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Souls ReAligned

Page 8

by Tricia Daniels

  Ethan growls his own low expression of pleasure, signaling that he’s close too. She gasps for air, her legs tensing as she reaches her climax. Clenching around him during her release encourages his body to surrender, growling out her name as he comes. One last thrust and he collapses on top of her forcing everything he has inside her.

  Basking in the afterglow, he lay beside her on the bed. His gaze follows the length of her body, taking in every soft curve.

  Still extremely insecure about her body, she reaches for the sheet beside him. Pulling it around her body, she cloaks herself from his view and makes him frown.

  “Since when do you hide your body from me?” he asks, concerned.

  She shrugs, “I know it’s not what you like.”

  “It’s exactly what I like. Why would you think that?” He’s annoyed at the mere suggestion.

  She finally confesses, “Hannah. She said that you only date thin, athletic women.”

  Ethan is shocked. “For fuck’s sake.” He exhales his frustration, not believing what he’s hearing.

  “She said she could give me the name of her personal trainer and maybe once I lost some weight I might find a man who finds me attractive,” finally confessing, she feels relieved.

  Ethan shakes his head and spews out words she knows are curse words in Gaelic. She has no idea what they mean, but she’s heard him use them in the past.

  Shifting his weight, he props himself up against the headboard and then lifts her onto his lap. Dropping his lips to hers, he places a gentle reassuring kiss there, “I like you’re body just fine. As a matter of fact… if you haven’t noticed, I can’t keep my hands off of it.”

  Olivia takes a quick breath, “I thought… I thought I lost you to her. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t breathe. I...”

  Putting his hand on the back of her head, he pulls her forward, holding her against his cheek. “Shhh… That’s never going to happen. I’m not going anywhere. You have to stop doubting me. I don’t want anybody else, Olivia. What can I do to make you believe that? Tell me please. I’ll do anything,” he pleads, needing to put an end to her doubt.

  Olivia’s heart melts. This is where she’s meant to be. In his arms, tucked safe and warm into the hollow of his shoulder. Yet… she’s been unable to guard herself against the toxic thoughts that creep through her mind sometimes, sabotaging her happiness and fuelling her insecurities. She’s at a loss as to what to tell him. She doesn’t know herself. Her hands graze lightly up and down his arms and across his chest, soothing her. The warmth of his skin and the hard lines of his body beneath her touch, are the best anxiety medicine in the world.

  “I don’t know,” she admits with humble honesty.

  His hands tighten around her, his fingers digging into her skin, gripping her and holding her close. His soft lips skim lightly across her forehead; his breath hot and humid against her skin. The stubble on his chin grazes across her and then lands on the top of her head.

  “Just don’t give up on me. I’m trying to figure it out. I just need you to be here.” she sighs, feeling extremely vulnerable.

  Ethan takes in a long breath in and holds it before exhaling. “I’m here,” he assures her, his voice low and sincere. “But Olivia, I feel I should warn you… I wasn’t joking the other day. From now on you’re getting the real me. Ethan O’Connell live and uncensored. I know I’m going to fuck things up. I’m terrified that the real me is going to scare the shit out of you. We’ll figure it out together. If you need time or space to think, then just say so… but no more running, Baby. Okay?”

  That sounds like a good place to start. She’s teased him about it before, but she’s truly thankful that Ethan is a fixer. Yes, he’s a control freak. Yes, he’s bossy and demanding. Yes, he has a quick nasty temper. Nevertheless, he’s a fixer. Always looking for a way to make things work. He’ll never give up. By his own admission, failing is not an option in anything he does. She’s stuck with him. Now she’s glad of it, because there isn’t anywhere else in the world she would rather be.

  Lifting her hand to the side of his face, she brushes her fingers across his cheek, and then rakes them slowly through his hair, letting the soft strands drag through her fingers like silk. Her other hand presses firmly against his chest, running her palm across tightening pectorals, tracing their definition with her fingers and then brushing her thumb across his nipple. Immediately beneath her, she feels his cock begin to harden and press against her bottom.

