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Souls ReAligned

Page 9

by Tricia Daniels

  Arriving at the office early, she digs right in to the work that she’s neglected in the past few days. At least an hour passes, when her phone rings. Reaching over, she grabs it without thinking.

  “You were supposed to phone me when you got there,” he grumbles, clearly pissed off.

  Olivia cringes when she looks at the time. “Ethan! I’m so sorry I…”

  “Stop! Just tell me you’re safe. Is everything okay?” his voice is low and calm. She assumes that he’s either in a meeting or on his way to one. Otherwise, he’d be freaking out.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just…”

  “I’m on my way into a meeting, I’ll call you later.”

  Knew it! When she hears the dial tone in her ear, she pulls the phone away and looks at it, frowning. No point in stressing about it now.

  Ethan sits at his desk with Shannon and John on the other side. The conference call to discuss his case has not brought him any good news. Their attempt to get a court order to prevent Jessica from talking to the press has been denied. The request for a restraining order to keep her from talking to his friends and family is still being reviewed, but it doesn’t look good either. She’s still insisting that she’s pregnant with his child, although he’s positive that he never once had unprotected sex with her. She’s refusing to take the paternity test until he comes home to Ireland and talks to her in person.

  The final straw was the city turning down their requests to view the video footage from the camera that covered the west side of the parking lot of the bar, where Jessica was last seen with a nondescript man. Although Jessica has talked to both the police and the media, she hasn’t yet pressed any charges.

  In ten days, the three of them would be home and stand a much better chance of working things out in person. Face to face, he can reason with Jess, he’s certain of it.

  Then there’s Olivia. How is he going to deal with her? Carter is right, he needs to find a way to tell her the truth about the accusations before he goes home and things heat up. Since he’s just regained her trust, it just doesn’t feel like the timing is right. Sighing heavily, he looks over at Shannon with a frown.

  “Don’t worry,” she assures him. “We’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  “There is something else,” one of Shannon’s assistants adds over the online call. “We’ve discovered that Miss Keane has recently received two rather large deposits into her bank account. Totaling almost twenty-five thousand dollars.”

  “Can you find out who made the deposits?” Shannon asks.

  “We’re working on it.”

  Shannon stares at Ethan… Ethan stares at John. “Do you think my dad gave her money to keep quiet?”

  John shrugs and shakes his head as he lets out a torrent breath, “Ethan, I have no idea. McKenna was supposed to talk to him, right? Tell him not to give her any money?”

  “She said she would. Maybe he just felt he needed to make this entire embarrassment go away.” Leaning back in his chair, he exhales harshly.

  “Let’s not jump to any conclusions,” Shannon adds. “Let the team find out exactly where the money came from, before we make any accusations.”

  Ethan scratches at the back of his neck and nods. “Okay, you’re right. Is there anything else?” Ethan asks of the group online.

  “No, sir, not today.”

  “Okay, we’re done here then. Thank you.” Disconnecting the call, he watches as both Shannon and John collect their things and stand to leave. Shannon makes her way to the door while John holds back, waiting for instructions.

  “You okay?” John asks, once Shannon has left the room. “You’re awfully calm today.”

  “What were you expecting?” Ethan asks curiously.

  “Tense. Uptight. Angry. You know, the usual.” John hides a small smirk.

  “Ah, I’m just too worn out for any of those emotions today,” he says as he reflects on the past twenty-four hours. “That woman is going to kill me yet. The headlines are going to read ‘Ethan O’Connell - Death by sex at 32.’ Can you imagine the look on my mother’s face when she reads it?”

  John’s smirk morphs into a full on grin. “No, I can’t actually.”

  “Speaking of Olivia, I need to talk to you about something,” Ethan says in a serious tone.

  “Ethan if you’re going to tell me that you’re in love with her, that’s not a secret.”

  “Fuck me. Am I that transparent?” he asks, surprised.

  John laughs, “Christ, man. I’ve never known anyone to have it this bad over a woman.”

