casserole in the middle of the table on top of two large pot holders.

  I turn, catching Thad’s gaze as he takes a seat at the table and slides the ball cap from his head, running a hand through his messy hair.

  “Chris should be inside in a minute.”

  “And Ben?” my mom asks, grabbing a gallon of sweet tea from the fridge.

  “He’s taking that one girl he’s been seeing out for dinner.” My father takes his normal seat at the head of the table, giving my mother a gentle slap on her backside as she leans forward to fill his glass.

  She giggles and swats at his hand and I’m instantly reminded of how many times I’ve seen a very similar scene play out in this kitchen. It’s good to see that some things never change.

  “Her name is Beth, dear,” my mother informs him, moving around the table to fill the other glasses.

  “Does it matter?” My dad raises an eyebrow and I can’t help but laugh as I set the biscuits next to the casserole.

  “Laken,” my mother scolds.

  “Well, I mean, he does have a point.” I try to bite back my smile as I meet my mother’s gaze. “She’s one in a very long list of people Ben has dated.”

  “I know that.” Mom gives me a pointed look. “But this girl’s different.”

  “If by different you mean that he’s been screwing her longer than everyone else,” Seth interjects and every eye in the room goes to him.

  “Seth Michael.” My mom gasps dramatically. “I will not have that kind of talk at my dinner table,” she scolds.

  “Sorry, Mom, but it’s true.”

  “Be that as it may, you are too young to be talking such a way.”

  “Too young,” Josh mocks, wagging his finger at his twin brother.

  “Shut up,” Seth grumbles, pushing his hand away.

  “That’s enough,” my father interjects and both boys fall silent.

  I bite back a laugh as I take my seat across from Thad, finding that he too appears to find the situation humorous. His light eyes find mine and he winks only once before his gaze goes to the door as Chris enters the room.

  “So, Laken needs a ride to the airport at five-thirty tomorrow morning,” Mom announces as soon as everyone is settled around the table and filling their plates. “Any volunteers?” She pins her eyes on Chris who immediately touches his nose.

  “Not it,” he announces, a wild child-like smile crossing his face.

  “Christopher,” my mom objects.

  “What? I already have to get up before the roosters crowing. Why would I volunteer to get up earlier?”

  “I don’t have to be there at five-thirty. I have to leave by five-thirty. That’s around the time you get up anyway,” I point out.

  “Why do you need a ride to the airport?” my dad interjects, having not been here when I talked to my mom about everything.

  “I have an audition in L.A. tomorrow afternoon.” I reach forward and grab a biscuit, dropping it onto my plate.

  “Is that so?” He nods, clearly wanting to say more but deciding against it.

  “I can’t take her. There’s no way I could get back in time to have breakfast ready for everyone,” my mom cuts in, giving the best excuse a person can give in this family. When you’re feeding upwards of ten mouths, breakfast in the Roth household is an entire process all by itself and is typically the biggest meal she makes each day.

  “I’ll do it.” All eyes go to Thad at his offer.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I immediately object, fearing that his quick volunteering might raise some red flags.

  “That’s very kind of you, Thad,” my mom talks over me. “I’m sure Laken appreciates that.” She gives me a look that tells me to say thank you and move on, no doubt because she doesn’t want to have to fight with one of my brothers to do it.

  I have half a mind to kick him under the table but I resist the urge given that the part of me not worried about what my family thinks is actually quite excited. It’s nearly an hour and a half drive to the airport which is an hour and a half I’ll get to spend alone with Thad without the worry of what someone might see or hear.

  “Of course I do. Thank you, Thad,” I say, feeling heat flood to my cheeks.

  “It’s really no problem. It’s the least I can do,” he tells my mom before turning his attention back to his food.


  “Are you not the least bit worried my family is going to start catching on to what’s going on between us if you keep volunteering to do things for me?” It’s the first thing that leaves my mouth when I find Thad lounging in a chair outside the camper, his face turned up toward the star speckled sky.

  “And what is going on between us exactly?” His eyes dart up to mine and a slow smile spreads across his full lips.

