Book Read Free

Force of Nature

Page 12

by Melissa Toppen

  “But you were a prissy high school student at the time so it should have been easy for you,” he teases, chuckling when I throw him a hateful glare.

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just insult me.” I lift my nose in the air. “And then I’m going to agree with you... To an extent. Because that was the point I was trying to make. It was too easy. That’s why I’m excited about the possibility of playing Rose on Blood Lust. It’s something so far outside of my comfort zone that I will be forced to push myself every day.”

  “Normal people prefer easy,” he interjects.

  “In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m not exactly what you would classify as normal.”

  “That you are not,” he agrees, a wide smile lighting up his handsome face. “But if you ask me that’s a good thing.”

  “I like to think so.”

  “So tell me about this show.”

  “Blood Lust.”

  “Right. Blood Lust. Sorry, someone kept me up all night last night,” he says in a way of excuse.

  “You weren’t complaining last night.”

  “I’m not complaining this morning. Just wanted to point out why my brain is only functioning at twenty percent.”

  “Uh huh.” I laugh.

  “So tell me about it. It’s a book series, right?”

  “It is. And a very popular one at that. I read it a couple years ago and loved it. I’m not much of a reader and even I couldn’t put it down. So the part I’m reading for is Rose. Her family was murdered when she was fourteen but she was saved by a man she didn’t know. The same man shows up four years later when he learns she may be in danger again. In his effort to protect her, he ends up falling in love with her and her with him, only she doesn’t know he’s harboring a dark secret.”

  “He’s a vampire,” Thad inputs.

  “Exactly.” I smile.

  “There’s a lot more to it. Like a lot more. But I won’t bore you with all the details.”

  “I guess I’ll just have to watch the show when it comes out. Especially if my favorite actress is playing the lead role.”

  “I’m not sure if I should roll my eyes at your cheesiness or kiss you for pretending to care so much.” My stomach flutters when he glances my way with that damn smile of his.

  “I vote for the second option.” He winks, turning his eyes back to the road.

  “When distracting you won’t possibly kill us, I’ll be sure to go with that.” I giggle.

  “And for the record, I’m not pretending anything. I meant it when I said you’re very talented. A lesser woman may have given up already but there isn’t a quitter bone in your body. It’s not an if you make it. It’s when.”

  “Thank you,” I barely get out past the sudden lump in my throat.

  I swear I think I fall a little harder for Thad every day. When he says stuff like that, I feel myself tumbling down the hill at full speed.

  I spend the remaining few minutes of the drive telling Thad all about L.A. What I love about it, what I hate about it, my friends, the odds and ends jobs I had to do to stay afloat, and what ultimately brought me back to the ranch.

  He listens attentively, chiming in when necessary, and while I know he could be pretending to care, I sense nothing but sincerity in his approach. It’s like he really wants to know me and the thought warms me a hell of a lot more than it should considering this is supposed to be a casual thing.

  Unfortunately, I think casual took a back seat after the first night we kissed. There is nothing casual about the way I feel for Thad. Of course I would never tell him that. If there’s one thing worse than not being able to have him the way I want him, it’s not being able to have him at all. I go laying all my heavy on him and not having him at all will be my reality. He’s made his stance clear and that’s something I’m going to have to live with.

  It will be easier once I’m back in L.A. full time. When I don’t have to sit across the dinner table from him every night or see him several times throughout the day. At least that’s what I tell myself. But really, if I’m being honest, I’m not sure even distance could lessen how deeply this man is under my skin.

  By the time we reach the airport, I’m not sure if I’m more twisted up with nerves over my audition or the sudden realization of just how deep under Thad’s spell I am. Both hold a tremendous amount of weight but deciding I can only tackle one thing at a time, I push down my feelings and focus on the task at hand.

  Thad helps me out of the truck before grabbing my bag from the back. Sliding the strap up on my shoulder, he stands in front of me for a long moment not saying anything at all.

  “Well, I should probably go,” I say after what feels like an eternity.

  “Yeah, you should,” he says, sweeping my hair over my shoulder. His eyes linger on my neck for a few long seconds before finally meeting my gaze. “Good luck at your audition. If they have even half a brain they’ll cast you on the spot.” He grins, cupping my face.

  “Well let’s hope they show up for work today with their brains intact.” I smirk, pushing up on my tip toes to kiss him.

  I expect it to be a sweet, light kiss, but when Thad’s hand wraps around the back of my neck, pulling me closer, it warps into something much more.

  For two people who are supposedly only hooking up, things have definitely taken on the feel of a real couple. My earlier thoughts return full force and I’m once again reminded that my time with him will soon come to an end. And instead of running away from what will eventually pull us apart, I’m running toward it.

  Thad is the one to pull away first, resting his forehead against mine as he stares into my eyes. I’m breathless by the way the extreme blue seems to penetrate straight into my soul.

  “Break a leg, Miss Roth.”

  “As long as you’re not the one doing the breaking.” I smile.

  “I was only six years old,” he reminds me. “Am I ever going to live that down?”

