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The Bohemians

Page 8

by Sean Michael

  “Does he do this a lot?” Quincy asked.

  “Not for a long time, no.” Leo sighed. “He’s stressed out and worried about hurting all of us.” He gave Quincy a wry grin. “For being the most loving man on earth? He’s a bit of a dingbat.”

  Quincy chuckled and then sighed. “For being someone who claims to love him, I’ve not made his life easy, have I? I’m just... Well, not used to the way the three of you live your lives and I’m afraid I’ve been very judgmental.””And we’ve been scared to lose him. Jealous as hell.” Leo nodded. “Let’s see if we can’t find him, then we’ll beat on him, yeah?”

  “Sounds like we should let him beat us a little too, for putting him through it.”

  “Yeah, but that comes after.” Leo dug out two beers, handing one over and herding Quincy to the kitchen table. “Have you met Rosa yet?”

  Quincy shook his head. “We’ve been kind of ah... focused on the, you know, bed part.” The man took a swig of the beer and tilted the bottle toward him. “Thanks.””She’s his grandmother. Looney and lovely and utterly convinced that spirits tell her what to do.” Leo lowered his voice. “She’s right more often than she’s wrong, too, but she gives Topaz the weirdest advice about sweat lodges and crystal healers and psychic horses...”

  “Psychic horses?” Quincy blinked and started getting that uptight look again.

  Leo grinned. “Don’t ask me. It apparently told Topaz to only work in earth tones for a year. Topaz is... special.”That got another smile out of Quincy. “Yeah, he is.”Stephan came in then, fussing and muttering.

  Leo looked over, arching an eyebrow. “Does Rosa have him?”

  Stephan nodded, grabbing himself a beer. “He’s in the woods at Dali somebody or other Lama’s voodoo camp. I think he’s trying to be a leaf. She figures he won’t come back until he can photosynthesize.” Those sweet brown eyes looked over at him. “It doesn’t sound like they’re even feeding him, lover. We need to go rescue him. And then deprogram him.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Photosynthesize. Topaz. Christ, he’s tiny enough. Did she say where?”

  “Yeah, just outside of town off Highway One. Apparently we can’t miss the sixty foot high paper mache Dali whosit.”

  “Sixty foot...” He sighed and finished his beer. “You see, Quincy? This is why we kick his ass.”

  Quincy shook his head. “You’ve got to be making that up.”

  Stephan shook his head. “I wish I was, Bluebell, but knowing Rosa and Topaz, it’s going to be even worse than we imagine.”

  “Let’s get in the car. Somebody grab the aloe vera, somebody grab some hummus. Quincy, go get something to wrap him up in.” It was almost funny. Almost.

  “We’re going to go up there and... well, kidnap him?” Quincy looked like he was about to protest, but then the man nodded and got up. “I’ll get one of the blankets from his bed.”

  “Think of it as rescuing. Topaz wants to come home six times out of ten.” He got a bowl of hummus and some grapes.

  “Six times out of...” Quincy laughed sharply and hurried off.

  Stephan got the aloe vera, in case of sunburn, plus a thermos of green tea and a toothbrush, liquid soap and big towels. Right, the last time -- in his ‘man is a compost heap’ workshop -- the stench had been terrifying.

  Quincy came back with a couple of blankets. “He’ll be all right, won’t he?”

  “He will. Between all of us? He’ll be just fine.” Leo offered Quincy an honest smile. Hell, this was the most fun they’d had together in days.

  “All right then. Let’s go rescue our man.”

  Oh, yeah. The Dali Somebody or Other had nothing on the florist, the glassblower and the super secretary. Nothing at all.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The car ride back from the Center For Meditation and Natural Study was quiet. Leo was driving, Stephan sitting next to Leo, craning his neck around his seat every few minutes to check on Topaz. Who was fast asleep, curled up in his lap.

  Quincy breathed a sigh of relief as they pulled into the driveway.

  He’d honestly been imagining all sorts of Ticket To Heaven type scenarios and when they were able to just walk in, ask where Topaz was and waltz back out with him it threw him and he’d been convinced the entire way home a van full of Dali Pashi Lama crazies was going to start chasing them.

  “What do we do now?” he asked. “Bed? Shower? Food?”

