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STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3)

Page 9

by Samantha Leal

  Her mind raced as she thought back to what Quattro said about his colleague disappearing. He had said something about a vortex, about him being taken by something. Melissa looked around in panic… Could the same have happened to her? Could it have been the rocks? Something so strong had pulled her there as if she was meant to discover their power and then… Nothing. Blackness. Then she had woken up there, in the cold cave, with no shoes and an animal pelt wrapped around her.

  She trembled as she tried to piece it all together. Then with horror she threw herself back against the wall of the cave as she was sure she could hear something in the shadows around her.

  She wasn’t alone.

  There was something else in there with her.

  And it was getting closer.

  She swallowed hard as her heart pounded loudly in her chest. She could hear something snarling and moving, its footsteps becoming louder and more prominent with each passing second.

  Melissa cowered and curled into a ball, trying to make herself as small as possible so it was almost like she wasn’t there. She was so terrified that she didn’t dare move, and when she finally had the nerve to look up, her heart almost stopped beating.

  There right in front of her, about a hundred foot away, was a saber-toothed tiger, massive on its haunches, snarling at her and eyeing her up for its next meal. She watched it as it stared back at her and she trembled with fear. Melissa wanted to scream, she wanted to run… but she just couldn’t move. Her body was rigid. She was in shock.

  “It can’t be,” she whispered. “This isn’t happening.”

  The tiger snarled again and moved forward. Its huge paws padded across the frozen earth, and Melissa kept closing her eyes and pinching the skin on her legs.

  “Wake up,” she muttered. “This isn’t real, wake up.”

  When she opened her eyes, the tiger was still in front of her, its immense tusk-like teeth dripping with saliva and the taste for her, and she knew then that she was really in trouble. She began to wail. The tiger snarled and reared up on its hind legs before lunging towards her.

  It all seemed to happen so fast… One moment the tiger was racing towards her, and the next she was aware of something else in the cave… Another presence that was even stronger.

  Suddenly from above, there was a flash of black fur as another creature leapt over her. It dived at the tiger with rage before it could reach Melissa and drove a long spear right into its heart. The tiger collapsed onto the floor and whimpered as it let out its last breath. A pool of blood spread out around its thick, wiry fur and Melissa brought up her hands to cover her mouth. The creature that had saved her got to its feet and stood tall and proud.

  It was with both relief and trepidation that Melissa realized it wasn’t another animal at all, but a person. And as he turned around she saw that he was a handsome man wearing a similar animal pelt to hers, all muscles and dirt, his long hair matted with mud and his chest heaving with exertion. He walked over to her and blocked out the light from the fire with his huge frame before extending a hand to her to help her up.

  “Woman,” he said gruffly and with a sternness she would never dare question. “Get up.”


  Melissa put her hand in his and he pulled her forcefully to her feet. His eyes were bright and innocent through all of the caked mud and dirt that was covering his skin, and she had the intense urge to reach out and stroke his face. But she was too nervous and felt herself shying away.

  “Go,” he said. “Now.”

  Melissa looked up at him and wondered why there was so much urgency. He had killed the danger. The saber-tooth was dead. What else could be waiting for them? She noticed a look of shock on his face and turned to follow his gaze. Behind her in the darkness of the cave were small, strange-looking men with big ugly features crawling out of the shadows.

  Melissa shrieked as he lifted her high up over his shoulder and began to run with her for the cave entrance. She squealed as she bobbed along, her hair trailing right down his back as he clung onto her taut thighs with his big, rough hands.

  The men running after them were like something she had studied. But it couldn’t be possible. They couldn’t be what she thought they were, surely…


  Her savior ran quickly out over the barren terrain, and she clung to him for fear of losing her grip and being dropped in the middle of the icy field and savaged. The sun was setting and casting an orange glow over the ice, and as they ran up an incline and he made a left around a rock, Melissa suddenly felt safe. This place felt free of danger, and it appeared that they had outrun them.

  He slowed his pace but still kept a rough grip on her. She could feel his muscles beneath the pelt, and she ran the tips of her fingers over them, lightly stroking each rock-hard flex. She bit her lip with excitement… Although all this seemed unbelievable, and her fear was mounting, she was having the time of her life.

  “Home,” the man said as he approached a cliff face.

  Melissa looked up and the vast expanse of rock in front of them and watched as he placed her gently down on the ground and began to roll away a large boulder that was covering the entrance to another cave.

  “In,” he said sternly.

  She faltered and looked back over her shoulder. She could sense that night was creeping in and who knows what other dangers were lurking out there in the wilds… Even though she had no clue who this man was or what he was capable of… he was all she had so far in this new world and she couldn’t shun him when she was at her most vulnerable. When she hesitated, he leaned forward and pulled her by the arm into the cave and began to roll the boulder back over the opening with a huge heave of strength.