  “Nope.” I pull back, a wide smile on my face. “I’m going to hold it over your head for the rest of your life. My arm is crooked thanks to you.” I hold my arms out to prove my point.

  “Now you’re pushing it.” He laughs, shaking his head. “Get out of here.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I try to reel in my smile, fearing my face might split apart. “Have a safe trip home. And thank you.”

  “What time does your flight land Sunday?” he calls just as I attempt to walk away.

  “I think two in the afternoon, why?”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  “But Chris is picking me up.”

  “I’ll see you at two on Sunday,” he tells me again, winking before turning and climbing back into the truck without another word.

  I bite my bottom lip to suppress the girly squeal I feel threatening to burst from my chest. Readjusting my bag on my shoulder, I turn, forcing myself not to look back as I push my way inside the airport.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “So tell me again.” Whitney claps her hands together as she sits across from me at our favorite martini bar two blocks from the studio where I nailed my audition.

  “He said that Rose was written for someone like me.” I smile widely, remembering how enthusiastic the director was after my read through with Aaron Samuels who was cast to play Falcon, the lead male.

  “Gahhh. You’re so going to get this role,” she tells me, lifting her candy apple martini to her lips.

  “Don’t jinx me.” I’m trying to keep my excitement at bay. “Just because he liked me doesn’t mean he won’t like the other girl more. She still hadn’t auditioned. Maybe he’ll see her and decide I suck in comparison.”

  “Not likely.” She rolls her chocolate brown eyes, taking another sip of her martini.

  “Either way, I’m not celebrating yet.”

  “Did he tell you when you might expect to hear something?”

  “He said a few days. They want to have the contracts drawn and negotiations finalized in the next couple of w

  “And when do they start shooting.”

  “End of June.”

  “That quick. Holy hell. That’s only a month away.”

  “I know, right? Talk about running right up to the wire. I guess they weren’t scheduled to start until September but the timeline got bumped up by the production company and now they’re scrambling to get locations and everything in order.”

  “And sign the leading actress,” Whit tacks on.

  “Yeah, that too.”

  “Can I just say that I’ve missed the hell out of you?” Whit sighs, staring at me over the rim of her glass.

  Whitney is the kind of girl you’d expect to find in L.A. Even in a land filled with beautiful people, she stands out like a bright yellow light. She’s gorgeous with dark eyes, dark hair, the perfect sun kissed skin. When I first met her I instantly disliked her based solely on the fact that she made me feel ugly. As soon as she opened her mouth, though, I had no choice but to love her. She’s just one of those people.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I tell her. “But you know, even if I land this role I won’t be moving back here. At least not anytime soon. I’ll likely be staying wherever our main shooting site will be.”

  “I know.” She pouts out her bottom lip. “But at least I will be able to come visit you on set.”

  “You can come visit me now,” I remind her.

  “I really should. I mean, one can only judge so much based on pictures alone.” She arches a brow, blowing right into the Thad conversation without warning. “So how are things with our Mark Knox lookalike?”

  “Intense,” I admit.

  “I knew it. I could tell the instant you sat down that something was different about you. You’ve slept with him, haven’t you?”

  “You could say that.” I shake my head, draining the remainder of my martini in one long pull right as our waiter reappears.

  “We’re gonna need two more,” Whit tells him, pointing to my now empty glass and her near empty one. “And we’ll take an order of your crab dip.” She waits until he walks away before turning her gaze back to me. “Don’t look at me like that. This conversation calls for unnecessary calories. Or have I taught you nothing?” She grins, downing the last of her drink from the glass before setting it to the side.

  “Now spill.” She leans forward, resting her elbows on the table in front of her.

  “I don’t really know what to say,” I admit, having not really had the chance to talk to her or anyone about this since it started a few days ago.

  “Start from the beginning. Tell me everything.”

  “Okay.” I give the waiter a grateful nod as he reappears with two more martinis. Taking a huge gulp, I set the glass back down and instantly dive in, figuring if nothing else maybe it’ll do me some good to talk it out with someone.

  We are half way through our third drink and have eaten most of the crab dip by the time I finally get to this morning when Thad drove me to the airport and how he kissed me before I left. It’s odd to think of that as earlier today. I’ve only been here a few hours and already this morning feels like it was days ago.

  “You’re falling for him.” Whitney gives me a knowing smirk, leaning back in her chair as she studies me.

  “I am not.” Even though we both know that’s a lie.

  “Uh huh.” She smiles disbelieving.

  “Okay, maybe I am.” I huff, knowing there’s no sense in denying it. Especially not with Whit. “But it doesn’t matter anyway. We decided on sex only. No strings. I knew going in what I signed up for. Just because my feelings are getting mixed doesn’t mean it changes anything. He’s not looking for a relationship and honestly neither am I. I’m still trying to get my career off the ground. I can’t afford to get distracted.”

  “I hate to tell you, honey, but you’re already distracted.”

  “That may be so, but if this role pans out it won’t matter anyway. Yes, I’m attracted to him. Yes, he’s incredible in bed. And yes, he makes me feel a certain way. But my dream comes first.”