  “Shower, first, then food and water. He looks dehydrated.” Leo stood and opened the door. “Can you manage the shower part? I’ll cook and Stephan can bring you towels.”

  Quince nodded, passing Topaz up to Leo and then taking his lover back into his own arms once he was out of the car. “We’ll be good.”

  “Come on into the main house. The bathroom’s bigger and easier to deal with.”

  He nodded. “Lead the way.”

  Between Leo and Stephan, he got them both into the tub, Topaz still mostly asleep and snugly.

  The bathroom was filled with plants, green and beautiful, hanging from every available surface. He had Topaz soaped up quickly and then backed them both up into the spray, holding Topaz upright.

  A soft giggle sounded. “Mmm... my Gemini.”

  He grinned and hugged Topaz tight. “My Starchild.””We home?” Soft lips brushed his neck. “Missed you.””Yeah, love, we’re home.” He bent to kiss Topaz. “I missed you, too,” he whispered against his lover’s lips.Topaz was melted against him, skinny frame light in his arms. The kiss lingered until the door opened, Stephan bringing towels.

  Quincy turned the shower off and helped Topaz out of the tub, not even thinking to be embarrassed about his hard on until they had Topaz wrapped up in a fluffy towel and Stephan was handing him another for himself.

  He colored a little, but Stephan gave him a quick once over and then a, “hey, sailor,” look, making it plain he liked what he saw. That made Quince blush harder, but in a good way, and he focused his attention back on Topaz after wrapping the towel tight around his waist.

  “Told you he was luscious.” Topaz was swaying, tongue sticking out at Stephan.

  He laughed, Stephan’s bright giggles sounding as well. “Oh, Sunshine, welcome back!”

  Topaz blushed, leaned back into his arms. “It’s good to be home. Feels like forever. I’m so hungry.”

  “Leo’s got a feast ready for you! For all of us, really,” Stephan murmured. “Come on, Sunshine, Bluebell, let’s not keep him waiting.”

  Topaz took a few steps on his own, then stumbled. “Gemini? Help me?”

  “Always.” He picked Topaz up, his Starchild an easy burden. Thin arms wrapped around his neck, Topaz relaxed, settled. Sure. As comfortable as he had been those first days. He kissed his lover softly and then brought him to the kitchen.

  Leo was still rumbling, fussing -- it was sort of strange to see the big man as huge mother hen, but that’s what Quincy was reminded of.

  Stephan pulled out a chair at the table for Topaz and he sat in it, not quite willing to let go of his lover just yet.Topaz cuddled happily, one eye on Leo. When his lover’s belly rumbled audibly at the smell of French toast, one of Leo’s eyebrows raised. “What? You didn’t manage to photosynthesize?”

  Topaz blushed dark. “It was a cleansing thing, Leo.””We have three bathrooms and a hot tub, Topaz.””I paid for the whole two week workshop, Ku. Rosa said...”

  Leo held up one hand. “I don’t want to know what Rosa said. You’re home and clean and we all love you and you’re going to eat.”

  “It smells great, Leo. I hope you made enough for everyone.”

  Quince got a warm smile and a nod, Leo almost blushing. Topaz’s lips slid along his jaw. “He’s very proud of his cooking.”

  “Yeah, well if it tastes half as good as it smells he should be.”

  A huge plate of French toast, buttered and syruped landed in front of them, along with some fruit and some scrambled eggs. “Eat. Quince, you make sure he eats.””Pushy mountain man

  “Silly airhead.”



  Stephan was giggling madly as Leo put the milk and orange juice on the table.

  Quince kissed the top of Topaz’ head, feeling good, feeling right, enjoying the company of not only his lover, but Stephan and Leo, too. For the first time since the beginning it, wasn’t awkward.

  The easy insults between Topaz and Leo went on until Stephan grabbed a fork and speared a bit of pineapple. “I’ll feed mine if you feed yours.”

  Quince chuckled. “Deal.”

  Before Topaz could protest, Quince pushed a piece of melon into his lover’s mouth.

  Leo and Topaz made exactly the same noise -- Leo’s low, Topaz’s high, but both pure bliss.

  He and Stephan shared a grin and then they all concentrated on the task of eating. Leo’s French toast was the best he’d ever had and he almost didn’t want to share with Topaz. He did though, the happy moans and blissful face better than anything.

