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An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

Page 24

by Wolfe, Samantha

  I found Jenny kneeling quietly on the hardwood floor near the foot of the bed as I paused in the doorway of the bedroom. Her head was bowed respectfully, and her hands were clasped loosely in her lap. The late-afternoon sunlight streamed in through the window making her dark hair shine and her creamy skin glow. She was truly breathtaking. I'd expected her to be on the soft rug next to the bed. The hard floor couldn't be comfortable for her in any way. I frowned until sudden clarity hit me. She was already punishing herself, and not in a way that I approved of at all.

  "Stand and bend over the side of the bed," I told her sternly to get her to move from that uncomfortable position she put herself in. I'd be the one to decide on her punishment, not her. I watched her immediately rise and scurry over to the bed. She bent over until her breasts pressed against the mattress, and her gorgeous round ass was high in the air. I was already getting hard at just the thought of turning her ass red. I crossed the room and stood behind her. I ran my hands over the perfect globes of her buttocks, the skin silky smooth and soft under my palms.

  "What are your colors, Jen?" I asked her. I wasn't going to hold back on this spanking. We both needed it, but she also needed to know she could stop it at any time if it was too much.

  "Green, yellow, and red, sir," she answered immediately, desire lowering her voice into a husky timbre that made my cock twitch.

  "Good girl," I purred. I ran a hand down until my fingers brushed her lush folds, making her gasp softly. She was already wet. Good. I slid my hand back up to her ass. "Why are you being punished?" I demanded.

  "I...I did something stupid and risked my safety, and I scared you, sir." This time her voice was an apologetic whimper. "I'm sorry."

  "I know, honey," I whispered. I reached down with my right hand and gripped the back of her hair in a firm fist. "Color?"

  "Green, sir."

  "I'm going to spank you, and you will count each one for me." My voice was stern now as I pressed her head down into the mattress. "I won't be holding back so feel free to scream if you have to." I leaned down until my lips brushed her ear. "In fact, I want you to," I whispered seductively.

  "Yes, sir," she replied breathlessly as her body thrummed with arousal. Yeah, we were both really going to enjoy her punishment.

  "If you can stay still for all of them, I'll bind you, fuck you, and let you come," I explained. "If you try to move away from me at all or lose count, you won't get my ropes, I'll come in your mouth, and you get nothing. Understood?"

  Her eyes widened in surprise. I'd never threatened her with anything remotely like this before. What I wanted was far beyond anything we'd done together so far. I'd never felt the need to go to this extreme before. This would be the measure of her trust in me. I hoped my past actions proved to her that even when I punished her, that I was in complete control and would never hurt her. I watched the gears turning in her head as I waited for her to choose.

  "Yes, sir," she finally replied. "I'm green, sir." Her eyes softened, and her voice turned into a pleading whimper. "I'm sorry, Ford."

  "Shh, I accept, honey," I reassured her as I circled my left palm over her ass. I straightened and rested my right hand at the small of her back. "Now count," I snarled.

  There was no warm-up, no easing into it. This was a punishment after all. I landed the first blow across both her cheeks with a loud smack that instantly forced a yelp out of Jen. The strike jiggled across the flesh of her ass and looked fucking incredible. She moaned as I rubbed away the sting.

  "Are you forgetting something, honey?" I asked huskily.

  Her eyes looked confused then widened in sudden realization. "One!" she blurted out in a panic. I laughed wickedly.

  "Only nine to go," I rumbled out darkly.

  "What?" Her widening eyes amused me. "Nine?"

  "Color, Jen?" I asked worriedly. "You can stop this anytime."

  "No, I'm...I'm green, sir." Her head shook frantically. "I want this. I deserve this."

  "Yes, you do," I replied, then spanked her without any warning this time. I caught her on her left cheek this time, the blow firm and solid and loud. It kind of hurt my hand.

  "Two!" Jen shrieked, then managed to stay still even as her body trembled violently. I soothed the area with massaging sweeps of my hand.

  Her skin was so warm, the area now pinkish red from the blood rushing to the surface. I kneaded my fingers into her skin, eliciting a low moan deep in her chest. I dipped my fingers down to her sex to find her drenched. I grinned. She was getting off on this as much as I was right now. My dick was so fucking hard that it throbbed in my jeans.

