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Infectious Greed

Page 60

by Frank Partnoy



  Accounting firms

  consulting services of

  insulation from private lawsuits

  manipulation of financial statements and

  See also individual firms

  Accounting issues

  manipulation of financial reports


  shifting from rules to standards and

  stock options

  See also Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB); Off-balance sheet transactions

  Adelphia Communications

  Aggressive employees, inability of managers to control

  financial crises of 2008-2009 and

  See also names of individuals

  Ahrens, Kent

  AIG (American International Group)

  AIG Financial Products

  Air Products and Chemicals

  Allfirst Financial

  Alliance Capital

  North American Government Income Fund

  Alprin, Judge Walter J.

  AMBAC Inc.

  American Banker

  American Business Conference

  American Electric Power

  American Express

  American International Group (AIG)

  American Stock Exchange

  Americus Trust

  Annunziata, Robert

  AOL Time Warner



  Salomon Brothers, Arbitrage Group

  See also Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)



  Arkansas Teacher Retirement System

  Armstrong, Michael

  Arnold, John

  Arrow Financial Services

  Arthur Andersen

  consulting business

  Enron and

  Global Crossing and

  Sunbeam and

  Waste Management and

  WorldCom and

  Arthur Young & Co.

  Artzt, Edwin

  Askin, David

  Askin Capital Management


  Audit committees

  Avon Products

  Back office

  Bair, Sheila

  Baird, Bruce

  Baker, Ron


  Banco Serfin

  Bank for International Settlements

  Bank of America

  Bank of New York


  Bankers Trust

  1987 earnings

  bonuses at

  civil lawsuits against

  control systems

  corporate culture at

  Deutsche Bank’s purchase of

  equity derivatives and

  International Swap Dealers Association and

  Krieger and

  long-term stock-index options trading

  Newman as head of

  private placements and

  risk-measurement systems at

  SEC and

  swaps and

  Wheat at

  Bankers Trust, Procter & Gamble v.

  Bankruptcy process, credit default swaps and

  Banks and banking

  capital reserve requirements

  See also Commercial banking; Credit derivatives; Investment banks; names of individual banks

  Bansal, Sanjeev

  Barclays Bank

  Barings Bank


  Basel Committee

  Basel II proposal

  Basham, Michael E.

  Bass, Carl

  Bauman, Joseph

  Baxter, Cliff

  Bear Stearns

  Becker, Brandon

  Beder, Tanya, Styblo

  Behavioral finance

  Belden, Timothy N.


  Bell Atlantic

  Bentsen, Lloyd

  Berg, Jonathan

  Bernhard, Alison

  Betting against stocks

  Black, Fischer

  Black-Scholes model

  Blackbird Holdings

  Blodget, Henry

  Boards of directors

  See also individual companies

  Bobbitt, Max

  Boesky, Ivan


  Collateralized Bond Obligations (CBOs)

  credit ratings of

  junk bonds


  sub-investment-grade bonds

  yield curve

  See also Mortgage bonds; Structured notes; Treasury-bond auctions

  Bonneville Pacific


  at Bankers Trust

  at CS First Boston

  at Enron

  excessive risk-taking and

  at First Boston

  at Kidder Peabody

  for mutual fund managers

  at Salomon Brothers

  of securities analysts

  Borget, Louis J.

  Born, Brooksley

  Bowsher, Charles

  Boxer, Barbara

  Brady, Nicholas

  Brady bonds


  Breeden, Richard C.

  Brickell, Mark C.

  as lobbyist for ISDA

  OFHEO and

  Britain, regulation of derivatives in

  British Telecommunications

  Brittain, Alfred

  Bronner, David

  Bruntjen, Worth

  BT Securities Corporation

  Buffett, Warren


  Buntrock, Dean

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.

  Bush, Marvin

  Bush, Neil

  Bushley, Scott

  Business Week

  C. E. Unterberg, Towbin

  C. W. Post

  Calame, Byron E.

  California energy markets

  California Micro Devices

  California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS)

  Call options

  Campbell, Kirsten

  Campsie Limited

  Cardozo, Justice Benjamin

  Carlton Communications

  Carr, Fred

  Carry trade

  Casey, Thomas J.

  Casey, William

  Cassidy, John

  Causey, Richard A.

