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The Bohemians

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  “In the little covered basket there.” He stretched and pointed, nuzzling Quincy’s chest.

  Quincy reached over to the basket and pulled out several condoms and the tube of lube, placing them on the bed, by the pillow.

  Then his mouth was taking in a gentle kiss, Quincy’s tongue once again pushing in to taste.

  Oh, so gentle. Such care. Topaz trembled, undone by his Gemini’s focus.

  Quincy proceeded to explore, fingers and mouth traveling slowly over his body, lingering whenever he gasped or cried out.

  Topaz twisted and laughed, purred and arched. Quincy found the spot at the edge of his scar that made him cry out, the line above his pubic hair that gave him goose bumps.

  Quincy kissed each hip, lavishing wet, warm attention on them before slowly moving back up to his nipples.”I... Oh, Gemini. You... It’s so good.” He didn’t have the words, didn’t have anything but honest need. He reached out and stroked Quincy’s hair, fingers trembling.

  Quincy only moaned and brought their mouths together again.

  That sweet tongue entered him again, distracting him until slick fingers slid between his legs, stroking his balls, moving beyond them. His knees parted, stretching wide for that touch. Moaning, Quincy found his hole, circling it, pressing gently against it.

  “I want you.” He did, his body opened easily, Quincy’s fingers sliding into him with ease.

  “Yes,” agreed Quincy, moaning, fingers stretching, sliding against his gland.

  Topaz gasped, hips rocking to keep the spikes of pleasure constant, zinging through him.

  “I can feel your need trembling around me.” Quincy’s own need was hard and hot against his hip.

  “Oh, you’re making me fly.” He was high on the sensation, the scent of Quincy on his skin, the taste of strawberries on his tongue.

  “That’s the idea.” Quincy’s fingers slipped away, the blue eyes so dark as they gazed down at him.

  He could hear the plastic condom package being opened, heard Quincy gasp as it was applied and then Quincy was there, at his hole, such heat pressing against him.

  Topaz tilted his hips, rocking against that heat slow and easy, feeling himself open, letting himself feel everything. “Make love to me.”

  “Yes.” Quincy pushed in slowly, almost painfully slowly, the thick heat spreading him, giving time for each and every nerve to learn that cock.

  He reached out, cupped Quincy’s cheek. They breathed together, moaning as they joined. “You’re magic. Oh...”Quincy nuzzled into his touch, trembling, not moving just buried deep inside him.

  The kisses started then, slow, drugging touches that stole his heart, his breath, his good sense. By the time Quincy moved the first time, Topaz was seeing stars.Quincy’s thrusts were slow, too, almost all the way out and then back in, deep, cock brushing across his prostate again and again.

  His world cracked, heart opening wide and Quincy pouring in.

  Quincy’s thrusts became faster, more urgent, those blue eyes dark-dark as they watched his face in his pleasure. Strawberry scented breath slid over his face, coming quicker as Quincy’s movements sped again.

  Topaz reached down, fingers wrapping around his shaft and pulling in time, letting the physical needs be answered.

  “God. Beautiful.” Quincy whimpered and then shuddered. “Oh, God, soon.”

  “Yes, love. Please.” He arched, hips rocking harder, grinding onto Quincy’s cock.

  Quincy cried out softly, eyes rolling back into his head as he shook and came. Topaz could feel Quincy’s cock pulsing inside him, filling the condom with heat.

  He watched Quincy’s orgasm, watched every second of pleasure before finding his own, body rippling around Quincy’s heat.

  Quincy lay heavily against him, one hand still holding up some of his Gemini’s weight, the other stroking through his hair. “God, Topaz that was... oh... yeah, good. Great. Yeah.”

  “It was magic.” Topaz pulled Gemini against him, cuddling. “Thank you.”

  Quincy slid out of him, catching the condom and tying off the end, letting it slide off the edge of the bed. “No, thank you, Topaz.”

  “Will you stay the night?”

  Quincy smiled at him, eyes shinning. “Yes, please.””Oh, good.” He arranged the pillows and blankets just so and opened his arms, blood singing through him, so happy. “Is it too early to ask you to stay forever?”

  Quincy froze and then slid into his arms. “I have a bad habit of falling in love with the men I make love to, Topaz. It usually leaves me heartbroken after a few months.”Topaz nodded, holding Quincy close. “I have a bad habit of making love to men I’ve fallen in love with. I don’t think I’ve ever broken anyone’s heart. I promise not to start with yours.”