  My third strike caught the tops of her thighs and her vulva. "Three!" she wailed out. "Oh God! Oh Ford!" She panted out several breaths. The right cheek was next, and the blow even harder this time. She screamed out, "Four! Oh fuck!"

  "You will never scare me like that again," I snarled out harshly and gave her the fifth one.

  "Five," she gritted out. ", sir. Never. I'm sorry." A sob escaped her, her face scrunching up.

  "Color?" I asked softly. I didn't think she was sobbing from the spanking, but I needed to be sure.

  She gasped twice before answering. "," she whimpered out. I reached down to her pussy again. Holy hell, her wetness was dripping onto her upper thighs now. I let out a long rumbling groan.

  After six, seven, and eight, her trembling legs began to give out on her. I grabbed her hips and lifted her up until her knees were on the edge of the bed with her ass still up high for me. "Two more, honey," I murmured softly. "Are you okay? What's your color? Do you need me to stop?"

  "I'm...I'm...I'm still green Ford, sir," she mumbled out in a breathless voice. "Please don't stop," she pleaded as she met my eyes. "Finish so you can fuck me." A long needy whine spilled from her mouth, and her eyes were hooded and hazy with lust.

  Holy hell, she wanted this as much as I did. Wow. My cock throbbed desperately for release. It was all I could do to keep from dropping my pants and fucking her right then, and I had to step away from her body. I closed my eyes and clenched my hands into fists as I grasped fiercely at the fraying threads of my control. A long low growl oozed out of my mouth as I tamped down the lust blazing through my body. Patience. We'd both get what we needed soon enough. My control fell back into place, and my eyes flashed open to focus on Jen, and her luscious ass raised up to me like an offering. I wasn't going to squander it.

  I pulled my hand back and struck, smacking her ass with a stinging blow that made her squeal and arch her back. "Nine!" she gasped out just before I landed the final blow across both cheeks. As she cried out, I slipped my hand between her legs and pressed my thumb down firmly on her clit. Her voice swelled into a long vibrant scream of pleasure that echoed through my soul, filling me with pleasure too. I lived to make her feel good.

  I watched her slump down limply onto her side across the comforter, her body spent. "Ten," she somehow managed to croak out between gasping breaths. Apparently, she wasn't taking any chances of not getting my dick inside her.

  I let out a throaty laugh as I reached down to cup her cheek in my palm. "Good girl," I told her gruffly. I caressed my thumb across her plush lips as she smiled drunkenly up at me.

  "Will you fuck me now?" she asked softly and sweetly. "Please, sir?"

  I leaned down and latched my mouth onto hers forcefully, pulling her tongue into my mouth and feeding on her lips until she mewled and writhed on the bed. I pulled away slightly. "Yes," I answered in a husky whisper. Her sapphire eyes burned a bright fire at that single word.

  I straightened. "On your back in the middle of the bed now," I demanded sternly. She obeyed as fast as her pleasure wrecked body could respond. She lay still and watched me with luminous eyes. I held her gaze and slowly unbuttoned my shirt, her eyes drifting down to my chest as I exposed my skin. I pulled it off and flung it aside. Her eyes were riveted to the tattoo over my heart, and I smiled and touched the scabbed and still healing image of her reverently. It was my most
cherished tattoo. It ensured that no matter what, my Jenny would always be with me, even if my life went to shit because of the rape accusations against me. I immediately buried the negative feelings that thought almost stirred up.

  When I moved my hands to the waistband of my jeans, her eyes instantly flashed down to them and heated even brighter with lust as I unfastened the button and eased open the zipper. I smirked. I loved what I did to her. I loved what she did to me. All desire to wait died, and I shucked my boots then swiftly slipped my jeans and boxers off. I left them where they fell as I strode over to the long bench by the window and grabbed two lengths of the blue rope I'd left coiled there. I turned back to her.

  Now her eyes were riveted to my groin, and the almost painful erection that I was sporting as I approached the bed. "Knees up to your chest and grab your ankles," I commanded.