  Cavuto, Neil

  Caxton Group

  Cayne, James

  CBC Holdings


  Central Bank of Denver v. First Interstate Bank of Denver

  Certificates of deposit (CDs)

  Cerullo, Edward

  CFO Magazine

  Chan, Ronnie C.

  Channel stuffing

  Chanos, James S.

  Char, Richard

  Charismatic CEOs

  Charles Schwab

  Chase Manhattan

  Chemical Bank

  Chenault, Kenneth

  Cheney, Dick

  Chewco Investments L.P.

  Chicago School economists

  Chow, Andrew

  Christie, William

  Chrysler Corporation

  Chrystal, John


  Cisco Systems




  Citron, Robert

  Civil lawsuits, securities-related

  obstacles to

  Clark, Jim

  Clemens, Will

  Clinton, Bill, and Clinton administration

  bailout of Mexican government

  Levitt and

  Clinton, Hillary


  Coase, Ronald

  Coleman camping gear

  Collateralized Bond Obligations (CBOs)

  Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)


  Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs)

  interest-only bonds (IOs)

  inverse IOs

; principal-only (POs)

  Columbia Savings & Loan

  Comey, James B.

  Commercial banking

  Glass-Steagall Act and

  investment banking subsidiaries

  Commercial Paper index (CP)

  Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

  Commodity Futures Modernization Act

  Common Fund

  Common stock

  Community Assets Management Inc.

  Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild Banque, La

  Compensation, executive

  limitations on corporate tax deduction for salaries

  See also Bonuses; Stock options

  Complexity of financial instruments

  credit derivatives

  financial crises of 2008-2009 and

  mortgage bonds

  preferred stock, novel types of

  structured notes


  Comptroller of the Currency

  Confession, The (Igushi)

  Conflict-of-interest issues

  for accounting firms

  for investment banks

  for securities analysts

  See also Related Party transactions

  Congress, U.S.

  accounting reforms

  Enron hearings

  reaction to financial scandals

  regulation of derivatives and

  Consolidated Press Holdings

  Continental Vending

  “Contract with America,” Republican

  Convertible bonds

  Cook, Lodwrick M.

  Cooper, Cynthia

  Cooperman, Leon

  Corporate raiders

  Corrigan, E. Gerald

  Covington & Burling

  Cox, Charles

  Crazy Eddie

  Credit default swaps

  explanation of plain-vanilla

  risk of, difficulty in understanding

  transfer of credit risk and

  Credit derivatives

  Collateralized Debt Obligations

  Greenspan and

  transfer of credit risk and

  See also Credit default swaps

  Credit-rating agencies

  analysts at

  Collateralized Bond Obligations (CBOs) and

  Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and

  derivative subsidiaries of investment banks and

  East Asian financial problems and

  Enron and

  financial meltdown and

  General Electric and

  Orange County, California bonds and

  preferred stock instruments, assessment

  profitability of


  risk model used by

  WorldCom and

  Credit ratings

  importance of

  investment-grade dividing line

  structured finance and


  Credit risk

  credit derivatives and transfer of

  Credit Suisse

  interest in CS First Boston

  medium-term note facility

  Credit Suisse Financial Products (CSFP)

  CrossWorlds Software

  Crystal, Graef

  CS First Boston

  IPOs and

  structured finance and

  structured notes and

  Wheat at

  CUC International

  Culp, Christopher

  Currency band on Mexican peso

  Currency options

  basic explanation of

  exchanges, trading on

  exercise or strike price

  expiration date

  Krieger and

  over-the-counter markets

  Currency swaps

  Czech Republic

  D. E. Shaw

  Daily Telegraph (London)

  Daiwa Bank

  D’Amato, Alfonse

  Das, Satyajit

  Davies, Howard

  Davis Polk & Wardwell

  Day trading

  Dealer banks

  Dean Witter


  Deitz, Richard

  Delaware Management Co.

