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The Bohemians

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “I know.” He played with Topaz’ tongue, hands moving his lover slowly up and down on his cock.

  It was so good. So good.

  He heard Leo’s low, soft groan. “Beautiful. Fuck, they’re lovely, Stephan.”

  “I know my love, like a sunrise over a garden of yellow tulips.”

  He ignored them, ignored everything but Topaz, focusing on the love they shared between them.

  Topaz ducked his head, purring. “My Gemini. Sweet. Feel you. Deep.”

  “God. Yeah. Oh...” He moaned, bucking up harder.”More. Love you.”

  Whimpering, Quince pulled Topaz into his thrusts. He bent forward, mouth wrapping around a bare shoulder and working up a mark.

  Topaz’s cry sounded as that tight-tight body rippled around him.

  “Oh!” He jerked, filling the condom as he came.

  His lover settled down, humming soft and low, holding him tight.

  He got the condom off, just as awkwardly as it had gone on and then he gathered Topaz close, letting his eyes close.”Mm... Quincy. Love you.” Thin fingers stroked his hair, pet him. “’s good.”

  He nodded, nuzzling into the touch. “Love you, Topaz.”

  There was a low groan from across the hot tub and then Stephan screamed, the look on his face ecstasy.

  Topaz giggled. “Wait, you’ll hear Ku next.”

  Sure enough, a low, musical, oddly-soft noise filled the air, the water stopping its rocking.

  Quince buried his own giggles against Topaz’ skin. They laughed, hilarity growing louder, stronger and then, to his surprise, two more giggles joined theirs.

  It felt good to laugh, especially given the awkwardness they’d shared earlier.

  A splash of water caught Topaz in the neck and those pretty eyes gleamed. “Oooh! Water fight! Be on my team?””Nowhere else I’d rather be,” he murmured. Leaning in, he took another kiss, using it as cover to gauge the best angle. As the kiss ended, he sent a spray toward Leo and Stephan.

  Stephan’s laugh was sweet, almost as happy as Topaz’s and the war -- wet and filled with easy laughter -- was on.He shielded Topaz as best he could, aiming most of his spray at Stephan, which seemed to be keeping Leo from doing much more than trying to protect his own lover.Finally they all settled, breathing hard, laughing harder. “I think we won, Gemini.”

  Quince chuckled. “How can you tell?”

  “’Cause he said it first.” Leo grinned over at them, rolling his eyes. “He’s bad that way.”

  “Hey, love, you’re right -- we won.” Grinning, he bent to give Topaz a kiss.

  “Yep.” Topaz opened to him easily, tongue sliding deep.

  Quince had to admit, the evening was going far better than he’d expected.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Topaz woke up in his bed, curled around Quincy for the second time. Sweet. This time, he’d brought muffins up when they’d gone to bed. Lots of muffins. Juice, too. He stayed put, nuzzling and licking Quincy’s shoulder. Yes. Staying here.

  Quincy made a snuffling noise and the hand at his back petted sleepily. He giggled, cuddling closer. He loved this man. His hands stroked Quince’s hair, easing his lover awake.

  Quincy groaned a little and nuzzled against him. “Wha’ time’s it?”

  “Dunno.” He smiled. “I just can’t stop touching you.””Do I have to go to work?” Quincy asked, starting to sound a little more awake.

  “Uh... no. It’s Saturday.” Topaz giggled. “We’re off ‘til Tuesday. Three-day weekend, yeah?”

  “Oh, cool.” Quincy rolled, putting him underneath the warm body. “I guess I can wake up then.”

  “Mmm... warm. Love you. Good morning.” Topaz stretched, rubbing and grinning.

  Quincy smiled down at him, blue eyes shinning. “Good morning, love.”

  Oh. Oh, that felt nice. “Say it again?”

  “How about I say I love you instead?” Quincy licked at his lips, one hand sliding along his side and over his hip.”Okay.” He moaned, lips parting. “I like that.”

  “Good. I love you.” Quincy kissed him, slowly. “I love you.” He got another kiss, too.

  Topaz was melting inside, all warm and happy and home. “You make me so happy.”

  “I like how you look when you’re happy, Topaz. I like how it makes me feel.” Quincy rubbed against him. “I like the way it smells in here. Like you.”

  “I love the way you make the sheets smell.” Topaz took another kiss, then another. “Quincy...”

  “Yeah?” Quincy asked, voice distracted, eyes going dark.

