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STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3)

Page 10

by Samantha Leal

  “Thank you,” she smiled. “For looking after me.”

  Saber smiled and nodded.

  “Are they still… out there…?” she asked with trepidation.

  “No,” he shook his head. “They go at dawn.”

  Melissa breathed a huge sigh of relief and smiled. The thought of those creepy, strange barbarians roaming around the entrance to the cave in the dead of night, lying in wait was frightening. Even with Saber to protect them both.

  He sensed the shift in her demeanor and he took hold of her chin gently and tilted her face towards his. Even though they could barely speak to one another, there was a chemistry between them that was electric. There was something running deeper than language; it was as if their souls had instantly connected and they were bonding more with each passing second. Every time he looked at her and their eyes locked, Melissa’s heart beat a little faster and her nerves began to rise. He was such a man, like none she had ever met before. He was so wild and masculine, it was if he was the most original man there had ever been.

  She thought about all of her studies and of how she had read about how cavemen had treat their women… This didn’t seem to be anything like it. He hadn’t clubbed her over the head and dragged her back to his cave and had his wicked way with her. He had saved her life, took her away from danger and was now looking after her in his warm, safe cave. He had been tender with her, and kind beyond words… He seemed to genuinely care, and she could see how fascinated he was with her. He looked at her like no one had ever looked at her before and it was turning her on.

  Their eyes met again and Melissa noticed something stirring in Saber. He had the potential to unleash his animal instinct and the tension made Melissa grow wet between the legs. He moved towards her quickly and grabbed her between both of his huge arms. As she looked into his eyes, something changed between them both. And it was then that she knew that she had to have him. Right there and then.


  He held onto her with all the power of a God. She felt tiny in his arms and the strength radiating from him was intense and overwhelming.

  “Saber,” she whispered.

  She reached a hand up tenderly to his face and brushed some of the hair away from his eyes. He was so handsome, even under all of the sweat and dirt. His cheekbones and features were chiseled and prominent, jutting out in defined lines that made him look even more masculine. At her touch, he turned his mouth so it almost met her hand. She could tell her wanted to kiss her, but it was almost as if he didn’t know how.

  There was a part of Melissa that felt as if she could read his mind… She knew he had been with another woman before, but he seemed to know she was different. He could tell that she needed to be touched differently, and he wanted to kiss her but wasn’t sure whether he should.

  Melissa nodded and moved her lips to his. She kissed him softly and that seemed to be all Saber needed to unleash his fiery passion. He pulled her close to him and she could feel his manhood, red hot and stiff between his thighs. She moaned as he grunted and pushed her back against the cave wall. In an instant, a switch had flipped and he changed. His animalistic nature burst free, and he was ready to be the lover he had always been.

  Melissa threw her head back as he trailed kisses up her neck and slipped a hand between her thighs. She was soaking wet and he grunted hard as his fingers found her moist opening and slipped a big, thick finger up inside of her. Melissa gasped. His touch was rough but so pleasurable. She had never been turned on so much in her entire life.

  She spread her legs further and let him explore her body. He ripped at the pelt to expose her breasts and grunted as he pulled away his own clothing. When he stood naked in front of her, Melissa couldn’t help but smile. He was such a fine example of a man, so perfect. Even with all their differences, even with the fact they were from thousands of years apart, their pure human instincts of lust and passion pulled them together with an incredible force.

  Saber took hold of her and lifted her high into the air. He carried her over to the fire and lay her down on the fur pelt in front of it. She didn’t even notice the cold as she looked down at his huge throbbing cock and ached to have it inside of her. He knelt in front of her and parted her legs with his knees. As he climbed between them and rubbed his cock up and down her slit, Melissa writhed against him in ecstasy. She was begging for him to put it in her. She needed to feel him. She bit her lip as he stopped at her opening and with one powerful thrust entered her and opened her wider than she had ever been before.

  “Ohh,” Melissa whimpered as he began to thrust in and out of her with such force she was on the edge of an orgasm within seconds. She gripped onto his thick shoulders and screamed with pleasure as he fucked her hard and slow. She gripped him tight with her walls, and as they contracted around him, he began to thrust harder, faster and deeper. His cock was so powerful and strong. He was the most incredible lover she had ever had. As he grunted and emptied his thick, hot seed up inside of her, Melissa came again and trembled beneath him. Saber gripped onto her throat and thrust into her once more, as the last bursts of his release flowed from him and he was hot and damp with sweat.

  As the pair collapsed on the floor of the cave in front of the fire, Melissa turned up to look at him. She couldn’t believe what had just happened, but she had never felt more free and excited. She had just been made love to by a prehistoric man… a piece of history was now a part of her. For her, it was the ultimate prize and the ultimate experience.