  Bringing his lips to her mouth, he claims her, his hands pulling away the sheet to expose her breasts. Tracing the curves with his fingers, he makes her nipples respond, pebbling into tight nubs. Lowering his mouth, he surrounds one with his soft lips, his tongue washing warmth all around it. Olivia groans, quickly straddling his lap as he kisses his way up her neck. Returning his mouth to her breasts, he teases them with his tongue. With skilled fingers, he pulls, pinches, and rolls the sensitive nipples with just the right amount of pressure. Digging his fingers into the flesh, he nips at the gentle swells and curves. He moans against her skin, his actions giving him just as much pleasure as he’s giving her.

  It’s so hot for him to use her body for his own enjoyment. Olivia feels her desire building inside her. Ethan’s cock hardens to its usual girth, rock hard and ready underneath her. She’s surprised at how soon he’s able to go again.


  “Hmmm?” he asks with his mouth full of breast.

  “So soon?”

  “Yes.” He pulls his mouth away, drawing her nipple out long with one hard suck. “Do you see? See what your body does to me?”

  Leaning forward, she lifts herself, forcing the swollen head of his cock to rub along her as she adjusts her position. Ethan grins, sliding his hands under her ass and lifting her so that he can position himself at her throbbing entrance. She exhales slowly as he lowers her down on him, stretching her to accept him until she feels him reach the absolute end of her.

  Chapter Six

  Looking at her curiously, he soaks in her beautiful smile. “But it’s not my birthday or anything,” he says confused.

  “Just open it,” she insists, as she passes him a package wrapped in thin paper.

  He’s amused by her excitement. Untying the string, he takes meticulous care in removing the paper off a small wooden box. Looking down into her sparkling hazel eyes, he smiles.

  Jiggling her knee anxiously, she feels like she’s about to explode.

  Sometimes, he just enjoys tormenting her, making her wait until she can’t stand the anticipation any longer. He tries to convince himself that he does it to teach her patience. The truth is, that sometimes, deep down inside him, he enjoys watching her squirm with need and desire. He likes the feeling he gets when he controls her pleasure.

  “Open it!” she says impatiently.

  Smiling at her, he lifts the lid of the box. Staring at the contents inside, his expression clears. He falls silent.

  “Say something,” she demands.

  Taking the shiny gold object out of the box, he gets emotional. His heart beats heavily in his chest.

  “It’s your father’s compass,” she offers, unable to contain her excitement anymore.

  “How?” he asks dumbfounded. Looking over at her, horror washes over his face. “Where’s your necklace? Tell me you didn’t sell it in order to get this back.”

  Shrugging, she takes the compass out of his hand and polishes it with the hem of her dress, “I didn’t need it.”

  With emotion still weighing heavily on him, he continues to question her. “Why? Why would you do that?”

  “Because,” she says innocently, “you’re going to be away at medical school for a very long time. I need to make sure that you’ll be able to find your way back to me.”

  Opening his eyes, Ethan lay quietly in the bed. The sun has barely risen, but he can’t get back to sleep. Quietly, he slips out of bed, showers and gets dressed for work. For the longest time, he sits on the side of the be
d and watches her sleep.

  After making love most of the night, Olivia spent the rest of it sleeping peacefully in his arms without waking from anxiety, panic attacks, or nightmares. She looks so beautiful and tranquil this morning, he hates that he had to pry himself out from underneath her. He has a full day of things to be done at Aurora, before he can start concentrating on the last minute details of tomorrow’s grand opening. Leaning forward, he presses a kiss on her lips, the warmth of them drawing her from sleep. Her lashes flutter as she wakes.

  “Good morning, Princess,” he whispers.

  “Morning,” stretching, her eyes widen as she realizes he’s dressed. “Are you leaving?”

  He trails his fingertips gently across her throat, needing to feel the warmth and softness of her skin one last time before he goes. “Sorry, Love. I need to go. You stay here and rest as long as you’d like. I wish I could stay with you. You know how much I love morning sex.” Running his hand along the length of her body, he snags the sheet, peeling it off her along the way and exposing every curve and dip of her soft, alluring feminine figure.

