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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

Page 37

by Marissa Dobson

  Kallie lifted her head from his chest and gazed at him. “Taber, we need to find out where the leak is.”

  He detested that she was right. If his people were causing this latest issue, he needed to fix it. “Fine. I’ll need to gather some weapons from Raja’s cabin and we should pack a bag to make our trip realistic. I’ll call my family and let them know Kallie and I are going to the vacation cabins, to cement our mating.”

  “I’ll advise the teams, and Raja will be in charge. Unfortunately, there will be no contact between you and the teams until the attack, in case they’re monitoring the radios and cell lines. Adam will be standing by when you’re ready to leave. He’ll need one of the other cabins in order to fly you out whenever we’ve caught the traitor.” Ty walked to the door to leave, but turned and added. “We’re trusting you to keep Kallie safe.”

  “I’ll protect her with my life. No one will get their hands on her.” When Ty shut the door, Taber wrapped Kallie in his arms. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Go get your stuff. I’ll start packing and meet you in my room.”

  He wasn’t entirely convinced she was okay with the plan, but instead of arguing, he nodded and held her tight.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kallie knew time was short as she hurried across the compound in search of Doc. Damn me for wearing high heels. Had she known she’d be sneaking around the compound behind Taber’s back to see Doc, she’d have worn flats when she left her room.

  I just need security. I can’t let them get me again. I can’t live like that…ever. She picked up her pace and upon arriving outside the medical suite, she paused for a moment, trying to calm her nerves before pushing open the door.

  Doc, wearing his white lab coat, sat behind a microscope. “Kallie, I heard you were recovering well since Bethany healed you. What can I do for you?”

  “I don’t have a lot of time to explain, but I need something from you.” She inhaled a deep breath, choosing her words carefully because she wasn’t sure what Ty wanted the clan to know about her. “Long story short, I was held prisoner for a long time by someone. It was part of the reason they attacked the compound the other day. It’s also why I took the poison. There’s no simple way to say this except I’m leaving the compound for a while and I need a security measure, just in case they capture me.” He opened his mouth as if to interrupt her, but she held up her hand. “Doc please, I’d rather be dead than be tortured like a caged animal again. I can’t. Please help me.” Tears tumbled down her cheeks. She knew she was weak for taking the easy way out, but she had to have a backup plan.

  “Kallie, sit down and let us discuss this.” He scooted his chair from the desk and pointed to the chair next to him. When she sat, he continued. “I know about the last poison you took and I’m astonished you survived. If Galen hadn’t come to us and brought Bethany into her ability, I’m not sure you would be alive. The counteragents I have for the poison would have left irreparable damage behind. To drink it again may certainly kill you.”

  “That’s why I want it. You don’t understand what it was like.”

  “You’re right, I don’t understand what you went through, but this can’t be what you want. Have you talked to your mate about this? Would you give it all up when you know he’d move Heaven and Earth to save you?”

  For the first time in a long time, words abandoned her. She had no answer.

  “Are you going to answer Doc’s question?” A deep husky voice spoke from behind her.

  She turned to see Taber leaning against the doorframe, a duffle bag at his feet, and his arms crossed over his chest. His hair, still damp from the shower, had little curls forming, stealing her breath. “I thought…”

  “When I left Raja’s quarters I caught your scent heading in the opposite direction from your room. I followed it and ended up here.” He pushed from the doorway and walked toward her. “Now that we’ve found each other, you want to give it all up?”

  “Taber, I told you what my life was like before. If anyone understood I thought it would be you. I can’t live like that again. There’s no guarantee you’d be able to find me. You might even be killed trying to rescue me. I can’t take the chance.” She hated being trapped between what she might have to do, and Taber.

  “There’s no chance involved. I’ll protect you with my life. Even if something happened to me, do you honestly think Ty, Raja, and the rest of the Alaskan Tigers would allow you to remain captive? Everyone here is your family. You need to trust us.” He bent to one knee in front of her, taking her hand in his. “Don’t throw what we have away.”

  “How did you get the last batch?” Doc asked, reminding her why she was here.

  “I did my research and found the best drug that would be both painless and fast acting. I ordered it online.”

  His eyes went wide. “You could have gotten anything online! It could have been an extremely painful way to die. Hell, you didn’t even know it would kill you.”

  “I never thought of that, but at the time, I didn’t care. I didn’t have the clan. I just needed something to keep me from falling back into their evil hands. It was a safety measure.”

  “Kallie, I’m sorry, but I can’t give you anything. It’s against everything I stand for. I’m a doctor. I can’t be part of you killing yourself, no matter the reason.” Doc rubbed his chin, his expression deeply troubled.

  “He can’t, but I can.” Taber stood, still holding her hand. “Come.” He tugged her arm, allowing her no choice but to follow. At the door, he grabbed his bag.

  She followed him through the compound, the clicking of her heels against the floor punctuating their progress. She wondered where they were going and what he was thinking. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. He led her around the back of the compound to the shooting range.

  “Have you ever shot a gun?” He unholstered his gun and placed it in the palm of his hand.