  He could feel Quincy’s smile against his skin. “Then I’ll stay.”

  He kissed the top of Quincy’s head. “Goodnight, Gemini. Sweet dreams.”

  “I think maybe I’ll just stay awake and watch you sleep.”


  Topaz lifted Quincy’s face and took a soft kiss, tears filling his eyes. “I know you don’t believe me, but I love you, Gemini.”

  “I think you’d be surprised, Topaz, because I know I love you.”

  “Thank you.” He whispered the words, stroking his lover, tears spilling silent in the darkness.

  “Oh, God, don’t cry, please don’t cry.” Quincy’s fingers wiped at his cheeks, a soft kiss pressed to his forehead. “Don’t cry, Topaz.”

  “Sometimes... Sometimes the happiness is so big, it’s got to go somewhere.”

  “Oh. I guess I can live with that.”Quincy drew him in close, one hand softly stroking. “Goodnight, Topaz.””Goodnight, love.” His cheek found the spot that would become his on the warm shoulder and he closed his eyes, fading into dreams.

  Chapter Seven

  Quincy always woke up slowly; even when his alarm went off it would be several minutes before it really penetrated and then he’d grumble and hit the snooze button and drift back off for nine more minutes.

  Today he was having the most wonderful dream. Sunk in a bed of soft materials and pillows, he was curled around his lover. Happiness lurked just beyond the opening of his eyes.

  He could stay right here forever, never let go of this dream.


  It wasn’t a dream, was it?

  His eyes blinked open and there was Topaz, curled up against him, head on his shoulder, breath warming his skin. Oh, he could get used to this.

  Even the fact that he’d admitted to Topaz that he was in love with the off-beat weaver didn’t send him into a panic -- he felt too good, too right lying here in Topaz’s... well it was a nest really more than a bed and he could get used to that, too. He smiled, just lying there, happy.

  Topaz purred softly, curling closer. “Mm... my Gemini. Love you. Smell so good.”

  His smile got bigger, big enough he thought maybe his face muscles were going to be sore. “Good morning, Topaz.” He tilted his head as a thought occurred to him. “Hey -- is that your real name? Topaz?”

  Topaz blushed, shook his head. “Scott Richards, believe it or not. Terrible, isn’t it?”

  Quince looked at Topaz, really looked at him and then shook his head. “Not terrible so much as it doesn’t suit you at all. Scott Richards is... stuffy.”

  “Yeah. I’m not so big on the stuffiness.” Topaz stretched up against him, so slight, so warm, and gave him a kiss. “Morning, Gemini.”

  He murmured happily and held Topaz’s head in place, deepening the kiss. He was horny, morning wood at the ready like it always was, but today it was more than that. Topaz made him want.

  Topaz moaned, rubbing slow and easy. Those soft lips parted, asking him for more, thin fingers sliding down his spine. He pressed his tongue into the warmth of Topaz’s mouth, rubbing his cock against his lover.

  “Mmm...” Warm fingers tickled down his belly, sliding over his shaft.

  “Oh God... Topaz... make love
to me.”

  “Yes, love. Yes, but first...” Topaz slid down, licking at his belly, his shaft.

  Oh... He moaned and tried to hold himself in check, to keep from bucking and pushing his cock into Topaz’s mouth.

  “So sweet. So hot. Felt so good inside me last night, love.” The licking and nuzzling continued, his balls laved, the tip sucked.

  “Uh-huh.” Quince was just a little breathless, close to squeaking instead of speaking.

  Those soft lips pushed down over his cock, suction slow and steady, almond eyes shining at him.

  Oh, god, was that half whimper half keening noise coming from his mouth? It wasn’t like he’d never been sucked before, but this was... really hot and tight and good. His balls were cupped, rolled, petted, hums vibrating his shaft.

  His fingers slid through Topaz’s hair, hands holding on as the sucking and humming and touching conspired to send him into the sky.

  Topaz reached for the lube, still sucking steady as cool-slick fingers slid over his hole, pressing slightly.

  Gasping, he let his legs spread wide, offering himself to Topaz.

  “Mmm...” Those fingers pressed deep, stroking him as Topaz took him in, swallowing around his shaft.

  He shuddered, coming convulsively down Topaz’s throat as his body shook.

