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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

Page 38

by Marissa Dobson

  “Unwrap your legs.” He winked.

  When she obeyed, he speared her with his shaft and thrust, filling her completely. Her back arched and she leaned into him. She needed him inside of her like she needed her next breath. He pulled out and she wrapped her hand around his shaft. Teasingly, she ran her fingers down his length. Feeling the hardness in her hand, she leaned into him. His erection was pressed hard between her hand and stomach. Her mouth was just above his as his hot breath caressed her face, increasing her need. “I want you.”

  When her hand loosened around his shaft, he lowered, angling his body to the opening of her core. “You told me once, you wanted me for my heat. How do you want me now?” he asked, rubbing his hardness against her core.

  “I want all of you.” Impatience shivered through her, catching her breath in her throat. “Now.” Her voice was breathy and full of desire.

  Without further demand, his mouth found her nipple as he slid his hardness into her. She arched her body, clawing her nails into his back until she scratched him. He started slow—a pleasurable torture, an inexorable build. Her hands roamed over him, petting him, teasing him, she loved the feel of his tight body under her fingers.

  “Faster.” She clenched her inner muscles around his shaft, his thrusts growing deeper and faster, sending the world into a shimmering bliss. They rocked back and forth in rhythm, until she screamed for release. He pumped twice more before pure ecstasy found them.

  “My mate, I love you,” Taber whispered, nuzzling against her neck, kissing the vulnerable point behind her ear.

  A wave of new fear washed over her with his three little words. He loves me. With a deep breath she embraced that she too loved him. The determination she had to not be left in pieces if danger stole him away from her, was no reason to deny her true feelings. “I love you Taber.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dusk blanketed the room and Taber still had his arm firmly wrapped around Kallie’s body. They hadn’t left the bed since they arrived. He fully understood the reasons to have such large, comfortable beds and he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to move from this room. He sighed, eventually they’d get hungry and would have to go in search for food, but until then he wasn’t letting her out of his reach.

  The muscles in his shoulders tensed as the beast within him caught an unfamiliar sound. Someone was moving in the woods, just downwind of him so he couldn’t quite pick up on the scent, but the distinct crunch of snow under their weight and the changes in wildlife let him know there was more than one body heading toward the cabin.

  “Get dressed.” He gently shook Kallie and slipped out of bed, pulling his jeans on.

  He listened carefully as he laced his boots and grabbed his gun. Kallie dressed swiftly, her head cocked to one side. He counted at least four more bodies in addition to the first. Not bothering with a shirt, he reached into his weapon bag. “Get your gun.” He strapped the knife to his thigh before walking toward her. “No matter what happens I want you to stay in here, and have your gun ready.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “I’ll be back for you.”

  He secured the bedroom door and headed to the living room to peek outside. He had to get a superior view of the approaching threats. Squatting near the sofa, he opened the window a crack to gain a whiff of their scent. Anything to find out what they were dealing with before danger ignited around them.

  He closed his eyes, focusing only on his sense of smell. You’ve got to be shitting me! His eyes shot open, and his body coiled like a snake ready to spring into action. Travis? One of his brothers and someone he never suspected. When I get my hands on that boy.

  Adam slipped through the darkness and onto the steps. “Taber, it’s me.”

  Still in a crouched position, Taber unlocked the door and let Adam in.

  “There are five of them.”

  “Yeah, I caught that much. Three shifters and two humans. Travis is there.” His tone held disgust as he thought of his brother giving information to an enemy. He had drilled it into Travis and the rest of his brothers repeatedly—you don’t betray your kind to another.

  “Travis?” Shock marred Adam’s voice. “Damn, I met him once. He seemed like a good kid. We’ll do what we can to take him down alive.”