  “Want you, love.” Topaz purred, shifting, rubbing, hard and so happy.

  “Oh...” Quincy moaned. “Yeah. Yeah, love, I want you, too.”

  Quincy reached for the condoms and lube, giving him the condom, nipping at his lips. “Put it on me, love?”Topaz nodded, unfastening the package and easing it down onto Quincy’s cock with only a little awkwardness. He was getting better at this part.

  Quincy moaned. “Oh, god, Topaz... feel’s good.”

  His Gemini’s fingers were shaking just a little as Quincy opened the lube. Then they were sliding against him, teasing as if Quincy weren’t almost shaking, eyes dark with lust above him.

  “Yes. Good.” He met Quincy’s eyes. “Love the feel of you, filling me, sliding inside. Love holding you.”

  Quincy nodded, moaning.

  The fingers at his hole pushed in, first one and then two and then one again, Quincy stretching, playing, slicking him up. Topaz arched, knees parting, showing his need, letting Quincy see everything.

  “Oh, God... love...” Quincy kissed him, the flavors of strawberries and need and want filling his mouth.

  Whimpering, he nodded, hands sliding over Quincy’s shoulders, petting and stroking. Loved him. Needed.Quincy finally pulled his fingers away, the blunt heat of his lover’s cock replacing them immediately. “Want me?” Quincy asked, love and laughter coloring his Gemini’s voice.

  “With all I am.” Topaz could bathe in that sound, wrap himself tight inside it. “My love.”

  Quincy sank into him with a moan. Stretching him, filling him, loving him.

  “Oh...” His own groan filled the air, sliding around Quincy’s and mingling.

  “Oh, love you,” whimpered Quincy, setting a gentle rhythm, taking him with slow heat. The motion was becoming familiar, welcome, an external heartbeat as necessary as his own. Quincy closed their mouths together in a kiss, tongue thrusting lazily.

  They rocked together for what seemed like hours. Hours of kisses and touches and thrusts and happiness.

  “Ung... coming,” groaned Quincy, thrusts becoming quick, graceless jerks. “Oh...”

  Topaz focused on it, watched his Gemini’s face in passion. So good. The pleasure made Quincy’s face flush rose, the blue eyes so dark and sightless. So pretty. He arched, hand pumping his cock. So beautiful. His love.”I love you.” Quincy nuzzled his neck, tongue licking at his skin.

  “Love. Oh, Quince!” Topaz arched, offering more skin.”Mmm...” Quincy murmured against his skin, licking and nibbling. “Come for me, love, come on my cock. Let me feel you.”

  Oh! Topaz jerked, lips falling open, arousal slamming through him.

  “Please, love, now, want to feel you now.”

  His entire body came, muscles rippling around Quincy’s prick. Quincy moaned, shuddering softly, hands petting him. “God, love, if I hadn’t just come you’d have pulled another one out of me.”

  “Oh...” He blushed and grinned, moving under Quincy’s hand. “Make me feel so sexy.”

  “Oh, you don’t need me for that, Topaz. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone sexier.”

  Quincy kissed him, distracting him as the long cock slid out of his body. He shivered, moaning and happy and home. Quincy curled up next to him, still nuzzling his neck, warm fingers sliding over his belly and tracing small circles.

  He giggled, watched. He was pretty sure he couldn’t be too much happier. “I brought muf
fins up.”

  “What kind?” Quincy asked, fingers playing over his hips, teasing the line of flesh where his curls began.

  “Uh...” He squirmed, laughing harder, cock threatening to fill again. “Blueberry? Blackberry? I don’t... Quincy!””You don’t Quincy? Oh, but you do, love, you were Quincy-ing just a few moments ago.” His Gemini managed to say it with a straight face and then the laughter burst through.

  Topaz rolled with laughter, fingers finding Quincy’s ribs and tickling. He loved this man so much. They rolled on the bed together, fingers digging into ribs and searching out other places that tickled.

  At last Quincy rolled onto his back with a sigh. “Oh man, my sides hurt. I haven’t laughed like that in a long, long time, love.”

  “Felt good. Felt so good.” Topaz snuggled close. “Thank you.”

  “Mmhm. I love you.” Quincy’s stomach growled loudly and his lover laughed. “I think maybe we should eat those muffins now, love.”

  He nodded. This was what he’d needed, what he wanted -- laughing and kisses and breakfast in bed.