  Saber wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her into his side. It wasn’t long before he was drifting off to sleep after his night on guard and they dozed by the fire, cuddled underneath the fur pelts as the sounds of howling creatures roamed the icy lands outside.

  Even though Melissa knew there were probably still countless creatures out there that could kill her, she had never felt safer in his arms.


  The embers burned low on the fire, and when Melissa woke, Saber was already up, stoking it and adding more wood.

  She approached him from behind, wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck. She had never felt more like a woman around him. She had never felt sexier.

  “A kiss,” she whispered as he turned to her and her lips met his. He ran his hand through her hair and slipped his tongue against hers.

  It was all so perfect. She wished it never had to end.

  But she knew she couldn’t stay there. She had to get back to a more civilized time… How could she even try to comprehend living a lift in such a dangerous land?

  When they broke apart, his eyes looked sad, as if he knew it was all over, too.

  “I need to go,” she said. “Can you take me back to the cave?”

  Saber looked out at the fire and ignored her for a moment. She could tell he didn’t want her to leave, and she felt the pull of their connection begging not to be broken.

  Her heart ached as she was torn between her decision and the man in front of her… Could she ever leave him now they had been drawn together? Their connection was so pure and fierce. Could she walk away from him?

  Tears stung her eyes and she wiped them away. Saber shook his head and held onto her chin. He looked at her deep in the eyes and said, “No.”

  Melissa smiled and nodded. She knew what she had to do.

  “Come with me?” she said as a stroke of genius flooded through her. “You don’t have to stay here… Come back with me?”

  She knew it was a crazy concept, but she also knew it was the only answer. He had saved her life twice. He had kept her safe from harm and she had to repay him. She didn’t want to leave him; there was no life for him there. But she didn’t think he would let her go. If she managed to get him back to the cave and they found a way to reopen the vortex, maybe they could be back in 2015 and live happily ever after.

  Saber was looking at her as if he didn’t understand anything she was saying. It was the first time he had looked confused since he found her. But Melissa took his
hand and smiled.

  “Trust me,” she said.

  He smiled back and nodded.

  As he rolled back the huge boulder at the entrance of the cave, Melissa’s heart was almost in her mouth as she waited nervously to see if the creatures were still out there waiting for them. Saber strode out of the opening confidently, with a huge spear between his fist and he looked left and right and out over the terrain.

  He nodded and turned back to face her and he held out his hand.

  “Come woman,” he said with a grin. And she couldn’t help but smile back with a giggle before she moved forward to join him.

  The journey back to the Neanderthals’ cave was short and frightening. Saber threw her up over his shoulder and ran with her back down the incline, past the rocks and cliff face and over a small rise. The opening was there ahead of them and Saber sniffed the air to check for other signs of life. He nodded and moved forward, happy that the coast was clear.

  Inside the cave, the carcass of the tiger was lying limply on the floor where it had fallen and the Neanderthals had already removed its tusks. Melissa shivered as she opened her mind to suggestion and hoped that the rocks would call to her again. She needed to find the exact point that she had discovered back when she had been there in the future with Dr. Quattro. But it was so dark, she could barely see a thing.

  Saber watched her as she held onto his hand and looked around. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, her heart was pounding and she was about to panic when suddenly a light shone on the corner of the room and two points from two rocks, one above and one below, were almost touching.

  “That’s it,” she smiled as she led him over to them.

  Saber held her hand and with their other hands, they both took hold of the rock points. She looked up at him and told him to trust her again. Saber nodded, even though he looked uncertain. But then, just as before, Melissa felt a surge of power run through her and Saber roared like a lion as the pain hit them and the earth began to move.

  The world went black, but she could still feel his hand.

  And then… nothing.

  A big arm cradled her, and as she opened her eyes, they met his.

  “Melissa,” he said with a smile as he brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her gently on the lips.

  She sat up and looked around in panic.

  Were they back? Had she brought him back to the present?

  They were in the cave and it looked similar to when she had been there with Quattro, but there was still something different.

  She looked down and they were both still wearing the fur pelts and their skin was dirty.

  “Dr. Quattro?” she called out, but her voice echoed around the cave. She knew there was no one there.

  “If this were 2015, this cave would be crawling with archaeologists after yesterday,” she said. “Something’s changed.”

  She could see the shaft they needed to climb in order to get back to the surface, and so she pointed to it and Saber led the way. He put her on his back and climbed it with his bare hands and feet with such incredible strength that Melissa couldn’t believe he was actually capable of doing it.