  “He’s family, but if he tries to harm Kallie, do what needs to be done.” Taber rose from the side of the window. “I need to warn her. She’ll be able to smell he’s my kin. If something happens and he slips past, she must know that she can’t trust him.” He shook his head. “I’ll kill him if he goes near my mate. I can’t believe he’d betray me.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kallie stood in the corner of the room, fighting the surges of Taber’s pain as if it was her own. He might be in the other room, but his anger and deep sense of betrayal ate at her heart. He had entered the bedroom to tell her about his brother’s betrayal, kissed her briefly on the forehead, and then returned to the living room.

  How could someone betray a family member? Especially a brother. She might not have had the close family and bond that she longed for, but she would have never betrayed her family. Why was Taber’s brother here? Does he still play into Wesley’s plan? They had to be here for her. If they wanted Tabitha, they would have attacked the compound and not here. Kallie held the gun tight in her hand, determined not to fall victim again.

  She heard the footsteps of five men tramping toward them, near the cabin’s step. Her heart pounded so loudly in her ears she could barely focus. Damn it, don’t fall apart now. You have to focus. The only light in the room came from the moon shining through the slats on the window blinds. If someone entered the room, she’d have to rely only on her sense of smell, instead of vision.

  She inhaled a deep breath to steady her nerves as the footsteps sounded on the porch. The gun felt heavy in her hand and she checked to make sure the safety was off. She stepped quietly to the bedroom door.

  The front door crashed opened and a fresh breeze of air moved through the cabin. “Travis, what the hell are you doing here?” Taber called out.

  Clinging to the wall, she peered through the crack in the door to see a younger and shorter version of her mate. His hair was lighter and his lack of confidence showed in his posture.

  “Where is she?”

  Taber raised his gun. “What do you want with her?”

  “There’s a large bounty on her head and I plan to collect it.” Travis advanced toward Taber and she wondered for a moment if Taber would shoot his own brother.

  “You’d betray your own brother, and take his mate for money?”

  “I’d do a lot more than that for money. I’m getting out of here, away from you and the rest of the family. I’m tired of being smothered by everyone. I want to live my life on my terms.” Travis took another step toward Taber. “Just get out of the way, brother, and no one will get hurt. You’ll be free of her and can mate again.”

  Taber growled and glared at Travis. “You’ll stay away from my mate if you value your life at all.” When Travis continued to advance, Taber jumped, taking his brother down.

  Kallie fought the urge to run out there, to break up the brothers, but she promised Taber she’d stay hidden until it was safe.

  The floor to her right creaked, forcing her attention away from what was happening in the other room. She swung around and found a man with short red hair, glaring at her by the window. Tiger. Her attention, swayed to the other room, she hadn’t heard the window open. When he stepped toward her, she recognized him. She couldn’t believe Brian stood before her. He had spent years as a pet to Wesley as well. But unlike her, he was given privileges. He could shift when he desired, but spent most of the time in his tiger form unless he had to do something for his master. Just the thought of him saying, yes master, infuriated her. “Brian, what are you doing here? What do you want?”

  “Oh Kallie, I’ve always wanted you, but you were the one thing he denied me. I’m here to take you back.” He leaned against the window, staring at her
. “Wesley’s dead and you’ll finally be mine.”

  “I’m mated now, I’ll never be yours.”

  “Do you think mating will stop me?” He snarled a deep and evil laugh, pushing away from the window to stand straight. “Oh, it will hurt you to be fucked by another man, but then again your comfort never mattered. Wesley left me his house and workshop, and I’ve modified the collar even more. I’ll be able to control your shifts with a push of a button, so I can force you into your human form anytime I want to be relieved. You remember how much control the previous collar had, well this one has so much more.” Something in his hand caught the light of the moon.

  She gasped. The collar! Her finger tensed around the trigger. “I won’t live like that again.”

  “No, you won’t. It will be much worse this time.” He came at her with the speed no human had.

  She didn’t think twice, she just shot. Her hands shook causing her to miss her chosen target, but she did hit his shoulder.

  “Damn, you bitch!” He grabbed his shoulder and continued to advance toward her. “You’ll pay for that and when I’m done with you, you’ll beg for me to end your life.”