  Ethan agrees, “Yeah, it’s pretty bad. But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh? What’s up?”

  “This ex of Olivia’s, Sam. We still can’t find him. I’m worried that he’s skulking around.”

  “Do you think she’s in danger?”

  “Yes, and she’s being difficult about checking in with me, so that I know she’s safe. This morning when I didn’t hear from her, I just about went out of my fucking mind. I’ve told her that if she doesn’t do what I ask, that I’m going to assign her a security detail. You can only imagine how well that went over.”

  “Not too well, I’m guessing.”

  “I’m going to be really busy tomorrow night. Many people are going to demand my attention. I won’t be able to be with her all the time.”

  “You want me to keep an eye on her?”

  “Yes. I need her safe, John. I don’t trust anybody else.”

  John nods. “Okay, you can count on me.”

  Ethan relaxes a little. “Thank you. What time are we picking Nate up at the airport?”

  “Not until 8 p.m. Why?”

  Ethan frowns, “Damn. There’s no point in me going home and then coming back. I guess I better phone the Mrs. and let her know I won’t be home until late,” he smiles, pleased that he can finally refer to her as his.

  “You have everybody’s hotels booked for the weekend and arranged for transportation?”

  “Yes, it’s all looked after.” John goes down his list of things to do and makes sure they are all accomplished.

  “So, everything is on track?”

  “Yes, everyone has confirmed, schedules are in sync. Everyone knows what they should be doing,” John says confidently.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you back here around 7:30. There are a couple of errands I need to run first.” He’s been thinking about his dream all day, and there’s something he needs to do. He can’t explain why he feels compelled to do it, but he does. Stuff like that happens all the time since he’s met Olivia James. He’s finally stopped questioning it.

  “Errands? You? Wow!”

  “Don’t be a dick. I need to go to the jewelry store. I want to give something special to Olivia tomorrow night.”

  “I think I like this woman. Can we keep her?” John teases.

  Ethan points to the door, “Out!”

  As John closes the door behind him, Ethan dials her number.

  “Hi,” she says cautiously, not knowing his mood.

  “Hey, Beautiful,” he says, his voice all soft and sultry.

  Olivia blushes as she has that reaction to him, the one she’s never able to hide. She’s sure that he can feel it, even through the phone.

  “I have some things to do tonight. I was going to try to come by to have dinner with you, but I have to pick up Nate at the airport at 8:00 p.m. It seems silly for me to come all the way home for an hour and then drive back into the city.

  “Yes, that would be silly.”

  “I was thinking that I haven’t been to the gym for awhile, so maybe I’ll just stay downtown and get in a good workout before I have to go the airport. Is that okay with you?”

  She tries not to laugh aloud. They haven’t even been an official couple for twenty-four hours yet, and he’s already asking for permission. “Am I okay with you not coming home, or am I okay with you going to the gym?”

  “Well, both I guess.”

  “I’m oka
y if you can’t make it home for dinner. I think I’m going to have a nap anyway,” she snickers quietly. “As for the gym…” she pauses, antagonizing him a moment and loving every minute of it. “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Do any tall blondes with long legs hang out there?”

  Ethan grins, “Well actually, only one. But I don’t think I’m his type.”

  “Oh, I think you’re everybody’s type, Ireland. If I were you, I wouldn’t bend over in the shower to pick up the soap.”

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” he says, amazed that she still has the ability to shock him.

  Olivia laughs, “I’m just saying.”

  “Seriously now, are you going to be okay if I don’t get home until late?”

  “Home?” she repeats hesitantly.

  “Yes… Home. Wherever you’re going to be tonight is where I’m going to sleep. My house, your house, under the stars… it doesn’t matter to me. From now on, home for me will always be wherever you are.”

  Olivia swallows past the lump in her throat, “Of course, it’s okay, Ethan. Come home when you can.”

  “Do you want me to have Brad send someone from security to watch the house until I get there?”