  “I do,” she snickers, “and so does my sister.”

  Staring down at her naked body, his mind rouses in contemplation. Shaking his head, he grumbles and gets to his feet. Knowing that staying one second longer will diminish his control, he makes his way to the door.

  “Hey, Ireland? Are you going to tell me anything about your plans for tomorrow night?”

  He grins mischievously, thankful for the distraction, “Nope, only that Nate Ross will be there, but I assumed you had already figured that out. Other than that, I’m only going to tell you that I’m going to pick you up at seven.”

  She frowns at him, “You suck.”

  “Didn’t that earn you an orgasm last night? I didn’t hear you complaining then.”

  Gah! “Yes!” she growls in frustration. “And nobody likes a smart ass this early in the morning.”

  He ducks, ineffectively, as the pillow she launches hits him in the back of the head. She smiles, proud of her aim.

  When he straightens, he turns to look at her with a slow wicked grin forming on his lips. As he reaches for her across the bed, she jumps to her feet and starts to laugh. Bolting toward the bathroom, she squeals as he chases after her.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, with a predatory smile. Catching up with her in the hallway, he wraps his arms around her, turning her to face him in the doorway.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” she says, out of breath and still smiling from ear to ear.

  “I’ll come and watch,” Glaring down at her still naked body, he tries to push his way into the room.

  “You need to go to work.” She stops him with her hand on his chest.

  “What I need,” he begins as he unbuttons his shirt, “is to make love to you once more before I go.” He gives her that charming boyish grin that’s usually successful in getting him into her panties; if she’s wearing any, that is. Grabbing her bathrobe from the back of the door, she pulls it on and ties it, ignoring his look of disappointment.

  “Oh my God, Ireland! I can hardly walk as it is. Get out. Go build empires, destroy the enemy, buy companies…sell shit. Whatever it is that you do.”

  He raises his eyebrows and starts to laugh, “Okay, but kiss me first.”

  She hesitates for a moment, considering that this could be a diabolical plan to trap her. Leaning forward, she offers her lips anyway.

  Ethan slants his mouth over hers, tasting her lips. “Call me when you get to work, so I’m not worrying all morning,” he requests.

  Pressing her hand firmly against his chest, she pushes him out of the doorway, trying to close the door.

  “Olivia,” he says sternly, propping the door open a few inches with his foot. “I’m not joking. Call me when you get to work.”

  “Fine!” Clearly agitated she pushes the door the rest of the way closed. “Whatever you and your inner control freak need to get through the day.”

  Leaning against the door, he makes his intentions clear, “I’m just looking out for my girl. You better get used to it.”

  “I can’t hear you,” she calls out. “The water is running.” Turning on the water, she makes him shake his head.

  “I bought new body wash, it’s on the counter,” he shouts through the door. “It’s morning rain, or mountain fresh, or some shit like that. I know how much you hate the smell of strawberries.” Ethan scratches his head and mumbles to himself as he turns to walk away. “I have no fucking idea how I know that you hate the smell of strawberries, but I do.”

  Heading toward the stairs, he only gets a few feet away when the bathroom door flies open, making a loud thud as it bangs against the wall. Startled, he turns as she calls his name. There’s something suddenly inexplicable in her eyes. It almost looks like panic. Soaring across the room, she throws herself into his arms. Wrapping his tensed biceps around her, he’s perplexed at her sudden change in behavior.

  “Hey! What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing, I just wanted another kiss and to tell you…” she hesitates. “I just wanted to tell you to have a nice day,” she finishes.

  Ethan stares at her for some time, searching for clarity in her eyes. He was certain that she was going to tell him that she loved him. Was that the look he saw on her face that so closely resembled panic? Is there such a fine line between love and panic for her? He forces himself to smile, rationalizing in his mind that it’s too soon for those words anyway. Hell, it’s only been a few months, but admittedly, for him, things got very intense, very quickly. He’s almost let those words slip out a few times during the throes of passion. He imagines that wouldn’t have gone over well. Knowing that he has to get on his way, he shakes off that thought for now.