  “There’s no saying you can’t have both,” she points out.

  “I don’t want both.” I shake my head. “And even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. Thad isn’t interested in anything more.”

  “Or that he’s told you. That doesn’t mean his outlook on the matter hasn’t changed. I mean, you said so yourself. When you’re alone he treats you more like a girl he’s dating than one he’s just having a casual fling with.”

  “Maybe that’s how it goes when you’re sleeping together. Hell, I don’t know. I’ve never actually carried out a sex only relationship before.”

  “But there, you just said it. Sex only. From what you’ve told me, Lake, there’s nothing sex only about what the two of you are doing.”

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “Can we talk about something else, please?” I shake off the heaviness I feel settling down on my shoulders.

  What happened to the girl who only wanted to have sex with the hot guy working on her dad’s ranch? Why, like always, did I have to go and get myself attached? It’s just going to make leaving that much harder once I do.

  “Sure.” Whit frowns.

  “Tell me about you. What have you been up to since we last talked?”

  “Well, Tracy and V got into a huge fight and V moved out,” she says, referring to two of her roommates. “Apparently V slept with Tracy’s boyfriend.”

  “She didn’t.” I gasp.

  “Oh she did. All over our apartment from what I’ve been told.”

  “Oh my god.” I gawk at Whit, grateful for the change in conversation and the much needed distraction.

  “Oh my god is right. Tracy walked in on Caleb fucking V over the back of the chair.”

  “I can’t believe she didn’t kill one or both of them,” I say, knowing Tracy has quite the temper.

  “You and me both.”

  We both laugh in unison and I’m quickly reminded why I’ve missed Whitney so damn much. She can take all my shit in, digest it, and move on just like that. She never pushes me or asks for too much. She’s my friend. And she’s a damn good one.

  We spend another thirty minutes at the bar before we finally call it an evening and head back to Whitney’s apartment.

  It isn’t until hours later when I’m lying on the couch in Whitney’s living room that everything seems to catch up to me. Thad. The audition. My conversation with Whit. I play it all on repeat over and over again, trying to dissect every little thing until I’ve picked it all apart so many times I have trouble piecing it back together.

  When I finally doze off well after two in the morning, I’m no closer to figuring out how I feel and what I want than I was this morning sitting next to Thad in the truck. Or last night as I was lying in his arms after we were both sated and satisfied. I think more than anything I’m scared. But I can’t decide what I’m more afraid of – having too strong of feelings for Thad or him not having any for me.

  Chapter Twenty

  As much as I enjoyed my weekend with Whitney, even I have to admit how good it feels to be home – something I never thought I’d feel about Wyoming.

  Stepping out of the airport into the bright sun, my heart instantly does a full flip in my chest at the sight of Thad leaning against my father’s rusted old truck.

  He’s dressed in his usual get up; faded jeans, a fitted tee, and a baseball cap. Today it’s turned backward and he’s sporting a pair of dark sunglasses that make him even sexier, which up until this moment I did not think was possible.

  He smiles and I swear I think the same thing all over again. Like seriously, how does someone this good looking actually exist?

  Taking a deep breath, I adjust my bag on my shoulder before crossing the pickup lane toward him. The closer I get the faster my feet seem to move, my body acting on it’s on accord.

  “Well, you survived.” His smile widens as he gives me a good once over.

  “I did.” I allow him to take my bag and toss
it into the back of the truck before following him around to the driver’s side.

  He waits until I climb up and scoot to the passenger side before joining me in the cab.

  “So did you,” I add moments later.

  “It was a tough go I’ll admit. But knowing I was going to get to have my way with you today got me through.”

  My insides instantly tingle at his words.

  “Have your way with me?” I cock a brow, laughter clear in my voice.

  “If you think I’m taking you straight home, you have another thing coming.” His eyes move to the road as he pulls out of the pickup lane and circles around toward the exit.

  “Is that so?” I try to keep my smile at bay but fail miserably.

  “It is,” he confirms, a smirk pulling up the side of his mouth.

  “I knew you’d miss me,” I tease, a swarm of butterflies flapping wildly in my stomach.

  “Guess I’ll have to show you how much.” He winks, the action clear through the dark lenses of his glasses.

  “Guess you will.”

  Thad pulls out of the parking lot and takes off speeding down the road.


  “Where are we?” I ask, looking around as Thad pulls down a gravel drive in a heavily wooded area.

  “You’ll see,” he tells me, his focus straight ahead.

  It’s been nearly an hour since we left the airport and the more time that has passed the more anxious I have become. Or maybe impatient is the better word. Because from the moment Thad opened his mouth at the airport, all I have been able to picture is that mouth on me. Tasting me.

  I squirm in my seat at the thought, deciding if he doesn’t get somewhere soon I’m liable to climb into his lap and take the release I’m so desperately craving right now.

  I’ve never been an overly sexual person. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed sex but it’s never been anything I’ve craved before. But with Thad it’s all I can think about. The way he works my body as if he’s spent a life time studying it. He knows how to touch me, how to kiss me, how to bring me to release over and over like he’s done it a million times before.


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