  He had lived a long time in a savage land with only himself to rely on, but now he had found her and he wanted to protect her. When he reached the top of the small cave opening, he heaved himself up and out with Melissa still clinging to him. As they rolled back onto the grass in the French field, Melissa looked around and was surprised that there was still no one there. The entire meadow was empty, not a van or scientist in sight.

  “Looks like we’ll have to walk,” she said.

  Saber put her over his shoulder again and headed east and Melissa held onto him tightly as they bounced along.

  They reached a road after about two hours and Melissa watched how Saber reacted to the sights that were being thrown at him. She tried to explain as best she could, but it was almost as if he had been expecting something incredible after meeting her. She had been so otherworldly to him, just as he had been to her, it was as if he instinctively knew strange things would happen.

  His eyes were wide as the first car pulled over and an old couple leaned over to the window. They looked both intrigued and confused by what they were seeing. Saber’s eyes were like saucers as he watched the car as if it were a predator, but Melissa assured him it was all fine. They climbed into the backseats and she held onto his hand for reassurance. And as they made their way back to Bordeaux, she asked the old couple in basic French what the date was.

  “April 10th, 1973,” the woman said as she turned to smile at her.

  Melissa’s heart pounded and she didn’t know where to look. Saber wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

  She wasn’t even born until 1990… She couldn’t help but laugh.

  She thought back to her life in 2015 and of all she was lacking. She may have had a great career, but she could still do that in 1973. Her family were long gone and she didn’t have a boyfriend or husband to speak of. The explorer in her wanted to stay where she was, to never tell anyone what had happened to her and to integrate Saber into society without anyone being any wiser.

  She looked at him, and when he looked back at her with his beautiful and innocent eyes, she knew they could make it work. They could stay in France and build a life. Now that they had each other, anything was possible.

  Neither of them were from that time and that made it all the more real. It made it so much more exciting for them to be experiencing this new journey together.

  “Let’s do this,” she smiled and she squeezed Saber’s hand.

  The archaeologist had her very own caveman, and they were about to embark on the wildest ride either of them would ever have thought possible.

  “Time doesn’t exist when you’ve got love,” she whispered to him. And even though he was still learning, she was pretty sure he understood every word.


  You can find out what happens next in Mated to the Caveman, available now from Amazon

  The Highland’s Call

  Jessica Savage

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  Andrea clutched the small stone in the palm of her hand. It felt cool and smooth and somehow strangely comforting. Her Grandmother Betty had insisted that her only granddaughter be given this small artifact on her death. That had happened over a week ago, as Andrea was driving through New York. It was almost as if she knew. An image of her beloved Gran had flitted through her mind at the exact moment she took her last breath.

  Betty was her father's mother. Her dad Joe had died a few years ago and her mother Pat had remarried. She had never approved of her stepdad, Pete; he could never replace her beloved father.

  Perhaps she was being unfair, but she had always sided with her dad against her mum, and now the two women seemed poles apart, no longer able to communicate with each other. Pat didn’t even attend the funeral. Not that Betty would have minded. She had never approved of the union in the first place.

  Andrea had inherited her Grandma's creative talents and she had been close to Betty when she was a child, closer than to her own mother, but after college she had been offered a three-year contract with a major advertising company in New York, and it had been too good an opportunity to turn down. Betty had understood that she needed to
fly the nest. She had been a young woman once, although that seemed such a long time ago.

  Andrea had only seen her Gran when she flew home for Christmas and important family occasions. Then she had met Steve and her life in the US seemed to take on a more permanent footing, until the death of her Grandma had made her suddenly homesick for the English countryside. She loved the buzz and fast-paced life of New York but now longed for some peace and time to reflect and find herself again, and she certainly couldn't do that on Fifth Avenue.

  Steve had stayed behind. He was in the middle of an important project but was willing to travel with her on a trip home for the funeral. For once Andrea didn't feel the need to be accompanied; this time she wanted to be alone with her thoughts and memories. Her insistence on being alone had caused a strain between them, the first serious rift since they got together almost two years ago, and it would be the first time they had spent any real time apart.

  The pressure of the stone against her palm brought her back to the present. It had been almost five days since she left JFK airport, and Steve hadn't phoned her since. Not even yesterday after the funeral to see how she was coping. It saddened her to think the man she had grown to love could be so stubborn and heartless, and she began to question her commitment to the relationship. Did she really know him? He had seemed to be perfect for her, and she had enjoyed his company; yet when she looked back at the continual rounds of friends and parties, drinks and dinners, it seemed somewhat shallow. Lately she had started to feel broody; her body clock reminding her that time was ticking away. She had mentioned it to Steve once in a light-hearted way, and he had held up his hands in mock horror. That would never be the deal with him; his career was way too important, and her needs would always come second.


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