  “No. I’ve never even held a gun.” Tears stung her eyes. “I don’t think I can.”

  “You can, especially if it’s your life or theirs. This will protect you more than any suicide pill, and it will allow you to live.” He held the gun out to her. “Take it.”

  She stared at the gun, before finally shaking her head. “I can’t take another person’s life.”

  “To save yourself from being someone’s pet again, I think you could. Anyone can kill when their own life is in danger.” He pushed the gun into her hand. “You need to learn to shoot, and we don’t have a lot of time.”

  “Fine.” She accepted the weapon. The cold metal against her hand caused a shiver to run along her spine. She was uncertain she could kill someone even if it meant sacrificing her life. But Taber was right, it was better than the alternative, and a good skill to have. If there was an attack on the cabins, knowing how to shoot might save her life. It would give them both peace of mind. “Let’s do this.”

  He moved behind her as she held the gun with both hands.

  “Here’s the safety.” He clicked off the switch. He gently raised her arms. “Aim at the target down field. It’s farther than we would normally start with, but we don’t have time to adjust it. Just try your best.” He kissed her temple. “Sorry, about the crash course. I promise when this is over and we’re home, I’ll help you with a proper training course. We can also work on other defenses to keep you safe. Until then you’re going to have to trust me to keep you safe.”

  “Taber, none of this is because I don’t trust you. It’s a fear that eats away at me until I can’t think straight.”

  “We’ll get through it.” He slipped his hand over hers. “Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and when you’re ready open your eyes, focus. Look down field with your eye on the target. Keep your arms loose and steady. When you’re ready pull back on the trigger. The recoil on a handgun is minimal, but you’ll feel a slight jerk.”

  She did as he instructed and when she fired the gun, she was surprise
d by how easy it handled. Shooting should have been harder, the noise louder, but it wasn’t. She wasn’t sure she was emotionally ready for the ability to pull a small trigger that could take someone’s life nor did she ever think she would be.

  “You hit the edge of the target, not bad for your first shot. This time I want you to focus on the center of his chest. That’s the best place to hit a shifter if you want to hurt them, but not kill. They’ll go down and give you time to get away. There are only two immediate kill shots for shifters, the head and the heart. There’s no way to heal those before it kills you.” He laid his hand on the small of her back, and pushed her further. “Picture Wesley down there and he’s coming for you. There’s no way out, and it’s you or him. Then aim for the heart and take your shot.”

  She shook with fear from his words. She didn’t want to think about Wesley, or anyone coming for her, but instead of fighting she let the memory of Wesley swim into focus. She could almost picture him, standing there waiting for her to react. He would mock her, telling her she’d never have the guts to do it, that she’d never be anything, but the animal she was. She blinked away the tears and pulled the trigger.

  “Kal, you did it. Dead center in the chest.” He caressed her back. “I wish we had more time to practice, but I already called my family letting them know we’re going to the cabins. I’d like to be there before anyone else.” He kissed her cheek, and then showed her how to put the safety on again and how to reload the gun. “Do you feel comfortable enough to use it?”

  “A little. I know it’s better than the alternative, but to take someone’s life…I don’t know. What if I hit one of our people by mistake? What if I shot you?” Fear strangled her breath.

  “You’re not going to shoot anyone who isn’t a danger to you, and I’ll do my damn best to make sure you never have to pull the trigger. This is for your peace of mind. Remember, they have to get through me first.” He took the gun from her and hugged her close. “We’ll swing past Raja’s again and see if Bethany has an extra holster you can borrow. You two are about the same size so hers should fit you. The ones I have are too large for your small frame.”

  “I don’t—”

  “While we’re off the compound I want you to have it on you. You can use this gun for now and when we get back, we’ll experiment with others to see if you like the weight and feel of something else.” He holstered the gun and guided her back the way they came.

  “It’s crazy for me to go to Raja’s when I should be packing.” When he raised an eyebrow, she smiled to reassure him. “I won’t go to Doc’s office or anywhere else. We need to be going. It doesn’t take two of us to get a holster, and I still need to pack.”

  “Okay.” His reluctance was clear. “I’ll be there in a few minutes and we’ll head to the helipad.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  She wanted so much more than just a kiss. Her beast was eager to have him inside her again, and wouldn’t be happy until they were able to spend the next several days in bed together. His care and understanding was refreshing. He provided her with an alternative to captivity and death. She was surprised by her growing love for him that was far more important than the desire coursing her body.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kallie stepped off the helicopter, surveying the grounds surrounding the cabins and the beauty of the location. Alaska was one of the most exquisite places she had the pleasure of living in, but there were areas throughout the state that were more scenic than others. She decided this area was the best of all.

  The campground sat higher in the mountains where there was snow no matter the time of year. The trees around the cabins glistened with a fresh layer of white powder, and the dark wood of the cabins stood out against the pristine landscape. Her heart skipped a beat knowing whatever happened here in the next few hours could change everything. She might never see this land as beautiful again, instead only as a battlefield.

  “Everything okay?” Taber slung his duffle bag over his shoulder, hers in his other hand.