  Quincy sat up and leaned over the bed, finding the basket with the muffins in it. “Are we allowed to eat in bed?”

  “Mm-hmm. No squishing the muffins in the sheets.”Quincy pouted. “Damn.”

  Topaz giggled and stole a muffin -- cranberry, it looked like. “I’m so mean.”

  “Yep, the meanest.” Quincy was smiling at him though, eyes warm.

  “Yeah.” He settled on his butt, nibbling. “What do you want to do this weekend?”

  “Is staying here and making love until we’re two dried out husks an option?”

  “Uh-huh. In fact, I could so handle that. We’ll have to buy more condoms and some lube though, we’re running low.”

  Quincy nodded and his skin flushed a light rose. “I’ve been thinking about that actually.”

  Topaz arched an eyebrow, just a little worried. “Yeah?””Yeah, I... well I want to be able to make love to you skin on skin, you know? To really feel you around my cock, to be able to shoot inside you instead of into a condom.”

  “Oh...” Topaz shuddered, cock throbbing as he nodded. “Yeah.”

  “So I was thinking. We need to get tested. You and me and Stephan and Leo. ‘Cause... you know if you’re fucking them, I basically am as well -- you know that’s how it works and don’t be upset, okay? It’s only prudent. I’ve been with a lot of guys, I get tested regularly, but I think it needs to be a recent test. To be sure. Okay?”

  Topaz hated that -- he wasn’t just fucking Ku and Daisy. He wasn’t. “I’ll talk to them. There shouldn’t be a problem. We’ve been together for a long time, but we could test again.”

  “That’d be great.” Quincy reached out and stroked his cheek. “I really want to bareback with you, Topaz, I want it all.”

  Topaz dropped a kiss in Quincy’s palm. “I’ll get Daisy to call Tuesday. He’s okay at appointments and keeps track of the schedule stuff. Sorta.” Topaz offered Quincy a wry grin. “There’s none of us good at it.”

  “You need a secretary,” Quincy told him with a grin, hand sliding back along his cheek, into his hair.

  “I’m not sure any one person is up to the job of organizing two nutty artists and a... A...” He bit at his bottom lip. “A Stephan.”

  That made Quincy laugh and then his Gemini sobered again, fingers still stroking his face. “Thank you, Topaz.””I love you, Quincy.” He gave his Gemini a smile. “I just love you.”

  Quincy nodded, eyes happy. “I love you, too.”

  Topaz took another bite of muffin and nodded. He knew.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Stephan sighed and took all the flowers out of the vase, beginning the arrangement again. “I’m still worried about him, Leo.”

  “Hmm?” Leo looked up from a catalogue where he was ordering supplies for the shop. His lover looked rumpled and distracted and edible. “Worried about what, lover?””Topaz and his ‘soul mate’.”

  Stephan glared at the flowers that would not come together, the irises refusing to sit with the daisies and the tulips. The only thing that settled happily with all of them was the baby’s breath. “Did you see his eyes when he told us about the tests? Quincy still does not trust him.”

  “Quincy doesn’t trust us, love.” Leo shook his head and sighed. “We’re going to have to wait it out, Stephan. He’ll either learn to accept us or leave.”

  “That would break Sunshine’s heart!” The stem of the iris he was holding snapped beneath his fingers. “Oh no! Look what I’ve done!”

  “Stephan.” Leo stood, rumbling softly, cupping his face in those huge hands. “Topaz loves us and we love him. He would not stay forever with someone who couldn’t understand that. He couldn’t believe in that. You know our Sunshine.”

  “I know if Quincy can’t understand that it is going to hurt Topaz dreadfully -- why do you think I’m worried about him. Quincy is so...” He bit his lip, searching for the right word. “Straight.”

  Leo chuckled and nodded. “And still Topaz wants him. We have to trust in that, trust in Topaz.” A soft sigh sounded. “Trust in us to put him back together after, if we have to.”

  “You know -- no one’s even asked us if we like Quincy,” he noted with a sniff. “Maybe we don’t want him.”

  “Oh.” Stephan saw Leo pale at the single word, saw the reflection of Topaz’s beet red face in the dark eyes.