  Dell Computer


  financial crises of 2008-2009 and

  See also Regulation and regulators


  congressional consideration of regulation of



  GAO study of

  international financial crises and

  losses following raising of interest rates in 1994

  manipulation of financial reports

  media’s use of the word


  See also Credit derivatives; Options; Structured finance; Structured notes

  Derivatives Policy Group

  Derivatives Strategy

  Deutsche Bank

  Devon Energy

  Dietert, Jeff

  “Directors: Control Your Derivatives”

  Dirks, Raymond L.


  credit default swaps and

  hedge funds and

  “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Results and Operations” section of financial reports

  “materiality” and

  Regulation FD

  Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) and

  of underwriting fees

  Dividends, stock

  Dobbs, Lou

  Domenici, Pete

  Dominion Resources

  Donaldson, William


  Dorgan, Byron L.

  Dornbusch, Rudi

  Dorsch, Shawn problems

  Douglas, Justice William O.

  Downward-sloping demand for stock, theory of

  Drexel Burnham Lambert

  Due-diligence investigations

  Duisenberg, Wim

  Duke Energy

  Duncan, David

  Dunlap, Al

  Dunne, Helen

  DuPont Co.



  Earnings reports. See Financial statements and earnings reports

  East Asia. See specific countries

  Ebbers, Bernard J.


  Economist, The

  Efficient-market theory

  exploiting of market inefficiencies

  El Paso Corporation

  Elders, Dr. Joycelyn

  Emerging markets

  Employees, aggressive. See Aggressive employees

  Energy derivatives

  See also Enron

  ENRB Ltd.


  Arthur Andersen and

  audit committee

  board of directors

  bonuses at

  California energy crisis and

  congressional hearings

  credit-rating agencies and

  dark fiber trading

  as derivatives-trading firm

  EnronOnline Internet platform

  expansion of trading to new products

  financial statements

  forward curves, misstating profits by mismarking

  forward purchases of its own shares

  Global Crossing deals with

  hiding profits

  legality of complex deals at

  LJM and LJM2 (off-balance sheet partnerships)

  make-whole derivative deals

  managing of earnings

  MIPS and

  off-balance sheet partnerships

  profits from energy derivatives-trading operations

  prudency reserves

  Qwest swap

  Related Party transactions and

  risk-management manual

  SEC and

  Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) and

  stock options

  Swap Sub

  tax-avoidance trades at

raders, strategies of

  venture-capital subsidiaries

  Enron Capital LLC

  Enron Energy Services

  Enron Europe

  Enron Oil


  Equitable Resources

  Equity derivatives

  Equity Funding

  Equity Group Holdings

  Erickson, Joseph

  Ernst & Young

  Evans, Donald

  Exchange Stabilization Fund


  Fair-disclosure rule (Reg FD)

  Faircloth, Lauch

  Fama, Eugene

  Fannie Mae

  Fastow, Andrew

  Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC)

  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

  Federal Home Loan Bank

  Federal Paper Board

  Federal Reserve Bank of New York

  Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review

  Federal Reserve Board

  raising of interest rates in 1994

  Feikens, Judge John

  Feinstein, Dianne


  Feuerstein, Donald

  Fidelity Investments

  Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

  Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) and

  Financial crisis

  of 2007-2008

  of 2008-2009

  Financial statements and earnings reports

  of Enron

  of Global Crossing

  IRS-reported earnings

  manipulation of



  See also Off-balance sheet transactions

  Financial technology

  increasing sophistication of

  See also Risk models

  First Alert

  First Boston

  See also CS First Boston

  First Call Corporation

  First Data Corp.

  First Executive Corp.

  First Interstate Bank of Denver, Central Bank of Denver v.

  First Union

  Fisher, Peter

  Fitch Investors Service

  Fleet Financial Group

  Fleischer, David


  Fonkenell, Henri André

  Forbes, Walter

  Ford Motor Co.


  Forward curves

  Forward reconstitution

  Franklin Advisors

  Freddie Mac

  Friedenrich, John

  Friedman, Thomas

  Friendly, Judge Henry

  Froelich, Robert

  Frost, David

  Fuld, Richard



  Gadzoox Networks

  Garnett, Katrina

  Gasparino, Charles

  Gatekeeper recommendations

  General Accounting Office (GAO)

  General Electric

  credit derivatives and

  earnings reports

  GE Capital

  Kidder Peabody and

  structured notes and

  General Motors

  General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC)

  Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)


  Gibson Greetings

  Ginnie Mae

  Glass-Steagall Act

  Glaxo Holdings


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