  “Yes, it’s beautiful here.” She glanced around, taking in the rest of the area including the other nine cabins. “Why so many cabins?”

  “My family uses this area for an escape, vacation, and hunting. Sometimes there are groups of us that come together. We each prefer our own space rather than being in one house together. With seven siblings, you really need the extra space. Even now that we’re older, in Nome we have our own homes, but close enough we can walk next door, and have family dinners weekly. You know, the normal family shit.” He led the way toward one of the large cabins slightly higher than the rest.

  “My family never did any of that stuff. It wasn’t until I came to the clan I realized how people are close. Heck, Raja and Bethany still have family dinners with Tora and her family each week. They rotate hosting weeks now that he’s mated, but he still finds time for family even with his position and responsibilities within the clan. It’s something I never experienced before. Dad was always too busy.” Sadness wrapped around her like a thick blanket, nearly taking her down a sink hole of depression. All her life, she wanted what so many others seemed to take for granted—a loving family that cared for each other and spent time together. She had a family who never provided emotional or physical support, only to grow worse as she began her transition into her tigress.

  “It’s never too late. I won’t tell you my family is easy to live with, but they’re supportive. Thorben’s a pain in the ass, but the rest of my brothers are less stressful.” He sat the duffle bags on the deck, and turned to pull her into his arms. “When this mess is over, we’ll go to Nome for a couple days and you can meet them. You’ll be dropped into the center of family drama and quality time. I can’t promise you’ll enjoy every minute, but there’s good parts too. Mom’s going to love you.”

  “I’m a tigress. I’m sure they want you to settle down with a sow.” She realized she was slowly coming to accept that while they were different species, she didn’t want it to get in the way of what they have.

  “We don’t always have a say in who our mates are. You and I are proof of that.” He smiled. “We’ll be happy, I’ll make you happy.” He brought her hand to his lips, gently kissing each of her knuckles. “Come on let’s go inside. I want you naked.”

  She followed him up the three steps to the cabin’s wrap around deck. He let go of her hands to grab the bags, before opening the door. When the door shut firmly behind them, she swung around to him, her tigress crying out for him. She wanted him and hated the words that were about to come out of her mouth. “Do you think now is the best time to be naked? What if there’s an attack?”

  “The others are already here watching the grounds, and Adam is next door. We’ll be safe. I’ll recognize their scent before they’re close enough to be a threat.”

  “If you can smell them won’t they smell the others?” She glanced around the cabin. The large comfortable furniture dominated the living room, with a large hearth on one wall. It would be a cozy place to spend a snowy evening. Just past the living room she could see a large updated kitchen. The cherry wood cabinets blended in nicely with the cinnamon and cream granite countertops. It was a kitchen worthy of any chef. For a vacation house, this was pure luxury.

  “Our team will have their scents covered. It’s a trick your clan discovered and I’ve never told my family. Anyone approaching will only smell Adam and us. Once they see the helicopter they’ll realize why Adam’s here. I have my pilot’s license, but I’m not certified for a helicopter yet.” He left the bags where they sat and took her hand. “Now stop worrying. I want you naked and under me. We should have a few hours before anyone arrives and I plan to take advantage of every second.” He scooped her up in his strong arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  The master bedroom was off the living room and was the only bedroom downstairs. Taber explained that two spare bedrooms were upstairs. A huge bed filled most of the large room, leaving only a pathway to each side of the bed an
d to another room, she assumed was a master bath. The room was done in warm browns and ebony furniture. The comforter was a creamy white with brown swirls throughout. “That bed is huge. It’s got to be bigger than a king?”

  “Oh, it is.” He smiled at her. “Bears are big and we like our space. We spend a lot of time in bed, so why not make it something we’ll enjoy. My youngest brother, Theodore, crafts custom furniture. He made the beds, dressers, and tables for all the cabins. He’s the handiest of all of the siblings, not that the rest of us lack in that department, he just makes it an art form.”

  Taber lowered her onto the bed, before unclipping the gun holster. “Enough talk. I want you out of these clothes.” He placed the holster on the night table, and then tugged her form-fitting sweater over her head. “Get out of the pants, while I get my weapon bag.”

  Not wanting to waste a minute, she stripped out of the rest of her clothes and let them fall to the floor. “Hurry up.” She called to him. Naked she sprawled on the bed propped up on her elbows watching the door for Taber.

  He ambled in, tossing the bag within easy reach of the bed, before stripping off his own clothes. “Did my mate need something?” He teased.

  “I need you my bear. You’ve kept me waiting long enough.”

  He grinned as he slipped into the bed beside her, pressing his lips to hers. He stroked the length of her body and slid a hand between her legs in search of her core. His fingers delved inside, stealing the remaining sliver of her control. As he worked his fingers, her body moved with the motion.

  She twisted her fingers through his hair, the fierce need rising within her turned into a storm. His lips tore from hers, working their way down her neck. He slipped on top of her, nudging her legs further apart with his knee.

  Her cat’s impatience flexed and she wrapped her legs around him, dragging him closer. “I need you,” she whispered, her body full of desire and need.


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