  Topaz licked and nuzzled, stealing one bite after another, eating a fair amount before settling close with a soft moan. Quince ate until he was stuffed and then sat back with a sigh, holding Topaz, sliding his hand beneath the towel to touch warm skin.

  Leo looked up, smiled softly. “I put cushions out in the front room. Let’s rest there until the sheets are out of the dryer.”

  He nodded. “Sounds good.”

  He got up again, Topaz light and right in his arms. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to lie down among the pillows with Leo and Stephan. Topaz stayed in his arms and Stephan climbed into Leo’s, and he himself leaned against the big man.

  Topaz was sound asleep in seconds, relaxed and quiet, a look of peace covering the sweet face.

  Quince smiled, his own eyes beginning to drift closed. It was warm and good and very comfortable, not at all strange or odd.

  It was Leo’s snores that chased him into sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Stephan was warm and cozy, lying on softness with heat surrounding him.

  His Leo was pressed up against his back, curled around him. In front of him was... he blinked and opened his eyes. Quincy. The man was wrapped around their Sunshine, but pressed back against him.

  Oh, how lovely!

  He knew Quincy was as likely to go back to being standoffish as soon as he woke as not, but for now Stephan could enjoy the warmth and coziness and pretend everything was perfect.

  Topaz’s hand was wrapped around Quincy’s waist, fingers moving idly, periodically stroking his skin, Leo’s arm.

  It was wonderful. Just wonderful.

  Stephan let his fingers stroke Topaz’s. Those thin fingers curled around his, holding on tight.

  Quincy stirred between them.

  Topaz gave a lazy, soft purr, face lifting to Quincy’s. “Gemini.”

  “Mmm...” Quincy nuzzled against Topaz’ face and then gave him a soft kiss.

  So lovely together – Stephan had thought so when they’d all shared the hot tub. He’d said no one had asked him and Leo what they thought, but the truth was that he found Quincy quite handsome and with Topaz... Well, the fact that he was now hard and his prick was nudging at Quincy’s ass was a good indication of what he thought.He tried to shuffle back some, but Leo was a solid wall behind him. Then Leo rumbled softly, rubbing against him, hand sliding over his hip, brushing Quincy just a little.

  Quincy gasped, froze, and Stephan did as well, his fingers holding tight to Topaz’s, waiting. Then Quincy moaned and deepened the kiss with Topaz, not quite rubbing against him.

  Topaz groaned, melting into Quincy, one thin leg sliding up over his side.

  “Oh, God... Starchild. Love you.” Quincy’s hands were sliding over Topaz’s skin, sweet murmurs sliding between them.

  Leo’s hand found Stephan’s cock, wrapped it in familiar warmth. The slow tugs caused the tip to just stroke Quincy’s skin. A soft shudder went through Quincy and a moan sounded.

  “Oh, Gemini... Your eyes...” Topaz’s head disappeared beneath the light sheet, soft moans floating up.

  “Oh! Topaz!” Another shudder went through Quincy, body rippling, sliding against Stephan.

  “Yes, love. Need you. Please.” The fingers holding his tightened, even as Leo began rocking behind him, nudging him against Bluebell slow and easy.

  Quincy matched the movements, rocking back against him and then forward again, no doubt into Sunshine’s mouth. Wanting to see, Stephan risked the balance they found and slid the sheet away.

  Oh! So beautiful, Topaz’ face shone. Topaz moaned, taking Quincy deeper, humming as they found their pleasure. Quincy’s hands slid into Topaz’ hair, soft moans and whimpers coming from him.

  Leo kept rocking him and Quincy was pushing back, all of them finding a rhythm, energy moving between them. So good.

  Topaz’s hand slid over his waist, so familiar, so warm.

  Loving him. Loving them all.

  Quincy was making noises now, little gasps and whimpers that were coming closer and closer together.

  Leo growled, arching behind him. “Oh... Oh, good...””Oh!” Bluebell called out, hips pushing hard into Sunshine’s mouth.

  So beautiful, such bliss on both faces. With a soft cry, Stephan came as well, seed splashing against Quincy’s ass.Topaz was the first to move, sliding back up into Quincy’s arms. “Love you. Morning.”