  She complied as she met my eyes again. Her face lit up gloriously as she submitted to my will. It filled me with joy and love. We really were two halves of a whole.

  I crawled onto the bed and made quick work of binding her in rope. I tied her right wrist to her right ankle, then secured that side's elbow to her calf. I repeated it on the left until her legs were spread wide with her pussy completely exposed to me, and her arms were pressing her gorgeous breast together into a mouthwatering line of cleavage. I didn't want to waste a lot of time with anything elaborate like a chest harness. We'd both waited long enough.

  "Color, honey?" I asked. "Are the ropes too tight?"

  "Green, sir," she murmured in a soft breathy voice. "They feel perfect." She sighed happily.

  I crawled over her body and hovered over her, settling my hips between her legs and letting the swollen head of my cock bump teasingly at her sex. She moaned and writhed under me. I dropped down closer to her and bracketed her head between my forearms. Her hardened nipples caressed my skin as her soft breasts were pressed against my chest. I kissed her lingeringly as I rubbed the bottom ridge along the length of my erection up and over her clit in several long languorous strokes.

  "Please," I said against her lips, my voice tight with lust and emotion. "Promise me that you won't ever scare me like that again, honey." I took a shuddering breath. "The thought of something happening to you rips me apart."

  "I promise. I promise," she chanted out immediately.

  I plunged into her to the hilt and ground down into her clit, sending her flying into immediate bliss. I swallowed her fervent cries. I kissed her and fucked her as she came on and on, her body arching and shuddering underneath me.

  "I love you, Jen. I love you. I love you," I groaned against her lips repeatedly, sifting my fingers through her silky hair as I moved above her.

  When I was finally close, I pulled out almost all the way, then slammed down into her once more before splintered apart right along with her. Our passionate cries melded together into one, resonating in my mind and sinking deep into my heart.

  Moments passed after we were spent, my body still draped over hers as we both gasped for air. When she grunted in discomfort, I immediately rose up and unbound her limbs before pulling her into my arms.

  She nuzzled her face against my neck, making the sweetest, little mewling noises. "I love you," she murmured. "I'm sorry."

  "It's already forgotten, honey," I whispered as I rolled onto my back, pulling her with me. I gently pressed her head down onto my chest. "I love you too."

  She sighed in relief and melted against me, her beautiful body going limp as she drifted off to sleep sprawled across my torso. I held her tight as I lay there awake for a long while, just enjoying her warm skin against mine and breathing in the scent of Jen and her vanilla musk.

  I wanted to hold Jenny and never let her out of my sight again. I wanted to keep her in my bed and in my arms forever, so no one could ever hurt her or take her from me. I wanted the outside world to go away and leave us in peace. If only that was even possible. I let out a heavy despondent sigh before finally falling asleep myself.


  When I jerked awake, it was still dark out, and I'd just had another nightmare about being trapped in a tiny lightless cell. I sat up gasping and rubbing at my face with my hands, trying to banish the lingering panic from my head. Fuck, I was so tired of this shit. I just wanted to sleep through the night. I feared if I was convicted this was what I had to look forward to for the rest of my life, except I'd wake up in a real cell instead of in a soft bed with Jen curled up next to me.

  I glanced over to see Jen lying on her stomach with a contented smile spread across her lips. She was sleeping soundly. At least this time, I didn't wake her. I didn't even attempt to fool myself into trying to go back to sleep. It wasn't going to happen. I carefully got out of bed and threw on my jeans and T-shirt. I grabbed my phone and crept out of the room. I used the flashlight app to navigate the house, not wanting to wake Jen. She'd worried about me enough, and she'd done enough crazy foolish things to try to help me. I wouldn't let her risk herself again.

  I went out onto the large patio and walked over to the table I'd spent a lot of time at the last few nights. At home, I'd just laid in bed when this happened, staring at the ceiling and waiting for morning. Here, it was good to go outside to get some air, and some quiet peacefulness. I pulled out a chair and sat down as I set my phone in front of me. I leaned my elbows on the table and rested my chin on my palms. I groaned deeply in tired despair. How could I feel so utterly exhausted and not manage to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time?