  Melissa pulled the pelt around her shoulders and shivered before she turned with apprehension and looked around.

  It was dark and warm in there, with the heat and light from an embering fire casting dancing shadows along the walls. She could see scattered paintings of the bulls and horses just like she had seen in the previous cave and wondered if he had been the artist of some of the depictions that she had discovered on her excavation with Dr. Quattro.

  He stood before her and she looked up at him. Even though he had saved her life twice in the space of around two minutes, she still found him intimidating and unpredictable. This man was so wild and untamed, and yet he clearly had a soft side. His hands may have been rough and calloused, but when he had held her it was as if he was touching her delicately and expertly. Just thinking of his hands again caused a rush of blood to flush Melissa’s cheeks and she looked down to the ground. Her heart was beginning to race and her palms were sweaty. How could she find herself sitting there day dreaming of a man she barely knew when it was more than likely she had just travelled through time?

  She shook her head in disbelief at herself and then as the heat from the fire bounced around the cave she found herself slowly removing the animal pelt from around her shoulders. He watched her with intrigue and Melissa was aware of him eyeing her clothes carefully.

  What must he think of me here like this? She thought as she tried to put herself in his shoes. This was a man who barely spoke, one who had never seen even a fraction of the things that Melissa had, but he was most certainly an advanced human. He wasn’t the same as the Neanderthals… He was just like her, only from the beginning of time. When their eyes met, she could feel the innocence behind his. It was as if he was a blank slate, someone dropped in front of her with no knowledge of the world… And yet, he had already lived many years and experienced so much more than she could ever imagine. It was such an incredible situation, Melissa found herself confused with disbelief.

  As she watched him and the way he moved around the cave she was enchanted by him and she could tell that he was with her. There were so many differences between them, and yet they had been brought together in unimaginable circumstances.

  He stopped and looked down at her again before he motioned for her to sit down by the fire, and Melissa glad
ly accepted. She was beginning to get cold again and she pulled the pelt around her as she warmed her feet and legs and rubbed her hands together.

  He moved closer and sat right next to her. Even though there was a lot of tension hanging between them he reached up and ran his hands through her hair and studied her face. Melissa felt herself tense, but then she tried to relax. She had studied ancient history and she knew what her presence must be doing to him. He must be as confused as she was and he would want to find out as much about her as he could to see if she was a threat. As their eyes were locked in on each other’s and Melissa could smell his musky scent of masculinity mixed in with clay she saw something in his eyes that showed a deep understanding. He could tell she was from somewhere else, too… She could feel it.

  “I’m Melissa,” she said slowly and quietly as she pointed to her chest.

  “Melissa,” he repeated perfectly, and a smile spread across his face.

  She couldn’t help but smile in return, he looked very pleased with himself and he moved a little closer. He held a hand up to his heart and something inside of Melissa melted.

  Finally, a real man, she thought, and it was so out of nowhere it took her by surprise.

  He got to his feet slowly and started to root through a pile of belongings in the corner. He had bowls which looked like they were made from clay and he had a clay jug filled with water. Melissa let her eyes grace over them and she could tell instantly that he had made them and her heart started to pound even more. After studying all of the things she had done over the years, being in a cave at the beginning of time with a prehistoric man was something dreams were made of. She really couldn’t believe her luck and she knew that somewhere there had to be some kind of a catch.

  Her paranoia started to mount as she looked around the cave and something dawned on her… What if it was all a hoax? What if Quattro had just bashed her over the head and set this whole thing up as an experiment? Was she just a pawn in a mad scientists cruel game?

  With her guard suddenly up, Melissa found herself backing away from the fire and trying to get a better look around the dark nooks and crannies of the cave. But there was nothing to suggest her theory of her being duped. She swallowed hard and rubbed her temples with frustration and nerves.

  When she looked back up he was stood in front of her and he offered her a bowl with fresh water in it. Melissa smiled and accepted it before she lifted the rim of the bowl to her lips and drank from it. Even though it was cold, she needed something. She needed to taste something, feel something… She needed to know it was all real.

  “A man,” he said. “Come…”

  Melissa sat bolt upright and looked at him. Had he really just said what she thought he had? If so, she knew he must have meant Quattro’s colleague, but she didn’t know if he would understand her if she asked.

  “Where is he?” she asked gently.

  “Dead,” he said and shook his head.

  Melissa felt a pang of disappointment, but at the same time she wasn’t surprised. If this situation was a hundred percent legitimate, then she was more than lucky to have survived so far. And she owed it all to this man in front of her. This prehistoric wonder with his muscles and dirty skin, his matted hair and his wide innocent eyes…

  As she tried to prize her eyes away from him, she wondered if Quattro’s colleague had figured out a way to get back to the present, and if so, how had he done it…?

  It was then that a crashing realization washed over her and she felt herself begin to panic…

  What if she was going to be stuck there forever? Her stomach lurched and she found herself trying to control her breathing to calm down. She had to focus. She had to keep it together.