  “Morning, Starchild.”

  “Yes, good morning, my loves!” He boldly slid his hand over Quincy’s arm to Topaz, giving them both a gentle squeeze. “How wonderful to have our Sunshine back from the wilds.”

  Topaz blushed prettily. “Good to be home. Lord and Lady, somebody stop me next time.”

  Leo chuckled. “No more going to Rosa’s alone. You have to take one of the three of us with you.”

  “And no more taking off without letting me know where you’re going,” admonished Quincy. “I thought you were mad at me.”

  “Mad at you? Never!” Topaz took a hard kiss. “Never.””No, if our Sunshine was mad at anyone, it was me.” Stephan stroked Topaz’s arm in apology.

  “I wasn’t mad. I just needed some focus.” Topaz took his hand. “I... I was hurting the people I love most.”

  Stephan made a soft noise and squeezed Topaz’s hand. He wanted to refute Sunshine’s statement, to say it wasn’t so, but he wouldn’t lie, not to Topaz. And the truth was that he and Leo had been hurting and Quincy as well, he imagined.

  “Yeah, well I was being an asshole about you guys.” Quincy made a funny little sound. “Feels a little silly now, seeing how we’re all... sticky. But I see now how much you all love each other and how it doesn’t, well how it doesn’t have to take away from what me and Topaz have. I’m sorry, Starchild. I think I was the one being selfish, wanting you all to myself.”

  Topaz offered Quincy a soft kiss. “I need you. I need all of you.”

  “I’ll try not to be too jealous,” Quincy murmured.”Oh, Bluebell...” Stephan swallowed and squeezed Topaz’s hand again. “He’s yours, anyone can see that. Besides... you don’t have to be left out at all, you know.”Leo rumbled, nodded against his shoulder. “You’re welcome here. Wanted.”

  “I... thank you.” Quincy paused and took a breath, voice quiet when he continued. “I’m not sure... it just seems strange to me. Which considering how many different men I’ve slept with is probably hypocritical -- it’s just that it was only ever with one at a time. And then there’s that bad habit of mine of falling in love with the men I make love to...”

  “Is that a problem, Gemini?” Topaz kissed Quincy again, hands sliding through his hair.

  “I’m not sure you all want me like that.” It wasn’t exactly a question, but Quincy sounded unsure.

  “Oh, Bluebell, our Sunshine’s heart is true, if he loves you, that means we could, too, doesn’t it, Leo?”

  “Yes. Yes, Quincy.” Leo reached out, stroked Quincy’s hip, body rolling up toward Stephan.
  “Oh... I’m not sure. I.” Despite his words, Quincy was pushing back against him, accepting the touch of Leo’s hand with a slight breathlessness.

  “So lovely, Gemini.” Topaz scooted closer. “Love you.””I love you, Topaz,” murmured Quincy, kissing their Sunshine with enthusiasm.

  Oh, it looked like maybe this was going to work out for all of them.

  Stephan lay between his soul and a pair of soul mates, happy to greet the day.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Topaz bounced happily as the elevator... well... elevated. He had his swimming suit in a basket hooked over his elbow. His swimming suit, roses and strawberries from Daisy, a quartet of cobalt glasses and a dozen blueberry muffins from Ku and an ocean-colored wall hanging plus table linens from him in a fine basket. They’d go have banana splits later. It was better than cake any day.

  He rang the bell, humming under his breath.Well, at least until he figured out the hallway had a great echo. Then he whistled.

  His Gemini opened the door on a smile. “Starchild! You’re early. Cool.” Quincy took his hand and pulled him into the plain apartment.

  As soon as the door closed, Quincy was kissing him. Topaz melted, lips parting immediately, free arm wrapping around his Gemini’s neck.

  Quincy kissed him for a long time before pulling back, blue eyes so dark, so happy. “I missed you. I think we should make it a rule to never be apart for more than eight hours -- it’s too hard.”

  “Okay.” He nodded happily, more than willing to live with that rule. “Oh! I brought goodies from Ku and Daisy and me!” He handed over the basket, stealing another kiss. “Except for the swim trunks. Those are mine.”

  Quincy laughed -- oh how he loved that sound -- and opened the basket. “Oh, Starchild! This is wonderful. Thank you.”


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