  She shot again and again, tears pouring down her face. He finally collapsed to the floor and she shot one final time right between his eyes. She sank to the floor, hands shaking. The gun now empty in her hands after she used all the bullets to take down a man she once pitied.

  The door flew open and Taber ran in, his gun drawn and ready for whatever he found. Scared and confused, she raised her gun, determined to protect herself.

  “Kal.” He stepped around the dead man, holstering his gun. “Kitty, it’s me.” He approached her, reaching slowly as if afraid she’d shoot him.

  “It’s empty.” She dropped the gun to the floor. “I…I killed him.”

  He reached down and wrapped her in his arms. “It’s all right.” He carried her to the kitchen, caressing her back with his hand.

  “The others?” She inquired when he propped her up on the kitchen counter. He turned the tap on and ran water over the dishrag. He touched it to her cheek, but she pushed his hand away. “I don’t need this.”

  “You might be in shock, the coolness will help. Put it against your forehead and focus on me.” He pressed the cool cloth against her skin. “The others are taken care of. They’re all dead.”

  “Not Tra…” She wanted to say Travis, but the name stuck in her throat.

  “Afraid so. He shot at me and Adam had no choice but to take the shot. It was Travis or me.” He ran his hand through his hair, droplets of sweat clinging to his hand. “I’ll have to tell my family.”

  She pulled him to her, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head against his chest. For that moment, she forgot about the man she killed, all she could feel was Taber’s pain. He lost a brother today and it didn’t matter if Travis betrayed him, the loss still hurt. “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.” He held her to him, their bodies pressed together, and for once it wasn’t about sex or their mating bond. It was about them and the comfort they provided each other.

  She clung to him and thought about the brother she never got to meet. Guilt washed over her. She was the reason behind Travis’ betrayal. Everywhere I go disaster follows.

  Movement by the door forced her to lean away from Taber. Raja and Adam placed a body, she assumed to be Travis, into a body bag. Her heart sank.

  “You know none of this is your fault,” Taber said when she stared at him, her questions obviously clear in her eyes. “Mates sense everything the other is feeling, no matter how out of control their feelings are. I feel your guilt, but this had nothing to do with you. He’s the one that betrayed your clan, my family, and me. It was all about money for him.” He frowned. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. No one caught the second scent in your room until just before the gun went off.”

  “That’s because he was inside the window then. He was careful not to move, until he was ready to attack. I didn’t catch his scent until he was already in the room.” She tossed the cloth aside and clung to Taber. She didn’t care that she was sitting on the cool granite countertop. She just wanted to feel his body against hers. To know he was safe, and to give him comfort as he grieved for his brother.

  He tensed and shrugged out of her embrace, pulling his gun from his holster. He swept her off the counter with his free arm and tucked her behind his back, aiming his gun toward the cabin’s back door.

  She was tempted to ask what was going on, but kept quiet and still.

  Hard souled boots cluttered up the steps and a new scent poured into the cabin. Another bear. Her heart skipped a beat. Another traitor within Taber’s family? She wasn’t sure if her bear could stand another betrayal from one of his brothers.

  Chapter Twenty

  If the scents weren’t different, she would have sworn it was Taber standing before them. They were identical, down to the defiance that shimmered in their eyes. He stood in the doorway, his hands up, showing he was unarmed.

  “What are you doing here, Thorben?” Taber kept his gun aimed at his brother.

  “I called Ty to inform him Kenneth’s sister and niece were safe. He mentioned you were here. I had a feeling something was going awry. I’m only here to help. I spotted Travis with Sanchez last week and when they saw me, Travis ran off. I thought he was up to something, but I never expected…” His words trailed off as anger replaced the sadness in his tone. “Theodore called to find out when I’d be back. He needed help making a delivery and Travis split on him. I put Travis’ actions together and figured he’d be here. I’m sorry I was late. I hit some bad weather flying in.”