  “What’s your name?” she asked, not sure if he would understand, but hoping he would be able to answer her all the same.

  He shook his head, “No.”

  “No?” Melissa laughed. “Your name is No?”

  “No name,” he said with a shrug.

  “Well, I’m going to give you a name,” she smiled as her panic started to leave her. “I’m going to call you Saber, because you killed one and saved me.”

  He shrugged again and smiled.

  Melissa had no idea what to say next, and she didn’t want to overwhelm him with too many questions or too much conversation, but at the same time there was so much she wanted to ask. He suddenly got to his feet and walked back to the large boulder he had rolled across the cave entrance to seal them in, and he pressed his ear up against it.

  Melissa watched him intently, letting her eyes take in every inch of him yet again, still completely gob smacked at what she was witnessing. He stood there strong and tall and listened through the rock. Melissa could only guess what he was doing, and it made her feel instantly uncomfortable. As a hunter, he must know that something was out there, and it chilled her to the bone.

  She thought back to the image of the small, almost deformed looking men running after them after being startled by them in the other cave… were they out there, waiting for them… Or were they going to try and claw their way in.

  Melissa felt the tears welling up behind her eyes as she realized how out of her depth she truly was. There was no amount of training or knowledge in the entire world that could prepare her for this, all of her education seemed worthless in the face of prehistoric reality.

  She shuffled back so that she was flat against the cool rocks and she leant there, watching him, as she pulled her knees up to her chest and pulled the animal skin tighter around her. Saber was still listening through to the outside world and Melissa was sure she saw his shoulders tense at the same time there was an indistinct noise from somewhere out there in the wilderness.

  She choked back tears and fright. She didn’t want to seem weak to him and yet she didn’t know how she could be strong. She was lost, a million miles and thousands of years from home and she had never felt more alone… Or more alive.

  Finally Saber seemed to relax and he dropped his ear from the side of the rock and stepped backwards. Melissa felt herself unwind too, like a coiled spring finally straightening out. He turned to her and smiled and then he took another step forward.

  Even though there was barely any light and he was stood in the shadows, Melissa could swear she could see the look of lust in his eyes… and even though she knew it was crazy… She couldn’t help but like it.


  “Mel…iss…aaaa…” he whispered with a smile as he sat down next to her.

  She found herself shivering and she looked up and met his wide, clear eyes. Even though she didn’t really want to know the answer, she had to ask…

  “What were you listening for?” she said quietly.

  He looked at her for a moment, studying her face and thinking about what she had said, but she couldn’t tell whether it was because he didn’t want to answer, or if he was unsure of what she was saying. A few moments passed and the silence grew between them, but there was no awkwardness there, it felt like the most natural thing in the world for them to be huddled together in that cave, away from the prying eyes of anything and everything Melissa had ever known.

  “Why?” she asked again.

  “They wait,” Saber said sternly as his eyes flicked back to the boulder that was blocking the entrance. “They wait for us.”

  Melissa felt her bones tremble and she found herself instinctively moving closer to Saber… He was her protector now and she didn’t want to risk pushing him away.

  He reached out and wrapped his huge, muscular arm around her shoulder and she felt herself melt into the curve of his body. The heat from him warmed her through and she smiled as she rested her head against his. She was suddenly aware of how exhausted she was. Her mind was spinning and there was so much to consider, but the tiredness was like nothing she had ever felt, and there was nothing she could do to keep her eyelids from falling.

  “Look after me,” she whispered as her breathing became heavier and her mind started to clear. “Pl
ease don’t let anything hurt me.”

  As she drifted off into a deep sleep she was sure she felt him squeeze her gently and pull her closer. And even though they barely knew each other, she felt the connection between them had been forged. A bond stronger than any friendship or relationship she had ever had before. They were joined by the uniqueness of their situation and of how they had been brought together against all the odds.

  And although Melissa had no idea, Saber felt it too, his heart opening for the very first time.

  Melissa woke with a start and rolled quickly onto her side. She was lying on the ground in front of a smoldering fire and her vision was blurred as she tried to figure out where on earth she was. It was dark and cold and there was something covering her.

  She rubbed her eyes and blinked blearily as everything came into focus and her heart began to pound and race again as she snapped into reality and realized that none of it had been a dream. It had been very real indeed, and she was still inside the cave, with a prehistoric man by her side.

  Saber was awake. He leaned back against the cave wall and watched her with intrigue. After the rest, Melissa felt more awake and almost shy around him, like she didn’t know how to respond to him being there or what to say. But luckily for her, Saber clearly didn’t have the same problem. He rose straight to his feet and crossed the cave to be close to her.

  “Mell…isssss…aaaaa,” he said again. And she couldn’t help but blush.

  He reached down and took hold of her hand and she felt a spark flow through her.


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