  “You have a good day, too, Baby. Don’t forget to call me okay?”

  “Ethan,” she protests.

  His body goes hard, tensing around her. “Don’t argue with me, Olivia. I’m not comfortable with the fact that some guy is wandering around town looking for you. If you won’t check in with me, like I ask you to, then I’ll assign John or one of his team to follow you around so I know you’re safe,” his words are direct, allowing for no misunderstanding.

  She gasps at the suggestion, “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Try me,” he warns.

  She considers it briefly, but concedes, knowing that he’s not one to dish out empty threats. “Okay, I’ll check in.” She folds her arms in front of her, hating the fact that she’s always giving in to him.

  His body finally relaxes and he smiles, “Good girl.” Leaning forward, he kisses her playfully. “Now, am I leaving for work or am I joining you for shower sex?”

  She laughs once, appreciating his attempt to break the tension. Even though, his ridiculous alpha male behavior caused the tension in the first place. “Go to work,” she starts to back up into the bathroom. “You’re going to need to make lots of money to pay the credit card bill for the dress I bought for tomorrow night.”

  Surprised, Ethan raises his eyebrows. “So you used our credit card to go shopping did you?” The amusement in his tone is notable.

  “YOUR credit card,” she clarifies. “And yes, I did.”

  “Good! Was it as hard as you thought it would be to let me pay for your dress?”

  “It was positively painful,” she says, her face starting to warm.

  “You bought the dress you wanted?” Looking extremely pleased, he starts moving toward her.

  “Yes, I love it.”

  “Then don’t give it another thought. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”

  Suddenly feeling extremely guilty, she lifts her hand to her mouth, twisting her bottom lip nervously. “You haven’t seen the bill yet. I will pay you back, eventually.”

  Ethan reaches for her hand and pulls it away from her mouth. Lowering his lips to hers, he tenderly places a kiss there.

  “No, you won’t pay me back. Don’t m
ention it again,” he says annoyed. “It’s only money, Olivia. It’s my privilege to buy you the things that make you happy.”

  Those words would probably make any girl feel ecstatic, but not Olivia. She’s not in it for the money. “Ethan,” she says softly, pulling away from him slightly. “Do you know what makes me happy?”

  He looks at her quizzically.

  “It’s not dresses, or shoes or fancy underwear. It’s not anything I could buy with your credit card.”

  “OUR credit card,” he interrupts, ignoring her when she shakes her head in disapproval.

  Lifting her hand to his heart, she places her palm over it. “What makes me happy is what’s in HERE.” She presses her hand against it firmly. “Everything I need… is here,” she says, feeling it beat harder and faster, pounding heavily in his chest.

  Ethan licks his lips and gives her a ghost of a smile, “Careful, Olivia. If you keep saying sweet things like that, I’m going to start thinking that you actually like me.”

  She smirks in a teasing manner, and then quickly clears her expression. “Like is a pretty strong word. I tolerate you.”

  “Is that so?” Grinning, he looks at her with humor in his sparkling green eyes.

  “Yeah, but the car definitely helps,” she says, biting at her lip trying to stifle a laugh.

  Ethan grabs her hips and pulls her to him. “Maybe I’ll stay with you today. Laze around in bed and pleasure you all day. When you think you can’t possibly take it any longer, I’ll pleasure you some more. Then we’ll find out for sure if it’s the car you’re sticking around for.”

  “It would be fun finding out,” she says, twisting her hands in his hair. “Now go, please, or you’re not going to get anything done today, and it’ll be midnight before you get home.”

  “Damn, you’re right,” he says, looking at his watch. “I have to go. Call me when you get to work. Don’t forget.”

  After kissing his sweet, bossy, control freak mouth, she points him toward the door. When she finally hears the front door close and the engine of the Challenger rev, she returns to the bathroom to shower. Getting in under the warm spray of water, she hopes that it will help to soothe her stiff and sore muscles. By God, the man has strength and stamina. There isn’t any part of her body that isn’t feeling the result of his dominance today.


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