  Here we go! “No, but would it make you feel better?”


  “Are you going to do it regardless of what I say?”


  Olivia sighs, “Thought so, but figured I’d ask anyway. I’ll see you when you get home.”

  When she hangs up the phone, she smiles. Never in a million years did she think this is where her life would lead her. Tomorrow night, she’ll be making her debut as Ethan O’Connell’s girlfriend wearing a $1200 dress. A nervous kind of panic sets in for a moment, but it’s quickly brushed aside by excitement.

  Chapter Seven

  Olivia barely wakes when Ethan slips into the bed beside her, well after midnight. Cuddling into her backside, the heat of his body warms her considerably. Half asleep, she sighs, turning in his arms. Melting into his chest, she fuses them together as one. Nights are a lot less terrifying spent in his arms.

  Morning comes too quickly, her eyes blinking open as he brushes goodbye kisses on her forehead. Her smile is quickly replaced with a pout when she realizes that he’s no longer lying beside her and leaving her for the day.

  “I have to go.” He frowns, wishing he could just climb back into bed with her. “I have a million things to do today.”

  “You’re ditching me? That’s two days in a row,” she complains, “Is there anything I can help with?”

  “No, Love. You stay and rest. If you’re going out anywhere, please text me and let me know. I’ll be back to pick you up at eight. Right after I pick up Scott, Rachel, John and Shannon.”

  Propping her elbow up on the pillow, she rests her head in her hand. “Soooo, no limo sex then?”

  Ethan’s body stiffens, aroused at the idea. He regrets that he hadn’t thought of that himself. “Do you want to have limo sex? One phone call and I can order another limo.”

  Thinking about it, she sighs, “No, I think I’m going to be too nervous anyway. And it’s what? A four minute ride from here?”

  “Ah, but I only need four minutes and twenty-eight seconds,” he reminds her. Furrowing his brow, he looks at her with concern in his eyes. “Why are you nervous? Are you concerned about Sam? Because I can assure you that security has very strict instructions to watch for him.”

  She blinks her eyes. Why doesn’t that surprise her? “Gee thanks, I wasn’t worried about him until now.”

  Ethan sits on the side of the bed. “Sorry, Sweetheart. Trust me to keep you safe. Okay? Tell me why you’re nervous then.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I haven’t really been around people much in the past few years. I know you have big plans and lots of secrets for tonight. Not to mention that my date is one of the sexiest men alive and no doubt will draw the attention of every woman in the place.”

  Ethan laughs once, “That’s funny, because I’m stressing that I’m going to have to compete with all the men for your attention. Did you see the way they all looked at you the other day? Baby, you’re so hot that you rendered several grown men helpless.”

  Olivia gives him a demure smile. “Yeah, that was kind of cool.”

  “Very cool for me,” he says as he brushes his thumb over her lips. “To know that you had come for me, to claim me. You didn’t even seem to notice any of the other guys.”

  She holds his gaze, getting lost in the depth of his eyes. “I didn’t. I saw only you, Ireland. No one else existed.”

  He leans in for a kiss, parting his lips and licking softly at her tongue. Pulling away, he gets to his feet, seemingly agitated, “Okay, enough of that. I’m not going to get anything done with my dick hard all morning. You’re a bloody distraction, woman!”

  Olivia sits up throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. “Wait until you see my dress.” Getting to her feet she walks stark naked towards the bathroom. “Then we can talk about distractions.”

  Ethan watches her move across the floor, reaching for her as she passes. Sidestepping him, she blows him a kiss over her shoulder as she closes the door. “You’re killing me! You know that right?” he yells loud enough for her to hear. Her laughter echoes off the ceramic tiles and makes him smile. He’s looking forward to this evening being over, so he can relax and really spend some time with her. He’s tired of shouting his goodbyes through the bathroom door. He wants to give her his full, undivided attention before he goes home to Ireland. Fuck! Angst washes over him on the way to the car. Don’t think about it now. Just get through this weekend. Then come up with a plan.