  Moaning, Topaz crawled up his body, reaching for a condom. “Need you, Gemini. Please, love.”

  He nodded, body still thrumming. “Yes, Topaz. Yes.”It took nothing, just a few breaths, and Topaz was pressing inside him, eyes hot and sparkling down at him. He groaned, cock twitching, trying to come back to life.”Feels good? You’re good?” Topaz gasped, shuddered.He nodded, gasped. “Yes. Don’t stop.”

  “Oh, good.” Topaz’s lips covered one of his nipples, sucking as those hips started moving.

  “Oh!” Quince’s hips bucked, hands holding Topaz’s head in place as his cock started to fill again.

  “Yes. Good.” The sucking got harder, the thrusts firmer, Topaz hot and needy above him.

  Oh god, how could he be so hard and desperate again already?

  “Love you,” Quince whispered.

  Topaz shook, head lifting, thin cheeks flushed. “Yes. Love you, Gemini. Love you.”

  He bent forward, taking Topaz’s mouth with his own, tasting the truth of the words.

  His lover moaned into his lips, one hand circling his prick, cock sliding over his gland over and over and over.”Topaz!” He bucked hard, the pleasure coming up from his toes and fountaining out his cock.

  “Oh, Quince. God. I can smell you. So...” Topaz cried out, back arching with a low cry.

  He stroked Topaz’ back, floating in the sensation of being happy and sated. God, was when the last time he’d woken up next to someone and not had that awkward dash for the door?

  The condom was discarded and then his arms were full of sated, warm weaver, bright eyes shining.

  “I could get used to this,” he said softly, using a single finger to stroke Topaz’ cheek.

  “I hope you do.” Topaz chuckled, nuzzled into the touch. “You feel so good.”

  Quince nodded. “Yeah, you, too.”

  They shared a long, slow kiss, almond eyes shining at him. “Hungry, Gemini?”

  “I just came twice, but yeah, I still am. You’re something else, Topaz.”

  “Mm... Quincy. Kiss me.”

  “Yes, Topaz.”

  He took his lover’s mouth, kissing Topaz deeply, feeling the need try to crawl back up his spine, his cock twitching. Topaz purred and cuddled, hands moving over his body, stroking, massaging.

  He touched back, taking pleasure in the caresses for their own sake.

  A series of soft mewls sounded, a trio of kittens slowly crawling along the bed and Topaz giggled. “The babies are curious.”

  He laughed, Topaz’s laughter contagious. “They’re yours?” he asked.

  “No, they’re Moira’s babies, but I feed them and love them and Moira’s been with me for eight years.” Topaz pointed to the tortoiseshell beauty perched on a basket.Quince laughed harder. “I knew they weren’t your babies, Topaz.”

  Topaz blinked up at him for a second and then started giggling, holding onto him, laughter mixed with his own.He brought their mouths together, tasting the joy on Topaz’s lips.

  Oh, God, the man was addictive. So joyous. So free. He was doomed.

  Chapter Eight

  A feast was laid out on the table, hummus and tabouleh and pitas and spreads and three different kinds of fresh bread. Not to mention strawberries, melons, pineapple and cherries, avocado soaking in lemon juice and mushrooms floating in malted vinegar.

  Leo had outdone himself in choosing and he had arranged it all to absolute perfection on the table. To make up for the lateness of the hour it was laid out at.

  They had invited Topaz and Quincy to breakfast and it was well after noon before they were ready to serve their guests.

  Stephan shot a heated look at Leo. Of course if their guests didn’t hurry, he was going to spread the apple butter all over his lover and race the ants in licking it off.

  Leo lifted a strawberry and rubbed it against his lips. “I love you. Should we call them?”

  He hummed, opening his lips around the berry and sucking on it before biting into the succulent flesh. “I don’t know, Leo, would you have wanted to be called while we were in the shower?” He grinned wickedly. “Or in the bedroom. Or the kitchen. Or the hall.”

  His lover chuckled, shook his head, long black hair flying. “No, I suppose not. Well, not unless they were asking to join us, yes?”

  “Oh yes!” He felt his cock stir at that. “We can always use more joy, can we not, my Leo?”

  “Always, love.”

  Leo offered him a sweet, long kiss, only stopping when Topaz’s laughter sounded. “So hungry, loves?”