  “Don’t play coy with me.” I cross my arms in front of my chest as I stop directly in front of where he’s sitting.

  “Relax. No one cares if I drive you to the airport. In fact, I think they were all too thankful to not have to do it to really care much. Besides, me offering to drive you should be the least of your concerns.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I arch a brow, confused by his statement.

  “You weren’t so worried about someone finding out last night when you climbed into my bed in the middle of the night,” he reminds me.

  “That was different. Everyone was asleep.”

  “So you hope,” he counters.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had a problem with it,” I snip, suddenly worried that I’m coming on too strong.

  “Oh, I don’t. I was just simply pointing out that I’m not the one making people suspicious.”

  “Who am I making suspicious?” I tense, a ball of nerves forming in the pit of my stomach.

  “You seem to forget you have a brother who lives right there.” He points to the garage – a light shining brightly from the second story window where Chris lives.

  “Did he say something to you?” My face flushes and I take a full step back.

  “Not straight out. But if I had to guess he definitely knows something is up.”

  I think on that for a long moment, wondering if Chris knowing is really the worst thing in the world. He’s the sibling I’m the closest too and he’s never ratted me out to Mom and Dad for anything, ever. I can’t see him starting now.

  “Does that bother you?” I ask, realizing it really doesn’t bother me.

  “That he suspects something, no. But I’m also not going to confirm it for him either. He knows what you’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Which is what?” I ask.

  “That I’m not good for you.” He stands abruptly, causing me to take a step backward.

  “I would argue that you’re wrong there,” I tell him, quickly following behind him as he heads toward the camper. “In fact, I think you’re very, very good for me.” I press against him as he reaches the door, my arm wrapping around his middle as my palm spreads across his rippled stomach. It’s dark next to the camper so I don’t worry that someone might see.

  “Laken.” Thad says my name almost painfully as my hand slowly moves downward to cup his already growing erection pressing against the material of his jeans.

  Thad turns so abruptly that I nearly lose my balance. One minute my front is pressed against his back, the next my back is pressed against the camper and Thad’s face is an inch from mine, his body caging me in.

  “You really should go,” he tells me, his breath hot on my lips.

  “And why would I want to do that?” I pant out, so turned on that I�
��m physically aching for him.

  “Because with you, Laken, I’m finding my control is very limited.”

  “Then let go of it,” I tell him, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck. “Lose control with me,” I whisper, pressing my lips gently to his.

  He groans into the kiss just as my feet leave the ground. Climbing the metal stairs that lead to the door, Thad pushes us inside moments later, and shuts the door seconds before we hit the bed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You nervous?” Thad glances in my direction before his eyes dart back to the road.

  We’ve been driving nearly an hour and I have to admit the closer we get to the airport the more anxious I become.

  “A little.” I downplay just how much I know is riding on this audition.

  I mean, this isn’t some little role. This is a role that could sky rocket my career. A life changing role. The role of a lifetime. Hell, I’m not nervous, I’m downright terrified.

  “You’re going to be great,” Thad reassures me, his hand finding mine before giving it a firm squeeze.

  I expect him to release it but instead he entwines his fingers with mine and rests our joined hands on the seat between us. It’s such an innocent act and yet feels overwhelming all the same. Then again I find that most things about this man overwhelm me.

  “You don’t know that. You’ve never even seen me act.”

  “I have actually.” He throws me a sideways grin.

  “When?” I keep my eyes trained on the side of his face.

  “Your parents have an extensive video collection of your work.”

  “You didn’t.” I flush, slightly embarrassed at the thought of him watching some ridiculous play I did in elementary school or something.

  “I did. And I must say, while I’ve never been a fan of theater, you were probably the best Sandy I’ve ever seen. Or it might have just been the pants, I’m not really sure.”

  “Shut up.” I laugh, shaking my head at him.

  “Seriously though, you’re very talented.”

  “Thank you. Though I hated every second of that show.”

  “Really? Most people love Grease.”

  “And so do I. It’s just unoriginal if you ask me. I wanted to do something more serious, something where I could really showcase what I could do, rather than dancing around acting like a prissy high school student.”


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