  The day drags on forever. The only time she hears from Ethan is when she’s at the salon with the girls. When they all receive a simultaneous text message with the times that they’ll be picked up, they laugh. Olivia explains that, even with his militant time schedule, when Ethan says he’ll be there at a certain time… he’ll definitely be there half an hour earlier.

  “Good to know,” Shannon says. “Since we’re first to be picked up.”

  Having no idea what she wants in a makeover, Olivia leaves it up to Shannon and the hair stylist to decide. She just sits and lets them do their thing. It’s a miracle since she’s never sat this still, for anything in her life. It’s been a long time and she’s getting fidgety. The result is stunning and well worth the wait. She bats the long and lush, movie star eyelashes playfully in the mirror. Rubbing her lips together, she spreads around the lip-gloss that’s lined with a deep plum. It’s the perfect compliment to the burgundy dress that cost two weeks salary.

  Olivia stares at herself in the full-length mirror, smoothing the burgundy silk dress around her hips and adjusting her breasts so they sit up high and proud. She’s not used to wearing a strapless gown, and it takes some getting used to. She imagines small-breasted woman would have less of a challenge, but that’s definitely not the case for her. Turning her head from side to side, she takes one last look at her hair. Partially pulled up at the back, some long soft brown curls are still left to fall across her neck. She hopes that Ethan likes it. He prefers the curls down and flowing, but with this dress, elegantly “UP” was the right choice. Well, at least that’s what ‘Armando’ said while he was doing it. Both Shannon and Rachel agreed, so she deferred to them.

  It’s almost 7:30; Ethan said he’d be here at 8:00, so he’ll be here any minute. She takes one last long look in the mirror, before sliding on a full-length sweater. WOW! Since Ethan has been around, she spends less time looking like the tomboy she was, and a lot more time looking like the beautiful, sensual woman she is: quite the transformation. As she ties the sweater at the waist, there’s a knock on the door.

  “I’m early,” he apologizes.

  Her eyes sparkle as she glances over him in his suit. No man ever made a tailored black suit look hotter than Ethan O’Connell. His dress shirt is the exact burgundy to mat
ch her dress, by some strange coincidence or perhaps that too is Shannon’s doing.

  “I’m ready,” she smiles, feeling like she’s walking on clouds.

  Helping her into the limo, he sits down beside her and quickly grasps her hand. Tangling his fingers around hers, he locks them together. Glancing down at their hands, she admires his watch. There is something about a man’s watch that gives away secrets about him. Some are thin and sleek, others sporty and fun. Ethan’s watch is thick, bold and masculine. It’s heavy appearance, unsubtly, announcing his dominance, his POWER. Warmth sweeps across her body. What is it about this man that makes her notice these things?

  Ethan is quiet, edgy. Nervous, she’s assuming. He’s his own worst critic; expecting perfection from himself and in everything he touches. She squeezes his hand tighter, reassuring him as she glances up into his restive green eyes.

  “I feel like I’m a movie star showing up at the awards show,” Shannon says as they near the front of the building with all the spotlights and security.

  They’ve been advertising this night for weeks, very elusive information on special performances, but promising the best night ever. Apparently, their efforts paid off. It's more than ninety minutes before the doors will open and the lineup is snaked down the sidewalk and around the corner of the building.

  “Wow!” Olivia whispers in awe.

  The men exit first and then assist the ladies from the limo. Camera flashes blind them as photographers capture them entering the building. Shannon blinks her eyes trying to focus. “I’m glad I’m not a movie star,” she says graciously. “I couldn’t put up with that everywhere I went.”

  “Agreed,” Olivia says.

  Since there’s no dinner service tonight, there are only a few employees inside getting ready for the evening. Olivia is glad that she won’t have to argue with Ethan over eating a meal since her stomach is still feeling a little off and she’s way too nervous.


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