  Stephan beamed up at his lover before turning and holding his hands out to Topaz and Quincy. “And wouldn’t you be, if you had such a fine man to hunger for?” Oh, Sunshine looked happy, sated and hungry at the same time. Their boy was in love. Quincy was a little harder to read, but Stephan hoped the light flush meant that the new man in Topaz’s life was as smitten as Topaz himself. “In fact, my dears, we were debating whether or not to send a search party for you when we got... well... distracted.” He laughed, leaning back against Leo. “Again.”Topaz took his hands, kissing his knuckles. “Sweet insatiable Daisy.”

  Leo chuckled. “Indeed. Our hungry flower. Good morning, Quincy.”

  “G...good morning.” Quincy gave them a rather bemused smile.

  “Come and sit,” Stephan invited, eager to put the man at ease. “Topaz has come, I hope, to look upon what is ours as his, and Leo and I would be pleased if you would do so as well, isn’t that right, lover?”

  “Yes. Come and eat and tell us whether the kittens approved of you.” Leo winked, pulling out a chair.

  Quincy chuckled. “Actually, I think they did. They didn’t seem to mind my petting.”

  “Moira let them come right up into the bed. He’s a keeper, Daisy. Oooh! Mushrooms!” Topaz snatched one, moaning at the flavor.

  Stephan laughed with delight and happiness. “Oh, Sunshine, you’re a treasure. You make sure you hold on tight to this one, Quincy -- your life with never be dull again.”

  Topaz beamed at him, leaning over for a gentle kiss. “You’re too good to me, Daisy.”

  He slid his tongue along Topaz’s lower lip, tasting something new there -- slightly bitter, it could only be Quincy. The kiss was short, easy and then Topaz moved into Quincy’s arms, lifting his face for another kiss.

  Quincy hesitated a moment, looking from him and back to Sunshine again. Oh dear.

  “You okay, Gemini love?” Topaz’s voice was soft, pretty eyes looking up.

  Quincy glanced back at him again and he tried to give the man a reassuring smile, sliding his hand into Leo’s. They were no threat to this man, though he was one to them; he would really hate to lose thei
r Sunshine. Really, really very much.

  “I just... yeah. I’m fine.” Quincy gave Topaz a quick, almost chaste kiss.

  Leo drew Stephan into a warm embrace, lips brushing near his ear. “Should we leave them alone, love? Should we say something? Our Topaz... he’ll never get jealousy.””I don’t know.” He looked up into his lover’s beautiful eyes, worried. He didn’t want to lose their Sunshine, but he didn’t want to come between Topaz and Quincy either, not with the way their lover’s eyes lingered on the man.

  He glanced back over, Quincy looking awkward and not nearly as blissful as he had moments ago.

  Sighing Stephan gave Leo another kiss. “We deal with it here and now, lover. Flowers can’t grow if they’re choked by weeds.”

  Leo nodded, trusting him implicitly as always. “Come and sit, boys. Let’s eat and talk.”

  They sat and Stephan watched them fill their plates, utterly unable to eat himself. He waited, as a polite host should, until they’d had a bite or two before broaching the subject. He didn’t know if there was a right way or a wrong way to do it, so he just came out with it. “Quincy, has Topaz explained our relationship to you?”

  Quincy froze.

  Topaz slid one hand over Quincy’s, petting. “’s okay, Gemini. No stress, love.”

  Leo’s hand was on Stephan’s thigh, warm and wide. Solid. Comforting.

  “But have you told him, Sunshine?”

  “He said you guys used to be lovers,” Quincy put in, arm going around Topaz’ shoulders.

  “Used to be?” His heart fell as he turned his attention to Topaz, squeezing Leo’s hand tight.

  “No, Gemini. I said we were lovers and that Stephan and Leo were soul mates, a pair that loves me. Partners.” Topaz looked up at Quincy, stroking his jaw. “A pair like us.”

  Leo’s thumb stroked his hand, a soft, pained sound rumbling. Their Sunshine always believed the best, always trusted.

  “Yeah, but now that we’re together...” Quincy looked over at him and Leo and then back at Topaz a frown growing on the pretty face. “You’re still gonna be fucking them, too?”

  Topaz paled, light just fading from their Sunshine. “I...”Those almond eyes swung toward Leo, begging for help and Leo’s rumble increased. “We’ll support you whatever you two decide, you know that, T.”


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