  Bitter hopelessness fell over me like a lead weight. Tears started sliding down into my beard. Goddamn it, I didn't want to cry anymore. I needed hope so badly, but I just couldn't hold on to it when I was alone. I needed to talk to someone, and I didn't want to burden Jen with anymore of my shit if it was going to drive her to do reckless things to try to help me.

  I stared down at my phone. I could call Gareth, but I feared he'd have no new information to help my case, and I couldn't take the disappointment again. After all, he'd only had a few hours to look into the new things Jen had learned. Waking him up because I was a wreck and just wanted to talk wasn't part of his job as my lawyer. It didn't feel right, even if we used to be friends.

  I didn't want to call Natie or David either. Their sleep was precious now that they had an infant to care for, and I didn't want to risk waking Daniel either. My mom wouldn't be much help blubbering with worry if she knew I was crying. I sighed in defeat, resigned to sit here all alone wallowing until I realized there was someone I could call.

  I snatched up my phone and called him. Dad answered on the second ring.

  "Ford? Son?" he blurted out in a sleep roughened tone that was filled with worry. "Are you alright?"

  "No, Dad," I said waveringly.

  "What's wrong?" He sounded wide awake now. "Did something happen?"

  "No." I suddenly felt foolish calling him now.

  "Then what is it, son?" he asked in concern.

  "I'm sorry I woke you. I...I can call you later," I said guiltily.

  "Ford, I told you to call me if you needed me. It doesn't matter when." He didn't sound angry or annoyed at all. It spurred me on to tell him why I called.

  "I'm scared and I can't sleep, Dad." A sudden memory of him coming into my room after a nightmare when I was little appeared in my mind. He always knew what to say to calm me and get me to go back to sleep. It was a comforting memory. I hoped he could do that for me now.

  "Oh son, I'm scared too," he confessed in a thick voice. "I'm afraid I just got you back, and you'll be taken away from me before I can make things right between us again."

  "Me too."

  "You can't give up though, son," he said firmly. "You have to keep fighting. The measure of a man is how he deals with hardship, and situations that seem hopeless. I know you're not the kind of man to give up. You didn't give up on me when I gave you every reason to write me off. Draw on that strength, and the strength of those who love you, and you'll get through it, especially you
r Jenny. That girl has balls of steel," he added in amusement.

  I snorted out a laugh. "That she does, Dad."

  "Does she still want to kick my ass?" he asked in humor, but with an edge of actual worry.

  "No, you're safe for now," I answered warmly.

  "Good," he replied in relief, "because she's a whole lot scarier than your sister, and that's saying something."

  "She defends the people she loves fiercely, Dad," I said. "She holds me up when I falter. She's my other half."

  "That's the same way I feel about Carolyn." He sighed. "Hold on to her, son. She's a precious gift. Be happy you found her so young. You have plenty of time to appreciate what you have. Don't ever take it for granted."

  "I won't, Dad. I promise."

  "Good," he said firmly. "Now go back to your gorgeous girl, and go to sleep."

  "Thanks, Dad," I said, feeling a lot calmer now. "I love you."

  "I love you too, son."

  I ended the call and stared at my phone with a soft smile. I'd gotten exactly what I needed. I took a deep cleansing breath, feeling like I might actually be able to sleep now. The sky was lightening as dawn approached, but I could still get a few hours of rest in. It was better than nothing.

  I was just about to stand up when my phone chimed with a text notification. Huh, it must be Dad. Who else would text me now? I opened the messenger app to find a number I didn't recognize. I frowned as I read the text.

  Watch this.

  I'd been sent a video. What the hell? I touched it, thinking it was probably some kind of ad or this was a wrong number.

  I played the video, and my heart stuttered as my eyes widened in shock. It was Jen and me at the restaurant last night. It looked like someone had recorded it from the direction of the water. It could have been anyone in one of the dozens of boats moored there. The anger on my face was clear and evident, as was the fear and anxiety on Jen's. The sound came in at the worst possible time.

  "I'm sorry," Jen said in a soft whisper.

  The waiter came up, and I snarled at him to bring the check in a terrifying growl that had him scurrying away.


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