  “Thorben, I want to believe you, but after what Travis did you’ll understand if I find your timing suspicious.”

  “I might be a pain in the ass and we haven’t always seen eye-to-eye.” Thorben stepped in and shut the kitchen door behind him. “But when the hell have I given you reason to think I’d deceive you? To plot against you enough to get you and your mate killed? Damn it, Taber, no matter our differences we’re twins, I’d never do that to you.”

  “You haven’t.”

  “Damn right I haven’t and I wouldn’t. I’ve been there any time you’ve needed me. How could you think…”

  Taber lowered his gun, but he didn’t holster it. “All we knew is that there was a leak. You’ve kept company in the wrong crowds, how could I not suspect you might have left something slip, even if it was on accident.”

  “Taber, you should know I’d never risk my family, or friends of the sleuth. No matter who I keep company with, I watch what I say when it comes to shifter business.”

  The men silently glared at each other for what seemed like eternity. Kallie finally stepped out from behind Taber. He shot her a glare and took hold of her wrist.

  “I’m not going to stay cowering behind you all night. You two are brothers, even with your differences. One of your brothers stabbed you in the back, but it doesn’t mean you should start doubting all of them. Especially if we’re going to Nome.”

  “Go to Nome? Now?”

  “Taber, we need to tell your family about Travis. You can’t do it over the phone. What did you think, I’d go back to the compound without you?” She pulled her wrist free and stood next to him.

  “She’s right.” Thorben leaned against the table. “Mom deserves better than finding out about Travis over the phone.”

  “It’s too much of a risk for Kallie.” Taber slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her to him. “I won’t risk you.”

  “Your family needs you. At least go tell them, spend a little time with them and then we can leave. You have to take Travis’ body home to your parents.” Before he could debate further, Raja stepped in and Adam followed him.

  “Thorben, it’s great to see you again.” Raja held out his hand.

  Thorben accepted the extended hand and shook it. “You too. Sorry I wasn’t here for the action.”

  Raja nodd
ed. “My sympathies concerning your brother.” He turned to Taber. “What are your plans? Will you be returning to the compound?”

  “We were just discussing that.” Kallie cut in. “If acceptable, Raja, I’d like to accompany Taber and Thorben to Nome, to return Travis’ remains to their family. It’s not the best time to meet them, but as his mate I feel it’s my place.”

  “I haven’t said you could go.” Taber snarled.

  “Taber your family needs you, and you need your mate,” Raja said. “Adam will take you by helicopter and you can return to the compound when you’re ready. I’ll also send Korbin with you for additional protection, but I have no doubt she’ll be safe with your sleuth.” Raja nodded and walked to the door. “We’ve dealt with the other attackers so we’ll return to the compound. Adam and Korbin will be ready when you are. If you need anything, call us.”

  Once Raja left, Taber spun around. “That was backhanded. You played the situation and your Elder to force me to take you home with me.”

  “You did want me to meet your family, right?”

  “Shit Kal, that wasn’t what I meant. I want you safe.” He held her hand in his and stared at her.

  “I’m safest with you, and you need me. Now let’s stop arguing and get out of here before it’s too late.” She snuggled into him, exhausted over the day’s events. Even with the sadness of the situation, and danger still looming, anxiety coated her stomach over meeting her mate’s family.

  “I’ll take Travis’ body in the airplane and meet you there.” Thorben pushed away from the table, rising to his full height. “Unless you’d like to come with me and I can bring you back to get the helicopter?”

  “Go ahead. We’ll grab our stuff and take the helicopter. There’s no need to come back here.” Taber nodded at his brother before stepping around the counter with her in tow.

  “Very well. It will take me longer to get to the plane. I’ll see you there.” Thorben’s gaze shifted to Kallie. “I wish the circumstances were better, but it’s a pleasure to meet you. My brother is stubborn and hard to live with, but he’s a good man.”


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