  Stephan turned around, holding his hands out to Topaz. “Oh, Sunshine, lover, I didn’t mean it! I didn’t, truly!”Topaz stepped back, shaking his head. “I... I’ve been terrible about all this, haven’t I? I’m sorry, Daisy. I didn’t mean to. I...” One tear fell on the dark cheek. “I’m so sorry.”Then Topaz opened the screen door, tiny and huddled into himself. “I came to tell you Rosa called and wants to see the new yarns. I’ll bring home dinner for us.””Oh, Sunshine, don’t go away upset.” Stephan went to the doorway, stroking Topaz’ cheek, wiping away the wet track. “Please.” He was near to crying himself and he wanted to just kick Quincy -- so much trouble and heartache for the sake of a single man.

  “I’m okay, Daisy. I...” Topaz took a deep breath. “I’ve been just horrid, messing with everybody’s life. Yours and Leo’s, Quincy’s -- all I’ve seen is my own stupid self.” A soft kiss fell into his palm. “I need to do some meditating, more praying and less fucking, yeah?” The coarse word sounded false in their Sunshine’s voice.

  “You’ve never fucked anyone in your life, Sunshine.” He pulled his lover in for a hug, holding Topaz tight. “I love you, Topaz. I just want you to be happy and healthy. Wait before you go!” Stephan went back to his vase and picked up one of each of the flowers and a handful of baby’s breath, wrapping the broken stem around them to hold them all together. “Here. To brighten your way.”

  Stephan got a smile, slow and tired, but real. “Always, Daisy. You two are my home. I love you.”

  Then Topaz was gone, thin body winding the bright purple basket down the road.

  He watched until Topaz rounded the corner then Stephan turned back to Leo with tears in his eyes. “Oh, lover, I am a terrible person.”

  “Bah. You just have lousy timing.” Leo held his arms open, eyes warm, loving. “No matter what, this, you and me, we won’t change.”

  He went to his lover, pressing close, letting the warmth and acceptance and love he found there soothe him. “Never, my love, never.”

  “No, beautiful lover. Never.” Hands stroked his hair, loved him, eased him.

  Stephan tilted his head back, looking up into beautiful eyes that were rich like dark chocolate. “Make love to me, Leo? Make me forget everything but the power of your body, of your love.”

  “Yes.” The door was locked and he was led upstairs into their soft, warm bed, until long after supper.

  Chapter Fifteen

  He was frowning when he opened the back door, looking for Stephan. “Lover? You home? You checked the messages?”

  Nine days. Ni
ne days since he’d seen Topaz -- here or at work. Just a note -- feed the cats. Love you. T.

  Leo had seen that Topaz had been hurt by Stephan’s comment. Well, and the fact that they were in bed making love when Topaz brought food and left it still wrapped up in the refrigerator...


  Nine days was a long time not to be at the loom, even for Topaz, and if he was going to move in with Quincy, he should just say so.

  Stephan came in from the back, hands black with earth. “Leo! No news from Sunshine yet. I don’t suppose he called in at work?”

  “No. Maybe we should call Quincy’s house?” Leo leaned in for a kiss.

  “I don’t know. I hurt him worse than he let on.” Stephan gave him his kiss and then leaned against him. “It’s not like him to punish us like this though, to run to Quincy and not say a word for nine days!”

  Before he could answer, the garage doorbell sounded. They both went to the door, both looked out. He frowned deeply when they saw Quincy there.

  Leo stepped out. “Quincy? Why are you ringing the bell? Where’s Topaz?”

  Now Quincy was frowning. “What do you mean ‘where’s Topaz?’ Isn’t he here?”

  “No. He’s not with you? He hasn’t been with you?”Oh, shit.

  Quincy paled. “I take it that means he’s not here. Please don’t tell me he hasn’t been here for the last nine days. Oh, I assumed he was upset with me over the whole testing thing and was staying here with you both!”

  Leo shook his head. “Stephan, go call Rosa. Find out if she sent him on some weird assed religious thing to cleanse himself, yeah?”

  As soon as Quincy was in and the door shut, Leo shook his head. “We agreed to the testing, Quincy. We went already. Stephan and Topaz had a little misunderstanding last Wednesday. We thought he was with you.”

  “Oh dear. Oh no.” Quincy looked stricken. “That’s over a week ago!”

  “This is all my fault,” Stephan said. “I’ll call Rosa.” His flower bustled off, still talking to himself, blaming himself.”No, it’s Rosa’s fault. She gets him all worried and then he’s off to cleanse this or discover that and it’ll take three weeks before we get him to eat right again.” Leo growled and rolled his eyes. “Come in. We’ll ferret out where he is and then kick his ass.”


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